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EZLN | Twelfth part: Fragments.

Twelfth part: Fragments
Fragments of a letter written by Subcommander Insurgent Moises, sent a few months ago, to a geography distant in space but close in thought:

“Sixth Zapatista Commission.

April 2023


Because then it would be something like, in the face of the terrible storm that is already hitting every corner of the planet, even those who thought themselves safe from all evil, we did not see the storm.

I mean, we don’t just see the storm, and the destruction, death and pain that it brings. We also see what comes next. We want to be the seed of a future root that we will not see, which will then be, in turn, the grass that we will not see either.

The Zapatista vocation, if someone pushes us to a laconic definition, is “to be a good seed.”

We do not intend to leave for inheritance a conception of the world to the next generations. Neither to inherit our miseries, our resentments, our pain, our phobias, or our philias. Nor for them to be a mirror with a more or less approximate image of what we assume is good or bad.

What we want to leave for inheritance is life. What other generations do with it will be their decision and, above all, their responsibility. Just as we inherited life from our ancestors, we took what we considered valuable, and we assigned ourselves a task. And, of course, we take responsibility for the decision we made, for what we do in order to accomplish that task, and for the consequences of our actions and omissions.

When we say that “It is not necessary to conquer the world, it is enough to do it again”, we move away, definitively and irremediably, from the current and previous political conceptions. The world we see is not perfect, not even close. But it is better, without a doubt. A world where everyone is who they are, without shame, without being persecuted, mutilated, imprisoned, murdered, marginalized, oppressed.

What is that world called? What system supports it or is dominant? Well, that will be decided, or not, by those who live there.

A world where the desires to hegemonize and homogenize learn from what they caused in this time and other times, and fail in that world to come.

A world in which humanity is not defined by equality (which only hides the segregation of those who “are not equal”), but by difference.

A world where difference is not persecuted, but celebrated. A world in which the stories told are not those of those who win, because no one wins.

A world where the stories that are told, whether in intimacy, or in the arts, or in culture, are like those that our grandmothers and grandfathers told us, and that teach not who won, because no one won and, therefore, nobody lost.

Those stories that allowed us to imagine terrible and wonderful things and in which, between the rain and the smell of cooking corn, coffee and tobacco, we managed to imagine an incomplete world, yes, clumsy too, but much better than the world that our ancestors and our contemporaries have suffered and are suffering.

We do not intend to leave for inheritance laws, manuals, worldviews, catechisms, rules, routes, destinations, steps, companies, which, if you look closely, is what almost all political proposals aspire to.

Our goal is simpler and terribly more difficult: to leave life for inheritance.


Because we see that this terrible storm, whose first gales and rains are already hitting the entire planet, is arriving very quickly and very strongly. So, we don’t see the immediate. Or yes, but according to what we see in the long term. Our immediate reality is defined or in accordance with two realities: one of death and destruction that will bring out the worst in human beings, regardless of their social class, their color, their race, their culture, their geography, their language, their size; and another of starting over, from the rubble of a system that did what it does best, that is, to destroy.

Why do we say that the nightmare that already exists, and that will only get worse, will be followed by an awakening? Well, because there are those, like us, who are determined to look at that possibility. Minimal, it’s true. But every day and at all hours, everywhere, we fight so that this minimal possibility grows and, although small and unimportant –just like a tiny seed—, it grows and, one day, it becomes the tree of life that will be of all colors or won’t be at all.

We are not the only ones. In these 30 years we have leaned out into many worlds. Different in ways, times, geographies, own stories, calendars. But equal only in the effort and the absurd gaze placed on an untimely time that will happen, not because of destiny, not because of divine design, not because someone loses so that someone wins. No, it will be because we are working on it, fighting, living and dying for it.

And there will be a meadow, and there will be flowers, and trees, and rivers, and animals of all kinds. And there will be grass because there will be roots. And there will be a girl, a boy, a child who will be alive. And the day will come when she/he will have to take responsibility for the decision she/he makes about what to do with that life.

Isn’t that freedom?


And we will tell you the story of the indigenous woman of Mayan roots, over 40 years old, who fell dozens of times while learning to ride a 20-wheeled bicycle. But also, got up the same number of times and is now riding a 24 or 26-wheeled bicycle and, with it, she will reach the medicinal plants courses.

Of the health promoter who will arrive on time, to a remote community without a paved road, to administer anti-viper serum to an elderly man attacked by a nauyaca viper.

Of the indigenous, autonomous authority who, with her ‘nagüa’ and her ‘morraleta’, will arrive on time to an assembly of “as women that we are” and will be able to give the talk on feminine hygiene.

And that, when there was no vehicle, gasoline, driver or passable road, to the extent of our development and possibilities, health would reach a champa in a corner of the Lacandon jungle.

A champa where, around a stove, raining and without electricity, the education promoter will arrive, also by bicycle, and, among the smell of cooked corn, coffee and tobacco, she will hear a terrible and wonderful story, told in the voice and tongue of an old woman. And in that story there will be talk about Votán, who was neither man nor woman nor “otroa”. And it was not one, but many. And she will hear her say: “that is what we are, Votán, guardian and heart of the people.”

And that, already at school, that education promoter will tell the Zapatista boys and girls that story. Well, more like the version that she will make of what she remembers having heard, because it couldn’t really be heard, due to the noise of the rain and the muffled voice of the woman who was telling the story.

And about “the cumbia of the bicycle” that some musical youth group will create and that will relieve us all from hearing “the cumbia of the frog” for the umpteenth time.

And our dead, to whom we owe honor and life, perhaps will say “well, we have finally entered the age of the wheel.” And at night they will look at the starry sky, without clouds to hide it, and they will say “Bicycles! From there, the spaceships follow.” And they will laugh, I know. And someone alive will start a tape recorder and a cumbia will be heard that all of us, the living and the dead, hope is not “la del moño colorado.” 


From the mountains of the Mexican southeast.
In the name of the Zapatista boys, girls, men, women and ‘otroas’.
Subcommander Insurgent Moisés.
General Coordinator of the “Tour for Life”.
Mexico, April 2023.”

These fragments are taken from the original, and with the authorizations of the sender and recipient.
I attest.

The Captain.
November 2023

Democracy Now!

