
presos políticos

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Relatos Zapatistas

Programa de Relatos Zapatistas del 31 de octubre, 2010

EDUCATION / KNOWLEDGE: complete show including dia de los muertos, frayba report, anti-porro march in DF and remembering the massacre of 1968, an update from anti-authoritarian compas in chile with a discussion of autonomous libraries, and an interview with oakland high school students who visited chiapas as part of a delegation.

Full introduction at Indybay.

Relatos Zapatistas

Interview with anti-authoritarian compañer@s in Chile

Interview with three compañer@s from the anti-authoritarian community in Chile, contextualizing the recent repression on the part of the Chilean state, including the arrest of 14 compañer@s, invasions and raids of social centers and homes. Also, the new modifications of the “anti-terrorism law,” resurrected from the Pinchet dictatorship since the year 2000.

For more info:

Frecuencia Libre

Interview with América del Valle (Atenco) in her visit to Chiapas

Interview with América del Valle, member of the Peoples Front for the Defense of Land (FPDT), Atenco, during her visit to Chiapas.

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas – programa

Fourth of July program: “THE TRIAL”: complete radio program including reports/discussions on: mexico/chiapas news, US social forum in detroit, liberation of political prisoners from san salvador atenco, oscar grant trial (pre-verdict).

(Descarga aquí)  
Relatos Zapatistas

Reportaje sobre la liberacion de l@s pres@s politic@s de San Salvador Atenco

Report on the liberation of political prisoners from San Salvador Atenco: after 4 years in prison, Mexico’s Supreme Court ordered their freedom. Actions in solidarity that took place during the international action day in support of Atenco’s prisoners, including the action in front of the Mexican consulate in San Francisco.

(Descarga aquí)  
Noticias de la Otra

Liberación de los presos políticos de Atenco y Bloqueo carretero en Mitzitón

Noticias de la Otra: Political prisoners from Atenco are freed, and Mitzitón (Chiapas) blocks the federal highway to demand that paramilitaries be relocated outside of their community.

Indymedia Chiapas

Encuentro de familiares, colectivos, amigxs y organizaciones de Presxs Políticxs

Cideci/UniTierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas

June 12

June 13

La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – May program

Report on the lies published by the Mexican daily Reforma. Report/summary of the Sit-in Our Prisoners First on May 3 and 4 at the zócalo in Mexico City. Words by Gustavo Esteva during the International Seminar on Global Crisis and “Other” Social Movements.

Noticias de la Otra

Our Prisoners First

Report/summary of the Sit-in Our Prisoners First on May 3 and 4 at the zócalo in Mexico City, with voices of the main participants and interviews.

Radio Zapatista


Mexico City zócalo, May 3 and 4

May 3:

May 4