Registro al Seminario “El Pensamiento Crítico frente a la Hidra Capitalista”
On April 7, the Enlace Zapatista website suffered a service denial attack and it is currently unavailable. The attack, few weeks before the Seminar “Critical Thought before the Capitalist Hydra” and shortly after the registration procedures were published, demonstrates how much power fears critical thought. (Update 9 Apr 2015: the Enlace Zapatista webpage is back up.)
We share here the registration forms for the Seminar “Critical Thought before the Capitalist Hydra”:
- Form for adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle
- Form for NON-adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle
- Form for free media collectives
- Forma for paid media
To register, please download the appropriate form, fill it, and send it to the following email address: