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Demand for the Release of the Five Ejidatorios of San Sebastián Bachajón, Chiapas, México and of Patricio Domínguez Vázquez, of the ejido of Monte Redondo.

Dear Compas,

With this fraternal greeting, we offer you our support, and our participation in the campaign “5 days of Action for the 5 of Bachajón,” demanding the immediate release of the political prisoners of  Bachajón, and their right to self-determination and independence.

We deplore the numerous violations of your rights in the pursuit of neoliberal plundering of the natural resources of Agua Azul, a common patrimony cared for and protected for centuries by the indigenous peoples of your ejido.for the enjoyment by all – not for the exploitation by a few.

We equally deplore the use of federal, state and municipal forces to turn the Agua Azul region into a three-top circus for tourists, whereby the indigenous peoples will become little more than side-shows under military command, stripped of their dignity, freedom, and way of life.

We therefore demand the immediate withdrawal of military, paramilitary, and police forces from the entire region, such that the natural treasure of Agua Azul is returned to the common ownership from which it has been wrested, and the rights of the ejidatorios of San Sebastián Bachajón. are upheld.

We have delivered a letter to the Mexican Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand making demands on your behalf, and one of our members tried to deliver a letter to the Mexican Consulate in Amman, Jordan doing the same. While the Wellington letter was successfully delivered, the Mexican Consulate in Jordan must have got wind of us, and fled – their Consulate has closed down!! So we can only show a photo of the letter fluttering from the rooftop in Amman, and hope they have the foresight to read it!

Viva el patrimonio de Agua Azul! Viva San Sebastián Bachajón! Zapata Vive!

Wellington Zapatista Solidarity Group

Wellington, New Zealand (and Amman, Jordan!)