
Archivo por fecha: 2014

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Colectivo Maan Voima, La Fuerza de la Tierra

Desde Finlandia, declaración de solidaridad con l@s zapatistas

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Helsinki, Finlandia a 25 de Mayo de 2014.

Declaración de solidaridad,

A todos l@s compañer@s zapatistas, bases de apoyo, colectivos y el pueblo en general:

Los grupos e individuos de apoyo residentes en Finladia expresamos nuestro total repudio a las agresiones cometidas en la comunidad zapatista de La Realidad y al asesinato del compañero José Luis Solís López (Galeano) por parte de las organizaciones paramilitares el pasado día 2 de Mayo de 2014 y manifestamos nuestra solidaridad con las comunidades zapatistas en su lucha por la construcción de su autonomía.

Asismismo, nos solidarizamos con los presos anarquistas en México y exigimos la inmediata liberación del compañero Mario González García.


Colectivo Maan Voima, La Fuerza de la Tierra.

Firmantes de muchas partes del mundo

Pronunciamiento en solidaridad con las Bases de Apoyo del EZLN

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A nuestr@s compañer@s del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional
A nuestr@s herman@s Bases de Apoyo del EZLN de La Realidad
A los pueblos, activistas, artistas, intelectuales de México y del mundo
Al gobierno de México y a los gobiernos del mundo

Por este medio y en el marco de la Semana de Acción y Día de Homenaje al compañero Galeano, Votan de la Escuelita Zapatista, arteramente asesinado este 2 de mayo en el Caracol de La Realidad, en el contexto de las violentas agresiones que están sufriendo una vez más nuestr@s compañer@s, Bases de Apoyo del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional como parte de una larga guerra contrainsurgente que desde 1994 ha buscado exterminar de diferentes maneras y medios la autonomía zapatista. Misma que a much@s en México y en el mundo nos ha servido como faro para nuestras propias luchas.

Demandamos y exigimos el fin de todas las accciones contrainsurgentes contra la autonomía zapatista. Exigimos verdadera justicia para los compañer@s zapatistas emboscados y agredidos una vez más así como el reconocimiento constitucional de la autonomía zapatista y de los pueblos indígenas de México.



Planeta Tierra, 24 de mayo de 2014

FIRMANTES: Nodo Chiapas-RETOS, Nodo Perú-RETOS, Nodo Brasil-RETOS, Nodo Colombia-RETOS, Nodo Países Bajos-RETOS, Nodo Ecuador-RETOS, Proyecto Videoastas Indígenas de la Frontera Sur, Cándido Mezún Salazar (Autoridad General Embera Waaunan, Panamá), Outi Hakkarainen (Helsinkin), Glean Krom (Helsinki), Annna Semerajiov (Helsinki), Alan Flores (Helsinki), Violeta Gutiérrez (Helsinki), Hanna Laako (Chiapas), Manuel Martínez (Chiapas). Más 5 hojas anexas con firmas hechas a mano.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Little School, Peace Camp, Sharing, and Rebuilding: Communiqué by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés


May 27, 2014.

To the compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth Declaration in Mexico and the World:
To our sisters and brothers of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and indigenous peoples in our country:


This is Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, greeting you to communicate a few things:

First.- THE LITTLE SCHOOL. Compañer@s of the Sixth Declaration in Mexico and the world. We want to tell you that for now we think that we will continue the work of the little school, both the first grade for those who did not arrive yet and the second grade for those who passed, but there are only a few who passed and can move on, because not everyone complied fully with what they committed to as students. Later we’ll tell you the date for the first grade of the little school. Same thing with the second grade, but not for everyone.

Second.- PEACE CAMP. Compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth Declaration in Mexico and the World. We have received the words and ideas from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center suggesting that we set up a Civilian Camp for Peace at the community of La Realidad, where the crime against our compañero Galeano took place. We already told Fayba that their thoughts are welcome, so they can be witnesses and observers and listeners, since the situation hasn’t been solved yet. Because the murderers are still free and the strength they have and that drives them to do anything is alcohol, in addition to the fact that some of them have a history of drug use. The compañeros and compañeras zapatista bases of support have to return to their homes, because they can’t stay forever at the caracol, since they have to work in order to provide for their families. So the civilian camp for peace is very important. To that end, we ask you to coordinate yourselves with the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center. They have informed us that the first camp will be set up on Wednesday, June 4, 2014.