The Undressed Wounds of Gaza

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan

Em Berry recently published a poem, “Because of Us,” that reads,

This morning I learned
The English word gauze
(finely woven medical cloth)
Comes from the Arabic word […] Ghazza
Because Gazans have been skilled weavers for centuries

I wondered then

how many of our wounds
have been dressed
because of them

and how many of theirs
have been left open
because of us

Berry’s poem is painfully timely, as the Israeli military, after weeks of bombing civilian targets (including schools, hospitals and ambulances) has expanded its ground invasion, attacking hospitals directly with tanks and troops.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 26 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are non-functional, denied electricity, fuel, supplies and damaged by Israel’s assault. Inoperable incubators, respirators, and dialysis machines have left patients to die. Staff trapped at Al-Shifa, Gaza’s largest hospital, dug a mass grave to bury over 180 dead patients.

Israel has also killed an estimated 200 medical workers. Among them, Dr. Hammam Alloh, a 36-year-old internist and nephrologist at Al-Shifa, killed along with his father, father-in-law and brother-in-law on Saturday, November 11th, when Israel shelled his home. He is survived by his wife and two young children.

Dr. Alloh spoke on the Democracy Now! news hour on October 31st, two weeks before his death:

“The few trucks that were allowed in with aid to Gazan people is almost nothing compared to what we need,” Dr. Alloh said. “Water, gloves and gauze, this is not what we are looking for. We are looking for devices, medications… for providing real healthcare for people in need.”

Days earlier, Dr. Alloh made an excruciating decision, ordering his staff to stop resuscitating an older patient, as the hospital lacked a working ventilator for her, so, even if successfully resuscitated, the patient would still die. He instructed the doctors and nurses to triage care, saving those with a chance of survival.

Despite Israel’s constant bombardment and approaching ground invasion, Dr. Alloh refused to leave:

“If I go, who treats my patients? We are not animals. We have the right to receive proper health care. So we can’t just leave,” he said. “You think I went to medical school and for my postgraduate degrees for a total of 14 years so I think only about my life and not my patients?…This is not the reason why I became a doctor.”

That brave decision cost Dr. Hammam Alloh his life. A family member wrote Democracy Now!, saying his body remains buried under rubble. Al-Shifa, meanwhile, has become a war zone.

Dr. Alloh with his children

“If I should choose today between hell and Al-Shifa, I would choose hell,” Dr. Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian physician with decades of experience in Gaza, said on Democracy Now! He tried repeatedly to get into Gaza in recent weeks, to get to Al-Shifa, without success. “Twenty out of the 23 ICU patients had died. Seventeen other patients died because of lack of supplies, oxygen and water. And three, if not five, of the 38 premature newborns have died because of this slow suffocation that the Israeli occupation army is exposing all the hospitals to…I’m out of words to describe this systematic, man-made slaughtering of patients in civilian hospitals.”

While words may fail Dr. Mads Gilbert, those of the late Dr. Hammam Alloh on Democracy Now! offer a posthumous call to action:

“We need this war to end, because we are real humans. We are not animals. We have the right to live freely…we are being exterminated. We are being mass[ive]ly eradicated. You pretend to care for humanitarian and human rights, which is not what we are living now. To prove us wrong, please do something.”

At least 1.6 million Palestinians have been displaced by Israel’s war on Gaza, out of the enclave’s population of 2.3 million. Earlier this week, Israel dropped leaflets on the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis, warning residents to flee – many for the second time, after fleeing northern Gaza.

The United Nations Security Council passed its first resolution Wednesday, after four previous, failed attempts, calling for extended humanitarian pauses in Gaza, with the United States abstaining.

The late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, as a child, survived the 1948 Nakba, Arabic for “catastrophe,” when 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes and 15,000 were killed during Israel’s founding. Darwish lived much of his life in exile and was a critic of Hamas. He wrote in his poem, “To A Young Poet,”

“A poem in a difficult time
is beautiful flowers in a cemetery.”

As the WHO warns Gaza’s hospitals are becoming cemeteries, it’s time to heed the poets and the doctors, stop the killing, end the occupation, and dress the open wounds of war.

Avispa Midia

(Español) Estallan protestas en EEUU contra Israel durante cumbre de las mayores economías del mundo

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

Por Ñaní Pinto

Foto por Noah Berger/AP

Diversas protestas se han hecho notar en San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos, desde que arrancó la cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC), en su edición a realizarse entre 15 y 17 de noviembre, que tiene por tema central Crear un futuro resiliente y sostenible para todos. Entre los participantes figuraran los jefes de Estado de China, Estados Unidos y el mandatario mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

El APEC es un mecanismo transpacífico que, en este año 2023, ha estado presidido por los EEUU con temas económicos regionales. Ha sido concebido por Australia y Japón en 1989, para “promover el crecimiento económico y el bienestar a partir de la liberalización del comercio y la inversión en la región de Asia Pacífico”, reza la convocatoria de los convocantes. Hoy las 21 economías presentes en el foro representan casi el 40% de la población mundial, cerca del 50% del comercio mundial y más del 60% de las exportaciones de bienes estadounidenses.

En las inmediaciones del Moscone Center, el lugar donde se lleva acabo el evento, diversos grupos de manifestantes han expresado su descontento por los ataques contra Palestina y por el apoyo que ha dado Estados Unidos a Israel, bloqueando el acceso a la sede de la cumbre. Con pancartas y consignas pidieron el cese de los ataques israelíes y lamentaron las pérdidas de vidas palestinas, las cuales ya suman más de 11 mil 200 personas.

Foto por Noah Berger/AP

Simultáneamente, otro grupo de manifestantes bloqueó un lado del puente en la bahía de San Francisco (Bay Bridge), sumando en un mismo tono de exigencia, “¡alto a los ataques sobre Palestina!”. Los manifestantes utilizaron diversas tácticas, como bloquear el flujo0 vehicular con sus propios automóviles, acostarse en el suelo cubiertos con sábanas ensangrentadas, hasta encadenarse a la estructura del puente, desafiando su arresto.

El bloqueo, según la Patrulla de Caminos de California, informó que desde las 7:42 am el flujo vehicular se había atascado por varios kilómetros a lo largo de las autopistas que se extienden hasta el Este de la Bahía.

Estas protestas han pretendido llamar la atención sobre el conflicto en Palestina y la implicación de Estados Unidos en el mismo, aprovechando la presencia de líderes mundiales en la cumbre APEC. Al final fueron brutalmente reprimidos. Medios locales reportan que han sido detenidas al menos medio centenar de manifestantes.

Avispa Midia

(Español) Cerrando el Puerto de Tacoma: No more weapons to Israel

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

por CrimethInc

Desde el 7 de octubre, el ejército israelí ha matado a más de 10.000 personas en Palestina, casi la mitad de las cuales eran niños y niñas. En respuesta, personas de todo el mundo se han movilizado en solidaridad. Muchas personas están buscando formas de proceder, desde exigir un alto el fuego hasta utilizar la acción directa para impedir que el gobierno de Estados Unidos canalice armas a Israel. A pesar del frío reinante el lunes 6 de noviembre, varios centenares de personas se presentaron en el puerto de Tacoma, en el estado de Washington, para bloquear el acceso a un buque de transporte marítimo que tenía previsto entregar material al ejército israelí.

En el siguiente texto, los y las participantes repasan la historia de los bloqueos portuarios en el estrecho de Puget, comparten su experiencia en la protesta y tratan de ofrecer inspiración para continuar la solidaridad transoceánica.

Aumento de la resistencia

El jueves 2 de noviembre, manifestantes que protestaban contra los bombardeos y la invasión de Gaza bloquearon una autopista en Durham (Carolina del Norte) y cerraron la 30th Street Station de Filadelfia. A primera hora del viernes 3 de noviembre, en el puerto de Oakland (California), los y las manifestantes consiguieron embarcar en el buque de la Flota de Reserva de Estados Unidos Cape Orlando, que tenía previsto partir hacia Tacoma para recoger material militar con destino a Israel. El Cape Orlando es propiedad del Departamento de Transporte, está dirigido por el Departamento de Defensa y es gestionado y tripulado por marinos comerciales. Tras un enfrentamiento que duró horas, los guardacostas consiguieron finalmente sacar a los y las manifestantes del barco.

Después se corrió la voz de que habría otra protesta cuando el barco llegara a Tacoma. El acto fue anunciado por una coalición de organizaciones nacionales y sus secciones locales: Falastiniyat (colectivo feminista palestino de la diáspora), Samidoun (red nacional de apoyo a presos y presas palestinas) y el Arab Resource & Organizing Center, que también había participado en la organización de la protesta de Oakland.

La movilización de Tacoma estaba prevista inicialmente para las 14.30 horas del domingo 5 de noviembre, pero las personas organizadoras cambiaron la hora debido a la información actualizada sobre la llegada del barco, pidiendo que la gente se presentara a las 5 de la mañana del lunes. A pesar del temor a que el cambio de última hora restara ímpetu a la manifestación, varios centenares de manifestantes acudieron esa mañana. El bloqueo en sí consistió en un piquete continuo en múltiples puntos, reforzado por bastantes conductores que estaban dispuestos a arriesgarse a que las autoridades confiscaran sus coches.

Se impidió a todos los trabajadores que el ILWU había desplegado para el turno de día cargar el buque. Impedir que los trabajadores portuarios lo cargaran era el objetivo del bloqueo; sin embargo, desgraciadamente, esto no impidió que la carga militar llegara al barco. Actuando como esquiroles, los militares estadounidenses intervinieron para cargarlo, aparentemente habiendo sido introducidos a hurtadillas en el puerto en buques de la Guardia Costera.

Ahora que la niebla de la guerra se disipa, podemos repasar en detalle los acontecimientos del día.

“Ningún genocidio en nuestro nombre: salvemos Gaza.”

Aprovechando décadas de bloqueos portuarios

El noroeste del Pacífico tiene una larga historia de paros portuarios.

En 1984, los trabajadores portuarios del sindicato International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) se coordinaron con activistas antiapartheid y se negaron a descargar buques de carga procedentes de Sudáfrica. Entre 2006 y 2009, el movimiento Port Militarization Resistance bloqueó en repetidas ocasiones los puertos de Olympia y Tacoma para protestar contra la ocupación de Irak y Afganistán. En 2011 y 2012, los participantes en Occupy/Decolonize Seattle se organizaron en solidaridad con los trabajadores portuarios del ILWU en Longview y cerraron [el puerto de Seattle], entre otros puertos.

En 2014, los y las manifestantes bloquearon el puerto de Tacoma utilizando el lema Block the Boat, cantando “Our ports will be blocked to Israel’s ships until Gaza’s ports are free” (“Nuestros puertos estarán bloqueados a los barcos de Israel hasta que los puertos de Gaza sean libres.” Una de las participantes era la madre de Rachel Corrie, estudiante asesinada en Gaza por el ejército israelí en 2002 cuando intentaba impedir que demolieran las casas de familias palestinas.

En 2015, una activista se encadenó a un barco de apoyo a los planes de perforación petrolífera exploratoria de Royal Dutch Shell, utilizando el lema Shell No. En 2021, manifestantes de Block the Boat retrasaron durante semanas la descarga del buque ZIM San Diego, operado por Israel. El Arab Resource & Organizing Center participó en la organización de las protestas Block the Boat.

La protesta “Shell No!” en 2015.

Hoy en día, el Puerto de Tacoma parece ser el punto de carga preferido para el equipo militar en la región, tal vez porque la Resistencia a la Militarización Portuaria logró cerrar con éxito la logística en el Puerto de Olympia, mientras que la policía de Tacoma pudo utilizar suficiente fuerza violenta para mantener el Puerto de Tacoma abierto para los envíos militares a Irak y Afganistán. Los diversos bloqueos portuarios fomentaron años de organización entre trabajadores del ILWU, camioneros inmigrantes marginados, ecologistas y activistas contra la guerra. Las nuevas tácticas del kayakismo surgieron de las luchas contra el extractivismo en Seattle, donde los grupos afines a la navegación lograron superar tanto a la Guardia Costera como a las organizaciones ecologistas sin ánimo de lucro que querían mantener el simbolismo. En una ocasión, un grupo de kayakistas consiguió encallar un buque de Shell sin ser detenido. Algunos participantes llevaron pancartas reforzadas a la manifestación del lunes 6 de noviembre de 2023, porque recordaban cómo la policía utilizó la fuerza para alejar a los manifestantes menos equipados durante el piquete “Bloquea el barco” en el puerto de Seattle en 2021.

A lo largo de los años, estos bloqueos portuarios han inspirado otras innovaciones en el género. En noviembre de 2017, los y las manifestantes bloquearon las vías del tren que pasan por Olympia. En un momento en el que las luchas indígenas por la protección del agua y la defensa de la tierra se intensificaban y las comunidades locales querían actuar en solidaridad, bloquear el puerto parecía un reto prohibitivo, por lo que eligieron una sección de las vías del tren a través de la cual se enviaban agentes de sostén para fracking al puerto. Esta ocupación fue posiblemente más defendible y eficaz que el bloqueo del puerto, ya que duró más de una semana. Esta puede indicar un futuro campo de experimentación.

Reunión en el puerto

El puerto de Tacoma y el cercano centro de detención del ICE están situados en una zona industrial que también alberga una academia de policía. Sólo se puede acceder a ellos a través de estrechos puntos de estrangulamiento; en el pasado, la policía los ha aprovechado para atacar y acosar a los manifestantes. La acción precedente en el puerto de Oakland tuvo lugar en un terreno más urbano; mientras los manifestantes se preparaban para el atraque del barco en Tacoma, aumentaba la preocupación por las diversas posibilidades de represión. Veteranos de la Resistencia a la Militarización del Puerto y otras personas con mentalidad logística recopilaron listas de consideraciones a tener en cuenta a la hora de llevar a cabo una acción en este puerto concreto.

El lunes por la mañana, la gente se presentó con energía positiva y pancartas reforzadas. Cientos de personas se coordinaron para traer suministros y oleadas adicionales de piquetes. El plan consistía en establecer un piquete en cada una de las tres entradas del muelle 7. Al final, la policía se adelantó. La policía bloqueó preventivamente las entradas y se sentó en sus vehículos detrás de la valla del puerto. Los y las manifestantes marcharon en círculos, coreando cánticos, mientras otros recogían material con el que crear improvisadas barricadas.

Otros y otras anarquistas permanecieron a distancia, a la espera para prestar apoyo en la cárcel y aconsejar a las personas participantes sobre las precauciones de seguridad. Otras se instalaron en el casino cercano, investigando y disipando rumores en los crecientes grupos de señalización, y ayudando a poner en contacto a la gente con los bucles de información o comunicación que necesitaban. Ya fuera de forma autónoma o en conversación con las personas organizadoras, todos hicieron lo que pudieron para contribuir al desarrollo de la acción.

La manifestación consiguió lo que algunas personas habían pensado que sería imposible: impedir que los trabajadores del ILWU cargaran el cargamento militar. Inesperadamente, esto no fue suficiente. Incluso los estibadores más experimentados se sorprendieron de que se pudiera traer a los militares para que actuaran como esquiroles cargando el barco.

¿Podríamos habernos centrado más bien en impedir que el material llegara al puerto? Según las pantallas de turnos a disposición del público, la carga que finalmente se cargó en el buque ya había llegado al puerto antes de la hora de inicio de la acción, prevista inicialmente para las 14:30 horas del 5 de noviembre. Teniendo en cuenta que el domingo por la tarde era posiblemente la más pronto para movilizar una acción de masas con tan poca antelación, no es sorprendente que se abandonara la idea de bloquear la carga en favor de bloquear a los trabajadores del ILWU. Por supuesto, si la información de que estaban entrando suministros militares en el puerto hubiera circulado antes, otra cosa podría haber sido posible.

Los y las organizadoras optaron por bloquear a los trabajadores a pesar de la tensión que ello iba a provocar con el Local 23 del ILWU. Nuestros contactos en el ILWU describen al presidente del Local 23 como un sionista; la mayoría de los trabajadores del Local 23 estaban supuestamente en contra de la acción, a pesar de respetar el piquete.El presidente llegó incluso a sugerir traer a los trabajadores del ILWU en barcos, un plan que los militares aparentemente rechazaron.

Hubo rumores de que se estaba organizando una flotilla de kayaks para impedir la salida del Orlando a la mañana siguiente. Al final, una canoa pilotada por miembros de los pueblos Puyallup, Nisqually y otros pueblos de la costa salish y acompañada por unos cuantos kayakistas bloqueó el paso del buque durante un breve espacio de tiempo el 6 de noviembre, pero el 7 de noviembre no se materializó nada.

Miembros de los pueblos puyallup, nisqually y otros pueblos de la costa salish se dispusieron a bloquear el barco el 6 de noviembre.

El barco zarpó, pero un Stryker Armored Personnel Carrier que estaba programado para trabajar según las pantallas de turnos del ILWU no se cargó, presumiblemente debido al piquete. Dada la inexperiencia de la tripulación militar en la carga de contenedores marítimos, no está claro qué parte del cargamento se cargó completamente en el tiempo previsto para el barco, ya que los puertos se atienen a un horario estricto para no interrumpir las cadenas de suministro mundiales del capital.


Los principales organizadores recibieron comentarios en el transcurso de la protesta y adaptaron su estrategia a medida que cambiaba la situación, cambiando su comunicación para articular lo que intentaban hacer y explicar sus decisiones en lugar de apelar simplemente a su autoridad como organización o como palestinos. No obstante, algunas personas han expresado su descontento por cómo se desarrollaron los acontecimientos. Era difícil obtener información completa sobre lo que estaba ocurriendo, lo que impedía a la gente tomar sus propias decisiones y actuar de forma autónoma. Algunos anarquistas que se encontraban sobre el terreno afirman que todavía se estaba cargando el buque cuando las personas organizadoras suspendieron el acto; otras personas cuestionan la decisión de no revelar el hecho de que los militares estaban cargando el material cuando la manifestación todavía tenía número e impulso.

Es difícil determinar hasta qué punto las personas organizadoras ocultaron información intencionadamente. Creemos que es importante ofrecer comentarios constructivos y críticas basadas en principios, al tiempo que se resiste la tentación de hacer suposiciones sobre las intenciones de los demás (o, en el peor de los casos, participar en el chivateo, que puede socavar los esfuerzos para responder a la infiltración real y a las brechas de seguridad en el movimiento y, a menudo, contribuye a diagnosticar erróneamente los problemas en juego).

Cooperar con las autoridades -especialmente a expensas de otros radicales- es siempre inaceptable. Se trata de un elemento básico de los actos dominados por organizaciones autoritarias. Afortunadamente, nada de esto parece haber ocurrido durante el bloqueo del 6 de noviembre. Los que están a ambos lados de este debate deben tener cuidado de resistir reacciones viscerales y evitar proyectar malas intenciones en imaginarios “aventureros” o “policías de la paz” represivos.

