Palabras del EZLN en la plenaria del Encuentro de Redes de Apoyo al CIG
Palabras de la Comandancia General del EZLN en voz del Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés y del Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano, durante la plenaria del Encuentro de Redes de Apoyo al Concejo Indígena de Gobierno, el 5 de agosto de 2018 en el Caracol de Morelia, Chiapas.
Audio: (Descarga aquí)
Video: Tercios Compas
Audio: Café Zapata Vive
To my dear and respected mentor Marcos/Galeano!! I have been searching for Subcomandante Marcos/Galeano for a long time. is critical to be honest with me about this!!
I am an activist and I am part of the resistance here in USA against the gross injustices and corruption of our govt against the people.
We are in a critical time now. Capitalism is the whore and has destroyed the ethics and morals of American men. The consequences of this are far reaching. I know much about whT the system is doing to kill off the Lower and middle classes with the agenda of making this a white elitist society. Fascism is rampant and we see its toxic blossoms open before us under the current administration. Whenever there is money to be made, the government will have its filthy hands in it!’n
I will detail things with you later ..if you are the true Subcomandante and not a fcb imposter. I have scoured the profiles to find you ?
I follow closely your tactics and your writings .’ You are a mentor and motivator for me to keep fighting and not give in….and sincerely…I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees and that is truth .
Comment by Nicole Sorce — Aug-30-2018 @ 03:08
Hello Nicole, thanks for your comments. We just wanted to clarify that Radio Zapatista is a collective made up of independent journalists from civil society with no links whatsoever to the EZLN. I you would like to contact them, we suggest you visit Enlace Zapatista’s webpage ( or go in person to one of the caracoles in Chiapas, which are the points of contact between the zapatistas and the world.
Best – Radio Zapatista collective
Comment by admin — Aug-30-2018 @ 09:08
Humanitarian relief is critical. I would love to speak with you would make my life worthwhile to be able to discuss these mattet together. ?
Comment by Nicole Sorce — Aug-30-2018 @ 04:08
Humanitarian relief is critical. I would love to speak with you would make my life worthwhile to be able to discuss these matters with you. It is so terribly difficult to plan resistance strAtegies…even protests… Capitalism has intentionally made it this way…so that no one can afford to “rise up” against corruptions! They keep drugs coming here to exterminate the lower and middle classs with endless supply of narcotics ~ they want the drugs to flow to make it appear that this population has killed themseves off due to the drugs ; not to mention the money they make of the drugs to fuel the system . There is much to discuss. I work with ACLU . I hope you find this well. And all respect Comandante?
Comment by Nicole Sorce — Aug-30-2018 @ 04:08