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Organización Vineketik en Resistencia

(Español) Destruyen campamento de presos en plantón: Viniketik en Resistencia

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CERSS No 10 Comitán de Domínguez Chiapas
Organización Vineketik en Resistencia
Adherente a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona
A la opinión
A los medios de comunicación
A la Sexta nacional e internacional
A los defensores de derechos humanos ONGS
A la Red Contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad
Al pueblo de México y del mundo
Al Ejercicio Zapatista de Liberación Nacional
Denunciamos a la corporación del grupo Lobo ya que en la madrugada del día de hoy tuvimos una agresión llegaron a la 1:30 de la madrugada nos levantaron por supuesta revisión pero más bien fue robo por que ellos destruyeron el campamento donde hemos llevado a cabo el plantón que comenzamos el pasado 15 de marzo del presente año.
Se robaron nuestra lona con el que nos protegiamos de los rayos del sol durante el día y la lluvia se robaron nuestra manta y $500 que tenía uno de nuestro compañero ya que lo dejo en su billetera dejaron la billetera pero se llevaron el dinero y nos han dejado sin agua para nuestro aseo personal y que a las 9:00 am del día de hoy fuimos a pedir el agua y no contesta el comandante Chente que eso sería hasta nuevo aviso es una clara represión de parte del gobierno lejos de darle solución y hacer justicia a incrementado la agresión y el abuso de poder y el Sr Alejandro Constantino Hernández director de éste centro nos ha tomado represalias ya lo hemos denunciado en días pasados su corrupción que ha llevado a cabo dentro de este centro junto con sus cómplices los representantes para estar extorsionando las familias del nuevo ingreso y las múltiples torturas dentro de este centro.
Es por ello que le pedimos a derechos humanos nacionales e internacionales a las organizaciones sociales independientes a exigir justicia y no a la represión le pedimos que estén al pendiente de los acontecimientos que puedan suceder.
Organización Vineketik en Resistencia Adherente a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona del EZLN
Marcelino Ruiz Gómez
Baldemar Gómez Hernández
Pedro Pérez Jiménez
Noticias de abajo ML

(Español) Noticias de abajo 20 de septiembre 2019

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Noticias de abajo ML: Noticiero informativo de los medios libres.

(Descarga aquí)  


PALESTINA: Manifiesto contra la criminalización de la solidaridad con el pueblo palestina conninesporpalestina
YEMEN: Más tormentas en el golfo Pérsico #Internacional elturbion
AMERICA LATINA: MEGAMINERIA TOXICA: Grupo México y sus subsidiarias son una de las empresas mineras más agresivas, violentas, contaminadoras y cínicas del mundo. En solidaridad con Perú y en contra del Grupo México Otros mundos
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(Español) Allanamiento, despojo y robo en Acteal, Casa de la Memoria y la Esperanza

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Fuente: Frayba

    • Daños al proyecto de Salud Autónoma de Las Abejas de Acteal.
    • Destrucción de 3 casas, una de ellas la de Juana Pérez Arias sobreviviente de la Masacre de Acteal y otra que ocupaban de cocina las desplazadas de Río Jordán.

Urgimos al Estado mexicano garantizar la seguridad de las y los integrantes de Las Abejas de Acteal y respetar la autonomía de la organización que nació en 1992, con apuesta por la paz, referente en la defensa de los derechos humanos de los Pueblos Originarios, especialmente persistente en la búsqueda de justicia por la Masacre del 22 de diciembre de 1997.


El día 18 de septiembre de 2019, a las 8:59 horas, aproximadamente, empezaron a destruir la casa de doña Juana Pérez Arias, en la comunidad tsotsil de Acteal, en Chenalhó, Chiapas, México. De 75 años, originaria de la comunidad tsotsil Chimix, ella es desplazada del conflicto de 1997 y sobreviviente de la Masacre del 22 de diciembre de ese año. Su esposo Manuel Sántiz Culebra fue ejecutado durante este crimen de Estado, el nombre de él refiere el caso ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (1).

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La Cosecha

(Español) Reflexionando sobre la deforestación de la Amazonia brasileña – SCLC, 21/9

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San Sebastián Bachajón

(Español) Denuncia del Ejido San Sebastián Bachajón, Adherentes a la Sexta

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A la Comandancia General Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional
A las Juntas de Buen Gobierno
Al Congreso Nacional Indígena
A l@s adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de México y el Mundo
A los medios de comunicación
A la Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad
Al Movimiento de Justicia por el Barrio de Nueva York
A los defensores de derechos humanos honestos e independientes
Al pueblo de México y el mundo

Jmololabex ants winiketik icha spatil a wotanik ta pisilik machatik nokol skoltabel te lum kinalik te yuun ta skuenta te nokol spojbel te chopol ajwalil.

Compañeros y compañeras reciban un saludo combativo para sus organizaciones y pueblos en resistencia de parte de los adherentes a la Sexta Declaración del ejido San Sebastián Bachajón.

En este medio, damos a conocer y aclarar los hechos que denunciamos anteriormente en relación a la detención de un compañero, MANUEL MORENO JIMÉNEZ, del ejido bachajon, derivado de esta detención le fue fabricado el delito de robo con violencia, lo cual nunca cometió, actualmente le fabrican otro delito, delito de abigeato, todo esto es fabricado con tal de que quedara preso.

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Invitation to the Second International Gathering of Women Who Struggle

Source: Enlace Zapatista



September 2019

To women who struggle all over the world:

Sister, compañera, woman in struggle:

We send you greetings, from the indigenous and Zapatista women that we are.

Perhaps you remember that at our First Gathering, we made an agreement that we must live. We see of course that the killing and disappearance of women continues—of women of all ages and social positions. We are killed and disappeared because we are women, and then told it is our fault, that these things happen because of how we were dressed, because of where we were walking, because we were out at certain hours in certain places. Both men and women in the bad government utter such stupidities to imply that we shouldn’t go out at all. According to this mindset, women should be shut up in their homes; they shouldn’t go out, shouldn’t study, shouldn’t work, shouldn’t enjoy themselves, shouldn’t be free.

We see clearly that the capitalist and patriarchal system is like a judge that has declared us guilty of being born women and sentenced us to violence, death, or disappearance.

It’s hard to put it into words, sister and compañeras, it’s like an evil so great that it can’t be named. Now they call it “femicide” or whatever but the name doesn’t change anything, the deaths and disappearances continue to accumulate. And then our families, friends, and acquaintances have to fight so that we are not effectively killed and disappeared all over again when our murderers go unpunished, or when it is said that we were merely victims of bad luck; or worse, that we were asking for it.

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(Español) NotiFrayba: Justicia y retorno para desplazados de Acteal

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Mujeres, niñas y niños del Pueblo Maya Tsotsil, integrantes de La organización Sociedad Civil Las Abejas de Acteal, de la comunidad Miguel Utrilla, Los Chorros, en Chenalhó, Chiapas, Méxicofueron desplazados el día 16 de septiembre de 2019. Suman 36 personas en desplazamiento forzado que se encuentran en Acteal, Casa de la Memoria y la Esperanza. Las primeras familias se refugiaron en la sede de la organización desde el 10 de agosto del presente año.

Las Abejas de Acteal persisten en la exigencia de justicia y desde su apuesta de paz, exigen condiciones para el retorno con seguridad de las 6 familias.

La Abejas de Acteal

(Español) Las Abejas de Acteal denuncian desplazamiento forzado

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Ayer, las compañeras, niñas y niños del barrio “Río Jordán” se vieron obligadas a desplazarse en Acteal.

Organización Sociedad Civil Las Abejas de Acteal
Tierra Sagrada de los Mártires de Acteal

Municipio de Chenalhó, Chiapas, México.
17 de septiembre del 2019

Al Congreso Nacional Indígena
Al Concejo Indígena de Gobierno
A las y los defensores de los derechos humanos
A los medios libres y alternativos
A los medios de comunicación nacional e internacional
A la Sociedad Civil Nacional e Internacional

Hermanas y hermanos:

