Words of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the EZLN, in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, on the 26th Anniversary of the Beginning of the War Against Oblivion
Source: Enlace Zapatista
Audio: Radio Pozol
Words of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the EZLN, in the voice of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, on the 26th Anniversary of the Beginning of the War Against Oblivion
(Descarga aquí)December 31, 2019.
January 1, 2020.
Good afternoon, good morning, good evening, good day to everyone, [todas, todos y todoas]:
To the compañeras and compañeros who are Zapatista bases of support:
To the compañeras and compañeros who are Zapatista comandantas and comandantes:
To the Zapatista autonomous authorities:
To the compañeras and compañeros who are milicianos, milicianas, insurgentas and insurgentes:
To the National Indigenous Congress – Indigenous Governing Council:
To the National and International Sixth:
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion:
Brothers and sisters in Mexico and throughout the world:
Through me, the Zapatista Army for National Liberation speaks.
“Canek said:
I read in a book that in the old days, the rulers wanted to call together armies to defend the lands they governed. First, they called up the cruelest men because they supposed that these men were accustomed to blood. So they drew their armies from the prisons and the slaughterhouses. But it turned out that when these people stood face to face with the enemy, they turned pale and threw down their arms. Then the rulers turned to the strongest men – the stone masons and the miners. To these men, they gave armor and heavy weapons and sent them out to do battle. But again, the mere presence of the enemy instilled weakness in their arms and dismay in their hearts. The rulers wisely then turned to men who were neither strong nor fierce nor bloodthirsty, but were simply brave and had something rightly to defend – the land they worked, the women they slept with and the children whose laughter delighted them. And when the time came, these men fought with so much fury that they drove off their enemies and were forever free of their threats and persecution.” [i]
Sisters, brothers, hermanoas:
It was 26 years ago, on an afternoon like this one, that we came down from our mountains to the big cities in order to challenge those in power. At that time, we had nothing more than our own death – a double death, because we were dying a physical death and also a death of oblivion. We had to choose: whether to die like animals or die like human beings who struggle for their lives.
So it was that when dawn broke on that January 1, we had fire in our hands.
The big boss we faced then is the same one who despises us today. He had another name and another face, but he was and is the same ruler.
We rose up and a space was opened for the word. So we opened our heart to the hearts of other sisters and brothers and compañeros, and our voice was met with support and comfort from all the colors of the world from below.
(Español) 4T, “continúa la política para militarizar más nuestros territorios”, Chicomuselo Chiapas
Ejido Las Flores, Municipio de Chicomuselo, Chiapas. 21 de diciembre de 2019.
En el marco de la celebración de la fiesta del maíz y la conmemoración de nuestros hermanos y hermanas mártires de Acteal, en Chenalhó, la Parroquia San Pedro y San Pablo de Chicomuselo, de la Diócesis de San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, con el acompañamiento de organizaciones sociales, movimientos, defensores de derechos humanos y observadores internacionales de España y Suecia, nos congregamos el día de hoy para compartir las diferentes experiencias de resistencia que nuestros pueblos han emprendido para defendernos de los programas y proyectos que el gobierno federal en coordinación con los estados y municipios pretenden imponer a través de consultas simuladas como lo indicó el Alto comisionado para las Naciones Unidas de la ONU, ante la consulta realizada por el gobierno federal en días pasados sobre el tren maya porque no cumplió con los criterios establecidos en tratados internacionales como es el convenio 169 de OIT.
Desde nuestras comunidades vemos con tristeza y molestia la realidad que se nos impone desde esta administración federal que pretendía ser el gobierno de la esperanza, del cambio y de la justicia, hoy solo constatamos una política similar a los anteriores gobernantes, programas dependientes que solo dividen, proyectos y megaproyectos que solo benefician a los intereses de los grandes inversionistas, al pueblo solo le dejan pobreza, división, contaminación, despojo de la tierra y muerte. Los proyectos extractivos siguen en la mira de las empresas multinacionales, como la minería, frackin e hidrocarburos, aun cuando padecemos una crisis climática a nivel mundial, de ahí nuestro rechazo total al llamado proyecto del tren maya.