(Español) Asesinan al defensor Higinio Trinidad de la Cruz. Se oponía a la megaminería en la Sierra de Manantlán
Higinio fue citado en la presidencia municipal de Cuautitlán García Barragán. Entró pero ya no salió. Un día después hallaron su cuerpo. Dos años antes fue asesinado su compañero José Isaac Santos, en circunstancias parecidas. En una década se acumulan decenas de casos de violencia vinculados al crimen organizado y la megaminería
Texto: Lydiette Carrión
Foto: Cortesía
GUADALAJARA.- Este 25 de noviembre, el defensor de derechos humanos, Higinio Trinidad de la Cruz, fue hallado sin vida, tras 24 horas de ser probable víctima de desaparición forzada. Higinio era un opositor activo a la minería ilegal y a la megaminería (ésta última impulsada por empresas trasnacionales) en la sierra de Manantlán, entre los límites de Jalisco y Colima. Además de promovía la democratización del ejido y la reivindicación de los pueblos indígenas.
Era beneficiario del mecanismo de protección de personas defensoras de derechos humanos y periodistas del gobierno de la República, además de ser Consejero de la Comisión Estatal Indígena del Estado de Jalisco.
El pasado 24 de noviembre, Higinio fue citado en la presidencia municipal de Cuautitlán, por la mañana. A las 11 de la mañana Higinio entró efectivamente a la presidencia municipal pero no volvió a salir, según fuentes cercanas. Por la noche se dio aviso a diversas organizaciones de derechos humanos para emitir una alerta temprana. Pero al día siguiente, el 25 de noviembre a las 13:36, personas de la comunidad hallaron su cuerpo.
La noticia la dio a conocer la organización d e defensa de los Derechos Humanos Tsikini, quienes dan seguimiento al caso.
No fue la primera vez que Higinio Cruz era víctima de desaparición forzada. En mayo de 2022, encapuchados vestidos de uniforme privaron de su libertad a él y a otro compañero, Javier Elías Flores. Esto, poco después de que su amigo y compañero Isaac Santos Chávez fuera probable víctima de desaparición forzada y ejecución extrajudicial, en abril de 2022.
Esta reportera entrevistó a Higinio en febrero de 2023, en el contexto de un reportaje amplio sobre la violencia en la sierra de Manantlán, y en específico la falta de investigación respecto a la probable ejecución extrajudicial de su amigo y colaborador Isaac Santos Chávez. Sin embargo, en aquel momento se determinó guardar la identidad de los entrevistados.
En ese entonces, José Santos Isaac contendía para ser comisariado ejidal del ejido de Ayotitlán, en Jalisco. Había cuestionado públicamente los procedimientos de la Minera Peña Colorada, trasnacional que renta varias hectáreas al ejido de Ayotitlán.
En la entrevista referida, Higinio Cruz confirmó que la desaparición forzada y tortura de la que fue víctima en mayo de 2022 tuvo la finalidad de intimidarlos tras la muerte de su compañero Isaac. Querían que dejaran de exigir la democratización del ejido, y de cuestionar los acuerdos con la minera. Los agresores interrogaron y amenazaron a Higinio y a Elías durante horas. Al final, los retenidos fueron liberados gracias a la enorme presión internacional que ejercieron organizaciones de derechos humanos internacionales.
También, Higinio dio detalles sobre cómo se llevaron a Isaac en abril de 2022, cuando éste contendía por un cargo en la presidencia municipal. Explicó que la noche del 3 de abril de 2022, entre 8 y 10 hombres que dijeron ser “del gobierno” llegaron a la casa de Santos en Telcruz, municipio de Ayotitlán. Golpearon a su esposa y a un niño, por lo que Santos salió de su escondite (ya temía que fueran por él) y se fue con ellos. Los captores todavía dijeron con cinismo: “Al rato se lo regresamos”. Unos días después fue hallado sin vida en el fondo de una barranca, en su camioneta, con huellas de tortura.
Finalmente, Higinio narró parte de sus demandas de aquel entonces:
–Solicitamos medidas cautelares a la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos. La nacional, la estatal no, hemos pedido su ayuda y no hace nada.
–¿Qué más exigen?
