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Relatos Zapatistas

A un año de la masacre de Bagua, Perú

Noticias de la Otra

Report on Frayba’s Annual Report and other news

  • Cucapa fishermen detained in Baja California
  • Mobilization by Movimiento de resistencia civil contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica de Candelaria, Campeche
  • Armed attack against member of the Movimiento de resistencia civil contra las altas tarifas de la energía eléctrica de Candelaria
  • Agression against members of Frente Cívico Tonalteco and the Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center
  • Break-in and intimidations against journalist Laura Castellanos
  • Solidarity actions in Paris
  • Karakola Global convokes to cultural uprising

Annual Balance of the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center(Frayba)

Summary of the Annual Balance

Noticias de la Otra

One year after the recuperation of the Agua Azul pay booth

Ejidatarios from San Sebastián Bachajón, adherents to the other campaign, celebrate the aniversary of the takeover of the pay booth at Agua Azul, and other important news from Chiapas, the Other Campaign and the Zezta Internazional.

Noticias de la Otra

Bolom Ajaw: Interview with the Good Government Council of Morelia

The JBG of Morelia speaks to us about the events on February 6 at Bolom Ajaw, the current situation and the government’s strategy to undermine zapatismo while preparing the ground for tourism projects in the region. For more information on the precedents to the current situation, listen to our 1 Feb 2008 documentary with testimonies by compañer@s from Bolon Ajaw, Nuevo Progreso Agua Azul and 24 de Diciembre.

La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – May program

Report on the lies published by the Mexican daily Reforma. Report/summary of the Sit-in Our Prisoners First on May 3 and 4 at the zócalo in Mexico City. Words by Gustavo Esteva during the International Seminar on Global Crisis and “Other” Social Movements.

Noticias de la Otra

Report on the lies published by the daily Reforma

Report on the lies published by the daily Reforma, with testimony by Leuccio Rizzo, whose photo the newspaper published claiming to be the unmasked face of Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. In addition, latest news from Chiapas and the Other Campaign.

La Hora Sexta

Interview to Radio Zapatista

Entrevista a Radio Zapatista en Hora Sexta, 99.1FM, San Cristóbal de las Casas

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas – March program

March program by Relatos Zapatistas


  • the month of march in zapatista history
  • durito storytime
  • entrevista con victor hugo lópez (Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas)
  • mitzitón – noticias de la otra
  • march 20 day of action announcement
  • discussion of la otra with gustavo esteva interview
  • discussion of march 4th day of action in defense of public education (berkeley, oakland, davis)
Radio Zapatista

Encuentro de Mujeres contra la violencia, la militarización y la impunidad

March 7 2010

Cideci-Unitierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas

Womens’ struggles:

Work Groups – Synthesis or summary of proposals:

Additional testimonies/denunciations:

Summary of the day (Xóchitl Leyva):

Interviews (realizadas por Hora Sexta, 99.1FM, San Cristóbal de las Casas)