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Radio Zapatista

Interview with the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, New York

This program recounts the story of the Movement for Justice in el Barrio, in East Harlem in New York. It explains how a movement of migrants has organized to defend itself against eviction. The Movement takes its inspiration directly from the Zapatistas, and their forms of organizing and struggling.

La Otra Europa

The Other Europe Info

Desde abajo y a la izquierda, en esta transmisión, les compartimos algunas reflexiones sobre:

– Antifascismo, recordando a Renato Biagetti y a los Migrantes Asesinados en Italia.
– 22 de septiembre adhesión de la PIRATA a la jornada en solidaridad con los pueblos zapatistas.
– 15 de octubre Global Revolution: Roma Arde, algunas reflexiones.
– Noviembre en Alemania: acciones en contra de Castor el tren con desechos tóxicos nucleares.

(Descarga aquí)  

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Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas program, January 1, 2012

What is the current state of the occupy movement and where is it headed? Since November police and city governments have raided and destroyed encampments, arrested and prosecuted occupiers, and more often than not successfully prevented the reoccupation of public spaces. In this light it’s become commonplace to say that a fundamental shift has taken place in the movement. Adbusters, for example, published a statement saying that OWS should call it a victory and withdraw, at least for the time being in order to plan for the spring—“phase one” had ended, and “phase two” was beginning. There is something useful about the idea of phases, of identifying this hinge or turning point—for example, it lets us differentiate in broad, tactical terms between the occupation of public or semi-public space on one hand and the occupation of private or “ambiguous” space on the other. But in other ways the distinction is problematic. It relegates the struggles that inspired and created the conditions in which OWS was possible to a sort of pre-history, a “phase zero”—insurrections like the argentinazo that we heard about earlier in the show, not to mention Tunisia, Egypt, Spain, Greece, as well as, closer to home, the student movement and the struggle around justice for Oscar Grant. Also, it makes it hard to see the proliferation of diverse tactics that have already been used in occupies around the country, as well as the subtle and not so subtle differences with regard to the varying conditions in which each occupy constitutes itself as a force. By zooming in on the Bay Area and looking at some of the occupy experiences here we’re hoping to sketch out a more nuanced view of this transition point.

Complete program (2 hr):(Descarga aquí)  

Oscar Grant memorial march (6 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with students from SFSU (23 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Interview with Laura and Ali from Occupy Oakland (35 min):(Descarga aquí)  

Radio Zapatista

A una década del Argentinazo ¡la lucha sigue!

Red de Medios Libres

2nd International Seminar of Reflection and Analysis

“… planeta tierra: movimientos antisistémicos…”

30-31 de diciembre de 2011, 1-2 de enero de 2012
CIDECI/Unitierra Chiapas


Transmisión en vivo (audio):

Transmisión en vivo (video):

Más información:`

30 de diciembre 2011

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Stella Maris

Palabras de bienvenida(Descarga aquí)  

Presentación del libro: La potencia de los pobres, de Jean Robert y Majid Rahnema

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderador: Ronald Nigh


31 de diciembre 2011

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Nelly Cubillos


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas:

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderador: Víctor Hugo López (Frayba)(Descarga aquí)  


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas:

1º de enero 2012

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Concepción Suárez


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderadora: Rosa Luz Pérez

Saludo al EZLN (Rosa Luz Pérez):(Descarga aquí)  


Sesión de comentarios, preguntas y respuestas

2 de enero 2012

Sesión Matutina (11 a.m.)

Moderadora: Marina Pagès


Sesión de preguntas y respuestas:
(Descarga aquí)  

Sesión Vespertina (6 p.m.)

Moderador: Lázaro Sánchez





Radio Zapatista

Indigenous women from Guatemala learn about alternative media

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas in Octuber: Interviews on Prison Hunger Strike and Gang Injunctions

In this show we interview a members of Stop the Injunction Coalition and Critical Resistance to discuss the current Prisoner Hunger Strike that is taking place across California as well as the proposed expansion of gang injunction in Oakland. We also have updates to the decision of the civil case between Martin Cotton the 2nd and Eureka Police Department. Also included is an announcement/interview from a member of CAD (Community Action Defense) who are mobilizing against the lobby group ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) who are responsible for creating such xenophobic laws as Arizona’s SB1070

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Radio Zapatista

(Español) AUDIOS: “A 10 años del 2001: ¿Qué opinan ahora las organizaciones sociales que salieron a la luz en medio de la crisis?” (Argentina)

Radio Zapatista

Report from Bolivia: Repression against the Indigenous March in Defense of the TIPNIS

Radio Zapatista

Testimonies from relatives of missing migrants

During the Caravan Step by Step Toward Peace, relatives of missing migrants give their testimony:

Coordination from Guatemala (3:14 min):(Descarga aquí)  
Interview to Father Solalinde (2:32 min):(Descarga aquí)  
Honduran woman who looks for her missing mother (4:30 min): (Descarga aquí)  
Honduran mother who looks for her missing daughter (9 min):(Descarga aquí)  
Man looks for his missing brother (3 min):(Descarga aquí)  
Mother looks for her missing daughter (2:20 min):(Descarga aquí)  
Mother looks for her missing husband (3 min):(Descarga aquí)  
Man who was kidnapped (1 min):(Descarga aquí)  
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