
San Marcos Avilés

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Partidistas de San Marcos Avilés continúan agresiones contra la Autonomía Zapatista

Red Contra la Represión Chiapas

Threats against zapatistas from San Marcos Avilés

Audio about the new threats of displacement against Zapatista Bases of Support from San Marcos Avilés, by Red Contra la Represión Chiapas.
(Descarga aquí)  

UK Zapatista Solidarity Network

At the Mexican Embassy in London: Demand for an End to the Attacks on the Zapatista Support Base Community of San Marcos Avilés

Today, 26th April, 2013, the UK Zapatista Solidarity Network held a protest at the Embassy of Mexico in London in solidarity with the Zapatista support base (BAZ) community of San Marcos Avilés in the municipality of Chilón, Chiapas, Mexico. The protestors delivered a letter demanding an end to the threats, aggressions and acts of violence being made against this community by members of the Mexican political parties, with the aim of displacing the Zapatistas from their homes and their lands. This is being done, explained members of the Network, with the full support and backing of the Mexican state, in an attempt to put an end to the advances in Zapatista autonomy.

The protest was organised in response to the recent alarming renewal of the threats and acts of harassment, which has led to fears of an imminent attack and eviction. Only this week, a civil caravan for human rights observation and documentation on its way to San Marcos Avilés was threatened with violence by the party supporters. “Blood will flow”, they said, showing the impunity they enjoy.

The report presented by the caravan is shocking. The community has been living through a terrifying nightmare since it was previously displaced in 2010, following an attack with firearms. At this time 170 people, many of them women, children, the sick and the elderly, had to endure 33 days in the open without food or water, sleeping under plastic sheeting. Although they were able to return, their homes had been ransacked and plundered, and they have never felt safe since.

The letter called for an end to the threats and violence against the BAZ, and for a guarantee of their life, safety and human rights. “We will be monitoring events in San Marcos Avilés closely in the following days, and we will hold the governments of Chilon, Chiapas and Mexico responsible for any harm that may befall the BAZ of this community”.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the United Kingdom, people from Bristol, Edinburgh, Essex, Dorset, Manchester, Exeter, Sheffield and Bradford telephoned the Mexican Embassy in London and the Municipal President of Chilón, Leonardo Rafael Guirao Aguilar, who would be the local official responsible for any eviction. The callers expressed their dismay and indignation and called for immediate action to put an end to the violence.

The group ended the protest by saying “We wish through our actions today to send a message of solidarity to our dignified sisters and brothers of San Marcos Avilés. They have our full support.”

At the same time, the members of the group remembered Juan Vázquez Guzmán, ex- Secretary General of the adherents to the Sixth Declaration from the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón, who was murdered on Wednesday night. A minute of silence was dedicated to his memory outside the Embassy.

Keep informed of the situation:

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Watch the videomessage:

Radio Zapatista

San Marcos Avilés: Report from the Civil Observation Mission


(Español) La JBG Corazón Centrico de los Zapatistas Delante del Mundo denuncia las agresiones, provocaciones, amenzas, despojos y violencia de personas afiliadas a los partidos políticos en San Marcos Avilés

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.





A 20 DE ABRIL DE 2013










En nuestra última denuncia el 1 de julio de 2011 dimos a conocer todas las barbaridades de las personas afiliadas de diferentes partidos políticos y respaldando por los tres niveles de malos gobiernos oficiales; por ese desde esa fecha y año no han cesado las agresiones, amenazas, robos destrucción de cultivos y hostigamientos encabezado por Lorenzo Ruíz Gómez, en contra de nuestros compañeros bases de apoyo Zapatistas en la comunidad de San Marcos Avilés y a continuación mencionamos los siguientes acontecimientos:

1. El 29 de Julio de 2011 los compas de san Marcos Avilés se dieron cuenta de que uno de los agresores hizo un trato para cambiar un modular por un rifle con otro partidista de la comunidad Tacuba viera era un rifle de 16 de calibre 22 y después iba mostrando el arma y le apunto a la hija de un compa Juan Velasco Aguirre. Otro compa se dio cuenta que llevaba el rifle al cafetal que habían despojado a los compas.

El agresor se llama Santiago Cruz Díaz dice que compro el arma para matar algunos zapatistas y usarlo también contra los observadores.

2. El 1 de agosto del 2011 los agresores fueron a Chilón a hablar con su ex presidente municipal el contador Antonio, y el contador dijo a los agresores que les va a ayudar con los problemas que tienen. El ex presidente municipal dice que va a pedir una audiencia en Tuxtla y pidió a los agresores que hicieran un acta y que vaya firmado por todos los ejidatarios y también por las mujeres, las y los jóvenes. En el acta debe decir que todo lo que les culpa en las denuncias de la junta de buen gobierno y el Centro de Derechos Humanos Frayba, todo es mentira.

3. El día 17 de enero del 2012 nuestro compañero base de apoyo Gerardo y sus compañeros, estaba cortando sus cafés en colectivo y estando 8 bases de apoyo zapatista en el cafetal como a las 11:30 am se encontraron con el partidista y el cabecilla Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez del Partido Verde (PV) con su hijo Ismael Ruiz Núñez. Esas gentes del partido principalmente Juan Velasco Mendoza empezaron a decir que el cafetal no es de los compas y que salieran de buena forma y si no vería la manera en que salga de ahí, también dijo que las bases de apoyo no tienen valor, que tampoco los observadores internacionales no valían para nada, también dijo que la FRAYBA no tiene valor y tampoco la junta de buen gobierno.

4. El día 18 de enero del 2012 Vicente Ruiz López (PRI) y sus hijos Vicente Ruiz Méndez (PRI) y Samuel Ruiz Méndez cortaron 100 matas de café y arrancaron chayotes de la parcela de nuestros compañeros bases de apoyo Gerardo. Los partidistas dijeron que van a seguir haciendo eso y volvieron a repetir sus mismas palabras.

5. El día 9 de febrero del 2012 los compañeros Javier Ruiz Cruz y José Hernández Ruiz. El primer propietario de una parcela de cafetales, como la 1:00 pm fueron destruidos 108 matas de café, 94 arrancados de raíz, 14 cortados por el tronco los cafés mas jóvenes tienen 1 año, la mayoría de las matas tienen 2 años, pero en la parte superior del lindero fueron encontrado amontonados 35 matas y arrojados en un barranco dirección en la comunidad de Tacuba nueva, según el valor económico de estas plantas su precio medio seria de 130.00 cada mata, el valor total es de 14,040.00 pesos.

6. El día 19 de febrero se escucha por radio al comisariado ejidal Ernesto López Núñez y al agente Aristeo Cante Cruz que acusan al base de apoyo zapatista Mariano Pérez de aventar piedra a un carro que pasaba por la carretera. Las casas de nuestras bases de apoyo que fueron acusados fueron atacados con piedras.

7. El día 21 de febrero del 2012 los partidistas tapan la carretera con piedras como a las 21 horas en frente de la escuela autónoma, pero el comisariado ejidal de san Marcos acusa a los bases de apoyo zapatista de tapar la carretera quien viven en frente de la escuela.

8. El día 28 de febrero del 2012 el compañero Enrique Pérez Núñez le machetearon y arrancaron 75 matas de su milpa. También el compañero Enrique Cante López le robaron 100 calabazas en su milpa que fueron los del partido oficial.

9. El 2 de marzo de 2012 Enrique Pérez Núñez habla con uno de los agresores que dice que los del partido tienen un nuevo plan para desalojar nuestros compañeros bases de apoyo zapatistas. También dicen que va a seguir con la segunda etapa para quitarles sus derechos de los compañeros bases de apoyo y seguir destrozando y robando milpas de nuestros compañeros porque esas agresiones no les trae consecuencia, como a las 21 horas del mismo día los partidistas Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez y su hijo Andrés Ruiz Núñez volvieron a la comunidad de Tacuba se detuvieron para patear la tabla de la casa del base de apoyo Diego Velasco Aguilar, de allí siguieron a la casa de base de apoyo Juan Velasco Mendoza que arrojaron una piedra y también arrojaron otra piedra a la escuela autónoma zapatista y gritaba que los zapatistas no valen nada para ellos y que tiene armas de calibre 38 (pistola), calibre 16 (rifle) y cartuchos para ellos y siguieron diciendo que tenían un arma de cuerno de chivo y armas largas que utilizan los militares y bien cargado con dos peines. Cuando estos dos partidistas llegaron a sus casas dispararon 5 tiros al aire con la pistola calibre 38, diciendo que no tenían miedo para nada porque estaban preparados con armas.

10. El día 27 de marzo de 2012 nuestros compañeros bases de apoyo se encontraban en una oración en la iglesia a las 12 horas del día, el compa Juan Pérez Núñez fue víctima de un robo en su casa le rompieron la madera de su casa de la parte de abajo y escarbaron la tierra lograron sacar un bulto de café del grano seco de 50 kilos.

11. El día 31 de marzo de 2012 los partidistas y los agresores hicieron una asamblea.

El primer punto que trataron es que sacaron acurdo sobre los compas que habían agarrado algunos pinos y quedaron totalmente prohibido de cortar más madera y si vuelven a cortar dicen que los agarran a nuestro compañero y que serán llevados en el municipio oficial de Chilon Chiapas, también el motosierrista y que los comisariados ejidales, el agente y sus componentes donde hicieron una acta de acuerdo donde firmaron los 70 ejidatarios diciéndoles al motosierrista donde no volverá a cortarles más árboles para los compas y obligándole a firmar el acta.

El segundo punto: sacaron el acuerdo de solicitar el programa Final todos los 70 ejidatarios estuvieron de acuerdo dijeron el comisariado que si alguien se opone será expulsado de la comunidad y que también habían dicho que los compañeros bases de apoyo no están pagando el impuesto predial de cada año que cuando se lleve a cabo la medición de tierra sus derechos de los compas lo cederán a sus hijos que los ejidatarios que van a ser tomados como animales que no tendrán más derechos de hacer milpas, no tendrán más derecho de agarrar árbol para leña.

El tercer punto: tomaron el acuerdo que los compas no están pagando el recibo de la luz y que empezaran a bajarles los bajantes en cada casa de nuestros compañeros.


El día 25 de enero del año 2013 a las 7 horas de la mañana, un agresor de la comunidad San Marcos de nombre Pedro Canté Mendoza llegó en el terreno de nuestro compañero base de apoyo zapatista Diego Velasco Aguilar a robar 100 matas de café que ya estaban plantados.

El día 26 de enero del 2013, un grupo de agresores Vicente Ruiz López, Alejandro Ruiz Núñez, Rubén Martínez Vázquez, Tomás Hernández Aguilar, José Cruz Hernández, Manuel Vázquez Gómez Santiago Cruz Díaz, Abraham Canté López, Carlos Ruiz Gómez y Ernesto López Núñez invadieron una parte de terreno de nuestro compañero base de apoyo José Hernández Ruiz, también le cortaron 100 matas de plátano.

El día 27 de enero de 2013, alrededor de las 16 horas de la tarde 2 agresores de nombre Sócrates Ruiz Núñez e Ismael Ruiz Núñez, ambos son hijos del líder de los agresores Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez, llegaron al terreno del compañero Pedro Cante López para arrancar 100 matas de café, 16 matas de esas se las llevo.

Estos agresores no es la primera vez que cometen estos hechos sino que en muchas ocasiones han llegado a robar caña de azúcar en el terreno de nuestro compañero

El día 29 de enero de 2013, un compañero base de apoyo Javier Ruiz Cruz nos informa que tiene un terreno de 32 X25 metro a la orilla de una laguna, pero los agresores cercaron la laguna invadiéndole una parte de terreno de nuestro compañero Javier Ruiz Cruz, en ese lugar no se sabe para que lo cercaron, pero hay rumores que se trata de la construcción de un campamento militar.