Con ese espíritu, expondremos nuestra preocupación. Las personas organizadoras anunciaron simultáneamente que las armas habían sido cargadas en el barco y, al mismo tiempo, declararon la victoria. Esto da pie a sospechar que la intención original había sido “bloquear el barco” simbólicamente sin obstaculizar realmente el envío de armas, para dar la impresión de lograr una “victoria del movimiento” sin ningún impacto sustantivo. Este tipo de victorias vacías pueden desinflar los movimientos y el impulso, sembrando la desconfianza en los cientos de personas que se presentaron con poca antelación con la intención de impedir que llegaran armas a Israel. Sería mejor reconocer el fracaso, admitir que, a pesar de nuestros esfuerzos, las autoridades han conseguido su objetivo, y afirmar que tenemos que redoblar nuestros esfuerzos si queremos salvar vidas en Gaza. Necesitamos que las personas organizadoras sean sinceras con nosotras para saber a qué nos enfrentamos.

Es importante destacar que, en última instancia, fueron los militares quienes cargaron el barco, no la ILWU. Este movimiento no tenía precedentes, al igual que el espionaje militar a los manifestantes durante la Resistencia de la Militarización Portuaria. Pero no debería haber sido inesperado. A partir de ahora, debemos tener en cuenta que los militares están dispuestos a intervenir directamente en la logística del capitalismo.

Esto también pone de manifiesto una debilidad en la estrategia de bloquear un barco mediante un piquete y bloquear las calles alrededor de la terminal. Para haber detenido realmente el barco, habría sido necesaria una acción mucho más disruptiva, que podría haber incluido el asalto a la propia terminal y el riesgo de violencia policial y detenciones. Esto no quiere decir que hubiera sido práctico asaltar el puerto, ni que no haya ninguna razón para bloquear la terminal del modo en que lo hicimos. Se trata más bien de que la mecánica del capitalismo de guerra es más penetrante y adaptable que las estrategias que la gente empleó para bloquearlo en Oakland y Tacoma. Cualquier forma de escalada requerirá más militancia y tolerancia al riesgo.

Al mismo tiempo, debemos ser honestas sobre nuestras capacidades, nuestros límites y los retos a los que nos enfrentamos. Aunque mucha gente estaba preparada para participar en un piquete, asaltar una instalación segura implica consideraciones y preparación material diferentes, y exige una evaluación con la cabeza fría de los beneficios frente a las consecuencias. No debemos culpar simplemente a las personas organizadoras por el hecho de que no se produjera. Un movimiento lo suficientemente poderoso no puede ser frenado, ni siquiera por sus líderes.

Teniendo en cuenta que el ejército de Estados Unidos superó la estrategia de los piquetes -y en vista de lo mucho que está en juego en Palestina- “¿Por qué no asaltar el puerto?” podría ser un buen punto de partida para futuras estrategias. Sin embargo, a partir de este punto, van a ampliar la seguridad. Otro enfoque sería alejarse del puerto y buscar puntos de intervención fuera de él. En este sentido, el bloqueo ferroviario en Olimpia en 2017 podría ofrecer un ejemplo prometedor.

Del mismo modo, aunque deberíamos explorar formas de resolver las diferencias cuando tengamos que trabajar juntas, también podemos buscar formas de compartir información y coordinarnos mientras nos organizamos de forma autónoma. Puede que no seamos capaces de llegar a un consenso sobre qué estrategia utilizar, pero podemos explorar en qué coincidimos y en qué divergimos, adquirir y hacer circular inteligencia, y probar muchas estrategias diferentes a la vez.

La lógica y la logística del orden imperante están entrelazadas en todo el mundo. Las armas israelíes ayudaron a Azerbaiyán a invadir el enclave armenio de Nagorno-Karabaj en septiembre. Las tecnologías de vigilancia, ocupación y represión, perfeccionadas tras asediar Gaza y fragmentar Cisjordania, se despliegan a lo largo de la mortífera frontera sur de Estados Unidos. El FBI llama a empresas tecnológicas israelíes cuando necesita piratear el teléfono de alguien. Todo está conectado, desde los puertos del Mar Salado hasta la costa oriental del Mediterráneo.

Brindemos por el motín en las entrañas del imperio. Si no somos nosotras, ¿entonces quién? Si no es ahora, ¿cuándo?

Para aprender más


De un periódico que apareció once días después del bloqueo ferroviario de Olympia, en el que se relatan las experiencias y motivaciones de los bloqueadores: “Llegué a casa del trabajo a las 5 de la tarde y recibí como un millón de mensajes de texto, todos diciéndome lo mismo: hay un bloqueo de trenes de fracking en el centro. En el mismo sitio que el año pasado. Baja. Estaba agotado, con frío y mojado por el trabajo, y tenía planes para hacer Shabat con amigos, pero no me perdería un bloqueo ferroviario por nada del mundo. “Shabat en el bloqueo”, les dije a mis amigos. Si detener un tren lleno de materiales utilizados en la destrucción del medio ambiente y el genocidio de los pueblos indígenas no es Tikun Olam, no sé lo que es”.


Hubo cierto debate sobre si los trabajadores pararían oficialmente el trabajo por motivos de salud y seguridad, como han hecho los trabajadores sindicalizados en el pasado, pero al parecer esto no tuvo lugar oficialmente.

Cátedra Jorge Alonso

(Español) [Libro] Internacionalismo crítico y luchas por la vida

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A unos días de cumplirse 40 años de la fundación del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, estrenamos este trabajo colectivo que pretende reflexionar desde el caminar colectivo, algunos de los aprendizajes que nos han brindado los pueblos en su afán tenaz de transformar el mundo injusto en que vivimos. Desde las perspectivas internacionalistas que abarcan geografías amplias, se reflexiona sobre la Travesía por la Vida impulsada por las comunidades autónomas y al Congreso Nacional Indígena junto con muchas otras experiencias de lucha.

Francisco De Parres Gómez (Coordinador). Autores: Gilberto López y Rivas / Alicia Castellanos Guerrero / Luis Hernández Navarro / Inés Durán Matute / Hernán Ouviña / Carlos Alonso Reynoso / Jorge Alonso / Márgara Millán / Carolina Díaz Iñigo / Lola Cubells / María Ignacia Ibarra / Bruno Baronnet / Francesca Cozzolino / Argelia Guerrero / Xochitl Leyva Solano / Raúl Zibechi / Azize Aslan / Raúl Romero

Libro coeditado desde la Cátedra Jorge Alonso, el CIESAS Occidente, la Universidad de Guadalajara , el Cucsh Udg, Clacso – Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales , el Grupo de Trabajo: Cuerpos, Territorios, Resistencias, el Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación UV de la Universidad Veracruzana, Retos Nodo Chiapas Cooperativa Editorial Retos, la Cátedra Carlos Montemayor, la RERI. Red de Estudios sobre las Resistencias Indígenas y el Cotric – Colectivo Transdisciplinario de Investigaciones Críticas.

Lee y/o descarga en nuestra sección de libros para descargar.

Radio Zapatista

Interview with Fuad Abu Saif in Palestine about Gaza

Listen to the interview:
(Descarga aquí)  

For over a month now, Israel has been bombing Gaza through air, sea, and land, in retaliation for the attack by Hamas on October 7, aimed at lifting the deadly blockade imposed on Gaza for 17 years, which has led to thousands of deaths, most of whom are children. Around 1,400 people died in that attack, although recent reports from Israel indicate that there is a strong possibility that many, if not most of the dead were killed by indiscriminate Israeli fire that day.

Israel’s offensive against Gaza has killed close to 11,000 people so far, at least 4,500 of whom are children. In violation of international law and all human rights conventions, Israel continues to massacre the civilian population indiscriminately, attacking hospitals, schools, ambulances, shelters, mosques, homes, buildings, and refugee camps, as well as infrastructure. Since October 7, Israel has hit at least 12,000 targets with 25,000 tons of explosives, according to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor—the equivalent to two nuclear bombs. Massive demonstrations all around the world have condemned what is evidently Israel’s ethnic cleansing and genocidal project, not only committed through direct massacres, but also employing hunger and deprivation, cutting off access to food and clean water for a population of 2.5 million Palestinians.

From the West Bank, we spoke with Fuad Abu Saif, General Director of the Union of Agricultural Work Communities (UAWC), who explained the situation.

Foto: El Mundo

Thank you for being with us, Fuad. We would like to know what the situation is like in Gaza right now, but before we do that, we would like to know what life was like in Gaza for the last 16 or 17 years, since the borders were closed by Israel in 2006.

The story of Gaza, the West Bank and all of Palestine started not just on October 7 or even 16 or 17 years ago; it started 75 years ago when Israel occupied Palestine in 1948. In 2006, there was a national election in Palestine and Hamas won. Immediately, Israel imposed a siege in all of Gaza, which has made the life of people there very difficult. Gaza is a very small area: 665 km2 surrounded on all sides by Israel and the sea on the other side, and about 2.5 million people living there, all of them under siege. That means that there is no way to go in or out without passing through the Israeli border. They forbid about 100 different materials from entering Gaza, which means that all the fundamental and basic needs for life are prohibited from entering Gaza. And of course, there is no airport or other connection with the outside world, except through Egypt, which is also in agreement with Israel and also blocked that border.

We work closely with Gaza because our office is responsible for being in daily touch with people there. Thousands of people have died because there is not enough care in the hospitals, no materials, no fuel, no electricity. Even before October 7, electricity was only available for four hours a day. The water is contaminated, there is no clean water in Gaza, and no one can go in or out of Gaza for 16 or 17 years. So life was impossible…

Some people have described Gaza as the largest open-air prison in the world…

It’s not just an open-air prison. Israel waged five wars before this one during these 16 years, killed thousands of Palestinians and arrested many others. Thousands of Palestinians were killed because they entered their land in the area near the border between Israel and Gaza… everyone entering after 6 pm, they shoot them. Hundreds of farmers lost their life because they were late in their farm and the Israelis attacked them. Protesters who tried to protest and condemn this situation in the area were killed or injured because they organized a kind of march near the Israeli border—this has happened since 2014. The wars mean that military operations can happen at any moment, and it has happened five times without any reason to justify it. In the past 16 years, Israel initiated these military operations without having any attacks from Gaza.

What is it like now on the ground after October 7?

Since October 7, Israel started this genocide war in Gaza. The number of victims is increasing in a crazy way, until last night it was almost 11,000 Palestinians killed in one month, more than 55,000 injured by the Israeli air strikes against civilians, homes, and infrastructure in Gaza. The problem is that more than 69% are children and women. The way they are killing cannot be described. They bomb houses full of civilians and children. As you may know, the majority of people in Gaza are young and children, more than 60%. So all houses are full of children, and without alerting anyone, they bomb them, the houses, the buildings and everywhere in Gaza. Like I said, it is a very small area. Life cannot be described. There’s no safe place in all of Gaza, and in addition Israel, beside the siege imposed for 17 years, they imposed a different kind of siege—they totally cut off electricity on October 10. They cut off food and are using starvation in this war against civilian Palestinians. They cut roads, cut water, there is no food, no water, no safe place…

Foto: Mahmud Hams, AFP

How are people surviving with this lack of food, water, and mobility?

As a humanitarian organization, we launched from the beginning of this war a program to support people to have access to food. No food is available from the outside, we’re relying on the limited food inside Gaza. Gaza is an agricultural area. There are two different places: the buffer zone, which is a huge land area next to the Israeli border, where Israel isolated that area from the people and farmers, so no one can have access to that area. There is another small area, which is the land inside Gaza itself, where there is what we call the home gardens, where people plant around their homes. This is the only source of food they have. Plus there are some big suppliers in Gaza who had already stored food and materials before the war. We are in contact with them and they have almost run out in the last three or four days. They are managing with the very little food, and are scheduling between the families: this for tomorrow, this for after tomorrow. And as one of them told me: “Look, for us, we have no problem, but it’s difficult for me to describe that to my children, that we don’t have food and we have only one meal, which might sometimes be only bread or rice, and we explain this to the children and they start crying, they don’t understand what that means, but this is the only way that we are managing this starvation.” Water is the same… as an example, in Rafah, which is in the south of Gaza, where almost 900,000 Palestinians were forced to move from the north, plus the close to 1 million already living in that area. They have one well working manually because there is no electricity, and sometimes you have to wait four or five hours to fill your container with 30 to 40 liters, and if you are lucky you have water; if not, you come back the next day. They try not to use the bathroom, for example, this is an agreement, only one time per day. The stories coming from them are very hard, especially for children. Of course, there is no milk, and the bread sometimes is so dry that they have to mix it with water so children can eat it.

They allowed some trucks to enter Gaza, 150 trucks from the beginning. Some of the trucks were only filled to 30-40% of their capacity, and most of the materials and food were expired. Others bring things that the people don’t need, such as clothing.

