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Radio Zapatista

Homage to our compañero Felipe Toussaint Loera

Homage to our compañero Felipe Toussaint Loera, who died on April 9, 2011, with the voices of Jorge Santiago, founder of DESMI and president of CORECO; Cuauhtémoc Romero Villagómez, spokesman and member of the board of directors of CORECO; and the indigenous theologian Petul.(Descarga aquí)  

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Relatos Zapatistas

Interview on the current state of repression / low-intensity war in Chiapas

In-depth interview with Alejandro Reyes on the current state of repression and low-intensity war in Chiapas being waged against Zapatista communities and human rights organizations. Topics include: big-picture analysis focused on the Proyecto Mesoamérica, “sustainable rural cities,” and ecotourism; detailed reports on repression in Mitzitón, Bachajón, Tila, and the coast region; and some implications of the death of Samuel Ruiz. All in the context of the recent letter from Subcomandante Marcos to Professor Luis Villoro, titled “Notes on War.”

This interview originally aired on April 3 during Relatos Zapatistas, which broadcasts from West Oakland the first Sunday of every month from 4-6 pm on Berkeley Liberation Radio (104.1 fm). You can check out all our shows here and here.
Radio Pozol

Audios by compañeros from San Sebastián Bachajón – 11 Apr 2011

Today, Monday 11 April, two days after being again disposessed of their lands, the compañeros from ejido San Sebastián Bachajón share their words with all of those who have been in solidarity with their problems. In Agua Azul, in the ejido Bachajón, there is a tense tranquility due to the presence of police and the army. The compañeros reaffirm their committment to continue struggling and ask the national and international community to stay alert to what may happen.
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Radio Zapatista

Adherente to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón recover the toll booth to Agua Azul

The adherents to the Other Campaign from the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón recuperated this morning the toll booth to the waterfalls of Agua Azul. They sent us this denounciation and communiqué.

Denounciation: (Descarga aquí)  

Communiqué: (Descarga aquí)  

Read the denounciation and communiqué below (in Spanish): (Continuar leyendo…)


Movimiento Justicia por el Barrio de NY toman consulado mexicano

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

A las 7:30 de la mañana, hoy siendo el cuarto día de la campaña “5 Días de Acción Mundial por los 5 de Bachajón”, integrantes del Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio, La Otra Campaña Nueva York, entramos y tomamos el Consulado Mexicano en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Esta ocupación la emprendimos como parte de esta campaña para protestar en contra de la cruel represión del Estado hacia la lucha digna de l@s ejidatar@s de San Sebastián Bachajón, Chiapas, México, los cuales también son adherentes a La Otra Campaña, y que están defendiendo sus recursos naturales contra la depredación de las empresas transnacionales disfrazada de “plan ecoturístico”.

Radio Zapatista

La Onda Bajita: April Program

  • La lucha del Ejido Tila por la tierra y la solidaridad de San Salvador Atenco
  • Palabras del Consejo Autónomo de la Costa de Chiapas
  • Campaña mundial por los presos políticos de San Sebastián Bachajón
  • Gobierno mexicano encubre la masacre de Viejo Velasco
The Frayba Report

The Frayba Report: Pronouncement by the Encounter “With Memory Peoples Build Justice and Peace”

Reporte Frayba

Reporte Frayba: Pronunciamiento del Encuentro “Con la Memoria de los Pueblos Construimos Justicia y Verdad”


Campaign 5 Days for the Bachajón 5

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Del 1 al 5 de Abril la Otra Nueva York convocan a acciones mundiales por la libertad de los presos políticos de San Sebastián Bachajón rehenes del Gobierno de Chiapas. 5 días de acciones por los 5 de Bachajón

Noticias de la Otra

La lucha del Ejido Tila por la tierra y la solidaridad de Atenco

On 23 Mar 2011, ejidatarios from Tila, in the northern zone of Chiapas, demonstrated to demand the return of 130 he of land illegally taken from them by the Municipal government and the State of Chiapas. Present in the event were the Peoples Front in the Defense of Land (FPDT) from San Salvador Atenco, adherentes to the Other Campaign from Ejido de San Sebastián Bachajón, and delegates from various communities. In this report, representatives from Tila, Bachajón and Atenco speak about their struggle for land.(Descarga aquí)  

Watch the report with video below: (Continuar leyendo…)