El día 06 de febrero del año 2013, a nuestro compañero base de apoyo Miguel Gómez Guzmán por la noche le llegaron a robar unas gallinas, no logro identificar quien fue, pero lo que se sabe que fue uno de los agresores

El día 08 de febrero de 2013, a las 12 horas del día encontró un caballo amarrado en su cafetal que pertenece a uno de los agresores de nombre Santiago Cruz Díaz afiliado al partido PRI. Este agresor no es la primera vez que amarra su caballo dentro de su cafetal de nuestro compañero porque lo ha hecho en varias ocasiones

El día 11 de febrero del 2013, a nuestro compañero Manuel Hernández López le fue informado por algunos de los agresores Ernesto López Núñez comisariado ejidal, Manuel Vázquez Gómez consejo de vigilancia y Juan Pérez Mecía agente auxiliar, pertenecientes al partido PRI que han mandado una lista de nombres de los compañeros bases de apoyo a la comisión federal de electricidad de Yajalón por no pagar el impuesto de la luz eléctrica. Estos agresores han pedido apoyo a otras comunidades cercanas de esa comunidad para amenazar a los compañeros y compañeras bases de apoyo de cortarles el servicio de luz eléctrica.

El día 12 de febrero del año 2013, nuestra compañera base de apoyo Gloria Martínez Vázquez le llegaron a robar 2 bordados a su casa, mientras ella se encontraba en su cafetal cortando café, el valor de cada bordado es de $ 500, y por los dos es la cantidad de $ 1000.

El día 3 de marzo de 2013, los agresores y las autoridades del partido se reunieron a las 8 de la noche con el principal cabecilla Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez y dijo que no había otra forma mas que asesinar a los que caminan cerca de sus casas y asesinar primero a sus hijos de nuestros compañeros y que es su trabajo que van hacer como principal cabecilla LORENZO RUIZ GOMEZ, que es policía municipal de Chilon y después pide a sus otros compañeros que asesine a nuestro compañero Juan Velasco Aguilar y a los demas compañeros bases de apoyo zapatista y dicen que están listo para asesinar a nuestro compañeros y que tienen suficientes armas.

El día 9 de marzo del año 2013 a nuestro compañero Juan Velasco Aguilar y otros compañeros, mientras estaban trabajando y aproximadamente 50 metros estaban 3 hijos de los agresores y se llaman Vicente Ruiz Méndez (PRI) Luis Vásquez López (PV) Samuel Vásquez López (PV) de unos 20 años de edad, estos tres hijos de los agresores sonaron 15 veces sus machetes con una piedra a modo de amenaza a nuestros compañeros.

El día 13 de marzo del año 2013 nuestro compañero Agustín Pérez Núñez le arrancaron 7 matas de café recién sembrado y fue identificado el agresor Oscar Cante López del Partido (verde).

El día 17 de abril de año 2013 el presidente municipal de chilon mando un tractor a san marcos Avilés para aplanar un solar de 32 por 25 metros propiedad de un compañero base de apoyo Javier Ruiz Cruz y asi empezó a trabajar el tractor resguardado por 120 personas de los diferentes partidos de la misma comunidad de san marcos Avilés. Nuestro compañero base de apoyo no pudo hacer nada para defender su propiedad.

El siguiente día 18 de abril el tractor siguió trabajando en el solar rodeado con la misma cantidad de personas partidistas que el día anterior y 7 camiones de volteos para cargar gravas. Aunque hasta en estos momentos no sabemos con que fin lo estan aplanando y rellenando el solar de nuestro compañero.

Para comprobar estos hechos mencionados tenemos los testimonios de los observadores nacionales e internacionales instalados en un campamento de observación en el Ejido San Marcos Avilés.

Estos hecho de probocacion, agresiony despojo de las propiedades de nuestros compañeros culpamos directamente a los señores: Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez del (PV), José Cruz Hernández (PRI), Rubén MArtínez Vásquez (PV), Santiago Cruz Díaz (PRI), Vicente Ruiz López (PRI), Manuel Díaz Ruiz (PV), Ernesto López Núñez (PRI) nuevo miembro del comisariado, Manuel Vásquez Gómez (PRI), Alejandro Núñez Ruíz (PRI), Victor Núñez Martínez (PV), Victor Díaz Sánchez (PV), José Hernández Méndez (PRI), Tomás Hernández Aguilar (PV) Ernesto Méndez Gutiérrez (PV), Raú Cante López (PV), Abraham Cante López (PRI), Gustavo Cante López (PV), Juan Pérez Cruz (PRI), Rogelio Ruiz Gómez (PV), Carlos Ruiz Gómez (PV), Pedro Canté Mendoza (PV), Carmelino Hernández Hernández (PRI), Rodolfo Ruiz Pérez (PRI) Antonio Cante Mendoza (PV), Nicolás Cante Cruz (PV), Pedro Cante Cruz (PV) Vicente Ruiz Méndez (PRI Francisco Daniel), Manolo Cruz Díaz (PRI), Antonio Gómez Pérez (¿?), Ezequiel Cruz Vásquez (PV), Cruz Gómez (PV), Sebastián Díaz Vásquez (PV), Manuel Cante Gómez 11(segundo) (PV), Domingo Guzmán Gómez (PV), Celestino Guzmán Cnaté (PV), Rogelio Núñez Martínez (PV), Pedro HErnández Méndez (PRI), Juan Núñez Martínez (PV), Rus Bel Hernández Núñez Martínez (PV), Alejandro Hernández Sánchez (PV), EMA Ruiz Gómez (PV), José Hernández Méndez (PV).

Nosotros como juntas de buen gobierno de la zona altos de Chiapas desde los años anteriores hemos venido denunciando todos los actos vergonzosos de estas personas partidistas que siempre quieren provocar más problemas entre indígenas de la misma comunidad, organizados por Sabines y ahora Manuel Velasco Cohello. Pero desgraciadamente los tres niveles de gobiernos oficiales no han hecho nada para detener las injusticias y la violación de los derechos humanos que se esta cometiendo en contra de nuestros compañeros bases de apoyo del ejido san Marcos Avilés. La respuesta a nuestras denuncias ha sido de groserías, burlas y más amenazas a nuestros compañeros.

Nosotros como Junta de Buen Gobierno no dejaremos de denunciar públicamente las provocaciones, persecuciones y agresiones que sufren nuestros compañeros y compañeras de cualquier comunidad y municipios de nuestra zona. Aunque los malos gobiernos Estatales, municipales y federal van a seguir apoyando, asesorando y respaldando a los agresores para que sigan provocando, amenazando y quitándole el derecho a nuestras bases de apoyo zapatista. Porque hasta en estos momentos no hay señales que se terminen esta actitud agresiva y prepotente de los malos gobernantes y su gente afiliados en los diferentes partidos políticos.

Porque piensan que de esta forma van a detener nuestra lucha con provocaciones, amenazas, agresiones y persecuciones a los pueblos zapatistas que están luchando por la construcción de nuestra autonomía como pueblos originarios, pero queremos que sepan todos que esta lucha que llevamos no la va detener nadie, porque nosotros los zapatistas vamos a seguir adelante, cueste lo que nos cueste, pase lo que pase, porque es nuestro derecho y obligación luchar por la justicia, por la libertad y por la verdadera democracia.

Por el momento es toda nuestra palabra estaremos pendientes lo que pueda pasar en esa comunidad donde nuestros compañeros y compañeras no los dejan vivir en paz.







Caravan to San Marcos Avilés receives threats from political party supporters who say: “Blood will flow”.

Urgent note: Caravan to San Marcos Avilés receives threats from political party supporters

Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Centre

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas

April 22, 2013

Urgent Note

Caravan to San Marcos Avilés receives threats from political party supporters who say: “Blood will flow”.

According to information we have received up to now, the political party supporters of San Marcos Avilés have threatened the “Network for Peace in Chiapas Civil Caravan for Human Rights Observation in San Marcos Avilés” with taking away their vehicles; according to information they said: “If you do not hand them over quietly it will be the worse for you, and if blood is going to flow, then blood will flow”.

As a Human Rights Centre we demand the prompt and immediate intervention of the Chiapas government to protect and ensure the integrity of the human rights defenders from the civil caravan.

Finally we ask national and international civil society to keep abreast of the situation.


Civil Mission in Chiapas in response to threats to EZLN support bases

Hermann Bellinghausen

La Jornada
Sunday April 21, 2013

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, April 20

Members of the Network for Peace in Chiapas have reported that this Sunday 21st and Monday 22nd April, they will undertake a civil mission of observation and documentation to the community of San Marcos Avilés, in the municipality of Chilón, “in order to collect  testimonies, following recent threats to forcibly displace the support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), made by the inhabitants of the same ejido who are affiliated to different political parties.”

The 10 civil agencies involved in the action, who have repeatedly expressed their concerns about the Zapatista population of this community, said they also hope to meet with the municipal president of Chilón, Rafael Leonardo Guirao Aguilar, and the government delegate for the area, Nabor Orozco Ferrer.

They also called on human rights defenders, the media and the public “to remain alert as to what might happen in the context of the mission”. At the end of this visit to the Tzeltal families under threat, the observers will present a report.


They emphasized the importance of the observation and the meetings with officials “in order to halt the escalation of threats and their possible realization, especially considering that 170 Zapatista bases from the ejido San Marcos Avilés have already been displaced, between August and October 2010, and that today they are still living in a precarious situation, remaining displaced from the lands they work, and with their integrity and personal safety under constant threat.”

The Network for Peace in Chiapas, established in 2000, describes itself “a space for reflection and action composed of 10 civil society organizations, which maintains an ongoing analysis of the local and national context, along with specific actions such as statements about matters of gravity or observation missions.” The network is made up of: Fray Pedro Lorenzo de Nada Human Rights Committee (CDHFP), Centre for Indigenous Rights, A.C. (CEDIAC), Services and Consultancy for Peace, A.C. (SERAPAZ), Support Committee for Community Reconciliation and Unity, A.C. (CORECO), Economic and Social Development of Indigenous Mexicans, A.C. (DESMI), Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Centre (Frayba), Education for Peace, A.C. (EDUPAZ), LINK, Communication and Training, A.C. (ENLACE CC), International Service for Peace (SIPAZ), and Chiapas Centre for Women’s Rights, A.C. (CDMCH).

Comités de la Palabra Verdadera

(Español) Desde India, Colombia, y Inglaterra: Declaracion en Apoyo a l@s Zapatistas de San Marcos Avilés

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Declaración de los Comités de la Palabra Verdadera de Kolkata, India, Oeste de Colombia, y Sur-oeste de Inglaterra en Apoyo a l@s Zapatistas de San Marcos Avilés

Queremos expresar nuestra profunda preocupación por la vida e integridad de las bases de apoyo zapatistas (BAZ) que viven en la comunidad ejidal de San Marcos Avilés, municipio oficial de Chilón, Chiapas.

Como resultado del proceso de construcción actual de su autonomía, y especialmente después de la construcción de su escuela autónoma, llamada Emiliano Zapata en su honor, ellos han sido objeto de una pesadilla por segunda vez, una campaña de violencia y de intimidación, que culminó en amenazas inminentes de desalojo de sus hogares. Reconocemos que estas acciones son parte de la estrategia de contrainsurgencia o’ guerra de desgaste, en contra de todo el movimiento zapatista, que se lleva a cabo por parte de los tres niveles de gobierno de México. Sin embargo los zapatistas son inspiración para muchas personas de todo el mundo, estando en resistencia durante casi veinte años y ahora están nuevamente resurgiendo. Una de las estrategias de los gobiernos es el uso de grupos de corte paramilitar, armados y financiados por el Estado, para atacar y socavar la base de apoyo de la organización. En San Marcos Avilés, los ataques vienen de miembros de los partidos políticos, en este caso del PRI, PRD y PVEM. El resultado de sus actos continuos de agresión y hostigamiento es que las BAZ no tienen acceso a todas sus tierras, y algunos de sus cultivos y cosechas han sido robados o destruidos, al igual que muchas de sus pertenencias.

Las mujeres están en peligro de asalto y violación, los animales están siendo sacrificados, y los niños son amenazados. Los acontecimientos de los últimos días sugieren que un desplazamiento inminente de las BAZ es muy probable. El 19 de febrero un grupo de autoridades ejidales y policías de la comunidad llegaron agresivamente exigiendo el pago del impuesto predial, diciendo que esto era por orden del presidente municipal y de la secretaría de Hacienda. Las BAZ explicaron que no pagan impuestos porque no reciben nada del gobierno. La respuesta fue “Si no pagan serán desalojados. Los vamos a detener nosotros mismos y los llevaremos con las autoridades. Les vamos a cortar la luz y el agua”.

Al día siguiente, los simpatizantes de los partidos se reunieron para discutir la manera de desplazar a las BAZ; y el 21 de febrero se reunieron con las autoridades locales para avanzar en el plan y solicitar una orden para el desalojo. Desde entonces, las BAZ han sido amenazadas con un desplazamiento. En septiembre de 2010 se produjo el primer desplazamiento: 170 mujeres, niños y hombres pasaron 33 días en el monte, tiempo durante el cual dos mujeres dieron luz, en la intemperie sin comida ni refugio. Después de un retorno en grupo, encontraron sus casas saqueadas y las amenazas e intimidaciones continuaron como siempre. Todo esto porque quieren vivir con dignidad y libertad y luchan por la justicia, dignidad, libertad, y democracia como indígenas zapatistas que son. Ninguna de las autoridades gubernamentales ha tomado medidas para resolver la situación, de hecho lo han alentado, con la esperanza de que las BAZ se vean ante la situación de responder agresivamente, o de renunciar a la lucha. Sus derechos humanos están siendo ignorados y violados.

En este momento es más importante que nunca que las personas de buen corazón en todo el mundo expresen su solidaridad con las BAZ de San Marcos Avilés, y eleven sus voces para decirles que no están solos, e informarles a los represores que estamos vigilándolos. Durante un gran parte del año pasado una campaña internacional, “Eco Mundial en Apoyo a l@s Zapatistas”, se puso en marcha en apoyo a los zapatistas de San Marcos Avilés y de otras comunidades agredidas de las BAZ, y la fortaleza de sus actividades puso un alto a las amenazas de desalojo en la comunidad. Además, se crearon ‘Comités de la Palabra Verdadera’ en respuesta a este gran esfuerzo de organización. Todos l@s que participaron en esta campaña no sólo se alarman de los nuevos desarrollos en San Marcos Avilés, sino que también se sienten ante la necesidad de movilizar la solidaridad mundial una vez más para tratar de evitar el desplazamiento de las BAZ.

Hacemos un llamado a todos ustedes para tomar medidas con urgencia. Para más información, vean este artículo:

Para ver el mensaje de video:

Visite el sitio web aquí:

Reciban abrazos solidarios, Los Comités de la Palabra Verdadera de Kolkata, India, Sur-oeste de Inglaterra, y Oeste de Colombia


San Marcos Avilés: Forced Displacement and the Hope of Solidarity

Human rights organizations and solidarity activists warn that the Tzeltales of San Marcos Avilés are at risk of a displacement equivalent to that of 2010.

By Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group

For the Zapatista support bases of San Marcos Avilés, the nightmare of displacement has no end. After the end of the international campaign which had prevented the evictions, the government and the political parties renewed the threat, and there are now fears of an imminent displacement.

The ejido San Marcos Avilés is located in a mountainous region of the official municipality of Chilón, in the Highland region in the north of Chiapas. The population of around 140 families of indigenous Tzeltales grows maize, beans, coffee, sugar cane, and bananas, and keep a few cattle, horses, pigs, and chickens. Within the community live families of Zapatista bases of support (BAZ) alongside supporters of the Mexican political parties of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), and the Green Party of Mexico (PVEM).

On the morning of Saturday February 23, 2013 came the news those in solidarity with the Zapatistas throughout the world had feared to hear again: “Urgent: Imminent risk of forced displacement of the support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in the San Marcos Avilés ejido.” This article will try to give the background to the nightmare situation which has been endured by the BAZ of this community since 2010 and show the difference that international solidarity can make at a time of a resurgence of the Zapatista movement.

The eviction

In August 2010, as part of the Zapatista Autonomous Rebel Education system and their fight for dignity, freedom, and justice, the BAZ of San Marcos Avilés constructed their own autonomous school, “Emiliano Zapata.” Education is one of the main pillars of Zapatista autonomy and self-determination, since it is completely independent from the state. Their autonomous schools are non-hierarchical and rooted in local indigenous culture and worldviews. Education is seen as a fundamental right of the people and a form of resistance. “We want a good education for our children,” say the BAZ about the foundation of the school, “good learning, a good example. We see that the government has its schools, but it is not good education, nor do they teach our children well; they do not provide good learning, and what they teach has nothing to do with us. So we opened our school.”


A group of the political party supporters in the community, in conjunction with the local police and authorities, began acts of aggression, harassment, and intimidation as soon as the building of the school started. These acts included the theft and destruction of food and belongings, physical and death threats, and land grabs. Within days 29 hectares of land and crops had been stolen from the BAZ. Less than three weeks after the construction of the school, 30 heavily armed men affiliated with the PRI, PRD, and PVEM broke into the houses of the Zapatistas and attempted to rape two women. They displaced 47 men, 50 women and 77 children who, so as not to respond to this aggression, took refuge in the woods and in the mountains, where they remained without food or shelter for 33 days—enduring cold, wet, and hunger, forced to sleep in the mud under plastic sheeting. “They treat us like animals, like dogs. This is what I felt when my son was born on the mountain,” said one of the women.

The return

Supporters from throughout the world mobilized quickly in response to the eviction and organized a solidarity caravan to bring food, clothing, blankets, and medicine to the displaced people. After an accompanied return to the community on October 12, 2010, the BAZ found that the aggressors had looted their homes and stolen their possessions, taken over their lands, broken down their fences, killed their animals, and burned their crops. Moreover, the death threats, bullying, and harassment from the political party supporters continued, preventing members of the community from performing their daily activities, and severely undermining their mental and physical health. The attacks can be clearly seen as another attempt to put an end to the Zapatista autonomous process and force the BAZ to give up the struggle and submit to the projects of the “bad government.”

The JBG of Oventic, Caracol II made a statement: “If anything happens to our brothers and sisters now that they are back in their community, it will be the municipal, state, and federal governments who are responsible, by advising, financing, and arming paramilitaries and manipulating the poor and miserable.

“We the Zapatistas do not bother anybody, we do not evict our compas from the political parties, we do not persecute anyone, we do not steal the land of our brother and sister farmers, nor do we take any other property from other poor people; we only defend what is ours, what are our rights; we live and eat through our own work and sweat, and we want to fight for true democracy, freedom, and justice for everyone. These are our crimes as Zapatistas”.

An enduring nightmare

In August and September 2011, an Observation and Solidarity Brigade visited this and other threatened communities and reported acute malnutrition and an outbreak of fever which took the life of a child. One member of the brigade explained, “The women in particular express the suffering resulting from their displacement, and the pain caused by having no security of any kind, either for themselves, or, above all, for their children. As a direct result of asserting their legitimate right to education, they do not have food, shelter, or water for their children.”

However, they also commented: “We see that, in fact, the Zapatista autonomy project asserts the rights that are enshrined in the declarations, conventions, and treaties relating to the rights of indigenous peoples, especially those relating to autonomy and free determination. We witnessed terrible humiliations perpetrated by the bad government, but we also saw with our own eyes that despite the threats of repression, suffering, pain, and poverty, not one of the compañeros wants to give up. This belief in the process of liberation means that the Zapatista movement is stronger than ever.”

A second displacement?

Threats of another displacement, by the same armed actors, remained recurrent. As a result, in November 2011, the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba), in conjunction with Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio, an organization of Mexican migrants struggling for dignity and against displacement in New York, issued the “Worldwide Declaration in Support of the Zapatista Support Bases of San Marcos Avilés,” which groups, individuals, and organizations from all corners of the world signed. Over 1,000 protestors from Occupy Wall Street signed a further Declaration of Support.

Then, in 2012, the situation of threats and aggressions intensified to the point that the BAZ sent out an urgent call for help to the national and international community. Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio again responded, sending out an urgent message to the “Compañeros of the world” in July 2012, along with an extraordinarily moving and powerful video message from the BAZ themselves. “In the video message, our Zapatista comrades from San Marcos Avilés send special messages to the world…. They issue an urgent call for national and international support and solidarity with their community, in light of the alarming escalation of threats and hostility…. The culprits remain an attack group of political party members, who have stated that they will kidnap authorities of the Zapatista community, and in this way, forcefully displace the support base members from the ejido…. It is feared that another wholesale displacement of the community, similar to the one that took place in 2010, will occur.”

The BAZ explain, “We cannot enjoy the fruits of our labor with our children, because members of the political parties are eating them on the orders of bad government….The parties do not want the Zapatista organization in the ejido San Marcos. According to them, we set a bad example. They showed they want the organization to disappear. We will continue our struggle … because we have the right to be taken into account. Freedom, justice, and peace are what we are asking for. But we are not afraid because we know quite clearly what we are looking for and how we want to live”.

The Echo Campaign

Having grabbed attention from all corners of the world to the situation of the BAZ of San Marcos Avilés, Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio went on to launch the campaign “Worldwide Echo in Support of the Zapatistas,” on July 27, 2012. This initiative was in two phases—the first, “Walking the True Word,” was one of education and awareness-raising, and the second, “From Truth to Action: Stopping the Repression,” focused on holding protests led by the same communities who learned and became aware during the previous stage. As a result of this effort, “Committees of the True Word” began organizing in support of the Zapatistas in 29 countries, many of them composed of people who were new to the Zapatista struggle.

Although the Campaign was one of solidarity with all the Zapatista communities under threat and their political prisoners, the continual dissemination of information through video messages, events, declarations, letters, articles, statements of support from well-known thinkers, and a great range of activities and actions, combined to keep San Marcos Avilés in the public eye.


“These attacks,” wrote the Peruvian fighter for social justice, Hugo Blanco, in support of the Echo Campaign, “are the spearhead of the attempt to crush the zone liberated from neoliberalism, where the people govern themselves through the Good Government Juntas. This is seen as the great enemy by the transnational corporations…as they are a living example of the fact that Another World is Possible, A World where Many Worlds Fit….It is in the direct interests of humanity to defend the island of freedom that is the Zapatista area.” The Campaign left no doubt that the attacks are part of the war of attrition that has been conducted by the Mexican state against the Zapatistas since 1995, with the aim of eradicating the whole movement and the hope it embodies, from the face of the earth.

In her second letter of support for the Campaign, the great Mexican feminist Sylvia Marcos explored further the reasons behind the paramilitary attacks, “What are they afraid of to make them deploy such destructive force? What is the danger from the proposal, the resistance and the survival of the Zapatistas for the prevailing capitalist order? Is it because they show positively that other forms of life, in justice and dignity, are possible? That the satisfactions of life and the joy of being need not be governed by consumerism and commodification? That we can “live well,” as they say in the Andean communities of South America, with other ways of organization, government, and campesino production, in which the best way of living is not the accumulation of material goods, but community solidarity and sharing what there is?”