–Que el homicidio de Santos, hasta ahora no lo han investigado. Lo tratan como cualquier homicidio, cuando él estaba peleando las hectáreas [a la minera a cielo abierto Peña Colorada]. Y aparte de las hectáreas, estaba peleando una indemnización multimillonaria.
–¿Sobre la elección?
–Que nos otorguen medidas cautelares a los candidatos de la nueva mesa directiva. Evidentemente quienes vayan a ser no van a poder venir a vivir aquí. Lo segundo que buscamos es acudir a la CNDH, porque la estatal, desde los últimos años, desde que llegó Barrón, no hace nada. Solamente sirven para hacer minutas.
“¿Puede creer que la comisión estatal pretendía hacer un acuerdo conciliatorio? ¿Cómo vamos a negociar con el CJNG o con el dueño [de la minera Peña Colorada] que tiene sus oficinas en Palermo–Italia?
“Finalmente, que se aperture la causa penal del homicidio de Santos y que lo atraiga la FGR en aras de que se pueda establecer la ley en esta región. Pensamos que sí participaron elementos de la fiscalía del estado o la policía municipal. Lo debe atraer la FGR. Queremos entablar un juicio contra esta empresa minera y presionar al senado.”
En aquella misma entrevista, ya fuera de grabadora, Higinio expresó su cansancio por buscar traer legalidad a la sierra de Manantlán, y específicamente al municipio de Ayotitlán.
Isaac no fue el primer compañero de lucha que le mataron a Higinio en la sierra de Manantlán. En 2012, Higinio trabajaba con Celedonio Monroy Prudencio, activista, interesado en mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. Junto con Higinio y otros más, impulsaban una organización para llevar ayuda agrícola a los pobladores indígenas, educación, servicios. La noche en la que se llevaron a Celedonio, varios hombres armados, “vestidos de gobierno, como militares”, llegaron en dos camionetas al domicilio de aquél, en Loma Colorada, Cuautitlán. Golpearon a su esposa, y destrozaron la vivienda; luego acusaron al activista de “tener armas” y se lo llevaron. No se le ha vuelto a ver desde entonces.
Celedonio tenía 37 años cuando fue víctima de desaparición forzada. Con esfuerzos de sus familiares logró estudiar la licenciatura de Administración Pública, en Colima. Era un joven muy destacado y comprometido con su pueblo, al que quiso regresar para ayudar.
Celedonio e Higinio tenían una organización llamada Pro México Nueva Ruralidad A.C, mediante la cual buscaban bajar recursos federales a su comunidad. Sin embargo, esto había ocasionado pugnas con caciques locales afiliados al PRI.
“Football is the continuation of politics by other means.”
Don Durito de La Lacandona (“DD”, for legal purposes).
November 2023
I.- Eve of the Journey for Life – Europe chapter.
A football challenge has been received from a European women’s team that resists and fights.
SupGaleano has appointed himself “technical director” of the “Ixchel – Ramona” team, made up of militiawomen. As it should be, the Sup has studied the rival team. He gathers the compañeras who will make the trip. Analyzes in detail the skills and characteristics of each of the players. He goes to Subcommander Moisés and gives his diagnosis: “they are going to tear us into pieces.” SubMoy looks at it with a “so?” face, as if taking it for granted. But the now deceased has not finished: “But I have a secret plan, as Dení says. With that we will revolutionize football and redefine it in its essence: the game.”
Subcommander Insurgent Moisés, coordinator of the tour, is quite busy with the preparation courses, birth certificates, passports and the design of the route to follow, so he leaves SupGaleano to proceed “at his discretion.” The future deceased smiles and says: “Discretion is my second last name” (don’t ask me what his first last name was because it would take several pages to explain it to you).
The deceased in the making begins the preparation of the women’s team. But, for his strategy to be successful, he needs the support of the fearsome, terrible and terrifying “Popcorn Commando”, which, at that moment, is trying to open a hole in the training ship in which the so-called “Squadron 421” was prepared. Disillusioned because, before finishing the work below the waterline, the ship had been transformed into an imposing two-engine plane, they went to consult with SupGaleano what they could do to set the aircraft on fire. The Sup convinced them that it was not advisable to burn it, that it was better to wait until it was in full flight to shoot it down from within. The beloved Amado and Chinto objected: if the plane falls, Commando Palomitas will also fall. The Sup responded that it was not the time to dwell on trifles. Furthermore, the Command was required for a higher task, than sabotaging an air trip that did not even complete the payment for the tickets, not to mention the lack of passports, and that the majority of the so-called “Division Aerotransportada La Extemporánea” was getting dizzy in the truck.
When the Popcorn Commando, the Sup, Tzotz, Tragón and Pelusa met in the ultra-secret bunker that is in the Puy platform of the Tzotz Choj area, they proceeded to refine the details of what, from then on, would be known worldwide as the “Brilliant and Excellent Plan to Defeat a Rival Better Prepared, Trained and Equipped than Us” (BEPDRMPEEN, for its acronym in Spanish), subtitle “And that they have better technique and control of the ball.”
The top secret meeting continued its normal course. That is to say, Chuy took away Lupita’s chamoy lollypop, Verónica gave Chuy a slap and, as if it were the Supreme Government, she kept Chuy’s lollypop, Lupita’s and her own. El Chinto and the beloved Amado insisted that their bicycles had broken down “just like that” and that the Monarch had to fix them. Pelusa, Tragón and Tzotz looked at the table looking for cookies, and Sup gave a master class on “How to win a soccer game with everything against you.”
The apparent chaos subsided when the Sup took out, from who knows where, a box of “Choki The Devil’s Cookie”, and only then – after 5 packages had been dispatched – the missions were distributed, the schedule was made, and they stuffed themselves with the sixth package “in honor of the future fallen men.” “And women,” Chuy felt obliged to add, only to receive from Verónica another zap model “gender equality does not apply in misfortune.” Lupita approved the action with the chamoy lollypop that Sup gave her so she wouldn’t continue crying.
The “three times T” Popcorn Command, the Sup and the canine wing of the command then went to the hotbed and, with the militia members gathered, the new “passive-aggressive” scheme was explained and practiced, which, as it should be, had in a leading role the aforementioned Command.
Following the old and proven Zapatista rule of “Do not play with the enemy’s rules”, the Sup developed a kind of mixture of rugby, with nineteenth-century dramaturgy, with some Anime, with cinema very much like Hollywood corner with Cannes, with Monet’s impressionism, a pinch of Allan Poe crossed with Conan Doyle, something of Cervantes’ epic, the brevity of Joyce, the perspective of Buñuel, a pinch of Brecht mixed with Beckett, the seasoning of some tacos al pastor, a very rebajada cumbia, Anita Tijoux and Shadia Mansour breaking borders -free Palestine-, and, well, I didn’t take note of everything, but the only thing missing was the ball.
The strategy in question had 3 phases:
The first was that Verónica grabbed a Zapatista doll and headed determinedly towards the opposing goal, she stood in front of the enemy goalkeeper and spoke to her in Cho’ol. The goalkeeper, of course, world not understand anything, but there stood Lupita and Esperanza Zapatista who would translate with signs that the girl was giving her the doll. And Esperanza, as her name indicates, offered to take a photo with the girl and the doll. For the photo, they should tell the goaly to put the ball down, because Verónica wanted her to hug her. At the moment this happened, Esperanza kicked the ball “into the back of the net” and the entire team shouted “Goal!” It was practiced countless times with success. The only thing that could not be achieved was for Verónica not to take the doll from the goalkeeper and run away.
The second variant consisted of the Zapatista goalkeeper receiving the ball, placing it under her sports shirt, as if she were pregnant, and beginning to walk as if pregnant. The entire Zapatista team came to help her and take her to medical services. Of course, since they were in foreign territory, the teammates made a mistake and went to face the enemy goal, where, miraculously, the Zapatista goalkeeper dropped the ball that, barely rolling, went beyond the enemy line and gave birth to a Goal that he forgot from Messi and Cristiano. Meanwhile, the TTT Popcorn Commando surrounded the sister responsible for the board and “exhorted” her to accept the goal achieved “with the sacrifice of the Zapatista comrade and her little ball.”