Hoy denunciamos públicamente que, ayer, las compañeras, niñas y niños del barrio “Río Jordán” de la colonia Miguel Utrilla Los Chorros, se vieron obligadas a desplazarse en Acteal, sede de nuestra Organización Las Abejas de Acteal, porque sus condiciones de vida se empeoraron, porque el mismo presidente municipal de Chenalhó y el agente del barrio “Río Jordán” prohibieron el acceso de alimentos y la gente partidista de esa localidad amenazó a las familias de buen corazón quienes les dieron casa y comida a nuestras compañeras y niñas y niños, de cortarles el agua, la electricidad y de destruirles también sus casas, si seguían ahí nuestras compañeras.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

From the Cat-Dog’s Notebook: Preparations for the Puy Ta Cuxlejaltic Film Festival, a CompArte Focused on Dance, and the Second International Gathering for Women in Struggle

From the Cat-Dog’s Notebook:
Preparations for the Puy Ta Cuxlejaltic Film Festival, a CompArte Focused on Dance, and the Second International Gathering for Women in Struggle

Twenty-six years ago, in 1993, the Zapatista women wrote the “Women’s Revolutionary Law.” In one of the articles of the law, they declared they had a right to study… “and even to be drivers,” as noted by SupMarcos in a public letter commemorating the anniversary of the law and the role of the late Comandanta Ramona and Comandanta Susana in the creation of the women’s law. Maybe someday we’ll learn why the indigenous Zapatista Women aspired to be drivers. But for now, the EZLN’s Sixth Commission presents an exclusive preview of the documentaries to be premiered by the Terci@s Compas [Zapatista media] on a still to-be-determined date. Here goes:

Title: “…And Even to be Drivers”

A documentary filmed entirely in the mountains of Southeastern Mexico in 2019. Written, directed, and produced by Zapatista women, this documentary compiles scenes of Zapatista compañeras learning to drive. Duration: undetermined. Format: unknown. Rating: Z (as it should be). It won’t come out on Netflix, nor on Amazon Prime, nor on Apple TV, nor on HBO, nor Fox, nor…what are the other options? Well, not on any of those either. Nor will it be shown in theaters. It will be shown exclusively in the Zapatista Caracoles… Oh, also at the Second International Gathering for Women in Struggle? Should I include that? Got it. But without any date or location? Okay. But people are going to complain that I’m leaving them hanging. Couldn’t we at least give them a hint, like a road sign? No, not for the actual road, I mean like an idea of potentially when and where… in December? Of this year? Hello? Helloooooo? Feeling low? Huh, well it looks like they left, but I can tell you they don’t look low at all… in fact they had a glint in their eye, in their gaze, like a goal, or a challenge—a rebellion, really. A Zapatista glint, that is.

Disclaimer: no men were hurt in the production of this documentary. Well actually there were, but only in the form of a few blows to the ego. Oh, and also a few who fell as they were running away from a compañera who got pissed because they were yelling stuff at the women learning to drive… no, it wasn’t me, I was watching from a ways away, I wasn’t going to find myself in the vicinity of that piece of lead pipe she was carrying… yee-haw

Apocalyptic Synopsis: A virus produced in the laboratories of the Illuminati is released in the mountains of Southeastern Mexico. For some strange reason, it only affects those law-breakers who call themselves Zapatista women. The virus causes them to do strange and illogical things—they rebel, they resist, and they take over jobs and responsibilities that should be the exclusive domain of men. This documentary compiles evidence of this insubordination, and you can see exactly how the Zapatista women consider themselves not only to be free but also—you’re not going to believe this—even to be drivers. Didn’t I tell you? Nobody has any values anymore. (Continuar leyendo…)

Los Tercios Compas

Images from the Breaking of the Siege II (and last) from August 17, 2019.

Images from the Breaking of the Siege II (and last)
From August 17, 2019.

Note from SupGaleano: Here there should be a photo slide show from the new CRAREZ [Centers of Autonomous Zapatista Resistance and Rebellion] which were announced as part of the breaking of the siege on August 17, 2019. This video will likely be removed by Mr. YouTube since it is set to a song by Ana Tijoux (Chilean-French) and Shadia Mansour (Palestinian) entitled “Somos Sur,” [We are the South] and supposedly we either have to pay royalties or accept advertising. We are not of course going to accept advertising, and if there’s no money for water tanks for the new caracol Tulan Kaw, then there’s certainly no money to pay royalties. In any case, the Sixth Commission does not “monetize” our videos (plus, the traffic on our channel is like the traffic during semana santa (Easter) in Mexico City), so I doubt Mr. YouTube is going to end up any less rich because of our refusal to accept advertisement, nor are Ana Tijoux and Shadia Mansour going to lose artistic quality or followers because we have accompanied their rebellion with ours.

Maybe instead of taking down the videos that people set to music—as Zapata didn’t say, “music belongs to those who sing/dance/hum/bounce/whisper/shout and spread it (and like Shadia Mansour says, rapping in Arabic: “music is the mother tongue of the world”)—Mr. YouTube should work on his damned algorithm (“Oh, the twisted lines of YouTube”i). You know how it goes, you start out looking for videos of the guys from Botellita de Jerez to pay homage to the memory of Armando Vega Gil, or you search for ska from Los de Abajo, or Salón Victoria, or some tracks from Jijos del Mais, or Van T, or Mexican Sound, or LenguaAlerta, or Lirica, or Ely Guerra, or Keny Arkana, or the Batallones Femeninos, or from those masters Oscar Chávez and Guillermo Velázquez and Los Leones de la Sierra de Xichú, and all of a sudden you’re getting bombarded with videos of rodeos, cockfights, Maluma giving classes on how to respect women, or makeup videos (“now we’re going to learn how to do makeup for a ‘no makeup’ selfie”).

It’s not that we’re being fussy—after all, like Inodoro Pereyra said (or was it Mendieta?), “Broad and Alien is the World”ii—but rather that here, bandwidth is about as broad as Trump’s IQ: paltry, in other words.

Given all of the above, if YouTube removes the video because of its soundtrack (like it already did with Princess Mononoke, apparently because Studio Ghibli decided to side with the system instead of with natureiii), we’ll repost the same photo slideshow here but without music, and you can add the music yourselves. In fact, I’ll include the translation from Arabic to Spanish of Shadia Mansour’s rap (based on the contribution from the user qmqz posted on the official music video) [TN: translated here in English]:

“Give me the mic:

Music is the mother tongue of the world
It supports our existence and protects our roots, tying us to greater Syria, Africa, and Latin America
Here I stand with Anita Tijoux
Here I stand with those who suffer, not with those who sold us out
Here I stand with culture, resistance
From the beginning and forever, hasta la victoria siempre!
I am with those who are against, with those who have cooperated, with those not on our side
Way back I did the math and I decided to invest in Banksy after Ban-Ki went bankrupt (Note from SupGaleano: possibly a reference to Ban-Ki Moon, who was Secretary General of the United Nations when this song was recorded, and went “bankrupt” when he refused to condemn the Israeli government’s terrorist actions against the Palestinian people).
As the saying goes, “it’s not that the situation needs a ‘proportionate response’, the situation needs to be stopped”
For every freed political prisoner an Israeli settlement grows
For every civil greeting a thousand homes are destroyed
They use the press to their benefit
But while my sorrow is vetoed, reality insists”

You know what? With or without YouTube, with or without advertising, the Palestinian people and the Mapuche people will achieve freedom. Ten, one hundred, a thousand times they will reach victory.

And if Mr. YouTube takes the whole thing down as part of the “fuck the Zapatistas now” campaign, oh well, we’ll just go back to the good old days of the Zapatista Intergalactic Television System, “the only television channel that you read” (Permit 69, currently being processed by the Good Government Councils, submitted as of 1996 but caracoles move slooooooooowly….).

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Los Tercios Compas
EZLN Sixth Commission
September 2019

i “Los renglones torcidos de Dios” (The Twisted Lines of God) is a novel by Torcuato Luca de Tena.

ii “El mundo es ancho y ajeno,” a 1941 novel by Ciro Alegría narrating indigenous struggle in the Peruvian highlands against land-hungry interests. Inodoro Pereyra is an Argentinian cartoon created by Roberto Fontanarrosa that parodies folklorism through the story of a lonely Argentinean gaucho and his co-protagonist, a talking dog, Mendieta.

iii Princess Mononoke is a Japanese animated period drama written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and animated by Studio Ghibli which narrates an epic and fantastical struggle between the supernatural guardians or gods of a forest and the humans who consume its resources.