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Radio Pozol

Audios by compañeros from San Sebastián Bachajón – 11 Apr 2011

Today, Monday 11 April, two days after being again disposessed of their lands, the compañeros from ejido San Sebastián Bachajón share their words with all of those who have been in solidarity with their problems. In Agua Azul, in the ejido Bachajón, there is a tense tranquility due to the presence of police and the army. The compañeros reaffirm their committment to continue struggling and ask the national and international community to stay alert to what may happen.
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Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

NUEVA CONVOCATORIA: “5 Días MÁS de Acción Mundial por los 5 de Bachajón”

Call to action for the new “5 MORE Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5” campaign

April 10, 2011

To our sisters and brothers of the Ejido of San Sebastian Bachajón:
To our Zapatista sisters and brothers:
To our compañer@s of The Other Campaign:
To our compañer@s of the Zezta Internazional:
To the adherents of the International Campaign in Defense of El Barrio and our allies across the world:
To the civil society in Mexico and the world:

The following is a new and urgent convocation on behalf of Movement for Justice in El Barrio to the:

“5 MORE Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5”

From April 24th to the 28th.

Receive affectionate embraces and greetings from Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign New York. We want to share with all of you an urgent proposal on behalf of the humble and simple migrant community of El Barrio, New York.

Upon learning the latest news, today we find ourselves more than ever with our hearts beating with rage and our lungs breathing the will to fight back.

During the morning of Friday, April 8, 2011, our compas from the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón once again recovered control of the tollbooth – which they themselves had installed – that marks the entrance to the Agua Azul waterfalls in the territory of the Bachajón ejido. This dignified and rebellious action, which constituted another step forward in the process of building justice and autonomy for indigenous peoples, truly inspired us.

On the following day, April 9, over 800 police and military agents, sent by the repressive PAN president Felipe Calderón and the repressive PRD governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, arrived at the location of the tollbooth and violently displaced the ejidatari@s. Shortly after this act of repression by the bad government, three compas disappeared.

This reaffirmed, once again, what we have already known for quite some time now: That the bad government with its many faces – be they PAN, PRI, PRD, or PVEM – has only one modus operandi, which is rooted in brutality, violence, and repression. It is another example that shows us very clearly the fact that the bad government, in all its faces, always responds with aggression and injustice to humble and simple peoples who organize themselves autonomously for dignity and against displacement.

Recently, moreover, the bad government of Juan Sabines Guerrero has acted out vengeance towards our 5 compañeros – Jerónimo Guzmán Méndez, Domingo Pérez Álvaro, Domingo García Gómez, Juan Aguilar Guzmán y Mariano Demeza Silvano – who remain political prisoners, hostages of the State, and in horrible conditions.

In a profound and heartfelt letter that they sent us a few days ago, they tell us a bit about their daily life. Their powerful and dignified words have touched our heart, giving us more energy to continue fighting for their liberation. Our compañeros inform us that they are

“tired of the mistreatment. They only give us food and scarce amounts of water once a day, and we have gotten sick due to the horrible food that they give us. They do not provide any medication. And when our relatives visit us, they deny us the food that they have brought for us, and they force them to remove their clothing in order to be searched. For this reason, from this prison, we make public our denouncement and hope that you all continue to support us. Don’t give up the fight! We too are in the struggle to defend our lands so that our futures will no longer belong to the government. Until victory, always!”

In addition to this horrible mistreatment, day after day, they are forced to do “denigrating” work. And if they do not obey the orders of the repressive governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, they receive threats of additional confinement.

It is clear that all of these acts of aggression were provoked by the organized resistance of the people of Bachajón and by the national and international pressure that we generated via our solidarity actions during the “Worldwide Day of Action for the Liberation of the Political Prisoners of San Sebastian Bachajón and “5 Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5.” As the ejidatari@s of Bachajón explain: “This bad government has taken other reprisals to continue pressuring us into handing over our lands and their resources.” Responding to all of the movement that is spreading across the world for the Bachajón 5, the bad government has reacted in typical fashion: with violence.

In agreement with this account, a letter recently released by the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, confirms that

“it is feared that the threats and acts of harassment they are suffering are the result of the solidarity actions which are taking place in support of the prisoners, in particular those of the campaign ‘5 Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5’ which were held between the 1st and 5th of April 2011.”

This is a fatal symptom, a sign of desperation, which indicates to us that those from above have been forced to seek other ways of defending themselves at any cost against their worst enemy: An organized people.

