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Convocation to the Constitutive Assembly of the Indigenous Governing Council for Mexico

Convocation to the Constitutive Assembly of the Indigenous Governing Council for Mexico



Given the decision made in the second phase of the Fifth National Indigenous Congress December 29, 30, and 31, 2016 and January 1, 2017, during which it was agreed:

FIRST: “…to name an Indigenous Governing Council with men and women representatives from each one of the peoples, tribes, and nations that make up the CNI. This council proposes to govern the country. It will have an indigenous woman from the CNI as its spokesperson, which is to say, a woman of indigenous blood who knows her culture. This indigenous woman spokesperson from the CNI will be an independent candidate for the presidency of Mexico in the 2018 elections.”

SECOND: “…[to call] on the originary peoples of this country, the collectives of the Sixth, workers, coalitions and committees who struggle in the countryside and the city, students, intellectuals, artists, scientists, the elements of civil society that are not organized, as well as all good-hearted people to close ranks and go on the offensive. We call on you to dismantle the power of above and to reconstitute ourselves now from below and to the left, not only as peoples but as a country, to come together in a single organization where dignity will be our final word and our first action. We call on all of you to organize with us to stop this war, and to not be afraid to sow our seeds and build ourselves upon the ruins left by capitalism.”

THIRD: “…[to convoke] a constituent assembly of the Indigenous Governing Council for Mexico in the month of May 2017…to make the earth tremble at its core, to overcome fear and recuperate what belongs to humanity, what belongs to the earth, and what belongs to the peoples, to recuperate the territories that have been invaded or destroyed, for the disappeared of this country, for the freedom of all political prisoners, for truth and justice for all of those who have been murdered, for the dignity of the countryside and the city…making dignity the epicenter of a new world.”
We have agreed to convoke the authorities, representatives, delegates, and councilpersons named by the indigenous peoples, nations, tribes, barrios, communities, and organizations that participate in the CNI to celebrate the:


To be held May 26, 27, and 28 of 2017 at the facilities of the Indigenous Center for Integral Learning (CIDECI-UNITIERRA) in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Zapatista territory, in accordance with the following schedule:

PROGRAM (Continuar leyendo…)

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

The Walls Above, The Cracks Below (And To The Left)

The Walls Above, The Cracks Below
(And To The Left)

February 2017

The Storm On Our Path

For us, as Zapatista originary peoples, the storm—the war—has been going on for centuries. It arrived to our lands with the lies of the dominant civilization and religion. At that time, the sword and the cross bled our people dry.

Over time, the sword was modernized and the cross was dethroned by the religion of capital, but it continued to demand our blood as an offering to the new god: money.

We resisted, we always resist. Our rebellions were displaced by the dispute between various forces for Power. Those forces, always from above, demanded that we struggle and die to serve them. They demanded obedience and submission under the guise of liberating us. Like those who said and say they fight, they came and come to rule. There were supposed independences and false revolutions, those past and those to come.

Since then, those above have taken turns and continue to take turns in order to govern, badly, or aspire to do so. In past and present calendars, their proposal continues to be the same: that we offer our blood, while they lead or pretend to lead.

Before and now, they forget those of us who do not forget.

And always, yesterday and today, the woman is below, even in the collective that we were and are.

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Rincón Zapatista

(Español) Rincón Zapatista y Cafetería Comandanta Ramona: música y lectura de textos relacionados con la propuesta del CNI-EZLN, 18 feb, 5pm

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El Rincón Zapatista
y la Cafetería Comandanta Ramona

Invitan al evento político cultural
Música en vivo y lectura de textos relacionados
con la propuesta del CNI-EZLN

El sábado 18 de febrero a las 17:00 horas
En Zapotecos 7, Colonia Obrera.
Cerca de los metros Isabel la Católica y Doctores.



Joint Communique from the National Indigenous Congress and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation in Solidarity with the Rarámuri People


Stop the assassinations of Rarámuri Indigenous Compañeros Defending Their Territory!

Indigenous Territories of Mexico
February 4, 2017

To the people of Choreachi,
To all of the Rarámuri People,
To the Indigenous Peoples,
To the people of Mexico,
To the peoples of the world,

We learned today of the murders of Indigenous Rarámuri compañeros Juan Ontiveros Ramos and Isidro Baldenegro, both of the community of Choreachi in the municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua, yesterday February 2, and 15 days ago, respectively.

We urgently denounce these new acts of barbarity against compañeros known for their commitment to the struggle of their people for the recuperation of their territory, which was taken over 40 years ago by large landowners/ranchers and organized crime.

