Voices by prisoners and their relatives from San Sebastián Bachajón
Antonio Estrada Estrada and Miguel Vásquez Deara were detained in 2011, brutally tortured and jailed for made-up crimes, according to their own testimony, for their participation in the resistance of the adherents to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón. In 2010, Miguel Demeza Jiménez was unjustly detained, tortured, and accused of a kidnapping he did not commit. All three continue in prison to this day, in the prisons of Playas de Catazajá, Ocosingo, and El Amate, Chiapas. This is their story, told by their relatives and by Miguel Vásquez Deara himself
(Descarga aquí)
Read the article by Radio Zapatista on the case.
Alberto Patishtan, light and struggle
¿Who is Alberto Patishtán? ¿Why was he imprissoned for over 12 years?
En esta cápsula escucharemos sobre la vida del Profesor Alberto Patishtán, luz y guía de pueblos y conciencias. También escucharemos sobre su encarcelamiento injusto e infame y de las muchas formas en las que su pueblo ha luchado por su liberación. (Descarga aquí)