Third.- SHARING. We will also resume the sharing with our brothers and sisters from the National Indigenous Congress, but we will communicate on that separately.

Fourth.- REBUILDING. As you know, the paramilitaries at the service of the bad governments destroyed the school and the clinic of the zapatista bases of support. Just like we brought compa Galeano back from the grave, we have to rebuild the school and the clinic. The compañeras and compañeros bases of support from La Realidad already found a new place to build them. So we invite you to see if you can obtain building materials, so we can build the school and the clinic.

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Regeneración Radio

Los muertos de siempre, muriendo de nuevo pero ahora para vivir

Radio Zapatista

Homenaje al Compañero Galeano en La Realidad

La Realidad, Chiapas, 24 May 2014

Welcome to the homage to Compañero Galeano:
(Descarga aquí)  

Words of the EZLN’s General Command in the voice of Comandante Tacho:
(Descarga aquí)  

Words of the EZLN’s General Command in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés: clic here.

Medios libres, alternativos, autónomos o como se llamen

Words of the EZLN’s General Command in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Listen to or download the audio:
(Descarga aquí)  



Compañera and compañero comandantes, compañera and compañero bases of support, militia, and insurgentes.

Compañeras and compañeros of the Sixth. Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening to all of you, wherever you may be.

Compañeras and compañeros, brothers and sisters:

Through my voice speaks the voice of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation.

Through my voice speaks the pain and rage of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people, men, women, children, and elders of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation.

We are here with the compañer@s of La Realidad, to support them with all of our dignified rage.

The compañeros and compañeras of the Sixth must understand something: the EZLN cannot involve itself in the affairs of the communities and the autonomous governments anytime it wants to. Because when we as the EZLN say “respect,” it isn’t just talk, it is our practice. The EZLN, as a force of the people, can only become involved in an issue in the Zapatista communities if the autonomous authorities request this. This is so because an army, of whatever kind, should always respect and serve the people, the civilians.

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Radio Zapatista

Adiós, Subcomandante

“Hey, it’s very dark here, I need a little light.”

Then he stopped talking and straightened the papers on the table. The lights went out. In the penumbra, illuminated just by the faint light of a video camera, he stood up.

He walked a few steps toward the rear of the stage.

Walking slowly, he crossed the threshold.

He began to go down the wooden stairs.

And he slowly faded into the darkness.

And he ceased to exist.

Then a silence spoke out charged with gratitude and so many other things from thousands of hands clapping in unison, and the faces holding back tears, and the hearts repeating: Farewell, Subcomandante. “One, two, three,” the voice of Comandante Tacho was heard talking on the radio. The lights went on again. And Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, military leader and now also spokesperson of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, said: “Compañeros, compañeras, we are going to listen now to the voice of another compañero.”

From the speakers came the voice which until a few minutes ago, for the last twenty years, belonged to Subcomandante Marcos, now coming to life anew, mocking death. “Have a good pre-dawn, compañeras and compañeros. My name is Galeano. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano. Is anyone else called Galeano?”

Thousands of men and women responded together: “My name is Galeano!” “We all are Galeano!” “We all are Galeano!”

“So that’s why they told me that when I was reborn, I would do it collectively. So be it then. Have a good trip. Take care of yourselves, take care of us. From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.”

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Medios Libres, Alternativos, Autónomos o como se llamen

ENTRE LA LUZ Y LA SOMBRA: Últimas palabras del Subcomandante Marcos


(Descarga aquí)  

Read the communiqué below.


In La Realidad [Reality], Planet Earth

May 2014

Compañera, compañeroa, compañero:

Good evening, afternoon, or morning, whichever it may be in your geography, time, and way of being.

Good very early morning.

I would like to ask the compañeras, compañeros and compañeroas of the Sixth who came from other places, especially the compañeros from the independent media, for your patience, tolerance, and understanding for what I am about to say, because these will be the final words that I speak in public before I cease to exist.

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Galeano, el rostro de la dignidad zapatista (crónica)


“El Relevo Colectivo” (reporte medios libres en la Realidad 25 Mayo)

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