As the National Indigenous Congress and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, we are in solidarity with the Rarámuri People who have been so hurt by these murders, now totaling 18 homicides committed against their communities since 1973, four of them in the last year.

Compañeros and compañeras, you are not alone! We accompany you in your pain, we open our hearts to the tireless struggle you are waging against organized crime and the landowners backed by the bad governments, and we offer you our support as indigenous peoples of this country who are organizing ourselves to defend our lives and our territories.



Source: Enlace Zapatista


What’s Next? II. The Urgent and the Important


Listen here (in Spanish): (Descarga aquí)  

Full coverage of the encounter The Zapatistas and ConSciences for Humanity here.

What’s Next? II. The Urgent and the Important

January 3, 2017

I’ve been listening to you. Sometimes when I’m here with you all, sometimes via the CIDECI stream, sometimes via what your Zapatista students mention to me.

I always try to get a grasp on the meaning of your presentations, the path and direction of your words. We have heard brilliant presentations, some didactic, some complex, the majority polemical, but on and about things that can be debated. And we think you should do so, among yourselves. For that discussion, perhaps it would help you to first clarify the confusion that exists between science and technology.

With regard to the rest, we are as surprised as you are. This interest [of the Zapatista students] in science is not something we ordered or imposed, but rather something that was born from inside [of the Zapatista communities].

Twenty-three years ago, when feminism came to demand that we order women’s liberation, we told them that wasn’t something that can be ordered, because it belongs to the compañeras. Freedom is not ordered, it is conquered. Two decades later, what the compañeras have achieved would put to shame those who at that time claimed to be the vanguard of feminism.

It’s the same now. Science is not imposed. It is the product of a process of the peoples, exactly as Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés explained.

I’ve told you that we thought the majority of your presentations were good, but there were some, just a few, that, well I don’t know what to tell you.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

What Comes Next I: Then and Now


Listen here (in Spanish): (Descarga aquí)  

What Comes Next I: Then and Now

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

January 3, 2017

Good evening everyone. We just want to say that this is going to take a while, so now is the moment to leave or take a nap.

So first of all, just like the compañera said who spoke here about Viejo Antonio [Old Antonio], the name says it all, Viejo Antonio.i His time is over. There are some things we might be able to recover from that moment, but now times have changed.

We Zapatistas want to tell you that truly, seriously, we want to learn what real science is. Not the kind that Viejo Antonio employed, which was useful in its time, a time now past. Now it’s different because life now is different. We want to talk to you about what it’s like for the compañeras and compañeros who are here as a commission of delegates, what they’ve confronted through their struggle in resistance, and the fact that even though they’d like to live the way their fathers and mothers did, it doesn’t work for them anymore.

For example, in the Lacandón Jungle when they plant their corn, they know that in three months the kernels should grow, but now the kernels come in earlier. In the highlands, near Oventik, the Caracol Oventik, it used to be that in six months there would be kernels, and now it happens in five. This makes it difficult because before they knew when to plant. They knew when to start, using the old method like Viejo Antonio did, but now that has changed. How did it change, and who changed it? That’s where all this interest comes from. And just like with everything else, we’re not making things up, as Sup Galeano has said these past few days. Because Viejo Antonio did in fact know when the cold would come, when to go get firewood, charcoal, how to be prepared, but this method doesn’t work anymore.

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(Español) SupGaleano: Alquimia Zapatista

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Em português aqui.



Escucha: (Descarga aquí)  

2 de enero del 2017.

El valor de la palabra es algo que cuidamos mucho.  Cuando nos referimos a alguien, no sólo lo nombramos, sino que también nombramos su estar con nosotras, nosotros.

Así decimos “hermano”, “hermana”; pero cuando decimos “compañera”, “compañero” hablamos de un ir y venir, de alguien que no está fuera, sino que, junto nuestro, mira y escucha el mundo y por él lucha.

Menciono esto porque está aquí, junto nuestro, el compañero zapatista Don Pablo González Casanova, quien, como es evidente, es en sí mismo un municipio autónomo rebelde zapatista.

Como está aquí el compañero Pablo González Casanova, voy a tratar elevar el nivel y el rigor científico de mi exposición, evitando toda clase de albures (en grande o en chiquito, presten atención).


  Alquimia.  Antes de que agoten su saldo consultando en sus celulares y tabletas qué es “alquimia”, en “Wikipedia”, y que me abrumen con toda clase de definiciones, les aclaro que con esto nos estamos refiriendo a un antecedente, a un paso previo (si es necesario o no, ahí lo vean) a la constitución de una ciencia como tal.  O como como decía el finado SupMarcos, “la alquimia es una ciencia enferma, una ciencia invadida por los parásitos de la filosofía, el “saber popular”, y las evidencias que saturan el complejo mundo de la comunicación actual”, según se puede leer en uno de los documentos que dejó a su muerte. 

