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Radio Zapatista

Interview to Flor Crisóstomo

(Descarga aquí)  

Flor Crisóstomo, Mexican migrant in resistance against anti-inmigrant policies in the US, neoliberal US policies in Latin America, and free trade agreements, speaks to us from the Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago, where she remains in sanctuary, after disobeying deportation orders from the US government.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – Feb 2008

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Low intensity war and threats of land eviction in Chiapas. Campaign The Fire and the Word in the U.S. Evictions in the Mission District in San Francisco.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Update on the No Borders Camp; Situation in Chiapas (Opddic); Invitation to the Women’s encounter in La Garrucha; Indigenous struggle at the University of California, Berkeley; Struggle in New Orleans – Katrina victims.

Radio Zapatista

Campamento Sin Fronteras, Mexicali/Calexico

Report on the No Borders Camp (Nov 5-11) at the border between Mexicali and Calexico, and the violent repression by the Border Patrol against peaceful demonstrators in Calexico.

(Descarga aquí)  
Medios libres

Represión de la patrulla fronteriza en el campamento contra las fronteras

Interview about Border Patrol repression at the No Borders Camp at the Calexico/Mexicali border. One of the participants gives his testimony on the unprovoked Border Patrol violence against peaceful demonstrators on November 11. (Courtesy of independent media collectives in Mexicali.) Watch the video of the repression.

Escucha en español:(Descarga aquí)  

Listen in English:(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con Patricia de la Otra Misión

Pati talks about the border, immigration, and the Otra Misión. Protests in support of Elvira Arellano. Churches in defense of immigrant rights. Border tour organized by San Francisco City College. Organization of the No Borders Camp in November.

Radio Zapatista

Repression and resistance in Mexico and the US

Interview with Gloria Muñoz Ramírez about the government assault on her home in Mexico City and the situation in the country. Report on the zapatista community 24 de Diciembre. Paramilitary attacks against zapatistas in the municipality of Olga Isabel. Expulsion of 2 peasant communities in Montes Azules by the federal government. Repression against migrants in the US.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista con el colectivo “los sin nombre” (Zacatecas)

Interview with the colectivo “los sin nombre”, la Otra Zacatecas, about the struggles in the state of Zacatecas, the status of the Other Campaign, and the issue of migration.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en inglés

Interview with Pati from “Deporten a la Migra” on immigration and resistance in the Bay Area; Report on the Forum on Repression in Mexico City; Report on the Marginal Literature Movement in Brazil.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en español

(Descarga aquí)  

Announcement of the II Encounter between the zapatistas and the peoples of the world; Discussion on the US Social Forum; Discussion of the situation of migrants in the US; Students go on hunger strike in favor of the Dream Act. Report on the Forum on Repression in Mexico City; Report on the Landless Peasant Movement (MST) in Brazil.