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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Communique from the EZLN’s CCRI-CG: And We Broke the Siege

Communique from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation

August 17, 2019

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples of the World:
To the National Indigenous Congress—Indigenous Governing Council:
To the National and International Sixth:
To the Networks of Support and Resistance and Rebellion:

Hermanos, Hermanas, Hermanoas:

Compañeras, Compañeros, Compañeroas:

We bring you our word. The same word as yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It is the word of resistance and rebellion.

In October of 2016, almost three years ago, during the 20th anniversary of the National Indigenous Congress [CNI], the sister organizations of the National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN made a commitment to go on the offensive in our defense of our Territory and Mother Earth. Persecuted by the bad government, by caciques, by foreign corporations, by criminals, and by the law, and as we accumulated insults, derision, and dead, we the originary peoples (the guardians of the earth), decided to go on the offensive and circulate the words and actions of resistance and rebellion.

With the founding of the Indigenous Governing Council [CIG] and the selection of its spokesperson, Marichuy, the National Indigenous Congress gave itself the job of taking words of warning and organization to the brothers and sisters of the city and countryside. Meanwhile, the EZLN also went on the offensive in its struggle with its words, ideas, and organization.

The time has come to hold ourselves accountable to the CNI-CIG and its spokesperson so that their peoples can decide if we have lived up to what we promised. But it is not only the CNI-CIG that we are accountable to; we also have a pending debt with the organizations, groups, collectives, and individuals (especially those in the Sixth and the Networks [of Rebellion and Resistance], but not only them) that throughout Mexico and the world concern themselves with our Zapatista peoples. These are people who, whatever their calendars, geographies, and habits may be, disregard the walls, borders, and sieges that are erected to divide us so that their hearts can continue to beat close to our own.

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Sonata for Violin in G Minor: MONEY

Sonata for Violin in G Minor: MONEY

The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.”
― Charles Baudelaire in “The Generous Gambler”

I. The Eighth Passenger

Nowhere, or everywhere. A drowsy train drifts off to its own purr. It isn’t coming from or going to anywhere in particular. Or at least not anywhere that matters. A dismal population whose haggard lives seem to hang by a thread nod off on board. In the last car, seven bored, grubbily dressed and solitary passengers, their lives as wretched as their clothes, shift irritably in their seats and lament their situation.

I’d do anything to turn my luck around,” one says. They were speaking a universal language and the other six passengers nod in silence. Just then the long and battered train enters a tunnel, intensifying the shadows and hiding the passengers’ faces. The door opens and an eighth passenger walks in. The passenger’s clothes practically scream, “I’m not from around here,” but they sit down without a word. The tunnel stretches out the darkness.

A thunderous crack interrupts the silence, like a dry branch breaking but without a storm to blame. A pair of blazing eyes appear in the darkness: “I don’t think I need to introduce myself,” the fiery gaze hisses, “You have all conjured me in one way or another and I’m responding to your call. Make a wish: you pay with your soul. Name your price.”

The first passenger chooses health, to never get sick again. “Done,” Satan responds, picking up the healthy soul and throwing it in his bag.

Another passenger chooses wisdom, to know everything. “Done,” the devil murmurs, picking up the wise person’s soul and tossing it in his bag.

The third passenger opts for beauty, to be admired. “Done,” says the king of hell, tossing the beautiful one’s soul in his bag.

The fourth asks for Power, to rule and be obeyed. “Done,” Lucifer says under his breath, the soul of the new ruler added to his bag.

The fifth wants “pleasure,” to awaken passion at will. “Done,” the demon replies with a contented smile. The hedonist’s soul disappears into the devil’s bag.

The sixth passenger sits up straight and pronounces the desire for fame, to be widely recognized and praised. “Done,” Satan declares without a pause, and the famous soul takes its place among the other prisoners.

The seventh passenger practically sings their request for “love.” “Dooooooone,” the evil one replies with a guffaw, and the lover’s soul goes into the depths of the bag.

The fallen angel looks impatiently at the eighth passenger who hasn’t said anything and is merely scribbling in a notebook.

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Adagio-Allegro Molto in E minor: A Possible Reality (from the Notebook of the Cat-Dog)

Adagio-Allegro Molto in E minor: A Possible Reality
(from the Notebook of the Cat-Dog)

“As you know, madness is like gravity…all it takes is a little push.”
The Joker in the role of Heath Ledger (or was it the reverse?)

Nobody knows for sure how it all started. Not even the Tercios Compas [Zapatista media], who took up the task of reconstructing the sequence of events, could pinpoint the exact moment and event in which the story I’m about to tell you began.

According to one version, SubGaleano is responsible for everything. Others say SubGaleano only started it and it was Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés who took it to completion.

See, what happened was that in one of his texts, SubGaleano mentioned a February 2011 program in which the journalist Carmen Aristegui asked if then-president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa was an alcoholic, and added that the nation should be informed about the health of the president. She was fired in retaliation. Up to that point in the story there is no disagreement—and you can confirm that’s what happened by referring to news articles from that time.

The problem really begins when SubGaleano added something like, “Madness, as pointed out by a misunderstood sage of the human soul, is like gravity: all it takes is a little push. To hold Power unlawfully is just that irresistible push that all those above long for, and it begins with three simple words, “I rule here.” If you think anyone in the media is going to question whether the current president is lacking in any of his mental faculties (let’s be clear, he didn’t say “crazy”), don’t hold your breath, because nobody will dare to do so.”

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

The Overture: Reality As Enemy

The Overture: Reality As Enemy

“If our epoch thinks this way,” the world says to itself, “who is (no)one to say otherwise”? Who are the politicians to do so if they should obey us? Who are the judges to do so if their decisions are obligated to reflect and please us? Who are the journalists and essayists to do so if their opinions should meld with our own? Who are the thinkers to do so…given that they aren’t even necessary to us? Who are the law makers to say otherwise if they are supposed to establish laws following our dictates?”

–Javier Marias, “When Society Is The Tyrant.” (from El País Semanal, May 13, 2018) *

(*) I don’t know if citing Javier Marías (whose novels A Heart So White and Tomorrow In The Battle Think on Me eased the sleeplessness of the now deceased SubMarcos during the nights after the betrayal which took place in February of 1995) makes me part of the conservatives’ and neoliberals’ “mafia of power.” I mean, I bring this up given the fact that Javier Marias has worked with the Spanish newspaper El País and that he tends to sharply question the evidence when others tend to swallow it hook, line, and sinker without so much as a whimper and that he’s intelligent and can’t (nor do I think that he wants to) hide it. In addition, let’s not forget that that he’s a monarchist because he is king, Xavier I, of the Kingdom of Redonda and a member of the Royal Academy of Spain. All of these reasons are more than enough reason to tag him as a “conservative/neoliberal/enemy of the people and its vanguard which is marching inexorably to the fulfillment of all history,” by the new thought police that we now suffer.

As I’m sure you all know by now, I care a lot about “what people say” about me because I have a reputation to protect. Given this concern I had to think carefully and in all seriousness about this citation…for all of a fraction of a second. At that moment I saw hashtags, trending topics, likes and dislikes, facebook rants, whatsapps, instagrams, morning press conferences, and opinion columns all flash before my eyes filled with condemnations and damning tags.

In my defense, I thought I could mention the fact that along with the Javier Marías books that the now deceased SubMarcos carried during those dark days, you could also find books by Manuel Vazquez Montalbán as well as Miguel Hernandez’s Expert in Moons. I thought I could also bring up the fact that Javier Marías is a fan of (or was a fan of—support for a football team is like love—it’s eternal, until it ends) Real Madrid, that Manuel Vázquez Montalbán is a fan of Barcelona, that Mario Benedetti is a fan of Nacional from Montevideo, Almuneda Grandes supports Atlético Madrid, Juan Villoro backs Necaxa and that I, in contrast, with my provincial chauvinism which is all the rage, support Jaguares from Chiapas.

(N.B.! Instead of using Baseball, the sport that has become the official sport and the sport of officialdom, I prefer to use soccer as my referent. So, make sure to add these additional sins onto my sentence.)

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The Opening Act

The Opening Act


August 2019.

Testing, testing…

One… two… testing…

Testing one two three… testing…

“¿Hello, hello, hello, how low?”


From the… wait a minute! Did the Sup just quote the Nirvana track “Smells Like Teen Spirit”? What’s he trying to do, address a particular generation Or is he talking to those who regret having promoted what now plagues them? Or is he suggesting that this was Kurt Cobain’s version of the Joker’s “Why so serious?” Or maybe it’s self-criticism because of that “I’m worse at what I do best” thing? A subliminal message for CompArte?

Hmm…Maybe it has something to do with SKA. What? Ska wasn’t around then? Country Rock and Roll? El Piporro with images from that classic of interstellar filmography, The Ship of Monsters?[i] Hmm…an unconscious reference to Puy Ta Cuxlejaltic?[ii] Or a greeting that challenges the wall which the federal government intends to erect on the Mexican Isthmus in order to separate us from the peoples of the north? Nah, must be something else.

For sure, Alakazam the Great[iii]:

Look, ladies, gentlemen, and others
Nothing to see here, nothing to see there, but wait, all of a sudden, boom:

The Zapatista communities (re)appear…

(To be continued)


From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast
El SupGaleano,
Performing as opening act for Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, while he drives (SupGaleano that is) fast and furious down the highway to hell, and “for this gift I feel blessed…”[iv]

Mexico, August 2019


[i] “El Piporro” was the nickname of Eulalio «Lalo» González Ramírez (1921–2003), a Mexican actor, comic, musician, songwriter, screenwriter, and film director who starred in La nave de los monstruos (The Ship of Monsters), a 1960 Mexican comic science fiction film.

[ii] The name given to the Zapatista film festival held in November 2018, meaning “Caracol of our Life.” Caracol is literally conch shell or a spiral, but also the name for the five seats of Zapatista self-government.

[iii] 1960 Japanese musical anime film, based on the Chinese novel Journey to the West. See the plot line at:

[iv] Lyrics from “Smells like Teen Spirit”: “I’m worse at what I do best, And for this gift I feel blessed…”




Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit

Eulalio ‘Lalo’ González «El Piporro» – Ojos De Pancha

AC/DC – Highway to Hell



(Español) Saludo solidario de la Red YA BASTA NETZ Alemania para las y los Zapatistas.

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Al EZLN, a las Juntas del Buen Gobierno de los 5 Caracoles, a las Bases de Apoyo del EZLN.

Querid@s  Compas Zapatistas,

Les mandamos unos saludos solidarios – con mucho corazón – desde nuestro Encuentro Rebelde en Alemania.

Durante una semana nos encontramos, nos hablamos, platicamos, comemos, bebimos y celebramos junt@s, aprox. 250 gente.

Hablamos mucho sobre su lucha, su modo de vida, sobre la lucha de las compañeras zapatistas. También platicamos mucho sobre la lucha y la construcción del autogobierno en los territorios kurdos, sobre todo el proceso de lucha de las compañeras kurdas en Rojava.

Hablamos, discutimos sobre la propuesta de ustedes, sobre la red mundial de resistencia y rebeldia. Vamos a llevar su propuesta desde acá a nuestros lugares dónde vivimos para discutirla. Porque estamos muy alegres y animad@s por ella.

Acá existe un gran movimiento contra la destrucción del planeta tierra, el cambio del clíma y sus efectos por la gente en los cinco continentes. Acá se llaman esa lucha: »Justicia por el Clíma«, es decir: Por la Humanidad.

Decidimos a participar en una plataforma amplia que se llama 2020weriseup (2020noslevantamos). Esa plataforma quiere construir también una red internacional. Vamos a comunicar su propuesta a esa plataforma.

