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Capitán Insurgente Marcos

EZLN | Sixth Part: Postscript Who Seeks Hoping to Find


November 2023.

P.S. THAT SAYS WHAT IT SAYS. – As one of the late Sups said: “history repeats itself twice: once as a tragedy and the other time as well.” And this axiom of life comes to the point, because I received a package with a small note. No, it is not from SEGALMEX (those export, they do not import). The package has a postmark from “a distant geography”, in distant Europe. The date is blurred, but on the return address appears: “I am not Don Durito de La Lacandona, do not confuse. I’m just an AI entity.” That sentence should have been enough to put me on alert, but anyway I read the note and opened the package. The note is brief and says:

My dear and never missed Cyrano: I will be brief and precise. I’m going over there to help you. Don’t wait for me because I’m going incognito. I still haven’t decided whether I’m dressing up as a cloud or as Bad Bunny or as Luis Miguel or as Al Pacino. In any case, something that allows me to go unnoticed, if you know what I mean. For now, and since it’s stormy, I’m sending you my latest book. That’s all. From a corner in… Slovenia?… hey, what’s the name of this place? Cyprus? Hey? I think I’m going to put “Eastern Europe”… Huh? It’s not that either? Ok, then to hell with the geography up there: “from Fuck The Cardinal Points” Known Address. Zip Code… Hey, what’s the zip code? Huh? 666? Nah, just kidding, right? Right? Can anyone out there confirm that this is a joke? Hello? Hello? Signature: Durito disguised as an AI.

Yes I know. But believe me, when it comes to Durito, this is a brief and precise message. The book has on the cover, does anyone doubt it?, a beetle… in a tuxedo?!, and the very reassuring title «Survival Manual in the Case of World Collapse.» And, further down, “Everything you wanted to know to face the end of the world with style and elegance. Design the ideal outfit for the end of time. Be the sensation in the Apocalypse. Yessss!”

The book in question only has a blank page and a postscript lost in a corner: “LOOK FOR THE ONE WHO ALREADY LIVES THE HELL THAT AWAITS YOU ALL. SEEK THOSE WHO ARE SEEKING”.

P.S. FOR THE SEEKERS. – Before them, we only knew, for example, about the FNCR ladies. But later others appeared, it seems to me that since the six-year term of Vicente Fox. First a few and scattered throughout the geography. Then more. Then in groups. Now, in this entire clandestine graveyard called “Mexico,” they go from one place to another, looking for who they need. There is no one to help or support them. They are alone in the sense that they only have themselves. Yes, there are men too, but the majority are women. No, they are not fashionable. The disappeared do not vote, and that is what it is about. The entire electoral political spectrum, all the electoral flags, all the party acronyms, have already passed through the governments, and the profession of “SEEKER” is growing.

Years ago, in the written procedures, there was a line where “occupation” was written. Typically, women wrote “housewife,” “office worker,” “employee,” “professionist,” “student,” and so on.

The monstrosity of a system has created another occupation: that of “seeker.” Perhaps the most terrible, distressing, painful and anachronistic of all occupations.

Few things are a greater sign of the failure of a political proposal in power than the existence and growth of the SEEKER occupation.

Imagine someone interviews you: “Hey, what do you do?” She answers “I seek.” “And how much do you earn for that job?” «Nothing». “And how do you do it?” “I don’t know, but I know I have to do it. And I have to do it because she/he knows that I will not rest until I find him/her.” “Is there anything you want to tell other people?” “Yes, look at me, I am you in the future if we do nothing.” The reporter starts crying. She is still crying. What about them? Well, they keep seeking.

Meanwhile, someone in the mountains of Southeast Mexico writes:

“To the Seekers:

We had thought of organizing a meeting with you that would not be one of pain, but of joy. You know: dances, songs, poems, movies, plays, children’s drawings, things like that. Not something that relieves you or heals that wound that does not close, but just a celebration, which your fight deserves.

But a nefarious being, one of those that is never absent, wanted to turn that meeting into an electoral lever for the ill-called opposition. Calling for a “critical vote” for Bertha and that nonsense that only serves to get an opportunist into office. That’s why we haven’t done it… yet. We were not going to allow your noble efforts to be tarnished.

But we tell you here what we were going to tell you there: Don’t stop seeking. Those absent people are valuable because of the blood they inherited, which is your own. We do not know those whom you are missing, but we know you and the nobility of your struggle. Don’t give up, don’t sell out, don’t claudicate. Although the horror you face is unfashionable, your cause is just and noble. And no politician can say the same thing. Your stubborn dignity teaches and shows the way. We wish more people would look at you the way we Zapatista people see you: with admiration and respect.

