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Indymedia Chiapas

Police dismantles Radio Proletaria, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas / 14-year-old detained

On Tuesday Oct 12 police forces broke into the facilities of Radio Proletaria in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, to tear down the community radio station which for the last 5 years had been working peacefully. At the time, the 14-year-old compañero Carlos Martínez, a high school student, was transmitting; he was detained. The Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center published this bulletin. For more information, visit

Testimony by Camilo (Radio Proletaria):(Descarga aquí)  

Testimony by “Mala Fama” (Radio Proletaria): (Descarga aquí)  


Report on the struggle of “ejidatarios” from Tila in defense of their territory

The court is currently reviewing the case of the ejido Tila; they will be deciding whether they force the ejido to accept indemnity or whether the Mexican state will have to recognize its right as indigenous peoples to their territory, and return the 130 hectares.

Relatos Zapatistas

Special report: anti-fascist student activism in Mexico City

12 minute special report (in english) about student protests against fascist youth organizations coordinated by local authorities to repress and dismantle student organizing. interviews with students from CCH-Vallejo & Instituto Politécnico.

La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – October program

  • News
  • Destruction of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca
  • The Frayba Report: “Sustainable Rural Cities” in Chiapas
  • Repression against social movements in Chile
Relatos Zapatistas

Interview with anti-authoritarian compañer@s in Chile

Interview with three compañer@s from the anti-authoritarian community in Chile, contextualizing the recent repression on the part of the Chilean state, including the arrest of 14 compañer@s, invasions and raids of social centers and homes. Also, the new modifications of the “anti-terrorism law,” resurrected from the Pinchet dictatorship since the year 2000.

For more info:

Frecuencia Libre

Interview with América del Valle (Atenco) in her visit to Chiapas

Interview with América del Valle, member of the Peoples Front for the Defense of Land (FPDT), Atenco, during her visit to Chiapas.

Relatos Zapatistas

Entrevista con hannibal shakur y josh wolf

Interview with Hannibal Shakur and Josh Wolf about neighborhood organizing in West Oakland. (More info here)

(Descarga aquí)  
Relatos Zapatistas

Seguridad / Security / Safety

Relatos Zapatistas – September program (aired on Berkeley Liberation Radio) (more info here)

(Descarga aquí)  
La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – programa de septiembre

(Descarga aquí)  
Radio Zapatista

Entrevista a representantes comunitarios en la Ciudad Rural Nuevo Grijalva

Interview to community representatives at the “sustainable rural city” of Nuevo Grijalva, Chiapas (full, unedited interview)

(Descarga aquí)