In spite of the numerous threats and harassment, in spite of all the hordes of anti-riot helicopters and vans, our sisters and brothers of San Sebastián Bachajón have not given up. Rather, they are advancing in their struggle.

For this reason, we cannot give up either. We must not rest until our 5 brothers are in complete freedom and until the Bachajón community’s just demands are respected.

As such, we propose the following:

1) That we anticipate and remain vigilant for anything that happens. Likewise, that we be prepared to organize immediate, emergency actions if the bad government inflicts any form of violence upon the ejidatatri@s of San Sebastian Bachajón during the following weeks.

2) That we unite our forces once again to realize “5 MORE Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5” in order to continue fighting together to free the 5 political prisoners of San Sebastián Bachajón, who are adherents of The Other Campaign, and in support of the struggle for dignity and autonomy that the ejidatari@s of Bachajón are carrying out.

Through our solidarity actions, together, we were able to make echo the true history of the Bachajón people and their struggle to defend their lands and natural resources from the avarice of the multinational corporations and their political lackeys. Both of whom seek to dispossess the ejidatari@s from their tollbooth in order to seize the natural wealth that exists in the ejido’s territory. (The second video-message on this can be seen at this link:

Each time we come together to denounce and contest the bad government and neoliberalism that do all of this simply to accumulate more wealth, we create inalterable cracks in the walls of the prison that confines our five brothers. Now more than ever, we must continue to apply pressure so that these cracks turn into dust.

Once more, we invite each one of you, from every part of the world, in your own way, to realize actions to demand that the PRD governor and repressor Juan Sabiness Guerrero immediately release each one of the five political prisoners.

We propose that together we join forces by organizing actions–from our respective locations and different forms of struggle—such as demonstrations, marches, informative street actions, flyering, public forums, theater, teach-ins, and any other activity to bring about:

“5 MORE Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5” from April 24th to the 28th.

We ask that you please let us know as soon as possible, if you accept our proposal and will participate. You may contact us via e-mail at:

During the following weeks we will be paying close attention to any new developments in San Sebastián Bachajón. That way, if anything serious happens to our sisters and brothers, we will be ready to organize emergency actions.

Justice, Land, and Freedom for the Ejidatarios of San Sebastián Bachajón! Free the Political Prisoners of San Sebastián Bachajón! Long live the women of San Sebastián Bachajón! Stop the Aggressions against Adherents of The Other Campaign! Long live the women of San Sebastián Bachajón! Long live the Zapatistas!

We send you embraces of love and solidarity.

From El Barrio, NYC
Movement for Justice in El Barrio
The Other Campaign New York

Radio Zapatista

Adherente to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón recover the toll booth to Agua Azul

The adherents to the Other Campaign from the ejido of San Sebastián Bachajón recuperated this morning the toll booth to the waterfalls of Agua Azul. They sent us this denounciation and communiqué.

Denounciation: (Descarga aquí)  

Communiqué: (Descarga aquí)  

Read the denounciation and communiqué below (in Spanish): (Continuar leyendo…)


Movimiento Justicia por el Barrio de NY toman consulado mexicano

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

A las 7:30 de la mañana, hoy siendo el cuarto día de la campaña “5 Días de Acción Mundial por los 5 de Bachajón”, integrantes del Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio, La Otra Campaña Nueva York, entramos y tomamos el Consulado Mexicano en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Esta ocupación la emprendimos como parte de esta campaña para protestar en contra de la cruel represión del Estado hacia la lucha digna de l@s ejidatar@s de San Sebastián Bachajón, Chiapas, México, los cuales también son adherentes a La Otra Campaña, y que están defendiendo sus recursos naturales contra la depredación de las empresas transnacionales disfrazada de “plan ecoturístico”.

Indymedia Chiapas

Asesinan junto con más personas a Juan Francisco, hijo del compañero Javier Sicilia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Fuente: Indymedia Chiapas

La madrugada del pasado 28 de marzo apareció asesinado Juan Francisco Sicilia, hijo de Javier Sicilia, escritor y periodista, compañero de la Otra Campaña de Morelos. Apareció asesinado junto con cuatro jóvenes y dos adultos, en el interior de un auto abandonado en la carretera México-Acapulco, con heridas de bala en el cuerpo y amordazado.