P.S.- In Gaza. – The murdered Palestinian children are not collateral victims, they are Netanyahu’s main objective, they always were. This war is not to eliminate Hamas. It’s to kill the future. Hamas will only be the collateral victim. The government of Israel has already lost the media battle, because it turns out that the genocide, although disguised as revenge, does not have as many followers as they believed. Now it is capable of the most unimaginable cruelty. The one who perhaps could stop the massacre is… the people of Israel.

Cheers and may he who seeks find.

From the mountains of the mexican southeast.

The Captain
November 2023
40, 30, 20, 10 years after.

Capitán Insurgente Marcos

EZLN | Fifth Part: “Sorry for the blow, lad”

Fifth Part: “Sorry for the blow, lad”

November 2023

P.S. THAT WARNS. – We were already going to tell you what this whole thing is about, but reading, seeing and listening to the string of atrocities that the «specialists» in everything and knowledgeable in nothing say and write (about supposed withdrawals, dismantlements, advances of organized crime and «returns to the past” – Coletos had to be the majority -), we decided rather to let them continue burping.

With their deep analysis and well-founded research, the zapatologists state: “an example of the Zapatista defeat is the loss of indigenous identity: young indigenous people already wear cowboy boots, instead of walking barefoot or in huaraches. And they get ready to flirt, new pants and shirt – or ironed! -, instead of wearing blanket pants and buying their wives according to indigenous uses and customs. And they ride motorcycles, instead of carrying their women coletas bosses on their backs. The only thing left is for young indigenous women to wear pants or, what a horror!, play soccer and drive vehicles, instead of serving the coleta ladies. They even dare to dance cumbias and ska instead of Bolonchon, and sing rap and hiphop instead of psalms and odes to the landowners. And, as another sign of the loss of their indigenous identity, they even pretend the absurdity of being subcommanders, commanders, and women commanders! And pretend to govern themselves. And they don’t ask permission to be however they want to be. And they travel and get to know other lands. And they work and earn their pay without a ‘tienda de raya’. And they do not have them in concentration camps, like in Gaza, so that they do not pick up “Sinaloa” ideas, that is, foreign ones – because the mayo-yoreme in Sinaloa, are all about narcocorridos, my man –. Because of Zapatismo, we anthropologists will no longer have any jobs. What a shame. And all because they did not follow the revolutionary vanguard of the proletariat or MORENA, same thing. A serious mistake of Zapatismo not to obey us. Because today, the indigenous people no longer look down when you bump into them. They look at you with irreverence, with defiance, with rage, as if we were the intruders and not them, as if we were the criminals and not them. Before, only the Zapatistas did that, now any ‘Chamulita’ stands up to you. And, as Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism-Maoism-Trotskyism-all-isms say, any indigenous person who is not like the anthropology manual says is a narco.

We know for sure that, later, when the full meaning of this stage is known, they will have the minimum of honesty to say and publish: “We do not have the slightest idea of ​​what they did, what they do or what they will do. The best thing would have been to ask the Zapatistas and not the anti-Zapatistas.” Or are they not honest?

Tell those “journalists” that it is always better, although more uncomfortable and not profitable, to interview the actors, not the spectators, ‘villa melones’ and lazy paramilitaries. Investigative journalism is a professional job that often requires risks and discomfort. But, don’t worry, we understand that everyone looks for a living the best way they can.

So, as a greeting to the “zapatologists”, we continue with these P.S. made with love:

P.S. OF THE CAPTAINTY OF PUERTO DE MONTAÑA. – We had prepared a series of clever phrases to make fun of the political class as a whole (government and opposition), but now we think that there is no point, since each flock has its shepherd or each shepherd has its flock. Or does someone naively believe that the matter is between two shepherdesses?

Our silence in these years was not, nor is, a sign of respect or endorsement of anything, but rather that we strive to see further and seek what everyone, men, women and ‘otroas’, is looking for: a way out of the nightmare. While you learn, from subsequent writings, what we have been doing, perhaps you will understand that our attention has been elsewhere.

But we understand that more than one suffers from what we Zapatistas call a “theoretical torticollis” which is caused by looking up, too much, and affects good judgment, common sense, decency and honesty – in addition to being addictive and creating chronic dependency. We understand the limitations of your horizons of analysis. One thing is the desk, the academy, the journalistic column, the commissioned report, the government position, the revolutionary coffee gossip or social networks, and another thing is reality.

The latter not only does not pay, but it also charges very expensively. Shakira has already said it: ‘la realidad factura’ (reality costs), and it does not include VAT. Sorry.

We will not make firewood out of the fallen trees up there. Reality, that implacable fool, will do its thing and the last splinters will be those that organized crime takes from the “cobro de piso” in the proposals of each of them.

Some masturbate with the ‘mañanera’ (morning presidential conference). Others with destruction, deaths, murders, rapes, disappearances, hunger, war, diseases, pain and sorrow. None of them have a viable and serious political proposal, they just entertain… until they don’t anymore.

And, since we are talking about autoeroticism: given the choice between Bertha and Claudia, well, Wendy.


Okay, cheers and now what am I going to do with my costume to dance corridos tumbados? “Compa, que le parece esa gorra?”… What? That’s not the way it goes? Don’t I tell you? It is the loss of indigenous identity. I hope anthropologists arrive soon to save us.

From the mountains of the Mexican southeast.

The Captain

(Looking very handsome with his cowboy hat, not for bragging. Ajúa my people!)

Mexico 40, 30, 20, 10 years after

P.S. «CONTEXTUAL». – Televisa being Televisa and anthropologists being anthropologists:

Avispa Midia

(Español) Sectores de derecha en Perú quieren desconocer a indígenas que viven aislados en la Amazonía

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

Por Javier Bedía Prado

Fotos: Indígenas que viven en aislamiento en Perú. Fuente: Ministerio de Cultura de Perú

Los pueblos indígenas en situación de aislamiento y contacto inicial (PIACI) que habitan en territorios del Perú son amenazados por la expansión de proyectos extractivistas. Desde el Estado y gremios empresariales, se intenta desconocer su existencia para sumar concesiones de infraestructura y explotación de hidrocarburos, minerales y madera.

Se estima que 7,500 indígenas (5,200 sin contacto y 2,250 en contacto inicial), distribuidos en unos 20 pueblos originarios, viven aislados en áreas remotas de la Amazonía peruana.
Para su protección, en 2006 se promulgó la Ley 28736 (Ley PIACI), que dispone la creación de reservas en zonas de asentamiento temporal y tránsito de las comunidades nómadas.

Se trata de la única norma que los resguarda en las ocho naciones suramericanas que comparten la selva amazónica, donde se tiene referencias de 114 pueblos aislados, de las cuales 60 han sido confirmadas, según el Observatorio Regional Amazónico.

Desde entonces se crearon dos reservas para pueblos en aislamiento. De otras cinco planificadas con este objetivo, solo dos son adecuadas para las comunidades indígenas. Otras seis se encuentran en la etapa de solicitud.

En comparación con la experiencia reciente en Ecuador del “Sí” al Parque Nacional Yasuní, una histórica consulta popular que rechazó la actividad petrolera que afecta a la reserva, habitada por pueblos transfronterizos, “existe una gran diferencia en cuanto a la batería de acciones legales y campañas políticas activadas en el lado peruano”, observan Guisela Loayza y Eduardo Pichilingue, de la alianza Cuencas Sagradas.

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Avispa Midia

(Español) Ejército israelí detiene a la activista Ahed Tamimi, icono de la resistencia palestina

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

Por Ñaní Pinto

Un comando del ejército de Israel irrumpió en la vivienda de Ahed Tamimi, icono de la causa palestina, y detuvo la activista de 22 años “bajo sospecha de incitación a la violencia y actividades terroristas”, declaró un portavoz del ejército.

“Felicitaciones a las fuerzas de Tierra, Aérea y Marina (FDI) que arrestaron esta noche a la terrorista y ‘activista de derechos humanos’ Ehed Tamimi Manvi Saleh, quien anteriormente fue condenada por atacar a soldados de las FDI y, desde el estallido de la guerra, ha expresado simpatía y apoyo a los seres humanos nazis en las redes sociales. ¡Tolerancia cero con los terroristas y partidarios del terrorismo!”, expresó en sus redes sociales el ministro de seguridad de Israel Itamar Ben Gvir.

La activista se hizo famosa a los 14 años, cuando mordió a un soldado israelí como defensa ante la detención de su hermano menor. En 2017 fue detenida por al menos 8 meses solo por exigir a los militares israelíes que se fueran del patio de su casa. Mientras estuvo presa una gran red de solidaridad se desató en diversas partes del mundo.

El ejército israelí afirma que esta vez la detuvo solo para interrogarla. No obstante, la madre de la activista, Nariman Tamimi, ha declarado a diversos medios que los militares registraron su vivienda y le fueron confiscados los teléfonos móviles de toda la familia. Así mismo, denunció que su esposo, Bassem Tamimi, fue detenido hace una semana en una redada. Hasta el momento desconocen su paradero.

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(Español) Nueva denuncia penal contra indígena que lucha contra parque industrial del Corredor Interoceánico

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

Por Sare Frabes

David Hernández Salazar durante Asamblea del Congreso Nacional Indígena en marzo, 2023. Foto: Aldo Santiago

La Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte inició una denuncia penal por el delito de ataque a las vías de comunicación contra el indígena binnizá, David Hernández Salazar, quien lucha contra la construcción de un parque industrial del Corredor Interoceánico en su comunidad Puente Madera, municipio de San Blas Atempa, en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca. La notificación ocurrió el 18 de octubre de 2023.

La denuncia fue interpuesta ante la Fiscalía General de la República por la representación legal de la Secretaría. En dicha notificación requieren la comparecencia del defensor de derechos humanos para el desahogo de la audiencia inicial el día 1 de diciembre de 2023. Hasta el momento, el defensor y sus representantes legales no tuvieron mas información sobre los hechos a los que se refiere la denuncia, informan las organizaciones de derechos humanos Front Line Defenders y la RED TDT.

Salazar, que hace parte de la Asamblea de los Pueblos Indígenas del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio (APIIDTT), enfrenta otra denuncia penal por parte del Municipio de San Blas Atempa y por particulares. La denuncia se encuentra en la Vicefiscalía Regional del Istmo ubicada en Tehuantepec.

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Avispa Midia

(Español) EZLN anuncia desaparición de municipios y autoridades autónomas

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

Por Sare Frabes

En marzo del 2022, miles de zapatistas se movilizaron simultáneamente en cinco municipios de Chiapas para protestar contra todas las guerras. Foto: Tercios compas / Enlace Zapatista

El pasado domingo (5), el Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), a través del cuarto comunicado difundido durante el último mes, tras meses sin declaraciones oficiales, anunció la desaparición de los Municipios Autónomos Rebeldes Zapatistas (MAREZ), así como las Juntas de Buen Gobierno (JBG).

El documento, firmado por el Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, afirma que la decisión de los pueblos zapatistas se “realiza después de un largo y profundo análisis crítico y autocrítico”, así como tras consultar a las comunidades autónomas de Chiapas.

En consecuencia, el EZLN comunicó la invalidez de todos los sellos, membretes, cargos, representaciones y futuros acuerdos con cualquier MAREZ o JBG; los acuerdos sostenidos antes de esta fecha se mantendrán hasta el final de su vigencia . También compartieron que los Caracoles permanecerán cerrados al exterior hasta nuevo aviso.

“Las razones y el proceso por el que se tomó esta decisión se las iremos platicando poco a poco en los escritos siguientes. Sólo les adelanto que esta valoración, en su fase final, se inició hace unos 3 años. También les iremos explicando cómo es y cómo se ha ido gestando la nueva estructura de la autonomía zapatista”, contextualiza el vocero zapatista.

Chiapas: completo caos

El vocero zapatista detalla que las principales ciudades de Chiapas viven “en un completo caos. Las presidencias municipales están ocupadas por lo que nosotros llamamos ‘sicarios legales’ o ‘Crimen Desorganizado’. Hay bloqueos, asaltos, secuestros, cobro de piso, reclutamiento forzado, balaceras. Esto es efecto del padrinazgo del gobierno del estado y la disputa por los cargos que está en proceso. No son propuestas políticas las que se enfrentan, sino sociedades criminales”, asevera el comunicado.

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Comunidad Autónoma Wixárika y Tepehuana de San Lorenzo de Azqueltán | Pueblos y colectivos asistentes al encuentro en defensa de medicina tradicional.

(Español) Pronunciamiento del encuentro en defensa de la medicina tradicional

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Al pueblo de México.
A los medios de comunicación
A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional

Han pasado cuatro años desde que el cacique Fabio Flores Sánchez, alias La Polla, junto con el apoyo de los gobiernos, atentaron contra la vida de las autoridades de la comunidad autónoma de San Lorenzo Azqueltán, municipio de Villa Guerrero, Jalisco, quienes no han podido recuperar su salud mientras los gobiernos siguen protegiendo y garantizando impunidad a los agresores, que no han sido detenidos pese a las órdenes de aprehensión existentes.

Pensaron que con esto la comunidad detendría su lucha por el territorio y autonomía, pero eso no pasó, sino que su lucha se ha hecho más fuerte, por lo que desde este espacio decimos que Azqueltán vive y la lucha sigue.

Lo decimos estando reunidos los colectivos, pueblos, naciones y tribus de los estados de Colima, Michoacán, Nayarit, Ciudad de México, Coahuila, Chiapas, Veracruz, Yucatán y Jalisco, que nos dimos cita en el Encuentro en Defensa de la Medicina Tradicional, llevado a cabo los días 4 y 5 de noviembre de 2023.

La salud de las personas y de los pueblos es una sola, por lo que estamos decididos a enfrentar la guerra de los poderosos en todos los niveles con nuestra organización y autonomía.

Y por eso, enviamos nuestra solidaridad y respeto con los pueblos  zapatista ante la guerra que los malos gobiernos están desplegando en su territorio para borrarlos de la geografía del poder.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

EZLN | Fourth Part and First Approach Alert. Several Necessary Deaths.

Fourth Part and First Approach Alert.
Several Necessary Deaths.
November 2023

To the people who subscribe the Declaration for Life:

We inform you of the following:

FIRST. – A few months ago, after a long and profound critical and self-critical analysis, and after consulting all the Zapatista towns, it was decided to disappear the Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Municipalities (MAREZ) and the Good Government Juntas.

SECOND. – All seals, letterheads, positions, representations and agreements with the name of any MAREZ or any of the Good Government Juntas are invalid from this moment on. No person can present themselves as a member, authority or representative of any MAREZ or Good Government Junta. The agreements held before this date, with Non-Governmental Organizations, social organizations, collectives, solidarity groups and instances in Mexico and the world are maintained until their expiration, but new agreements cannot be made with these bodies of Zapatista autonomy, for the simple reason that they no longer exist.

THIRD. – The Caracoles remain, but they will remain closed to the outside world until further notice.

FOURTH. – We will tell you the reasons and process by which this decision was made little by little in the following texts. I can only tell you that this evaluation, in its final phase, began about 3 years ago. We will also explain to you what the new structure of Zapatista autonomy is like and how it has been developing.

All that, and more things, will appear at the right time.

FIFTH. – We inform you that we will hold a celebration to mark the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the war against oblivion. This, in the months of December 2023 and January 2024. All people who signed the “Declaration for Life” are invited.

However, it is our duty, while inviting you, to discourage you. Contrary to what the official press, self-proclaimed cool-progre-chill, reports and misinforms, the main cities of the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas are in complete chaos. The municipal presidencies are occupied by what we call “legal hitmen” or “Disorganized Crime.” There are blockades, assaults, kidnappings, “cobro de piso”, forced recruitment, shootings. This is the effect of the protection of the state government and the dispute over the political charges that is in process. What is being confronted are not political proposals, but rather criminal societies.

So, of course we tell you that, unlike other years, it is not safe.

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Comitán, Las Margaritas and Palenque, to mention some municipal seats, are in the hands of one of the disorganized crime cartels and in dispute with another. This is confirmed by the so-called hotel, tourism, restaurant and service industries. Those who work in these places know this and have not reported it because they are threatened and, furthermore, because they know that any request is useless, because the state and municipal authorities are the ones who commit crimes and know no limit in the robbery they are doing.

In rural communities the problem is even more serious. This is what is being shouted by those who live in all the regions of Chiapas, particularly in the entire border strip with Guatemala.

What is read, heard and seen in the majority of local and national media is just a bad and shameless echo of the state government’s social networks. The truth is that the official authorities are the problem. Yes, like in the rest of the country.

Federal, state and local military and police forces are not in Chiapas to protect the civilian population. They have the sole purpose of stopping migration. That is the order that came from the North American government. As is their way, they have turned migration into a business. Human trafficking is a business of the authorities who, through extortion, kidnapping and buying and selling of migrants, shamelessly enrich themselves.

So, we do not advise you to come. Unless, of course, you organize yourselves very well to do so.

So, although we are not waiting for you, we are inviting you. The tentative dates of the commemorations are between December 23, 2023 and January 7, 2024, the central celebration being December 30-31 and January 1-2. We will tell you the place afterwards. That is to say, we do want you to come, although we don’t recommend it.

Even if you don’t arrive, don’t worry. We will still send you photos and videos.

Well, that is if there still is a world in those dates, anyway.

See it for yourselves.

From the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
Mexico, November 2023.

Capitán Insurgente Marcos

EZLN | Third Part: Dení

Third Part: Deni

The late SupMarcos said that the reasons for the uprising could not be understood without first knowing the story of Paticha, the girl under 5 years old who died in his arms due to lack of a fever pill. I now tell you that you will not be able to understand what Insurgent Subcommander Moisés will later explain to you in detail if you do not know the history of Deni.

Dení is an indigenous girl, of Mayan blood and Mayan roots. She is the daughter of an “insurgenta” and an “insurgente” indigenous Zapatistas. When she was born, about 5 years ago, they gave her that name to honor the memory of a woman comrade who died many years ago.

The late SupGaleano met Dení when she was a Patz. In other words, a tamalito, because of how fat she was. In fact, that’s what the Sup called her: “Patz.” Now she is skinny, because she walks from one place to another. When the insurgents meet to do a job, Dení begins, according to her, to give them autonomous health classes. And she draws some doodles that, as she later explained, are health promoters. She says that female promoters are better because from time to time, men do not understand “as women that we are.” She firmly posits that, to be a health promoter, one has to know how to inject in a way that does not hurt. “Because, what if you need an injection and you don’t want to, because it hurts?”

Now we are in a meeting of the Zapatista leaders. Dení’s father and mother are not present, but the girl arrived following Tzotz and Pelusa, who are lying at the feet of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés and, apparently, are paying attentiont to what is being said.

Someone is explaining:

“Deni is present here and she is, let’s say, the first generation. In 20 years, Dení will have a female offspring and she will name her “Denilita”, she would be the second generation. Denilita, 20 years later, is going to conceive a girl who will be called “Denilitilla”, she is the third generation. Denilitilla, now 20 years old, is going to have a girl who will be called “Denilititilla”, she would be the fourth generation. Denilititilla, when she turns 20, will give birth to a girl and will call her “Denilí”, the fifth generation. At 20 years old, Denilí is going to have a girl who will be called “Dení Etcétera”, she is the sixth generation. «Deni Etcetera, 20 years later, that is, in 120 years, will have a girl whose name we cannot see, because her birth date has already been removed from the calendar, but she is the seventh generation.»

Here Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés intervenes: “So we have to fight so that that girl, who is going to be born in 120 years, is free and is whatever she wants to be. So we are not fighting for that girl to be a Zapatista or a ‘partidista’ or whatever, but rather for her to be able to choose, when she has judgment, what her path is. And not only that she can decide freely, but also and, above all, that she takes responsibility for that decision. That is, take into account that all decisions, what we do and what we don’t do, have consequences. So, this is about that girl is able to grow up with all the elements to make a decision and to take responsibility for its consequences.


That is to say, that she doesn´t blame the system, the bad governments, her parents, her relatives, the men, her partner (whether male or female or whatever), the school, her friendships. Because that is freedom: being able to do something without pressure or obligation, but being responsible for what was done. In other words, knowing the consequences beforehand.”

SubMoy turns to look at the now deceased SupGaleano, as if to say “your turn.” The deceased who is not yet deceased (but who already knows that he will soon be), foresees that one day he will have to talk about this to strangers and begins:

“Will that Deni to the N Power no longer speak ill of the darned men? Yes, she is going to do it, as usual. But her arguments will not be that because they made fun of her, despised her, violented her, harassed her, raped her, beat her, disappeared her, murdered her, dismembered her. No, it’s going to be because of normal things and issues, like the darned man farting in the bed and stinking the blanket; or that he doesn’t hit the toilet bowl; or that he burps like a calf; or that he buys his favorite team’s shirt, puts on shorts, socks, and special soccer shoes, and then sits down to watch the games while stuffing himself with popcorn with lots of hot sauce; or that he takes great care in choosing the “outfit” that he will wear for decades: his favorite t-shirt, his favorite pants, and his favorite flip-flops; or because he doesn’t let go of the television control; or that he doesn’t tell her that he loves her, even though she knows that he loves her, but a little reminder is not bad from time to time.»

Among those listening, the women nod their heads affirmatively as if to say “well, yeah, as usual”; and the men smile nervously.

The SubMoy knows that it is SupGaleano’s trick and that now he is going to start, in what he calls “gender solidarity”, to ill speak about women, so he interrupts him just when the now deceased is starting to say: “But the thing is that the women…»

“Well,” says SubMoy, “now we’re talking about a girl who’s going to be born in 120 years and we’re going to focus on that.” The one who senses that he will be dead sits down, regretting not having been able to present his brilliant thesis against women. The SubMoy continues:

“Then we have to think about that girl. To see far, pues. And, looking at what seems very far away, we need to see what we have to do for that girl to be free.

And this is important because the storm is already upon us. The same one we warned about almost 10 years ago. The first thing we see is that the destruction comes faster. What we thought would happen in 10 years is already here.

You have already explained it here. You have told us what you see in your Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Cho’ol, Tojolabal, Mame, Zoque, Quiché areas. You already know what is happening with Mother Earth because you live and work on it. You know that the weather is changing. “The climate”, as the citizens say. That it rains when it’s not the time for it, that it is dry when it’s not supposed to. And so. They know that sowings can no longer be decided like our previous ones did, because the calendar is crooked, changed, pues.

But not only. We also see that the animals’ behaviors have changed, they appear in areas that are not their custom and in seasons that are not their turn. Here and in the geographies of brother peoples, what they call “natural disasters” increase, but they are a consequence of what the dominant system, that is, capitalism, does and does not do. There is rain, as usual, but now it is fiercer and in places and seasons that are not the same as before. There are very terrible droughts. And now it happens that, in the same geography – for example here in Mexico -, on one side there are floods and on the other there is drought and they are left without water. There are strong winds, as if the wind became angry and said “ya basta” and wanted to knock everything down. There are earthquakes, volcanoes, plagues like never before. As if Mother Earth were saying that’s it, no more. As if humanity were a disease, a virus that must be taken outside, vomiting destruction.

But, in addition to seeing that Mother Earth is as if dissatisfied, as if protesting, there is the worst part: the monster, the Hydra, capitalism, which is like crazy stealing and destroying. He now wants to steal what he didn’t care about before and continues destroying the little that remains. Capitalism now produces misery and those who flee from it: migrants.

The COVID Pandemic, which is still ongoing, showed the inability of an entire system to give a real explanation and to take the necessary measures. While millions died, a few became richer. Other pandemics are already looming and the sciences give way to pseudo-sciences and quackery turned into political projects for government.

We also see what we call Disorganized Crime, which are the very same bad governments, from all political parties, that hide and fight over money. This Disorganized Crime is the main trafficker of drugs and people; the one who gets the majority of federal supports; the one who kidnaps, murders, disappears; the one who makes business with humanitarian aid; the one who extorts, threatens and collects “derecho de piso” with taxes that are used so that a candidate may say that now things are going to change, that now they are going to behave well.

We see brother indigenous peoples who, tired of scorn, mockery and lies, arm themselves to defend themselves or to attack the Caxlanes. And the citizens are getting scared, when it was them, with their shitty ways, who fueled that hatred that they now suffer and that no longer has control. Just as in the proud Jovel, they reap what they sow.

And we also see with sadness that they fight even among indigenous people of the same blood and language. They fight among themselves to get the miserable supports of bad governments. Or to take away from one another the little they have or that arrives. Instead of defending the land, they fight for alms.


​We warned the citizens and the original brothers of all this almost 10 years ago. There will be those who paid attention, and there are many who did not even take us into account. As they saw and still see as if all that horror was very far away, in time and distance. As if they only saw what’s in front of them. They don’t see any further. Or they see, but they don’t care.

As we know, in all these past years, we have been preparing for this darkness. For 10 years we have been preparing for these days of pain and sorrow for those of us who are all the colors of the earth. 10 years self-critically reviewing what we do and what we don’t do, what we say and don’t say, what we think and look at. We have prepared ourselves despite betrayals, slander, lies, paramilitaries, information sieges, contempt, resentment and attacks from those who reproach us for not obeying them.

We did it in silence, without noise, calmly and serenely because we looked far away, as our previous ones taught us todo. And out there yelling at us to just look here, just a calendar and a geography. What they want to make us look at is very small. But as Zapatistas that we are, our gaze is the size of our heart, and our journey is not one day, one year, one six-year period. Our step is long and leaves a mark, even if we do not look at it now or ignore and despise our path.

We know well that it has not been easy. And now everything is worse, and anyway we must look at that girl in 120 years. In other words, we have to fight for someone we are not going to know. Neither us, nor her children, nor her children’s children, and so on. And we have to do it because it is our duty as Zapatistas that we are.

Many misfortunes are coming, wars, floods, droughts, diseases, and in the midst of collapse we have to look far away. If migrants now number in the thousands, soon they will be tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands. Fights and death will come between brothers, between parents and children, between neighbors, between races, between religions, between nationalities. The great buildings will burn and no one will be able to say why, or who, or for what. Although it seems like not anymore, but yes, it’s going to get worse.

But, just as when we work the land, before planting, we see the tortilla, the tamales, the pozol in our homes, so we have to see that girl now.

If we don’t look at that girl who is already with her mother, but in 120 years, then we won’t understand what we are doing. We are not going to be able to explain it to our own colleagues. And much less will be understood by people, organizations and sister people from other geographies.

We can now survive the storm as Zapatista communities that we are. But now it is not only about that, but about going through this and other storms that will come, it’s about surviving the night, and reaching that morning, 120 years from now, where a girl begins to learn that being free is also being responsible for that freedom.

For that, looking at that girl there in the distance, we are going to make the changes and adjustments that we have been discussing and agreeing on together in these years, and that we have already consulted with all the Zapatista peoples.

If someone thinks that we are going to receive a prize, or a statue, or a museum, or some golden letters in history, or payment, or gratitude; well, it’s time for him to look elsewhere. Because the only thing we are going to receive is that, when we are about to die, we will be able to say “I did my part” and know that it is not a lie.


Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés remained silent, as if waiting for someone to walk out. Nobody did. They continued discussing, contributing, planning. Lunch time arrived and they came to ask when they were going to stop to rest.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés answered: “After a while, within 120 years.”



I’m going to be honest with you, as usual. I, the captain, can dream of that moment when a girl is born without fear, that she is free and that she takes responsibility for what she does and what she does not do. I can also imagine it. I could even write a short story or a tale about it. But these women and men that I have in front of me and by my side, Zapatista indigenous people all of Mayan roots, my bosses, do not dream or imagine that girl. They see her, they look at her. And they know what they have to do so that that girl is born, walks, plays, learns and grows in another world… in 120 years.

Just as clearly as when they look at the mountain. There is something in their gaze, as if they were looking beyond time and space. They look at the tortilla, the tamales and the pozol on the table. And they know that it is not for them, but for a girl who is not even in the intention of those who will be her parents, because they have not been born. Neither them, nor their parents, nor their grandparents, nor their great-grandparents, nor their great-great-grandparents, and so on up to 7 generations. Seven generations that begin to count from this Dení, the First Generation Dení.

I tell you, we are going to achieve it. It’s just that it’s going to take a little time, but not much either.

Just a little over a century.

From the mountains of the Mexican southeast.

Capitán Insurgente Marcos.

Mexico, November 2023.

P.S.- Every bomb that falls in Gaza also falls in the capitals and major cities of the world, it’s just yhat they haven’t realized it yet. From the rubble the horror of tomorrow’s war will be born.

P.S. SEVERAL WARS BEFORE (the day before, almost 120 years ago):

– “Wouldn’t it be better to declare war frankly?

The professor answered simply: -Our Government undoubtedly wants others to declare it. The role of the victim is always the most pleasant and justifies all subsequent decisions, no matter how extreme they may seem. Over there we have people who live well and do not want war. It is convenient to make them believe that it is the enemies who impose it on us, so that they feel the need to defend themselves. Only superior spirits come to the conviction that great advances are only achieved with the sword, and that war, as our great Treitschke said, is the highest form of progress.The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1916). by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (Spain 1867-1928).

Periodismo desde lo posible

(Español) [CDMX 6 Nov] “Periodismo de lo posible: Historias desde los territorios” – Taller y presentación

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Un podcast de 12 relatos sobre organización comunitaria y victorias contra el despojo.

Este lunes 6 de noviembre Quinto Elemento Lab, REDES A.C., Ojo de Agua Comunicación y La Sandía Digital, junto con radios comunitarias y defensores y defensoras del territorio, presentamos la serie “Periodismo de lo posible: historias desde los territorios”, que está ya disponible completa en plataformas digitales. Previo a la conferencia de prensa, Marcela Turati y Eloisa Diez darán un taller práctico para conocer cómo se hace un periodismo de lo posible, criterios y recomendaciones de narrativas de esperanza desde las comunidades.

El proyecto reúne 12 relatos de historias de defensa del territorio pero no desde la denuncia, sino desde los logros de la organización comunitaria, contando las victorias contra el despojo. Los reportajes sonoros fueron hechos por cada comunidad y radio comunitaria, contada, reporteada e investigada por sus protagonistas.

Durante un año, equipos de Quintana Roo, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Sonora y Chihuahua construyeron las historias que narran las luchas contra megaproyectos, para rescatar la cultura y tradiciones ancestrales, cuidar el agua, recuperar territorio ancestral y proteger la naturaleza.

Los equipos participantes son la Asamblea del Pueblo Chontal para la Defensa de Nuestro Territorio. (Oaxaca), VE’I SAVI Radialistas Comunitarios de Yucuhiti (Oaxaca), Radio Cholollan (Puebla), Radio Tsinaka (Puebla), Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Rural Cesder (Puebla), Ocotenco-Kuautlali (Hidalgo), La Boca Nostra, programa de Política y Rock & Roll Radio (Sonora), Centro de Desarrollo Agropecuario A.C. (Guanajuato), Escenario Tlaxcala (Tlaxcala), Coordinadora por un Atoyac con Vida y Centro Fray Julián Garcés (Tlaxcala y Puebla), Centro Comunitario U kúuchil k Ch’i’ibalo’on (Quintana Roo) y Raíchali (Chihuahua).

Día: Lunes 6 de noviembre
Lugar: CENCOS (Medellín 33, Colonia Roma, Ciudad de México)
10:00 a 11:30 am – Taller práctico: conoce cómo se hace un periodismo de lo posible, criterios, retos y recomendaciones para contar historias desde las victorias comunitarias

11:30 a 12:30 – Rueda de prensa: Experiencias desde lo posible, palabras de equipos participantes y protagonistas de las luchas

Transmisión en vivo por Facebook: P_De lo posible / REDES AC / La Sandía Digital / Ojo de Agua Comunicación.

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