
Autonomy and Resistance

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

A Whale in the Mountains of Southeastern Mexico

Sixth Commission of the EZLN

December 2019.

To the National Indigenous Congress – Indigenous Governing Council:
To the individuals, groups, collectives and organizations of the Sixth in Mexico and internationally:
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion:
To film-lovers everywhere:

Considering, first and only, that:


(Creatures and their Creators)

You have no idea how you ended up here in this place, though it seems it’s becoming something of a habit… “The traditions and customs of cityfolk,” you remember the late SupMarcos saying. You also remember how annoying he found those sarcastic comments…well, not just those comments. The afternoon has given way to evening. You stop, noticing in the distance a red, five-pointed star at the top of a mountain, with an enormous sign with so many letters that you can’t make out its message. Even more distant, you can make out the blue-gray silhouette of a braying horse with huge, illuminated letters that state, laconically: “TULAN KAW ZAPATISTA.”

At the entrance, the girl who guided you through that first impossible movie theater and her gang of kids approach you. You’re not sure whether to run, pretend not to know them, or freeze and see what happens. Any semblance of a strategy collapses because the girl takes you by the hand and chastises you: “Late again.”

You all cross through a wide flat space that appears to be set up like a county fair. You take a winding route through dozens of different “stations,” each booth with its own light-and-sound show, people dressed up as monsters, circus performers, and trapeze artists; over here there’s someone teaching art, and over there you can hear music, singing and dancing. People crowd together at their favorite “station”, laughing and shouting with delight and surprise, and, of course, taking selfies. At the edge of the path through the stations there’s a huge screen. You’re about to say, “Looks like a drive-in theater,” but a nearby sign reads: “Walk-In Theater. Tonight: Cantinflas and Manuel Medel in Águila o Sol[i]. Tomorrow: Piporro and Pedro Infante in Ahí viene Martín Corona[ii].

The girl leads you through the zigzagging path. Up ahead, a strange being, like a cat or a dog, is flanked on both sides by other girls and boys all talking at the same time.

You try to make out what they’re saying, but just then you see a huge banner with the face of…Boris Karloff?[iii] made up like the monster from Frankenstein, with a coffee cup in one hand and a half-eaten sweet bun in the other. The banner’s text repeats an ancient truism: “Nothing like coffee and a snack to bring you back to life.” Farther on another sign reads: “Maxillofacial Surgery. Get your best face and an irresistible smile!” with images of the monster from Alien from the series’ various prequels and sequels. You instinctively evaluate the cheeks from each version and shudder.

Amidst lots of brightly-colored lights there is a long mess hall (you can make out signs reading “ZAPATISTAS” and “WELCOME”). You’re about to say that it’s a bit chilly and that a hot coffee and a snack wouldn’t hurt when you see on one of the walls another banner with Edward James Olmos’ face announcing, “Soft-boiled sushi. Origami classes. Pest control. Bow ties. Gaff & Company.” Higher up, as if suspended from the ceiling, there’s an animated image of the geisha from Blade Runner. You pause for a moment trying to guess how such a novelty is possible, but the crowd behind you pushes you forward.

Almost at the end of the winding route of “stations,” there’s a table with a large model of what appears to be a future construction and a sign reading “Theater Project” with a collection box labeled “Anonymous Donations.” Behind an artisan shop nearby you see an image of a Facehugger advertising scarves and sleep eye-masks for sale.

Before you lies a path studded with lights and the silhouette of a large red star, and amidst some rubble, apparently placed there on purpose, flash images of a dystopian backdrop. The flickering lights barely illuminate the forest around you and the mountain above. Instead of individual trees, it’s as if the Zapatistas had strung the entire mountaintop with lights and the trees were merely branches on that great, hulking pine.

You decide that it would be best to turn around; nothing normal happens in Zapatista territory… at least, not to you. Every time you’ve come you’re left feeling somewhat discontent with and skeptical of yourself, and it takes you several days of your regular routine in the city to feel normal again. So you take a few steps back, looking for an opportunity to turn around without the boys and girls seeing you…

But then you see it, and stop dead in your tracks.

You tell yourself you’ve seen everything – that’s what the internet and its bandwidth are for – but what you’re seeing now is so illogical that… Well, you grab your cell phone and try to take a panoramic photo but you realize immediately that it’s impossible. You would need a satellite to capture the whole scene, because it’s clear that all of it is part of a puzzle and that to put it together you’d have to walk… and close your eyes.