El viernes Javier Sicilia dio su palabra en rueda de prensa: “Por la señora Wallace, por los anónimos, por los que no han podido tener respuesta, por nuestros hijos, por los que viven, por los que pueden ser víctimas mañana, por las mujeres asesinadas, por las mujeres de Chihuahua, por tantos crímenes… ¡vamos a salir a la calle a exigir a estos hijos de la chingada que le paren al crimen organizado, y a estos cabrones del gobierno que respondan!… hay que quitarnos el miedo, si estamos juntos no nos tocan. Yo vine aquí sin miedo, mi hijo estaba en las calles sin miedo, cada muchacho que estaba en las calles estaba sin miedo…”

En una plática sobre “La Guerra de Calderón”, realizada la semana pasada, Sergio Rodríguez Lazcano también hizo referencia al asesinato de Juan Francisco, hijo del compañero: “Lo que se sabe es que días atrás el joven, junto con unos amigos había hecho una denuncia anónima a los teléfonos que el ejército federal ha puesto a disposición de la población sobre la existencia del narcomenudeo en la zona. Todo ello evidencia la relación entre instituciones del estado mexicano y el crimen organizado. Evidencia al estado mexicano como fuente de todo crimen organizado… En la carta que el subcomandante Marcos envía a don Luis Villoro se desglosa de una manera muy detallada el presupuesto de Calderón para llevar a cabo su guerra contra la población mexicana siguiendo los designios del demandante vecino del norte. Es muy importante, porque aparte de todo una guerra ha de ser analizada por cuánto es su presupuesto”.

Y este presupuesto no sólo lo decide Calderón… lo decide también la clase política representada en el senado.

Las redes ciudadanas de Morelos están convocando a una marcha nacional el miércoles 6 de abril que saldrá a las 5:00 PM del monumento de la Paloma de la Paz para llegar hasta el Palacio de Gobierno, exigiendo justicia y paz.

Estamos hasta la madre (Carta abierta a los políticos y a los criminales) (Zapateando).

“Estamos en una emergencia nacional y nadie hace nada”: Javier Sicilia (Radio Pozol).

Policía Comunitaria de Guerrero

Solidaridad con los 5 presos de Bachajón: Policía Comunitaria de Guerrero

Ignacio del Valle, Atenco

Solidaridad con los 5 presos de Bachajón – Ignacio del Valle, Atenco

Regeneración Radio

“Calderón’s War” – Sergio Rodríguez Lazcano

Conference by Sergio Rodríguez Lazcano, “Calderon’s War,” on May 31, 2011, at Uníos, Mexico City.

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

Solidaridad Bachajón: 3er informe de la campaña y nuevo videomensaje de Bachajón

Video Message from Our Sisters & Brothers of San Sebastian Bachajon

“5 Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5”

April 1, 2011

To our sisters and brothers of the Ejido of San Sebastian Bachajón:

To our Zapatista sisters and brothers:
To our compañer@s of The Other Campaign:
To our compañer@s of the Zezta Internazional:
To the adherents of the International Campaign in Defense of El Barrio
and our allies across the world:
To the civil society in Mexico and the world:

We would like to share with you the third update on the call to action for the “5 Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5” on April 1 – 5.

Receive embraces from Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign.

Today being the first day of the “5 Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5”, we would like to share with you the new video message “Second Message from San Sebastian Bachajon”.

The new video message includes what has happened since the Worldwide Day of Action for the Liberation of the Political Prisoners of San Sebastian Bachajon up to now. They also send special messages to everyone that took part in the actions at both the national and international level. It also includes images of the actions that were organized worldwide in different corners of the world.

We ask that you help disseminate the video message broadly placing it on websites and sharing it with others. Here is the link:

We also want to let you know that beginning today the dignified people of the following countries and cities will participate in the “5 Days of Worldwide Action for the Bachajón 5”: distinct groups from Mexico, India, South Africa, London, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, the Basque Country, Endinburgh, Barcelona, Dorset, Gasgow, Argentina, France, Manchester, Lancaster, Exeter and New York.

That is all for now, compas.

We send you embraces of love and solidarity.

From El Barrio, NYC.

Movement for Justice in El Barrio
The Other Campaign New York

Radio Zapatista

La Onda Bajita: April Program

  • La lucha del Ejido Tila por la tierra y la solidaridad de San Salvador Atenco
  • Palabras del Consejo Autónomo de la Costa de Chiapas
  • Campaña mundial por los presos políticos de San Sebastián Bachajón
  • Gobierno mexicano encubre la masacre de Viejo Velasco