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In this show we interview a members of Stop the Injunction Coalition and Critical Resistance to discuss the current Prisoner Hunger Strike that is taking place across California as well as the proposed expansion of gang injunction in Oakland. We also have updates to the decision of the civil case between Martin Cotton the 2nd and Eureka Police Department. Also included is an announcement/interview from a member of CAD (Community Action Defense) who are mobilizing against the lobby group ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) who are responsible for creating such xenophobic laws as Arizona’s SB1070

On this month’s show we look at the continual management and displacement of people and communities by militarized police forces and prisons. Though communities have and continue to apply direct pressure to these state institutions, we continue to see a low intensity war directed on the social fabric of poor and communities of color. Here locally we clearly see this war with Oakland continuing to put their resources in ordinances like gang injunctions and development projects. On a state level we see California continuing to pour millions into building and maintaining prisons that physically displace and isolate population of people. Both the gang injunction and the prison complex make observable the implication of the state to control individuals and communities that they deem as disposable.

In this show we are interested in thinking through the relationship between gang injunctions and prisons. What strategies, both within the state and outside of the sate have we used and can we use to create a world where we enact our own safety and justice.