The women of Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FiRE) added their own insights, “The Mexican government targets these indigenous communities because Zapatistas are building an alternative form of living where people have sovereignty over the land and pursue justice for indigenous people. To our compañeras and compañeros of San Marcos Avilés who were displaced for over a month from their community, we stand together with you in your fight against the corrupt government that imposes such cruelty.” Meanwhile, members of South Africa’s largest grassroots movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo, the Shack Dwellers Movement, pointed out that the primary goal of all repression is to break our bonds as movements and communities, so we must stay united and firm in our commitments and see our struggles as one.

Throughout the duration of this intense period of organizing, inspiration and awareness-raising, from July to November 2012, the situation in San Marcos Avilés remained relatively quiet and no attempts at displacement were made. The aggressors knew the situation was being watched. This can give us all hope that national and international organizing can actively help to prevent repression, that we can make a difference, and that all the hard work is worth it. Most importantly, these campaigns help the Zapatista compañer@s to know that they are not alone, that they have allies everywhere, and what is more, knowledge and understanding of their struggle is spread more widely. They help us find one another.

The new threats of displacement

There has been an intensification of the repression in San Marcos Avilés since February 2013, raising concerns about a new attack. There are now fears that another displacement of the BAZ is imminent, following a demand from the authorities and police of the community for the BAZ to pay the local (predial) tax. They replied, “We have suffered very much as a result of all these aggressions from groups of (political) party members, and the government has done nothing. Now is not the time to pay, because we are in resistance and we demand respect for our right to our lands. If we do not receive anything from the government, we are not going to pay taxes.”

The party supporters threatened to arrest the BAZ, take them to the authorities, and cut off their light and water. They then put in motion the process of eviction in conjunction with the Municipal President of Chilón, Leonardo Rafael Guirao Aguilar, and the Agrarian Procurator in Ocosingo, Luis Demetrio Domínguez López. The threat is imminent, and the ejido is filled with growing terror.

In the words of Frayba, “This Center for Human Rights expresses its concerns about the imminent risk to life, personal integrity, and security faced by the BAEZLN, inhabitants of the ejido San Marcos Avilés, stemming from the death threats and harassment which have increased during recent weeks. In addition to their forced displacement and dispossession from their lands, which are their means of subsistence, and which they have not been able to work since April 9, 2010, has led to a food crisis and constant threats against their process of autonomy. We point out the responsibility of the government of Chiapas who, by deliberate omission, has not acted to ensure the integrity and personal security of the BAEZLN and their access to the land, despite several interventions submitted.”

Zapatista resurgence


A great sign of hope that may affect the situation in San Marcos Avilés is the recent re-emergence of the Zapatistas from a period of silence. A massive silent march of as many as 50,000 masked BAZ took place on a highly significant day, December 21, 2012, the end of Baktun 13. This day marked the end of one cycle of the Maya calendar and the beginning of another—a time when traditionally worlds change and power is transformed. “Did you hear?” wrote Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, “It is the sound of your world crumbling. It is the sound of our world resurging. The day that was day, was night. And night shall be the day that will be day. Democracy! Liberty! Justice!” Since then, 25 communiqués have been released (to date), and the Zapatista Word has been reborn.

Cultivating hope and action

Recently, solidarity campaigning has been seen to have contributed significantly to the release of the Zapatista political prisoner, Francisco Sántiz López. As a result of very effective organizing, the name of San Marcos Avilés is now well-known. There are people who have never visited the ejido who care about what happens there. Although the Echo Campaign may be over, the Committees of the True Word are still active. Frayba’s released of the Urgent Action brought a rapid response in the form of reports, letters, statements, and articles. Any eviction could happen quietly, without being noticed and protested against. People are urged to write to the Municipal President of Chilón immediately, as well as the governor of Chiapas, Manuel Velasco Coello, and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, holding them responsible for any aggressions that may occur.

It is essential to remain vigilant, to keep organizing actions, writing letters, and spreading information, while we make sure we keep the name of San Marcos Avilés, our solidarity with the BAZ, and, of course, hope, alive.

Originally published at:

Eco Mundial de apoyo a los Zapatistas

(Español) Desde Düsseldorf, Alemania: Protesta en solidaridad con l@s zapatistas de San Marcos Avilés

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El 26 de febrero, el colectivo – ¡Alerta! – Lateinamerika Gruppe Düsseldorf de Alemania, organizo una acción en apoyo a las bases de apoyo zapatistas de San Marcos Avilés.

Información sobre San Marcos Avilés disponible aquí:

Últimas Noticias


Urgent Action: Risk of forced displacement of BAEZLN in San Marcos Avilés

Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Centre

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

February 22, 2013

Urgent Action No. 1

Risk of forced displacement of BAEZLN in San Marcos Avilés

According to information documented by this Human Rights Centre, there exists an imminent risk in San Marcos Avilés ejido, municipality of Chilón, that for the second time a forced displacement of the support bases of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (BAEZLN) may be carried out by inhabitants of the same ejido who are affiliated to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), and the Green Party of Mexico (PVEM).

On February 19, 2013, 11 people from the community ejido authorities and the police of the community arrived and aggressively delivered a letter to the BAEZLN demanding payment of local tax.

The BAEZLN stated the arguments and reasons which they have had since the start of the armed uprising in 1994 not to participate in any area of ​​the state and federal government saying:

[…] We have suffered much from all these aggressions by groups of party supporters and the government has done nothing. Now is not the time to pay, because we are in resistance and we demand respect for our right to our land; if we do not receive anything from the government, we will not pay taxes.

The response from the ejidal authorities was that:

[…] You have to pay because it is an order from the Municipal President and an order from the Treasury. If you do not pay, you will be displaced. We ourselves will arrest you and take you to the authorities. We are going to cut your light and water […]

Following this, on 20 February 2013, the party supporters met to agree actions against the BAEZLN, at this meeting, according to witnesses, they made an act of agreement whereby they decided to seek ways to displace them, as well as communicating and having discussions with the municipal and state governments to seek strategies for the eviction of the “Zapatistas” within the community.

On February 21, 2013, the party supporters left the community of San Marcos Avilés very early, in order to fulfil the act of agreement signed the previous day. In order to do so, they sought to speak to the Municipal President and the Agrarian Prosecutor in Ocosingo to activate the eviction, also sending letters to the municipal, state and federal governments.

For this, according to the testimony of the BAEZLN, the same authorities mentioned previously told them that they sought to talk to the Municipal President of Chilón and the Agrarian Prosecutor in Ocosingo with the aim of asking for an order to evict the BAEZLN. The same day, February 21, at around 21:00, the inhabitants of the ejido threatened the BAEZLN, saying that the Mayor of Chilón had ordered the eviction and that, on Monday 25 February, the authorities of the ejido would seek the intervention of the state government in Tuxtla Gutierrez. This information was received by the BAEZLN without knowing whether it was true, or if it was a threat from the party supporters of the ejido.

This Centre for Human Rights expresses its concerns about the imminent risk to life, personal integrity and security faced by the BAEZLN, inhabitants of the ejido San Marcos Avilés, stemming from the death threats and harassment which have increased during recent weeks; in addition to their forced displacement and dispossession from their lands, which are their means of subsistence, and which they have not been able to work since April 9, 2010, a situation that has led to a food crisis and constant threats against their process of autonomy.

We point out the responsibility of the government of Chiapas who, by deliberate omission, have not acted to ensure the integrity and personal security of the BAEZLN and their access to the land despite various interventions submitted by the Centre for Human Rights;

Therefore we demand that the Mexican government to take the necessary measures to:

· protect and guarantee the life, integrity and personal security of the BAEZLN

· Respect and guarantee the right to fundamental freedom of expression and thought in the San Marcos Avilés

· Respect and guarantee the right to work the land belonging to the BAEZLN

· Respect and guarantee the process of building autonomy, under the right to the self-determination of peoples, established under the Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as in the San Andres Accords.

· Investigation and punishment of those responsible for the forced displacement, dispossession, threats and harassment of the BAEZLN.


On 9 September 2010, this Human Rights Centre received a denuncia from the Good Government Junta Central Heart of the Zapatistas before the World, from Caracol 2 Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity, based in Oventic, San Andrés Sakamch´en de Los Pobres, Chiapas, in relation to the threats, harassment and forced displacement suffered by 170 men, women and children of the BAEZLN from the ejido San Marcos Avilés, Chilón municipality, Chiapas; this followed the building by the BAEZLN, in the month of August 2010, of the first autonomous school in the ejido, for the start of the planned activities of the Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Education System.

That day, 30 people from the ejido San Marcos Avilés, all of whom were affiliated with the PRI, PRD and PVEM, and who were headed by Mr. Lorenzo Ruiz Gómez and Vicente Ruiz López, entered violently, with sticks, machetes and guns, into the homes of members of the BAEZLN, and tried to rape two women who escaped. In order not to respond to this aggression, the BAEZLN left their homes seeking refuge in the woods and mountains. After 33 days of forced displacement without food or any form of protection, on October 12, 2010, 27 BAEZLN families (women, men, boys and girls, in total 170 individuals) returned to their community. They are currently still living in a precarious situation where they remain displaced from their subsistence lands, and under constant threats to their personal safety and integrity.

* – *

Write to:

Lic. Enrique Peña Nieto

Presidente de la República

Residencia Oficial de los Pinos

Casa Miguel Alemán

Col. San Miguel Chapultepec,

C.P. 11850, México DF

Tel: (52.55) 2789.1100 Fax: (52.55) 5277.2376

Lic. Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong

Secretario de Gobernación

Bucareli 99, 1er. Piso, Col. Juárez,

Del. Cuauhtémoc,

C.P. 06600 México D.F.

Fax: (52 55) 50933414;


Lic. Manuel Velasco Coello

Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Chiapas

Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 1er Piso
Av. Central y Primera Oriente, Colonia Centro, C.P. 29009
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México

Fax: +52 961 61 88088 – + 52 961 6188056

Extensión 21120. 21122;


Dr. Noé Castañón León

Secretario General de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas

Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de Chiapas, 2do Piso

Av. Central y Primera Oriente, Colonia Centro, C.P. 29009

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México

Conmutador: + 52 (961) 61 2-90-47, 61 8-74-60

Extensión: 20003;


Lic. Raciel López Salazar

Procuraduría General de Justicia de Chiapas

Libramiento Norte Y Rosa Del Oriente, No. 2010, Col. El Bosque

C.P. 29049 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas

Conmutador: 01 (961) 6-17-23-00. Teléfono: + 52 (961) 61 6-53-74, 61 6-53-76, 61 6-57-24,

61 6-34-50


Lic. Leonardo Rafael Guirao Aguilar

Presidente Municipal

Domicilio Conocido S/N, Presidencia Municipal C.P. 29943

Chilón, Chiapas, México

Teléfonos: (01 919) 6710115, 6710230, 6710116, 6710030, Fax: 6710034


Dr. Emilio Álvarez Icaza

Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
1889 F Street, NW

Washington, D.C. 20006


Fax 1-202-458-3992


Javier Hernández Valencia

Representante de la Oficina en México del Alto Comisionado

de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos

Alejandro Dumas No 165

Col. Polanco.

Del. Miguel Hidalgo

C.P 11560, México D.F.

Tel: (52-55) 5061-6350

Fax: (52-55) 5061-6358


Send a copy to:

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, A.C.

Calle Brasil 14, Barrio Méxicanos,

29240 San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México

Tel: 967 6787395, 967 6787396, Fax: 967 6783548
