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Radio Zapatista

Caravana nacional e internacional de observación y solidaridad con las comunidades zapatistas

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Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos and Teniente Coronel Insurgente Moisés greet the National and international caravan in solidarity with the zapatista communities, at the caracol of La Garrucha, and address them on the history of zapatismo, the EZLN’s position toward power and the construction of autonomy.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – August 2008

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  • Update on the situation in the Zapatista community of Cruztón and the national and international caravan in solidarity with Chiapas
  • Report on the 21st meeting of the Central-Pacific region of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI)
  • Interview with Joaquín Cienfuegos from Cop Watch Los Angeles
  • Interview with the compañer@s from South Central Farm
Radio Zapatista

Independence vs. autonomy

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  • Interview with Edmundo Cevallos from the La Raza Legal Center on day laborer exploitation in en San Francisco.
  • Report on the military incursion to La Garrucha, Chiapas (interviews with Hermann Bellinghausen and Gloria Muñoz of La Jornada).
  • Report on the SSP (Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or ASPAN in Spanish) and its relationship with militarization in Chiapas (interviews with Laura Carlsen and Marco Antonio Velázquez Navarrete.
Radio Zapatista

Reportaje sobre la ASPAN

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Report on the SSP (Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or ASPAN in Spanish) and its relationship with militarization and displacement in Chiapas, with interviews (by Group Basta, Germany, recorded in Mexico City) with Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program of the Center for International Policy in Washington, and with Marco Antonio Velázquez Navarrete of the Mexican Network for Action Against Free Trade (Red Mexicana de Acción contra el Libre Comercio).

Radio Zapatista

Military Incursion to La Garrucha

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Report at La Garrucha about the repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion in the region of La Garrucha, with interviews to Hermann Bellinghausen and Gloria Muñoz from La Jornada.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista a Hermann Bellinghausen en La Garrucha

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Complete interview with Hermann Bellinghausen from La Jornada at the caracol of La Garrucha about repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion. (Recorded in partnership with Regeneración Radio.)

Radio Zapatista

Interview to Alejandro Reyes at La Garrucha

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Interview to Alejandro Reyes from Radio Zapatista at the caracol of La Garrucha about repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion. (Recorded in partnership with Regeneración Radio.)

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – June 2008

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Update on Oaxaca and Chiapas. Alemany Farms in San Francisco. Exclussion of activist professor Manuel Callahan at Humboldt University.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – June 2008

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

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Oaxaca: Lucha contra las multinacionales mineras y eólicas; foro público en Oaxaca sobre la privatización de PEMEX. Chiapas: Presos políticos; incursiones militares en territorio zapatista; más reciente incursión militar en La Garrucha; Caravana europea a Chiapas. Plan México (Iniciativa Mérida) y su relación con los tratados de libre comercio, privatización y demás políticas neoliberales. Entrevista a compañera del CISPES sobre la militarización y el neoliberalismo en El Salvador. Proposiciones 98, 99, F y G en el área de San Francisco, California. Noticias más recientes sobre las redadas. Se unen las trabajadoras domésticas en EU.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English – April 2008

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Political prisoners in Chiapas; Update on the campaign EZLN, The Fire and the Word; Discussion on the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, East Harlem, NY; Repression against the black community in the San Francisco Bay Area.