The third variant implied a risk for the protagonist, since she had to fake fainting. It was practiced only once in the seedbed because the terrain there is gravel (stone and sand), and it was expected that there would be grass in the enemy field. The compañera had to faint in the middle of the field. Subcommander Moisés, alarmed, would run to see his companion and, with him, the entire Zapatista bench would run. All the compañeras cried out, in their respective mother tongues, for medical service. As expected, the enemy would have no medical service, so a stretcher would be prepared in advance. The referee would like to call the paramedics, but SubMoisés would allege practices and customs of the native peoples, so the Zapatistas themselves lift the fainted woman and place her on the stretcher. Confused by the pain and sorrow of seeing their sister fall in combat, the militia members would not succeed in heading to the bench carrying the stretcher, so they would end up reaching the enemy goal. At that moment, the first gods, those who made the world, would do their work and the injured compa would wake up without the need for any male toad, commoner or royalty, to kiss her, and she would find the ball at her feet, just on the goal line and with a kick she would seal the fate. It was to be expected that, animated by the joy of seeing their companion safe, the militiawomen would shout “Goal!” By that time, the Popcorn Commando would already be at the foot of the scoreboard to ensure that life was celebrated.
I don’t really remember the fourth – I know I said there were 3, but weren’t the three musketeers actually 4? -, although it was similar in wit, creativity and mischief to the other three.
According to what the militia women told me upon their return, in the territories they call “Italy” and “Spanish State”, the enemy sisters quickly understood what the matter was about and began to play with the same style. I don’t know whether FIFA could classify it as football but, judging by the photos and videos they showed me, it was a party. Result: there was no winner or loser… and Verónica returned with the doll that, presumably, belonged to the now deceased SupGaleano. No, she didn’t give it back.
“And that was the message for geographies around the world: do not play with your enemy’s rules, create your own rules,” SupGaleano declared to me before his last sigh.
II.- How many Cyprus can fit in a soccer game?
This was told to me by Subcommander Insurgent Moisés, when he told me details and anecdotes from the so-called “Europe chapter” of the Journey for Life. What I tell below is what I managed to rescue from the narration, full of admiration and respect, of Subcommander Moisés.
“There is a geography called Cyprus. Well, it’s broken, that is, in pieces. There are Cypriots, there are Greek Cypriots and there are Turkish Cypriots and I don’t remember how many more people have the last name Cypriot. The capitalists divided that land, cut it into pieces. And they also cut up their people, their language, their history, their culture. And it turns out that, although it is a small island, all the money wants it and, as they do, they divide it, but each party wants the other’s share. In other words, in the midst of the powerful and their wars, the people remain.
Well, then there is a soccer team in that geography called Cyprus. They have good players and they are professionals. So their job is to play soccer. So they are losing several games and they meet among themselves to analyze and they say that they are losing because the games’ strategy is wrong. They go and tell the owner of the team, that is, the boss, that they are losing because of that, that they already thought of a better strategy and that way they will win more games.
The boss, that is, the owner of the team, looks at them with contempt and tells them: “you win or lose as it suits me. Sometimes it suits me that you lose and that’s how it will continue.»
The players know how to play very well, but they also have a good heart. So, as they say, they rebel. They tell themselves resistance and rebellion, but in their language. And they send the owner of the team, that is, the boss, to hell. Then they make their own soccer team. And they organize themselves and make a stadium. That land is divided, so, in the middle, they say “no man’s land”, they make their stadium there and then they invite anyone who wants to play and practice. The other groups and collectives that fight, support them and are well organized. It doesn’t matter if you are Cypriot, Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot or Cypriot I don’t know what. There is no charge, it is voluntary what each person wants to give. So, as they say, the pay is not what matters. So, from time to time they have their matches and there are no divisions of nationalities, no religions, no flags, there is only football. And it’s like a party.
In other words, as they say, those brothers broke those boundaries that the bosses and owners put in place.
“So they kind of made their Caracol. They have a football Caracol! I told them let’s see when we can have a soccer game there in their land or here in no man’s land,» says Subcommander Insurgent Moisés, spokesperson for the Zapatista communities, chief of the EZLN, and coordinator of the Journey for Life.
- Cheers and that the games, like the rides, are not a competition but rather excuses to coexist among different people.
I attest
From the mountains of the Mexican southeast.
The Captain
Mexico, November 2023. 40, 30, 20, 10, 2 years later.
Music: «Somos Sur», for Ana Tijoux and Shadia Mansour
Images of the soccer match between the Ixchel-Ramona team and the enemy Italian sisters taken in the geography they call Rome, Italy, in November 2021. Added to images of mobilization of the Zapatista peoples against the wars in 2022. Tercios Compas . Copyleft November 2023