Esperamos mucho que nosotr@s también podremos detener a la destrucción del planeta tierra desde nuestras geografías porque es un gran desafío que tod@s de nosotr@s enfrentamos.

Querid@s compas, vivimos en el corazón de la bestía – así se dicen – y sabemos bien que mucho de la destrucción viene desde acá. Sabemos bien que el despojo financiero u en forma de materia prima allá en los otros continentes llega a nuestras tierras transformado en una riqueza.

Acá las consecuencias del sistema capitalista neoliberal tienen otras formas. La mayoría de la gente acá no tiene hambre. Acá la gente está sola.

Se están atacando a ustedes, se quieren destruirles es porque ustedes ponen limites a su anhelo de producir más y mas ganancias por las transnacionales – y es porque por ustedes y su lucha se mira que un otro mundo es posible.

Queremos devolver a ustedes un poco de esa gran esperanza que ustedes regalan a nostr@s.

Es poco, lo sabemos. Buscaremos a hacer todo que podemos hacer para detener la guerra contra ustedes, esa guerra que quiere acabar con su lucha y su modo de vida.

Defenderemos y apoyaremos a ustedes en todo.


Estamos a su lado en la lucha por una vida con dignidad, justicia, paz y libertad!



Encuentro Rebelde 2019 y Red  YA BASTA NETZ Alemania. 3 de agosto de 2019.


(Español) Carta de denuncia y en solidaridad con el CIPOG-EZ por violencia en Guerrero

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Denuncia pública por colectivos, organizaciones y personas solidarias contra la represión y desprecio a los pueblos y comunidades indígenas del CNI-CIG

Al Concejo Indígena de Gobierno y su vocera, María de Jesús Patricio Martínez.

Al Congreso Nacional Indígena.

Al Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional.

A la Comisión Sexta del EZLN.

A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional.

A quienes se asumen anticapitalistas y antipatriarcales.

A los medios de comunicación, independientes, alternativos

A las Redes de apoyo al CIG

Al pueblo de México.


Hermanas y Hermanos.

Ante la denuncia urgente del Concejo Indígena y Popular de Guerrero Emiliano Zapata, quien está siendo atacado por varios comandos armados del grupo narcoparamilitar de los “Ardillos” quienes sitiaron la comunidad de Tula Guerrero y ante ante la impunidad con la que operan estos grupos, responsabilizamos a las autoridades municipales, estatales y federales por su complicidad y falta de garantías y respeto a los Derechos Humanos, ante la reciente balacera, que se registró en la comunidad de Tula Guerrero dónde afortunadamente no hubo pérdida humanas que lamentar; sin embargo, esto es solo un ejemplo más, del despojo, de la represión y del desprecio en contra de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas que participan en el CNI-CIG.

Cabe señalar que se ha estado denunciando cada acto intimidatorio, cada acto de provocación, así como los asesinatos de los integrantes del CIPOG-EZ; organización que hace unos días emitió un comunicado denunciando que desde la tarde de este sábado la comunidad de Tula Guerrero ha sido atacada por varios comandos armados del grupo criminal «Los Ardillos».

Denunciaron que hasta minutos antes de la media noche de este sábado 20, “los ataques siguen y desconocen la cantidad de heridos y asesinados”. Hasta la fecha, no se tiene mayor información, y ninguna autoridad municipal, estatal o federal, ha dicho algo al respecto.

En el mes de junio «Los Ardillos» asesinaron a 4 miembros del CIPOG-EZ, de los cuales 2 aparecieron desmembrados en las inmediaciones de Chilapa.

Las leyes y las Instituciones de estos gobiernos capitalistas, siempre serán contrarios a los anhelos de Libertad y Justicia de todos los desposeídos del campo y la ciudad.

El pasado 12 de julio el Congreso Nacional Indígena canceló una caravana por las nulas condiciones de seguridad de la zona, donde ni el Gobierno Federal y organismos internacionales de derechos humanos, no ofrecen garantías y seguridad para esta Caravana. Esta caravana pretendía visitar 5 comunidades del CIPOG-EZ, para acompañar su lucha y llevar víveres.

Aunado a la denuncia, esto es un llamado a todos los grupos, colectivos y organizaciones que luchan y resisten contra el sistema Capitalista, contra la clase política, contra la burguesía y sus gobiernos títeres y serviles; para no dejar sol@s a estas compañeras y compañeros que nos muestran su determinación de no venderse, no claudicar, no rendirse, en esta lucha por la vida, en defensa de la Madre tierra y por la defensa de los Derechos de tod@s los explotados y en contra de los Megaproyectos de muerte que impone la Cuarta Transformación. Que su semilla germinará en cada una(o) de nosotra(o)s, que su palabra y su ejemplo se enraíce en la conciencia colectiva de todas y todos los que nos organizamos, luchamos y resistimos desde abajo y a la izquierda, por un mundo mejor para tod@s.

Que esta denuncia sirva también para desenmascarar a nivel nacional e internacional al partido MORENA y a todos los demás que apoyan a este régimen de López Obrador, que con un doble discurso falso y demagógico pretende presentarse como el “benefactor de los pobres” y que atiende y gobierna con el “pueblo sabio”; cuando en realidad es el principal promotor de los programas económicos y Megaproyectos que sólo benefician a la clase capitalista, sus amos; y cuando el pueblo lucha y resiste por sus derechos, le manda al ejército, a la guardia nacional, o a sus sicarios narcoparamilitares, tal como lo demuestra en estos momentos con el brutal ataque y balacera, a los habitantes de la comunidad de Tula, Municipio de Chilapa, Estado de Guerrero, México.

La lucha de las Comunidades en defensa del Territorio y su Autonomía no están en venta al gran capital, así como tampoco se negocian nuestra existencia y la Resistencia de nuestros Pueblos ante el embate genocida del capitalismo y sus gobiernos serviles.

Responsabilizamos al titular del ejecutivo federal y a los tres niveles de gobierno de la grave situación que en estos momentos enfrentan los pueblos y comunidades indígenas integrantes del CIPOG-EZ, CNI-CIG.

* La comunidad de Tula Guerrero está situada en el Municipio de Chilapa de Álvarez.

Por la reconstitución integral de nuestros Pueblos.

Zapata Vive, la Lucha Sigue!

