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The first of May is recognized all over the world as international workers day.  For a century working people throughout the world have come together on May 1st to oppose state oppression, call out bosses for poor working conditions and also celebrate their solidarity and the power of their labor. Having been sparked by massive labor rallies calling for an 8 hour work day in Chicago’s Haymarket Square in 1886, May 1st or May Day has escalated to level of an internationally celebrated day for those fighting for human rights.

Today in the United States many of these marches and protests being held on this day are in support of civil and labor rights for migrants. A significant part of the US working class comprises of migrants and this is a discussion we want to continue on today’s show.  So today on Relatos Zapatistas we will be playing clips from interviews taken today from San Francisco’s May Day march. In addition, we will be discussing the actions taken place in Tucson Arizona against the school board which is attempting to implement a band on ethnic studies. We will also update folks on the current hunger strike at UC Berkeley that began on Tuesday  of this week in defense of ethnic studies.

All of these cases represent different positions within the same kind of struggle. Different forms of struggle that have to do with the over arching umbrella theme of immigrants rights or migrants rights; people fighting to maintain their dignity in the face of exploitation and oppression.