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Radio Zapatista

Greeting by Radio Zapatista in solidarity with the Chilean people in resistance

Koman Ilel

8 years of zapatista Caracoles and Good Government Councils

Hoy que se cumple un año más de la creación de los caracoles y juntas de buen gobierno zapatistas, les queremos compartir un programa que hicimos el año pasado para el séptimo aniversario. Esperemos que lo disfruten. También abordamos el tema de la comunicación comunitaria.
(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

The student movement in Chile: Report from the mega-march in Santiago on July 14, 2011

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

En este reportaje, salimos a la mega-marcha de estudiantes y trabajadores en Santiago de Chile el 14 de julio 2011, para escuchar las voces de los manifestantes en su lucha contra el neoliberalismo y por la democracia y la educación pública. También hablamos con un activista de Santiago sobre la historia de la privatización de la educación para entender mejor el cómo y porqué de la lucha actual en Chile.

(Descarga aquí)  
Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas in July: Interviews on Austerity and the “Drug War”

On this month’s show we bring you three in-depth interviews: 1) Oakland librarian “Agnes” on public libraries in a time of austerity, when 14 of 18 libraries were threatened with closure; 2) reporter and author John Gibler on his new book, To Die in Mexico, which analyzes the so-called “drug war” in Mexico; and 3) two compañerxs from UA in the Bay announce the Anarchist General Assembly that will take place on July 16, along with an update on the continuing occupation of Glen Cove. (2 hrs, mp3)

Four audio files are available here: 1) the full show; 2) interview on libraries and austerity (28 min); 3) interview with John Gibler (42 min); 4) interview on Anarchist General Assembly (14 min).

Relatos Zapatistas

Autonomía y Austeridad / Relatos Zapatistas en junio

This month’s program, broadcast on June 5, tries to think through the relationship between two concepts: autonomy and austerity. Here we’ve uploaded two interviews as separate segments/files that can be easily downloaded and listened to. The first (both in Spanish and translated into English) deals with the so-called “Spanish Revolution,” the massive popular mobilizations against the electoral system that have been taking place in Spain since May. The second focuses on a series of actions organized against austerity politics and their local manifestations. The two interviews also reflect on the question of how best to articulate an anti-austerity politics that’s at the same time anti-state.

The audios are also available on the Indybay website: 15-M Español, 15-M English, and austerity.

Radio Zapatista

Report on the community of Cruztón

El 23 de mayo la comunidad de Cruztón, adherente a la otra campaña, en el municipio de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas, denunció que se está formando un grupo para volver despojarlos de sus tierras, en probable complicidad con la Procuraduría Agraria del estado. Entrevistamos a uno de los miembros de la comunidad, quien nos cuenta la historia de Cruztón, la lucha por la tierra, las nuevas amenazas y los intereses de la minería en la región.

Escucha/lee la denuncia completa.

Editorial Lucina

Agustín García Calvo en la Puerta del Sol

Spanish philosopher Agustín García Calvo gave the following speech to a massive crowd during the occupation of the Puerta del Sol, the central plaza of Madrid, on May 19, 2011. A complete transcript in Spanish is available from Editorial Lucina; a small chunk of the speech is translated into English here.

“You are joy, the joy of the unexpected, of the unpredictable. Neither the authorities and governments, nor the political parties of any color expected this. . . .”

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas April Show

On today’s show, we examine the new geography of war in the context of the “old” geography of Chiapas. We talk with a compa of ours on the ground in Chiapas, who reports on some of the most recent clashes of the low-intensity war in Mitzitón, Bachajón, and Tila. We use these events, and the bigger picture in which they take place, to help us frame the conversation about the new letter from Subcomandante Marcos: “Notes on War.”

Read the full introduction on Indybay.

Indymedia Chiapas

XXVIII Meeting of the National Indigenous Congress, Center-Pacific Region

On Feb 5 and 6 more than 110 delegates and 44 communities and organizations participated in Mezcala, Jalisco, of the 13th meeting of the CNI, Center-Pacific Region, where autonomy was debated. In the three workgroups these questions were debated: what is autonomy; what have been the problems for exercising autonomy; autonomous proyects under way, and how is dispossession experienced in the communities. The Final Declaration gathers the results of the work and a list of denunciations that reflect what is happening to adherents to the Other Campaign throughout the country.

Declaration: (Descarga aquí)  

Closure (Cerilo Rodad Lopez from the Coca peoples of Mezcala, Jalisco): (Descarga aquí)  

Representatives from 44 indigenous communities share experiences in autonomy in their communities.

relatos zapatistas

special report: anti-COP16 mobilizations in mexico city