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Joint Pronouncement from the CNI and the EZLN for the Freedom of our Mapuche Sister Machi Francisca Lincolao Huircapán



Listen here: (Descarga aquí)  


To the Mapuche People:
To the Chilean People:
To the International Sixth:
To the Media:

We peoples, nations, and tribes of the National Indigenous Congress send a fraternal greeting of solidarity to Machi Francisca Lincolao Huircapan, of the Mapuche People, in Chile, imprisoned since March 30, 2016. We know that compañera Machi Francisca is on a hunger strike to demand the justice that the bad government of Chile has denied her by keeping her imprisoned for the crime of continuing to defend the natural resources, sacred places, and cultural rights of her people. They are letting her health deteriorate to the point that it threatens the life of the compañera, whose state of health is summarily delicate.

We denounce the fact that while the Chilean government represses Machi Francisca, they blatantly protect transnational capitalists and bosses such as the landlord Alejandro Taldriz, with his illegal logging that the corrupt state works to protect.

The National Indigenous Congress and the EZLN demand:

1. The immediate release of compañera Machi Francisca Lincolao Huircapan.

2. An end to the repression against the dignified Mapuche people and the revocation of the racist and repressive Anti-terrorist Law that is meant to criminalize the territorial defense of the Chilean Originary Peoples.

3. Absolute respect for the Mapuche territory.

January 2017

For the Full Reconstitution of our Peoples
Never again a Mexico without us


Radio Zapatista

(Español) El zapatismo, la ciencia consciente y la función del arco iris

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Por: Eugenia Gutiérrez, colectivo Radio Zapatista.
México, 4 de enero de 2017.

¿Cómo se explica científicamente cómo se forma el arco iris, por qué se dice que tiene 7 colores y cuál es la función que tiene?

Quienes se dedican a las ciencias naturales y a las ciencias exactas pueden responder las dos primeras partes de esta pregunta, planteada por el zapatismo hace unos días. Seguramente ya lo hicieron. Saben del fenómeno asociado al encuentro entre la lluvia y el sol, de la luz que se descompone en colores al contacto con el agua en esa lluvia, en una cascada, en una fuente, de porqué lo vemos como un arco, de los colores que distinguimos en el espectro del rojo al violeta, de qué perspectiva visual se necesita para verlo, de cómo puede aparecer incluso durante una tormenta. Ya lo habrán respondido con claridad y detalle. Pero las comunidades zapatistas, además, preguntaron cuál es la función del arco iris. Y como los fenómenos naturales no cumplen ninguna función, no tienen ningún propósito, eso ninguna ciencia lo puede responder. Los fenómenos naturales tienen un “por qué”, no un “para qué”, sabe la ciencia.

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(Español) L@s zapatistas y las ConCiencias por la Humanidad (día 5 y 6)

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Texto: Raúl Romero, Amiel Moreno y Diego Delezé – SubVersiones
Fotografía: Regina López, Dante Saucedo, María González y Elis Monroy

El ConCiencias, como ya se le conoce al encuentro que se realiza desde el 26 de diciembre en CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, ha sido un verdadero festival de las ciencias, un espacio de diálogo, aprendizaje y de producción de conocimiento colectivo.

Diferentes ponentes y escuchas han llegado a la conclusión de que el evento se trata de un suceso inédito en nuestro país, pues pocas veces, los movimientos sociales han convocado a l@s científic@s de la materia y de la naturaleza a dialogar.

Lo anterior puede percibirse tan sólo con echar un ojo al programa, los temas son diversos y l@s participantes pocas veces contemplados por las organizaciones de izquierda o fuerzas anticapitalistas.

El viernes 30 de diciembre, durante las sesiones generales, pudimos escuchar a Jesús Vergara Huerta con «La irrupción de la ciencia libre y comunitaria en el siglo XXI», a Gibrán Murbaqui Guevara con «De lo impuesto a lo comunitario. Rehaciendo las Ciencias», a Jérôme Leboeuf con su ponencia titulada «Riesgos que conlleva la Inteligencia Artificial». También participaron de las secciones John Vandermeer e Ivette Perfecto, con la ponencia «La ecología como una ciencia cercana a las cosmovisiones» y el Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés y l@s compas Christian y Marichuy como representantes de los pueblos originarios.

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