But when you open your eyes, it’s still there. An enormous structure. A sort of huge hangar which, in seeming defiance of the laws of physics, extends back until it gets lost in the trees and the moist mountain surface. It’s like a galley whose figurehead is a red, five-pointed star. You wouldn’t be surprised if, in your peripheral vision, tons of small windows opened and dozens, hundreds, thousands of oars came out… and if inside, “writing in the sea[iv],” was the one-armed man of Lepanto.[v] It looks like a galleon, or a whaling ship… No, more like a lost whale who, trying to swim against the current, up the mountainside, has taken a rest among the trees and people—a lot of people, of all sizes and all colors. Even though most of them have their faces covered, their clothes are like a kaleidoscope moving around the great whale, absurd here in its stopover halfway up the mountain, just as everything that happens here is absurd.

No, it didn’t occur to you that this might be the “Pequod,[vi] but rather the legendary whale from Moby Dick with which Gregory Peck[vii] and Herman Melville were obsessed.

You’ve seen several signs that say “Film Festival,” but you haven’t seen any references to John Huston’s film or Melville’s novel. Then you remember something the Zapatistas once said: “We are speaking for another time. Our words will be understood in other calendars and geographies.” Even so, you are willing to respond with “Call me Ishmael[viii] if anyone asks your name, but then you notice three large banners covering one side of the structure. On the middle banner, embroidered with images of rope and spears, you read:


That’s the Mapuche language, Mapudungun,” you hear someone explain to someone else. A little above that line the banner reads “MARICHEWEU! Ten, one hundred, one thousand times we will win.” As if to ratify that statement, ten, one hundred, one thousand masked people swarm around you, Zapatista young people, men, women, and otroas—the rowers on this paradoxical and good-spirited old galley—whose very existence, whose lives, seem to point to a triumph over a past that promised them nothing but death and oblivion.

You encounter this Mapuche cry of resistance and rebellion here in the mountains of the Mexican Southeast. Why does Zapatismo greet that originary people in this manner in these lands? Why the effort to take an ancestral history of resistance and rebellion from the continent’s southern tip and plant it here in these mountains—a place called “Tulan Kaw” (“strong horse” in Tojolabal and Tzeltal)—creating an irrational and anachronistic link between two resistances and rebellions with the same objective, the defense of mother earth?

You’re trying to decipher that puzzle when the kid gang pushes you into the belly of the whale…okay, fine, the auditorium. Inside there are lots of wood benches arranged in tiers following the slope of the mountain, and a stage with tables, three screens (the Zapatista version of 3D), speakers, and a bunch of cables spilling out like entrails.

Wait for us here. We’re going to go get some popcorn,” the little girl tells you. You start to say that you didn’t see any popcorn vendors but the kid gang has disappeared, exiting the belly of the whale…okay, okay, the auditorium. While you wait you look around the inside of the building. There are beings of all sorts on the benches, and on stage are people who, you assume, make films. They are talking about film as if responding to questions that, as far as you can tell, nobody has asked… at least, nobody you can see. Or maybe they’re just talking to themselves.

The little girl and her gang come running back in, all carrying bags of popcorn. The little girl gives you a bag and explains, “I only put a little bit of salsa on them so you wouldn’t get a stomach ache.” The entrance of the kid gang serves like a signal and the rest of the crowd leaves en masse. The people on stage heave a sigh of relief. One confesses, “Phew! Now I remember why I chose to work in film!” Another says, “This is like a horror film mixed with a thriller and a science fiction flick. I fear the screenplay holds nothing good in store for me.” And another adds, “To be honest, I didn’t know how to answer her, she just had too many questions.” “True,” says still another, “it’s like being on trial but without a defense attorney… and knowing you’re guilty.”

The little girl whispers in your ear, “If SupGaleano comes looking for us, you tell him that we’ve been here the whole time, that you brought the popcorn yourself from the city and shared it with us. Even if he’s angry, don’t give in, remain firm! Resistance and rebellion, you know.” Just then you hear over the loudspeaker: “Please report any information or tips on the location of one cat-dog, wanted for theft of strategic material from the office of the General Command. The suspect tends to travel in the company of a gang of kids who… okay fine, forget the kids, but the cat-dog is unmistakable.” The aforementioned, with what you could swear is a mischievous smile, burrows into the little girl’s lap.

You are weighing the wisdom of lying to a Subcomandante when everyone comes back in with fragrant bags of popcorn and takes their seats. From the stage, someone says, “Nobody has any frivolous questions? I mean, to get back to normalcy and make everyone believe that this is a film festival like any other.”

Would you look at that,” you say to yourself, “a film festival where explanations, reason, and reflection are expected. As if a great big question mark had appeared on the screen and everyone (todas, todos, todoas) was expecting…what are they expecting? The little girl responds with a confession, “See, the thing is, we’re all kind of happy that these people who make film came here, because what if they are sad or their hearts anxious because they don’t know where these things they created ended up? It’s a good point, right? So we invited them to come and tell us if they are okay, or not okay, or depends. Maybe they’ll even start to dance and eat popcorn and their hearts will be glad,” the little girl says with her mouth full and her cheeks stained bright with salsa.

It seems like there’s an intermission, so everyone, including you, leaves the building. To your surprise, there is now a mobile popcorn vendor outside followed by a long curving line of kids waiting their turn, like a comet with a trail of lights. It looks like there’s another vendor a little ways off, and you can make out another still further away. You get in line and once you have your bag of popcorn you stare in wonder at the absurd movie theater with its rebellious inclinations, challenging all logic and the law of gravity itself…

The mythical Mapuche whale, Mocha Dick, swimming up the mountain, with all these people in its wake… “and mid most of them all, one grand hooded phantom, like a snow hill in the air,” (Moby Dick. Herman Melville, 1851).

The irreverent cetacean as part of the jigsaw puzzle.

Film as something more, much more, than a movie.

As if all this were just part of a bigger jigsaw puzzle, you see a giant poster announcing a dance festival, another about the defense of territory and mother earth, another about an international gathering of women who struggle, another about a birthday, and signs, lots of them, signaling bathrooms, showers, internet, supplies, “a world where many worlds fit,” the Junta de Buen Gobierno (Good Government Council), the Zapatista Autonomous Municipality in Rebellion, the Information and Vigilance Commission… at this point you wouldn’t be surprised to run into Elías Contreras, sitting and smoking outside a hut with “Investigation Commission” inscribed over the doorway.

You detect a lot of loose pieces. There are some people who can only be differentiated from the locals because they have a nametag that reads “National Indigenous Congress” and, of course, they don’t have their faces covered. There are also “citizens” or “cityfolk,” which is what Zapatismo calls those who live or at least survive in the city. You’re exasperated to realize there are and will be many more pieces. It’s as if Zapatismo has set out to challenge humanity with enigmas…or with the silhouette of a world, another world.

It’s as if your life mattered to someone you don’t even know. Someone for whom you may have done much, or a little, or nothing, but who takes you into account in any case. It’s as if only now do you realize that this “Caracol of Our Lives” includes you and yours…ten, one hundred, one thousand times over.

This piece of the puzzle, film, like life, takes place inside a whale injured on both sides, swimming upstream in the mountains of the Mexican Southeast…

But that’s impossible… isn’t it?


Given the above, the EZLN’s Sixth Commission invites the men, women, otroas, children, and elders of the Sexta, the CNI, and the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion around the world, as well as those film fanatics who can and want to come, to the Film Festival:


(“Caracol of Our Lives”)

The second edition of which will be held in the Zapatista Caracol of Tulan Kaw, in the mountains of the Mexican Southeast, December 7-15, 2019.

The film schedule and festival activities will be posted at the Festival.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast,

Chasing after the most terrible mutation of Xenomorph: the Cat-Dog.
What? Well, because he stole my popcorn. And film without popcorn is like… how can I explain it?
Like tacos without salsa, like Messi without a ball, like a donkey without a rope, like a penguin without a tux, like Sherlock without Watson, like Donald Trump without Twitter (or vice versa)…
wha? Okay, that was another bad example.
Mexico, December 2019


[i]   Águila o Sol (1937): One of the first films starring Mexican comic Cantinflas.
[ii] Here Comes Martin Corona (1952): Mexican comedy Western starring Pedro Infante.
[iii] Stage name for William Henry Pratt [1887-1969], a British actor who played Frankenstein’s monster in the original 1931 film.
[iv] To row.
[v] Miguel de Cervantes, whose lost use of his left arm after a suffering a gunshot wound in the naval Battle of Lepanto against the Ottoman fleet.
[vi] The fictional 19th-century whaling ship that appears in the 1851 novel, Moby Dick.
[vii] Peck starred in John Huston’s 1956 film Moby Dick as Captain Ahab.
[viii] Chapter One of Moby Dick begins with the words «Call me Ishmael,» as narrated by the only surviving crewmember of the Pequod.

La Sandía Digital

(Español) “Tejer las Voces, Defender la Vida”: una jornada de talleres, conversatorios y más

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Como parte del último módulo de nuestra Escuela de comunicación estratégica “Tierra y territorio” , realizaremos la Jornada “Tejer las Voces, Defender la Vida” el día viernes 6 de diciembre de 3 a 8 PM en el centro cultural El Rule, en la Ciudad de México. Incluirá talleres, conversatorios y la presentación del diagnóstico “El papel de la comunicación en la defensa del territorio en México”.

En junio, arrancó la primera edición de la Escuela, un proceso de formación que imaginamos entre La Sandía Digital A.C. y WITNESS, con la participación de compañeras y compañeros en defensa del territorio de 12 estados de la república mexicana. Dicho proyecto busca aportar a que los movimientos en defensa del territorio amplifiquen su capacidad de incidencia y posicionen sus proyectos de desarrollo alternativo en el debate social a través de la comunicación estratégica.

En el marco de la Jornada “Tejer las Voces, Defender la Vida”, compartiremos nuestras reflexiones y el trabajo colectivo que realizamos en el marco de la Escuela.

El evento es gratuito. Pueden apuntarse en Facebook aquí.

Para participar en los talleres, deben registrarse aquí ya que el cupo es limitado.



Encuentro en defensa de la vida y el territorio

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Encuentro en defensa de la vida y el territorio

Considerando que quienes gobiernan; intentan imponer sus megaproyectos desde la manipulación de información y de las formas, que es claro que pretenden a los que responden a los intereses de los monopolios de la clase dominante. Que los pueblos indígenas somos vistos como mano de obra barata, como quienes debemos de aceptar el «desarrollo» que nos traen como aquellos que debemos ser «incluidos».

Que, en la búsqueda de explotarnos arrebatarnos nuestros territorios, de romper nuestra relación con la madre tierra, han impulsado un modelo de desarrollo en la Península de Yucatán basado en el turismo, la producción de carne y cereales a gran escala, ahora también con proyectos de las llamadas «energías limpias» y que quieren coronar con el mal llamado tren Maya.

Los que somos mayas y pueblos indígenas que vivimos en la Península de Yucatán sabemos que este modelo no sólo no ha traído desarrollo, sino ha provocado entre los de abajo: inseguridad, prostitución, drogadicción, alcoholismo y migraciones forzadas. Este gobierno pretende no sólo impulsar el turismo sino potencializar lo con la construcción de centros turísticos que transformaran la vida de toda la región del pueblo maya.

Por tales motivos, los pueblos organizaciones y colectivos que pertenecemos al Congreso Nacional Indígena región península de Yucatán convocamos  a todas las organizaciones colectivos, colectivas, académicos, individuos, individuas, otroas y todo aquel que se considere defensor o defensora de la vida y el territorio al:

Encuentro en defensa de la vida y el territorio

Que se llevará a cabo en la comisaría de la comunidad de San Antonio Ebúla, Campeche, Campeche

El 7 de diciembre a partir de las 9 de la mañana.


1el encuentro se dividirá en dos bloques:

a) Los pueblos organizaciones colectivos y académicos las presentes una exposición sobre afectaciones del tren maya.

b) Plenaria para tomar acuerdos sobre acciones para resistir y luchar de manera organizada contra este megaproyecto.

2. Intervenciones durante el primer bloque tendrá una duración máxima de 20 minutos

3. Se registraran las ponencias, exposiciones y participaciones del primer bloque a través del correo

La invitacion es pública y se extiende a los pueblos, organizaciones y colectivos de la Península de Yucatán.

Nota: al término se ofrece una rueda de prensa para exponer las conclusiones y postura del encuentro ante la consulta por el tren maya.

Congreso Nacional Indigena Region Península Yucatán

¡Nunca Más un México Sin Nosotros!


Invitation to a Gathering in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth

To the peoples of Mexico and of the world:
To the national and international Sixth:
To the CIG support networks:
To the press:

Capitalism is a world economic system which has, since its birth, operated against human life and our mother earth. Its logic of accumulation and profit can only be reproduced through the ever-increasing exploitation of human labor and permanent dispossession of the land and territory of all of the peoples of the world, especially originary peoples.

In its current neoliberal phase, capitalism takes on ever more monstrous forms, declaring open war against humanity and the earth, our mother. Its current economic model is based on the global reach and dominance of financial capital over peoples, nations, and entire continents. Sustained by massive military and extractivist industries, this system’s insatiable logic of capitalist accumulation and consumption is fueled through real or fictitious wars, the proliferation of organized crime, as well as foreign invasions and coup d’états, putting the very conditions for human existence on the planet at risk.

Furthermore, the current system has intensified the patriarchal organization it inherited from previous systems and civilizations, becoming a violent enemy not only of humanity in general but of women and our mother earth in particular. That is, the exploitation of and deep structural violence against women are characteristic of capitalism, although they were born before it. Private property, the basis of the capitalist system, can’t be understood or explained except as part of a patriarchal system of domination over women and the earth.

(Continuar leyendo…)


(Español) Comunicado de ciudadanas y ciudadanos habitantes de San Miguel Aquila y sus rancherías vecinas

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Aquila, Michoacán a 8 de noviembre 2019

A los pueblos de Maquili, San Miguel Aquila, Estanzuela, Corralitos, La Naranja, El Otate, La Minita, El Guasimal, La Roblera, La Lima, Soliman, Puerto de Xayacate, El Ocote, Tierras Aradas,
A todas las comunidades del municipio de Aquila,
Al Congreso Nacional Indígena,
A las comunidades indígenas del país,
A los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales que han estado al tanto de lo que ocurre en Michoacán y en la Sierra-Costa,
A las instituciones de seguridad estatales y federales,

Informamos por medio de este comunicado, que apartir del 8 de octubre del 2019, quienes presentamos este documento, reportamos a un grupo de delincuentes al mando de Agustín Villanueva Ramírez y de Cemeí Antonio Verdía Zepeda, antiguos miembros de grupos de autodefensas.

Sin embargo, estos personajes acordaron entregar las comunidades indígenas del municipio de Aquila y sus recursos naturales al Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) con el objetivo de iniciar sus operaciones delictivas tales como la extorsión, el secuestro, las desapariciones, los asesinatos, el cobro de piso, la explotación ilegal de recursos naturales, el tráfico de drogas, es decir, todas las actividades de la delincuencia organizada.

Agustin Villanueva Ramírez y Cemeí Verdía Zepeda son los autores intelectuales de los siguientes hechos ocurridos en nuestra comunidad de San Miguel de Aquila. Este es el registro que como ciudadanos hemos hecho:

8 de octubre 2019. Emboscada a la Guardia Comunal de Aquila en el punto conocido como La Naranja, con un de saldo de 2 miembros del cuerpo de seguridad heridos.

10 de octubre 2019. Asesinato del comunero legítimo de Aquila, Miguel Sandoval Zambrano, asesinado a tiros.

28 octubre 2019. Ingreso fallido del grupo delictivo perteneciente al CJNG para tomar el pueblo de San Miguel de Aquila.

3 de noviembre 2019. Emboscada y asesinato de Abigail Farias Fernández así como varios elementos de la Guardia Comunal heridos.

4 de noviembre 2019. Desaparición de Mario Alberto García Alcalá.

4 noviembre 2019. Nuevo intento fallido del mismo grupo delictivo del CJNG para ingresar y posisionarse en Aquila para su operatividad.

7 de noviembre 2019. Reportan gente de Corralitos, La Naranja, Otate y La Minita que el grupo encabezado por Villanueva y Verdía no permite el acceso a la cabecera comunal de San Miguel Aquila teniéndola secuestrada, y a nuestras rancherías incomunicadas y sin servicios indispensables de comida, abastecimiento de suministros, sin permitirles ir a trabajar, es decir, impidiendo su derecho al libre tránsito.

Los que damos a conocer este comunicado también advertimos la campaña en redes sociales que gente al servicio de este grupo delictivo hace para difamar las tareas de seguridad que realiza la Guardia Comunal de Aquila, quienes desde hace 5 años han mantenido la tranquilidad de las comunidades en todo el municipio, en coordinación con otros grupos de seguridad legítimos. Hay cuentas falsas en distintas redes sociales pero las y los habitantes de San Miguel Aquila estamos observando e investigando la verdad de los hechos.

Finalmente, exigimos al presidente municipal Mohamed Ramírez Méndez su gestión para que los distintos órdenes de gobierno intervengan para garantizar la paz y la tranquilidad que los aquilences y nuestras comunidades necesitan para tener una vida en libertad.

Al gobierno del estado y al gobierno federal le solicitamos un operativo conjunto para la detención de estos delincuentes al mando del CJNG, siendo sus principales cabezas operativas Agustín Villanueva y Cemeí Antonio Verdía Zepeda.

Ciudadanos y ciudadanas habitantes de San Miguel Aquila y sus rancherías vecinas

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Celebration of Life: A December of Resistance and Rebellion

Celebration of Life: A December of Resistance and Rebellion

November 2019.

To the women who struggle all over the world:
To the National Indigenous Congress-Indigenous Governing Council:
To the National and International Sixth:
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion or whatever you call them:
To all those who feel convoked by any of these activities:

Compañeras, compañeros, compañeroas:
Sisters, brothers, hermanoas:

The EZLN’s Sixth Commission invites you to the:

Celebration of Life: A December of Resistance and Rebellion

Including the following activities:

“Puy Ta Cuxlejaltic” Film Festival
Second Edition

To be held December 7-14, 2019, at the following locations:

Caracol Jacinto Canek (in CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico)

Caracol Espiral digno tejiendo los colores de la humanidad en memoria de l@s caídos (Spiral of Dignity Weaving the Colors of Humanity in Memory of the Fallen), (in Tulan Ka´u, on the San Cristóbal de las Casas-Comitán de Domínguez highway, halfway between those two cities, 40 minutes from either one, driving with caution).

Program and participants to be announced at a later date.

Register to attend at the following address:


First CompArte for Dance: “Dance Another World”

To be held December 15-20, 2019, at:

Caracol Jacinto Canek (in CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico)

Register to participate or attend at the following addresses:


Forum in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth

To be held December 21-22, 2019.

The National Indigenous Congress, which is organizing this event with the support of the EZLN’s Sixth Commission, will provide details.

To be held at:

Caracol Jacinto Canek (in CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico).


NOTE: The following event is only for women who struggle:

Second Gathering of Women Who Struggle

To be celebrated December 26-29, 2019, at:

The Semillero “Huellas del Caminar de la Comandanta Ramona” (In the Footprints of Comandanta Ramona) in the Caracol Torbellino de Nuestras Palabras (Whirlwind of our Words), Tzots Choj zone (community of Morelia, MAREZ [Autonomous Zapatista Municipality in Rebellion] 17 de Noviembre), the same place where the First Gathering was held, it’s the official municipality of Altamirano.

Register at the following email:


Note: ONLY women who struggle will be allowed to enter the semillero, which is the site of the gathering (they can bring boys under 12). NO MEN PERMITTED at the site. Oh well. The Zapatista Women Coordinating Committee will provide details at a later date.


Celebration of the 26th Anniversary of the Beginning of the War Against Oblivion

To be held December 31-January 1, 2020, at:

Caracol Torbellino de Nuestras Palabras (Whirlwind of our Words), Tzots Choj zone (community of Morelia, MAREZ 17 de Noviembre).

Register at the following email:


That’s all for now.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast,

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
Sixth Commission of the EZLN

Radio Zapatista

(Español) En Brasil se teje la resistencia y rebeldía indígena, negra y popular

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Del 16 al 20 de octubre se reunieron más de 2 mil personas en la cabecera del río Utinga, interior del estado Bahía, Brasil, en territorio sagrado del pueblo Payayá, para una jornada agroecológica organizada por la Teia dos Povos. Teia dos Povos (Red de los Pueblos) es una organización que impulsa la articulación de luchas antisistémicas y anticapitalistas de los pueblos indígenas, negros y populares, enfocándose sobre todo en la soberanía alimentaria y en la educación, con una visión autonomista fundamentada en la tierra y el territorio.

El encuentro fue histórico por el contexto en el que se desarrolla y por las respuestas de los pueblos a dicho contexto. Por un lado, la guerra de exterminio contra los pueblos originarios, no muy diferente de la que se lleva a cabo en el resto del continente: destrucción y despojo de tierras y territorios por medio de los proyectos de muerte del capital; cooptación o asesinato de líderes y luchadores que se oponen a dichos proyectos. Por otro lado, la guerra de exterminio contra el pueblo negro por medio de la criminalización y la violencia policiaca, en un país con un promedio de 60 mil asesinados y 70 mil desaparecidos por año, la gran mayoría negros y pobres de las periferias y favelas del país, la gran mayoría a manos de la policía. Y finalmente, la guerra de exterminio contra los de abajo en general por medio de la precarización laboral, la criminalización de la pobreza y la violencia generalizada. Todo esto, ahora, con la venia abierta y descarada de un gobierno de ultraderecha y sus seguidores.

Ante este panorama, se reunieron en Utinga autoridades de muchos pueblos indígenas: Pataxó, Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe, Tupinambá, Payayá, Pankaruru, Fulni-ô, Kiriri-Xocó, entre otros; la mayoría de los movimientos de base de Bahía y de otros estados, como el MST (Movimiento de los trabajadores rurales sin tierra), MSTB (Movimiento de los sin techo de Bahía), MPA (Movimiento de pequeños agricultores), MPP (Movimiento de pescadoras), CETA (Movimiento de trabajadores asentados, acampados y quilombolas), URC (Unión de resistencia campesina), Reaja ou Será Morta, Reaja ou Será Morto (organización de base del movimiento negro), así como miembros de diversos quilombos (comunidades cimarronas en resistencia desde los tiempos de la esclavitud).

A lo largo de esos días se realizaron mesas de debate donde se analizaron diversos aspectos de la coyuntura actual con el propósito de impulsar los objetivos de esa articulación de luchas: caminar en la construcción de la unidad indígena, negra y popular; promover las luchas locales; entender los contextos particulares; unir las luchas, cada una según su modo; organizar la lucha en defensa de los bosques, la biodiversidad y las aguas; articularse con movimientos existentes que luchan contra las empresas extractivas; desarrollar mecanismos efectivos de comunicación; fundamentar la articulación de las luchas en la defensa de la tierra y el territorio; promover la celebración, la cultura, la ciencia, las tradiciones y la ancestralidad rumbo al buen vivir.

La historia de lucha y construcción de la autonomía zapatista estuvo también presente por medio del colectivo Urucum Artes Colaborativas, quien llevó una exposición de mantas y carteles creados por el Gran OM, generosamente donados por el Café Zapata de la Ciudad de México, y una plática sobre el caminar zapatista, la construcción de la autonomía radical y el camino del Congreso Nacional Indígena y el Concejo Indígena de Gobierno. La Jornada Global en defensa de la tierra y el territorio Samir Flores Vive “en el marco del Día de la Resistencia Indígena, Negra y Popular” resonó en las porpuestas por la unión de las luchas y la autonomía que confluyeron esos cinco días, como expresó Joelson Ferreira del MST, quien propuso seguir el ejemplo zapatista y abandonar la ilusión de que la democracia burguesa será capaz de transformar el escenario de muerte que se vive en el país.

Carta de la VI Jornada de Agroecología de Bahía 2019 en español.

Carta da VI Jornada de Agroecologia da Bahia 2019 em português.

Statement from the 6th Bahian Agroecology Meeting 2019 in English.



Teia dos Povos

Statement from the 6th Bahian Agroecology Meeting – 2019 – Teia dos Povos, Brazil

Statement from the 6th Bahian Agroecology Meeting – year 2019
Teia dos Povos (The Web of the People)

Empowered and guided by our African and Native Brazilian people, acknowledging and cherishing our beautiful diversity.

We are great and we will be even greater.

With the permission of the elders,
To the organizational basic core,
To every link of our web,
To all women,
To all young people,
To all support groups,

We, the Afro-Brazilian and Native Brazilian people, are squaring off in a great and popular engagement purpose. We happen to be in the heart of Payaya native people lands, next to the headwaters of Utinga river, in this year of 2019. Inspired by the brave spirit of the cacique Sacambuassu, our aim is to consolidate an important alliance. Even though we can’t accurately name such an aliance against oppression yet, we are strongly convinced that this is the biggest popular unity of all times.

What we have so far named The Web of The People congregates social movements and organizations such as peasants, artisanal fishermen and fisherwomen, riverside people, borderland livestock farming’s people, landless people, homeless people, afrobrazilian religions’ people, small farmers, several nations of native brazilian communities, quilombolas (communities of enslaved people direct descendants), black people, people engaged in extraction activities, and many other parts of our web, building itself through solidarity.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Consejo de Organizaciones Oaxaqueñas Autónomas


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Está clara la intención de los señores del poder y del dinero:
Destruir a como dé lugar las organizaciones indígenas, sobre todo cuando defienden territorios codiciados por las empresas turísticas y extractivistas, los caciques regionales partidistas, las mafias madereras y el crimen organizado.
Mandaron a provocar mil veces. Asesinaron a 5 miembros de CODEDI . Atentaron en varias ocasiones contra sus miembros, y también contra las ex- autoridades de Xanica. CODEDI y todos sus aliados hemos exigido de manera pacífica en innumerables ocasiones la detención de los asesinos. Sin resultado alguno.
Los integrantes del Concejo de Organizaciones Oaxaqueñas Autónomas COOA, estamos indignados ante la doble moral del estado, en donde nuestros esfuerzos jurídicos y políticos, nuestras movilizaciones masivas, caravanas y campamentos en defensa de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas organizados en CODEDI, y por el esclarecimiento de los cinco asesinatos en su contra, han encontrado oídos sordos de parte de los que se dicen representantes de los tres poderes del estado. Estos mismos que ahora fingen preocupación por la muerte de un integrante de los cuerpos represivos que enviaron nuevamente a provocar con arma de fuego a los miembros de CODEDI, quienes por lo mismo actuaron en defensa propia. Si bien lamentamos el deceso de un ser humano, no les creemos su preocupación a las autoridades estatales, porque ni siquiera su propia carne de cañón les preocupa. Lo que los tiene preocupados es la riqueza de la región en donde CODEDI intenta reconstruir la resistencia y autonomía indígena. No quieren que los indios pobres estorbemos el “desarrollo” turístico, empresarial y criminal de Huatulco y alrededores. Las mismas mafias que encarcelan y asesinan en todo el país a los indígenas que defendemos nuestros territorios contra la voracidad de las empresas nacionales y transnacionales y contra el exterminio ecológico, ahora hablan de justicia y “todo el peso de la ley”. Los que han saqueado al estado de Oaxaca de manera insultante durante décadas, los que nunca mueven ni un dedo para esclarecer crímenes en nuestra contra, ahora instrumentan operativos inmediatos. ¿Cuántas veces les hemos exigido proceden conforme a la ley contra los autores de los asesinatos contra los cinco miembros de CODEDI?
Nunca pasó nada. No hay ni un solo detenido. La vida de los indígenas pobres no vale nada.
Solo la de los lacayos del poder.

Envía tu firma solidaria al correo

¡Exigimos un alto inmediato a la campaña represiva contra CODEDI!
¡Exigimos que cesen los atentados y las provocaciones armadas contra integrantes de CODEDI y ciudadanos de Santiago Xanica!
¡Exigimos respeto irrestricto a los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas consagrados en los tratados internacionales y en la Constitución Mexicana!

Oaxaca de Flores Magón, Año 527 de la Resistencia Indígena, Negra y Popular
CONSEJO DE ORGANIZACIONES OAXAQUEÑAS AUTÓNOMAS: APIIDTT (Asamblea de los Pueblos Indígenas del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio), CINPA (Coordinadora Indígena Popular Autónoma), CODEDI (Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Indígenas), OIDHO (Organizaciones Indias por los Derechos Humanos en Oaxaca), UCIO-EZ (Unión Campesina-Indígena de Oaxaca “Emiliano Zapata”)

CNI/CIG – Veracruz | Redes de Resistencia y Rebeldía | Coordinación Regional El Istmo es Nuestro | Red Nacional de Resistencia Civil

(Español) Movilizacion en el marco de las Jornada Global en Defensa de la Vida y de Nuestros Territorios- Veracruz

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Se convoca a la Jornada global de lucha en defensa de la Vida y de Nuestros Territorios “SAMIR FLORES VIVE” en el Sur de Veracruz.

La movilización se realizará en el 12 de octubre de 2019 a partir de las 9:00hrs en el Puente Peatonal Cosoleacaque, Veracruz.

Convocan: Congreso Nacional Indígena/Concejo Indígena de Gobierno – Veracruz, Redes de Resistencia y Rebeldía, Coordinación Regional El Istmo es Nuestro, Red Nacional de Resistencia Civil.