Radio Zapatista
March 8: People’s Campaign against Violence to Women and Feminicide in Chiapas
On March 7, in the context of the International Women’s Day, an encounter was organized at Cideci/UniTierra Chiapas to condemn the Mexican State’s irresponsiveness toward gender violence and feminicide in Chiapas.
On March 8, a march took place from the administrative center to the Plaza of the Resistance, in San Cristóbal de Las Casas.
At the same time, a press confrence took place at the TierrAdentro Cultural Center, in the name of the organizations that are part of the People’s Campaign against Violence to Women and Feminicide in Chiapas. Here are the audios from the press conference:
Don Luís Villoro Dies
Con tristeza recibimos la noticia del fallecimiento del compañero, filósofo y luchador don Luís Villoro, a los 91 años de edad.
Compartimos aquí el intercambio epistolar entre el Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos y don Luís Villoro, que tuvo lugar en 2011. También compartimos las palabras de don Luís Villoro durante el Festival de la Digna Rabia, en el Cideci/Universidad de la Tierra, Chiapas, el 4 de enero de 2009. Finalmente, una breve semblanza/homenaje de la Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad.