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Radio Zapatista

Electoral boycot in Mexico, 8 months after Ayotzinapa

Con la quema de propaganda electoral de partidos políticos, a 8 meses de la desaparición de 43 estudiantes mexicanos en Ayotzinapa, las madres y los padres de los normalistas, sindicatos, activistas e intelectuales de México afirman que no permitirán el desarrollo de las elecciones de junio 2015 para gobiernos federales, diputaciones y alcaldes: “El horror se ha triplicado no sólo con 160 mil asesinados, 30 mil desaparecidos y 500 mil desplazados, sino con las masacres atroces de Tlatlaya y Ayotzinapa”, expresó el poeta Javier Sicilia hace un par de meses cuando se unió a la convocatoria de boicot.


Mexico Awakens: March against Peña Nieto

Radio Zapatista

Jenaro Villamil: Peña Nieto’s “reality show” and the “presidency” of Televisa

Jenaro Villamil, journalist for the magazine Proceso, presented last night his books Si yo fuera Presidente: el “reality show” de Peña Nieto and El Sexenio de Televisa: conjuras del poder mediático. During the presentation at Centro Cultural Tierra Adentro, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Villamil spoke about Televisa’s political power and its alliances with Enrique Peña Nieto and the government of the state of Mexico, as well as his links with the state of Chiapas.

Jenaro Villamil participated in the negotiations for the reform of the federal law of radio and television in 2001 and 2002, was a promoter of the federal law of transparency and access to public information. He is currently a graduate professor of political journalism at the Carlos Septién García School and is author of several books.

Ponencia:(Descarga aquí)  

Preguntas y respuestas:(Descarga aquí)  
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Relatos Zapatistas

Autonomía y Austeridad / Relatos Zapatistas en junio

This month’s program, broadcast on June 5, tries to think through the relationship between two concepts: autonomy and austerity. Here we’ve uploaded two interviews as separate segments/files that can be easily downloaded and listened to. The first (both in Spanish and translated into English) deals with the so-called “Spanish Revolution,” the massive popular mobilizations against the electoral system that have been taking place in Spain since May. The second focuses on a series of actions organized against austerity politics and their local manifestations. The two interviews also reflect on the question of how best to articulate an anti-austerity politics that’s at the same time anti-state.

The audios are also available on the Indybay website: 15-M Español, 15-M English, and austerity.


Prof. Steve Ellner (Universidad del Oriente, Venezuela) and Carina Vance (University of California, Berkeley)

talk about Venezuela, elections, and health.


Situación en México

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Movimiento en el zócalo, el informe presidencial, comentarios sobre la situación en México con Dennis Bernstein, Francisco Herrera, John Gibler, Alejandro Reyes, Pancho Ramos, John Ross, Miguel Guerrero

Radio Zapatista

Reportaje sobre el caos postelectoral y las estrategias de la Otra Campaña

Radio Zapatista

Reportaje sobre la situación postelectoral en México

Radio Zapatista

Program in English: Oaxaca and elections

(Descarga aquí)  
Radio Zapatista

Entrevista a Gustavo Esteva (Universidad de la Tierra, Oaxaca)

Prof. Gustavo Esteva, from Universidad de la Tierra, Oaxaca, talks about: