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Noticias de la Otra

New agressions against human rights activists in Chiapas

We spoke with doctor Alejandro Meza, member of the Red of Medical and Mental Health Personnel for the Attention to Survivors of Torture and external collaborator of the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba), who recently suffered threats and had his house and car broken into. We also interviewed Jorge Hernández, from the Frayba, who spoke of the situation of human rights activists at the national level and in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

Victoria de los comerciantes del Mercado en San Cristóbal de las Casas

After a long struggle, the vendors at the traditional market in San Cristóbal de las Casas won the battle to stay at their place of work and sustainance. Among general joy, Narciso Ruiz Sántiz, president of the newly formed Association of Merchants of the Traditional Market of San Cristóbal de las Casas gave this press conference.

(Also read the articl on the situation before the agreement, by Hermann Bellinghausen of La Jornada.)

Relatos Zapatistas

The Politics of Victimhood

THE POLITICS OF VICTIMHOOD: Special podcast featuring interviews with Zach Levenson, a UC Berkeley student involved in protests around police brutality and the murder of Oscar Grant, and the privatization of public education; and John Gibler, a reporter who’s extensively covered Mexican social movements and conflicts including the Zapatistas’ “Other Campaign,” the Oaxaca rebellion of 2006, and the Mexican government’s narco-wars.

Full introduction available at Indybay.


(Español) Actividades de las Abejas de Acteal a 13 años de la Masacre de Acteal

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Distintos eventos que realizaron la Sociedad Civil Las Abejas de Acteal en el marco de los 13 años de la Masacre de Acteal.

Reporte Frayba

Reporte Frayba: Represión contra defensores de derechos humanos, organizaciones sociales y medios independientes

Monthly report by the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (in Spanish). In this program we want to share with our listeners our concern for the latest events in Chiapas, where the state government, headed by Juán Sabines Guerrero, has aimed all of its resources and state apparatus to attack human rights defenders, social organizations, and journalists in the state.

The Frayba Report

The Frayba Report: Repression against human rights activists, social organizations, and independent media

Monthly report by the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center (in English). In this program we want to share with our listeners our concern for the latest events in Chiapas, where the state government, headed by Juán Sabines Guerrero, has aimed all of its resources and state apparatus to attack human rights defenders, social organizations, and journalists in the state.

Radio Zapatista

Invitación de Las Abejas: Coro de Acteal y Sak Tzevul

In a press conference at Café Museo Café in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Las Abejas de Acteal invite us to a concert of Coro de Acteal and Sak Tzevul, to celebrate their walking together and to raise funds to produce a CD by Coro de Acteal. This coming 16 December 2010 at Casa de las Imágenes, Belisario Dominguez #9, Colonia Centro, San Cristóbal de las Casas, at 18:00.(Descarga aquí)  

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Radio Zapatista

Ciudades Rurales – Spot radiofónico de 30 seg

(Anti)promocional radio spot on “sustainable rural cities.”

(Descarga aquí)  
relatos zapatistas

special report: anti-COP16 mobilizations in mexico city

Noticias de la Otra

SPECIAL REPORT: “Sustainable Rural Cities”

In this special report on the so-called “sustainable rural cities,” the residents tell us what it’s like to live in these cities, and we analize their meaning as a mechanism for social control, counterinsurgency, and land grab for the benefit of transnational interests.