Foto: Said Khatib, AFP

A few hours ago, the EZLN published a communiqué. Let me read you a part of it:

The murdered Palestinian children are not collateral victims, they are and always have been Netanhayu’s main objective. This war is not about eliminating Hamas. It is about killing the future. Hamas will only be the collateral victim. Israel’s government has lost the media battle because it turns out that genocide, even if disguised as revenge, does not have as many followers as it believed. It is now capable of the most unimaginable cruelty.  The only ones who may perhaps end the massacre are… the people of Israel.

This brings me to a couple of questions. The first one has to do with the true motivations for this barbarism, which is backed by the United States, England, and other European countries. What are the economic and geopolitical interests at play here, and what are Israel’s and its allies’ true intentions?

There are some facts that have become clear for everyone. I don’t know how the world is accepting this, listening and not taking any real action in this genocide against civilians and in particular against children. Israel is not just Netanyahu. All Israeli leaders and even more the “civilians” declared from the beginning that no civilians are to survive in Gaza and that we have to kill them all. A few days ago, 100 doctors signed a petition demanding from the Israeli government to burn Gaza totally, including the children. I think that with this strong support from the United States and other Western governments, it is clear that they want to change the face of the whole region and restructure it so it is more beneficial for Israel. From the first moment, they moved rapidly to visit Israel and express their solidarity, and they agreed with the Israeli project to displace the Palestinians from Gaza and push them to Rafah as the first step, and the next step, from Rafah to Sinai. Until yesterday, Israelis have killed 175 Palestinians in the West Bank, where there is no Hamas, no military operations here. Which means that they are also preparing for another displacement to Jordan, and Israel is now putting that on the table and started speaking of this Israeli project, where Gaza will be pushed to the Sinai and the West Bank to Jordan. It is a horrifying project, ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and genocide in Gaza, with the full support of European governments and the US, and of course Palestinians will not allow this to happen. What is happening in Gaza and the way people are resisting is an example, but it’s risky for everyone. There is no room now for international law, and they encourage Israel to be above international law. They are attacking Syria again on a regular basis, Lebanon… they do whatever they want with the support of Europe and the US…

Foto: Mahmud Hams, AFP

And of course, this is happening in the context of a crisis of the United States as a world power, as Russia, China, and BRICS acquires more power and threatens Western hegemony.

The US is dealing with Israel as an important military base here. There is gas in Gaza, huge quantities discovered in 1996 but that became clearer in 2000. So they are not just using Israel as a military base. This explains why the next day Biden visited Israel, with a statement full of lies, and it’s clear that he’s lying, there is no evidence for his statements. They know that the Palestinians don’t have real power, we have no tanks, no weapons… we have natural resources. It is also about having access to the sea through Gaza, we’ve heard of this plan for decades, and the only way to do that is to displace the Gazan people.

In this context, what is the role of the other Arab countries?

Some of them are too weak, and others are supporting Israel. I mean the governments. Between Gaza and Egypt there are no Israelis, but the border is heavily closed. Since 2006, the Egyptian government closed the only gate for Gazans to have access to the world. So yes, they are contributing in a practical way. Egypt is the biggest Arab country and has the power to change everything. But they do the opposite exactly. The other Arab countries, the United States is scaring them, they are bringing all the US power and troops in the sea here, to alert them that if you move or support, there will be a mess in your country. They are very weak, fragmented, and the US has brought them to their side, and they sometimes even condemn Palestine and support Israel.

What do you see as possible outcomes? President Biden has said that there is no way this is going to stop, and Netanyahu denies all possibility of a ceasefire… where is this going?

It is difficult to talk about the future among those criminals and this kind of way of thinking from Biden and others. I am shocked that everyone is seeing people being killed in this way after almost 35, 40 days from the war, and they are justifying it saying that they keep attacking because they  won’t give any chance to Hamas to rebuild; but that is not true at all. They don’t want a ceasefire because they want to keep the pressure on the people to keep pushing them to the south. They are surrounding Gaza City right now and they keep pushing and killing and attacking the people, and the people are starting to move to the south again. This is what they did in 1948, when Israel attacked more than 500 Palestinian villages and kept attacking them until they evacuated and displaced these villages to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, etc., after which they became refugees. They are doing the same now again. It is a genocidal thinking clearly, everyone is watching as if it was a movie. This should be stopped; not just stopped, they should be held accountable for their crime. I’m a bit scared that, with this green light from the US, they will continue killing, and things will be increasingly difficult in Gaza… and everything is possible, frankly speaking. They don’t care about the number of victims. I’m not optimistic, I’m scared, we are all scared that this will continue and will become a normal part of the agenda, and after a few weeks no one will be talking about this.

Yet there is an unprecedented outrage and support around the world, with very large demonstrations, including by Jewish communities in many countries who are saying no, not in our name, we will not accept this genocide. Do you see any hope in this world movement in defense of the Palestinian cause?

As Palestinians, we see two sources of hope among all this darkness. One of them is the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza. In the West Bank, it is also very hard, they imposed closure, siege, killing, shooting… The steadfastness of the Palestinian people is one hope and it’s a strong one.

The other hope is, yes, this kind of huge demonstrations all around the world. If it continues or grows, it might… for example, in France, and even in the US, we start hearing a very small change in words, not in a real change in their position, where they are talking about a ceasefire, because there was no talk of a ceasefire at all one or two weeks ago. In France, what Macron said in Jerusalem is that there should be an alliance against Hamas. And after these huge demonstrations, they started demanding a ceasefire in a very open and public way. That’s the only hope we have, no other hopes. There are no other options to see an end.

Foto: Hollie Adams, Reuters

Since you are in the West Bank, can you tell us what the situation is like there?

It is very difficult and risky. We cannot move from our cities or villages, they cut everything. They put gates in all the Palestinian cities and villages. You cannot go out or in without passing through the gates and checkpoints. If you get closer they might shoot you, and many Palestinians have been killed that way. According to the Oslo agreements, they divided the West Bank in three areas. Area C, is composed of 63% of the West Bank, the majority of land and resources are there. From October 7, they have displaced people from that area, which is huge and where there is hope to build the Palestinian state in the future. Settlers have raided Palestinian communities in Area C on a daily basis; they attack houses, burn houses, burn farms, steal Palestinian assets, uproot trees. We’re in the middle of the olive season, which is like carnival for the Palestinian people, and no one can harvest their olives because the settlers either steal the olives or uproot the trees or they shoot at Palestinian farmers who try to have access to their land. Last week for example, near Nablus, they killed some Palestinians picking their olives.

