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Radio Zapatista

Interview to Alejandro Reyes at La Garrucha

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Interview to Alejandro Reyes from Radio Zapatista at the caracol of La Garrucha about repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion. (Recorded in partnership with Regeneración Radio.)

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – June 2008

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Update on Oaxaca and Chiapas. Alemany Farms in San Francisco. Exclussion of activist professor Manuel Callahan at Humboldt University.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – June 2008

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Oaxaca: Lucha contra las multinacionales mineras y eólicas; foro público en Oaxaca sobre la privatización de PEMEX. Chiapas: Presos políticos; incursiones militares en territorio zapatista; más reciente incursión militar en La Garrucha; Caravana europea a Chiapas. Plan México (Iniciativa Mérida) y su relación con los tratados de libre comercio, privatización y demás políticas neoliberales. Entrevista a compañera del CISPES sobre la militarización y el neoliberalismo en El Salvador. Proposiciones 98, 99, F y G en el área de San Francisco, California. Noticias más recientes sobre las redadas. Se unen las trabajadoras domésticas en EU.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – April 2008

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Political prisoners in Chiapas; Update on the campaign EZLN, The Fire and the Word; Discussion on the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, East Harlem, NY; Repression against the black community in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish on displacement/eviction

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Paramilitary actions in Chiapas. South Central Farm in Los Angeles. Evictions in San Francisco.

Radio Zapatista

“Low Intensity War” in Chiapas

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Special documentary on the aggressions and threats of eviction against Zapatista communities in Chiapas: Testimonies from Bolon Ajaw, Nuevo Progreso Agua Azul, and 24 de Diciembre.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – Feb 2008

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Low intensity war and threats of land eviction in Chiapas. Campaign The Fire and the Word in the U.S. Evictions in the Mission District in San Francisco.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en inglés

Report on two communities affected by the Mexican government’s undeclared war against Zapatista territory, in conjunction with paramilitary forces and pro-government peasant organizations (Bolon Ajaw and 24 de Diciembre). Interview with Prof. Marlon Sherman (Ogala Lakota) from Humboldt State University, who talks about the Lakota Indian declaration of autonomy.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Lakota Indians declare autonomy; Remembering the massacre of Acteal; Commemorating women’s resistance and Comandanta Ramona; Repression and paramilitarization in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English

Gang Injunction – what it really means for poor and people of color communities; Paramilitary activities in Chiapas (update) – Opddic; Update on the housing situation in New Orleans (Katrina).