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Today, May 19th 2012, as part of “the Week of Worldwide Struggle for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López: bringing down the prison walls‏”, and also to mark “the National and International Day of Solidarity with the Zapatistas”, the Dorset Chiapas Solidarity group, part of the UK Zapatista Solidarity Network, held a film screening and discussion. The films enabled those attending to share the words of the Shack Dwellers Movement of South Africa, the Landless Movement of Brazil (MST), the JBG of Oventik and the families of the 2 prisoners.

The films, produced and distributed by the Movement for Justice in el Barrio (MJB), from the Other Campaign in New York, showed how our compañer@s in struggle from all parts of the world are joining their voices to the cry for the liberty of Alberto Patishtán Gomez and Francisco Sántiz López. The MJB and Frayba are spreading this message worldwide.

A spokesperson for the group said: “These indigenous men are both political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, detained unjustly for crimes they did not commit, and which ample testimony proves they could not have committed. Their imprisonment is the result of their commitment to the struggle for freedom, justice and democracy, and their unjust sentencing fills us with pain and rage.

However, we are continually inspired by the dignified example of the work and resistance of our brothers and sisters the Zapatista bases of support, of the EZLN, and of the adherents to the Other Campaign and the Zezta International.”

The group has written to the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, demanding that he release the prisoners immediately.

They also reaffirmed their solidarity and fellowship with the Zapatista communities in resistance, and through this message send their affectionate greetings and rebel love and solidarity to all the compas who are working for a world where all the worlds will fit.