This month they killed 175 Palestinians; yesterday alone they killed 16 Palestinians in the Jenin camp. We have in 5,500 Palestinians in prison, arrested in the last 20 years; but in this month, 2,500 Palestinians have been arrested.

All checkpoints are closed. Even the food here, we have more spaces and food suppliers, but if it continues like this, there will be a shortage of food. They might turn off water and electricity at any moment if they decide so.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our audience?

I think the only message that all Palestinians have is that we need to get our freedom. We are tired of being under occupation for 75 years. We need our children to have hope and a future similar to all the children around the world. We need to be safe in our land, in our homes, in our camps. We don’t want to see more Palestinian refugee camps, we need Palestinian refugees to come back, we need to have an independent country and a future, we need sovereignty over our resources, similar to the Israelis, similar to everyone. We are no different from Israelis, we are as human as others. We don’t want to have people killed. We need to put an end to this situation, to this cycle of war, because this is the sixth time in the last 15 years in Gaza. So we need to stop this forever. We hate seeing Western countries’ hypocrisy and the US supporting and participating in killing Palestinians directly. This should end. We all have to respect human issues and international law, it cannot be applied to the Palestinians, the victims, while allowing Israel to do whatever they want. We are fighters for dignity, we are fighters for freedom. We are not fighting to kill or to hate. So this is what I would like the whole world to be aware of, and to stand with the Palestinians to achieve that. These are human values, not just for the Palestinians. Fighting occupation here or elsewhere is a fundamental human value all around the world. History is full of stories like this but they all finished, and we need it also to finish here and give Palestinians their freedom.

Foto: El Mundo


Solidaridad con Palestina

(Español) [CDMX 11 Nov] Encuentro de solidaridad con Palestina

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La Vía Campesina

[Podcast] PEASANT VOICES | Episode 3 – At the heart of Food Sovereignty

Listen to Episode 1 and Episode 2.

Discover the Urgency of Food Sovereignty in our New Podcast!

Join Morgan Ody from France and Beatrice Katzigazi from Uganda as they explore the concept of Food Sovereignty from their unique perspective rooted in their daily lives as peasant farmers. This concept, introduced into international policy-making spaces by social movements like La Via Campesina in the late ’90s, has evolved into a critical response to the crises that impact our planet and humanity today.

(Descarga aquí)  

At its core, Food Sovereignty defends the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food, produced sustainably and ecologically. It empowers people to define their own food and agriculture systems, ensuring small-scale food producers’ control over essential resources such as land, water, seeds and biodiversity.

Morgan and Beatrice discuss how Food Sovereignty offers a pathway to overcome the crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental threats. It’s not just about agriculture; it’s about shaping a society that addresses the major crises of our time. It opposes the “solutions” of the global elite, which place greater emphasis on food security and often lead to land grabbing, thus threatening small-scale farmers.

If you’re curious about how a return to localized food production, traditional knowledge, and community empowerment can help address the world’s most pressing issues, this podcast is a must-listen.

For other episodes from the series, click here

Noticias de Abajo ML


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Rompiendo Fronteras

  • PALESTINA: Un mes de genocidio en Palestina por el Estado de Israel y más de 70 años de ocupación militar. Más de 10 mil víctimas mortales, de las cuales más de 4 mil son infancias.
  • PANAMÁ: Tercera de semana de movilizaciones masivas en el contexto del paro contra la minería. Exigen cancelación de contrato minero.

Desde el ombligo del monstruo::.

  • CDMX: Otomies en resistencia y rebeldía resisten ante intento de desalojo en su lucha por la vivienda digna y contra el olvido. Bloquean avenida por más de 20 días y doblegan al gobierno. Tercer aniversario de la TomaINPI, ahora la Casa de los Pueblos.
  • GUERRERO: Costa de Guerrero es destruida por huracán Otis categoría 5. Ante ineficiencia del gobierno y militarización, el pueblo se organiza. Más de 800 cientos mil personas.
  • CHIAPAS: Comunicados zapatistas anuncian cambios en la estructura de sus autonomías y llaman a actividad en zona rebelde por los 30 años del levantamiento.
  • OAXACA: Convocan a Faena por los presos de Eloxochitlan de Flores Magón el 18, 19 y 20 de noviembre.
  • JALISCO: ¿A dónde van los desaparecidos? Ante una grave crisis de desapariciones forzadas en el país. Madres buscadoras de Jalisco encuentran un crematorio clandestino, el tercero en el estado.

Avispa Midia

(Español) Sectores de derecha en Perú quieren desconocer a indígenas que viven aislados en la Amazonía

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Fuente: Avispa Midia

Por Javier Bedía Prado

Fotos: Indígenas que viven en aislamiento en Perú. Fuente: Ministerio de Cultura de Perú

Los pueblos indígenas en situación de aislamiento y contacto inicial (PIACI) que habitan en territorios del Perú son amenazados por la expansión de proyectos extractivistas. Desde el Estado y gremios empresariales, se intenta desconocer su existencia para sumar concesiones de infraestructura y explotación de hidrocarburos, minerales y madera.

Se estima que 7,500 indígenas (5,200 sin contacto y 2,250 en contacto inicial), distribuidos en unos 20 pueblos originarios, viven aislados en áreas remotas de la Amazonía peruana.
Para su protección, en 2006 se promulgó la Ley 28736 (Ley PIACI), que dispone la creación de reservas en zonas de asentamiento temporal y tránsito de las comunidades nómadas.

Se trata de la única norma que los resguarda en las ocho naciones suramericanas que comparten la selva amazónica, donde se tiene referencias de 114 pueblos aislados, de las cuales 60 han sido confirmadas, según el Observatorio Regional Amazónico.

Desde entonces se crearon dos reservas para pueblos en aislamiento. De otras cinco planificadas con este objetivo, solo dos son adecuadas para las comunidades indígenas. Otras seis se encuentran en la etapa de solicitud.

En comparación con la experiencia reciente en Ecuador del “Sí” al Parque Nacional Yasuní, una histórica consulta popular que rechazó la actividad petrolera que afecta a la reserva, habitada por pueblos transfronterizos, “existe una gran diferencia en cuanto a la batería de acciones legales y campañas políticas activadas en el lado peruano”, observan Guisela Loayza y Eduardo Pichilingue, de la alianza Cuencas Sagradas.

(Continuar leyendo…)