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Radio Zapatista

Program in English

Reportback from the 2nd Encuentro between the Zapatista Peoples and the Peoples of the World; as well as a special report about opportunities and strategies for cross-border organizing within the Other Campaign

Radio Zapatista

Interview with Jun Fujita

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Interview with Jun Fujita, Japanese writer and scholar, who speaks about the relevance of zapatismo in Japan and the world.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en inglés

Interview with Pati from “Deporten a la Migra” on immigration and resistance in the Bay Area; Report on the Forum on Repression in Mexico City; Report on the Marginal Literature Movement in Brazil.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en español

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Announcement of the II Encounter between the zapatistas and the peoples of the world; Discussion on the US Social Forum; Discussion of the situation of migrants in the US; Students go on hunger strike in favor of the Dream Act. Report on the Forum on Repression in Mexico City; Report on the Landless Peasant Movement (MST) in Brazil.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – June 2007

(Descarga aquí)  

Report about alternative media and the repression and censure against Regeneración Radio. Report on immigration (interview with Evelyn Sánchez from the Bay Area Immigrant Rights Coalition).

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Report from the encounter between the Sixth Commission and the Other Campaign in the US (which took place in Tijuana). Report on the latest proposals for immigrant laws and the resistance to them. Interview with the compas from Regeneración Radio (Radio Pacheco) about the harassment and repression they are suffering. Report on zapatismo in Brazil (interview with Pedro Ortiz, one of the authors of Zapatistas: a velocidade do sonho, presented in Salvador, Bahia.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – May 2007

(Descarga aquí)  

One year since Atenco; Harrassment against the Sixth Commision of the EZLN; Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples of America, The Other Campaign, Situation in Chiapas (Interview by Radio Bemba wth Comandante David, Subcomandante Marcos, Juan Chávez); May 1 marches, immigration.

Radio Sherwood

Interview about Turkish migrants in Greece

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Interview about the alarming situation of Turkish immigrants in Greece and about immigration in Europe in general (by Radio Sherwood, Italy).

Radio Sherwood

Anti-globalization movements against G8 encounter

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Interview with Andre (by Radio Sherwood (Italy)), of Net Dissent, who speaks about how European anti-global social movements are organizing to protest against the G8 Summit. Also, the situation of immigrants in Europe and the demonstrations planned to protest discriminations against immigrants in Europe.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con María Jiménez de Mujeres Unidas y Activas

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María speaks to us about grassroots organizing for the May 1st marches. She also speaks about the current situation of immigrants in the US, in particular in California, and about the challenges for political participation of Latino women, who are doubly discriminated against. Visit Mujeres Unidas y Activas‘s webpage and participate.