Viva el #CIPOGEZ

Viva el #CNI, Viva el #CIG, Viva el #E ZLN


Firmas de Apoyo y Solidaridad


Red Binacional de mujeres que luchan, Mexicali Resiste, Colectivo: Mujeres Tierra, La Resistencia L.A., Partido de los Comunistas: Profra. Tonantzin Medina Romo Secretaria General del Comité Estatal , Coordinación Metropolitana, Anticapitalista y Antipatriarcal con el CIG: Colectivo Zapatista NEZA, Café “Zapata Vive”, Regeneracion Radio, UPREZ Benito Juárez, Colectivo Aequus.- Promoción y defensa de Derechos Humanos, Coordinación de Familiares de Estudiantes Víctimas de la Violencia, Comunidad Indígena Otomí residentes en la CDMX, Voces del Viento, Poesia y Canto, Colectivo Las Sureñas, Laboratorio Popular de Medios Libres, Planton por los 43, Irma García, Colectivo La Seiba, Rosario Bolio, Leonel López, Adolfo Ramírez, Casandra Cardenas, Jhon Pablo Almaraz, José Luis Santiago, María de Lourdes Mejía, madre de Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía, Resonancias Radio, Colmena Oaxaca, Rebelión, OPT Tijuana, Movimiento ciudadano en defensa de la loma de Santa María, Taller Cultural Manifiesto, UNAM-UACM, Colectivo, Los Ojos del Coyote, Concejo Nacional Urbano y Campesino (CNUC), Unión Popular Apizaquence Democrática e Independiente (UPADI), Red Politécnica en Rebeldía Plaza Roja, La Red Digna Rabia Coyoacán, CNI-Tepoztlan, Instituto Cultural Autónomo Rubén Jaramillo Méndez (ICRJM), Morelos, Colectivo “Tierra y Libertad”, Cuautla, Morelos, Movimiento al Socialismo, Brigada Salud Zapatista (Pantitlán), Agrupación de Lucha Socialista-ALS, Partido Obrero Socialista, La Voz del Anáhuac, Coordinadora Nacional Estudiantil, Frente Ixtapaluca Resiste, Movimiento en Defensa de la Vida Ixtapaluca, Una Mano de Corazón, Movimiento en Defensa del Agua, Fraccionamiento José de la Mora, Salud y Conciencia, Brigada de Salud por Ayotzinapa “Felix Serdán Najera”, La Otra en el Sur de Morelos, Red Morelense de apoyo al CIG, Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía Vallarta, Colectivo Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía de Morelos (Red Morelense), Colectivo Renovador Estudiantil Autónomo-UNAM, Sector de Trabajadores Adherentes a la Sexta Declaración, Coordinadora Valle de Chalko, Colectivo “Una mirada al Centro del Caracol Zapatista”, Gilberto López y Rivas, Malú Huacajua de Tor, NYC, Jesús Armando Jimenez Gutiérrez, Omar García Sandoval, Araceli Osorio Martínez, José Montes Velazquez, Samanta Zaragoza Luna, Profesora-Investigadora, UACM, Ana B. Sánchez, Gabriela Arrolló Morales, Bordados de Memoria, Mayela Delgadillo Barcenas, Norma Esther Andrade, Martín Martínez, escritor y poeta mexicano, Sergio Luna, Guillermo Palacios Suárez, Brenda Porras Rodríguez, Fernando Alan López Bonifacio, María de la Luz Castelazo.

Fuente: Congreso Nacional Indígena


Individuos y colectivos en solidaridad

Scholars, artists, activistas, and feminists in solidarity with the EZLN, CNI, CIG

Español | Português | Deutsch

PLANET EARTH, June 24, 2019

To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation
To the National Indigenous Congress
To the Indigenous Governing Council
To the Women of the CNI-CIG
To the Women who Struggle
To the CIG Support Networks
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion
To the National and International Sixth
To the Media

We who subscribe this letter – workers in the social sciences, the arts and the humanities, activists and feminists – we come together to express our genuine concern for what is happening in Mexico and specifically for what is happening in Chiapas and in the indigenous regions where the Zapatistas, members of the original people, tribes and nations that are part of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) live.

The incarnate struggle of resistance against capitalism, machismo and patriarchy of the Zapatistas and the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) have inspired and continues to inspire us. Their struggle is like a mirror where we can reflect, that encourages us to walk in an incarnated way, in our own places, times and ways, in our own struggles for autonomy and against all those dominations, violences, dispossessions, discriminations and exploitations that manifest in a thousand forms in indigenous and not indigenous territories.

We are actively awaiting and walking in many places and sharing what we have (un)learned looking at your 25 and 500 years of collective resistances.

We add our voice to those who affirm that the current Mexican government’s strategy is one strategy of war more than for security and we agree with the criticisms against ongoing Mexican nationalist development projects for the Mayan region and the Tehuantepec Isthmus (Istmo de Tehuantepec). We are outraged by the murder of women, young people; and indigenous and black communities’ leaders in México and all over Abya Yala.

All of this not only worries us, but also encourages us to carry out different actions in different spaces as our incarnate support to the Jornadas por la Vida contra la Guerra (Campaign for Life and against the War).

That is why we shout with a strong collective voice: !The war against the Zapatistas, the CNI members and the indigenous and black peoples of all over Abya Yala, must stop now!

(Continuar leyendo…)

Comité Organizador de las «Jornadas por la Vida y contra la Guerra»

(Español) Convocatoria a continuar las Jornadas por la vida y contra la guerra

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Reunidos con fecha 5 de junio para hacer un balance del primer conjunto de actividades que se realizaron en distintas ciudades de México y el mundo para visibilizar y denunciar la guerra que se recrudece contra los territorios en resistencia y  lucha por la vida, contra los pueblos originarios organizados en el C N I – C I G así como contra el E Z L N

I N F O R M A M O S:

Que durante todo el mes de mayo se realizaron más de 50 actividades (presentaciones de libros, foros, proyección de películas, concentraciones, mesas informativas, pega de carteles, entrega de documentos y acciones fuera de embajadas y consulados) en más de 35 ciudades en México y el mundo. Aunque estamos conscientes de que todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer, el balance fue positivo en razón del número de actividades que lograron concretarse, la cobertura en medios que se alcanzó, y porque nos permitió visualizar una forma de trabajo  en conjunto que respete los modos y tiempos de cada colectivx y red de resistencia y rebeldía.

(Continuar leyendo…)


Communique from the CNI-CIG and the EZLN in Response to the Recent Violence Against Originary Peoples

Communique from the CNI-CIG and the EZLN in Response to the Recent Violence Against Originary Peoples

To the peoples of the world:
To the CIG support networks:
To the national and international Sixth:
To the media:

Neoliberal capitalism is marking its steps with the blood of our peoples as war is intensified against us wherever we refuse to cede our land, our culture, our peace and our collective organization, and because we refuse to give up our resistance or resign ourselves to dying off.

We denounce the cowardly attack on May 31 against the indigenous Nahua community of Zacualpan, which is part of the CNI, in the municipality of Comala, Colima, where narco-paramilitaries fired high-caliber weapons at a group of young people, killing one and critically injuring three more.

We hold all three levels of bad government responsible for this event, in particular the head of public security, Javier Montes García, as it is the bad government that allows these narco-paramilitary groups to operate in the region. We demand full respect for the traditions and customs of the Nahua indigenous community of Zacualpan.

We condemn the aggression and destruction carried out in the early morning hours of May 31 against the Rebollero and Río Minas communities, part of the Binizza community of San Pablo Cuatro Venados in the municipality of Zachila, Oaxaca. There, a group armed with high-caliber weapons and heavy equipment came in firing on the community, destroying dozens of homes and forcing the population, including children, to flee. In all, 24 homes were demolished in the attack and the communities’ corn and other food supplies set on fire, including seeds saved for planting. The group also burned the families’ personal items such as clothing and shoes and stole their livestock, power generators, and water pumps.

We condemn the repression and displacement of our compañeros and compañeras of the Otomí indigenous community who have maintained a temporary encampment at #7 Londres Street in the Juárez neighborhood in Mexico City since the September 19, 2017 earthquake. At 11 am on May 30, they were violently evicted by shock troops sent by the bad government and real estate companies, working alongside hundreds of riot police at the service of Néstor Núñez, mayor of the Cuauhtémoc district.
We condemn the narco-paramilitary siege sustained by criminal groups—supported and protected by the bad government and all of the political parties—against the communities of the Emiliano Zapata Popular Indigenous Council of Guerrero (CIPOG-EZ) in the municipalities of Chilapa and José Joaquín de Herrera, who struggle peacefully to build their autonomy.

We call on all the peoples of Mexico and the world to be attentive to and in solidarity with the struggle of the Guerrero communities and to break the violent siege against them which limits their access to food and medicine and is waged in the interests of the capitalist appropriation of indigenous territory. We urge support for the collection of provisions to be sent to the affected communities, including corn, rice, beans, canned chili peppers, sugar, sardines, tuna, toilet paper, diapers, and medicine, to be collected at the UNIOS headquarters in Mexico City, #32 Carmona y Valle Street, Colonia Doctores.

We reiterate that our Mother Earth is not for sale to big capital or to anybody, that our existence is not up for negotiation and thus neither is the resistance of our peoples.

June 2019
For the Full Reconstitution of our Peoples
Never Again a Mexico Without Us
National Indigenous Congress
Indigenous Governing Council
Zapatista Army for National Liberation