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Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos and Teniente Coronel Insurgente Moisés greet the National and international caravan in solidarity with the zapatista communities, at the caracol of La Garrucha, and address them on the history of zapatismo, the EZLN’s position toward power and the construction of autonomy.
Report on the SSP (Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or ASPAN in Spanish) and its relationship with militarization and displacement in Chiapas, with interviews (by Group Basta, Germany, recorded in Mexico City) with Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program of the Center for International Policy in Washington, and with Marco Antonio Velázquez Navarrete of the Mexican Network for Action Against Free Trade (Red Mexicana de Acción contra el Libre Comercio).
Report at La Garrucha about the repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion in the region of La Garrucha, with interviews to Hermann Bellinghausen and Gloria Muñoz from La Jornada.
Complete interview with Hermann Bellinghausen from La Jornada at the caracol of La Garrucha about repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion. (Recorded in partnership with Regeneración Radio.)