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Campaign against violence toward women and feminicides in Chiapas


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Radio Zapatista

Electric Comission cuts electric power to TierrAdentro Café – Interview to Ernesto Ledesma

El viernes 20 de septiembre de 2013, en un acto de arbitrariedad y abuso de poder, la Comisión Federal de Electricidad cortó el servicio de energía eléctrica al Centro Cultural TierrAdentro Café en San Cristóbal de Las Casas. Entrevistamos a Ernesto Ledesma sobre lo ocurrido.

(Descarga aquí)  

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, a 21 de septiembre de 2013.


A los medios de comunicación:
A la sociedad civil nacional e internacional:

Nunca hubiéramos pensado tener que citar a una conferencia de prensa por una razón tan lamentable como la que hoy nos convoca.

El Centro Cultural TierrAdentro Café siempre ha sido una plataforma para dar a conocer formas de lucha y denunciar injusticias y arbitrariedades. Hoy nosotros somos los afectados.

La historia es ésta.

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Votán IV. Día Menos 7.

Votán IV.

D-Day Minus 7.

Revelations of what the Zapatista heart admires in others, announcement of some exemptions to the Zapatista Little School, and some pointless advice that no one is going to follow.

August of 2013.

Okay so, there’s not much left now. I mean that there are not many days left until the Little School starts, not that we don’t have much more to do and say.

If anyone out there can find a school that assigns each individual their own teacher, 24 hours a day, a school that is laicized [secular] and free of cost, that provides lodging and meals during the teaching and learning, well good luck.

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Votán III.

IAQ Section (Infrequently Asked Questions).

What you always wanted to know (or be warned) about the Zapatistas, their renowned Little School, and the potential consequences of attending.

July 2013.

So, it seems it is becoming more or less clear what the hell the Zapatistas are thinking when we talk about the little school.

But it is as expected that you would now have more questions than answers. Perhaps you are no longer worried about your footwear, but now you have other questions. It occurs to you that perhaps it is true what they say about Zapatismo being a 21st century rebellion, that they are skilled in all things cybernetic (they even have a graffiti artist for virtual walls). So you go to the nearest internet café, turn on the computer, and search “Zapatista little school, doubts, common questions, FAQ, etc.”

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The Guardians.

July of 2013.

Now we want to explain to you how the little school will work (the list of school items you’ll need, the methodology, the teachers, the course subjects, the schedules, etc.), so the first thing is…

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Radio Zapatista

Indigenous Ch’oles from Tila Celebrate 79 Years of Resistence


Votán I. UN ESCARABAJO EN LA RED (Durito versión freeware).

Votán I.

A Beetle in the Network

(Durito version freeware).

July of 2013.

Before we explain how the Little School is going to work (at which point we’ll send a kind of “route manual” or “manual of bad manners” or “survival manual”), let’s take a look at what they’re up to “above.” Not because we’re a little scattered (which we are, no doubt), but because we look at their calendars and geographies above, that is, we try to understand.

So, please be kind and patient and accompany us in this gaze from here below to there above.

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Red Contra la Represión Chiapas

Threats against zapatistas from San Marcos Avilés

Audio about the new threats of displacement against Zapatista Bases of Support from San Marcos Avilés, by Red Contra la Represión Chiapas.
(Descarga aquí)  

San Sebastián Bachajón

Comunicado de San Sebastián Bachajón: No vamos a permitir que siga el despojo y el abuso a pesar del asesinato de Juan Vázquez

Communiqué from San Sebastián Bachajón, 28th of May, 2013

To the people of Mexico and the world

To the compañer@s adherents to the sixth declaration of the Lacandon Jungle

To the mass and alternative media

To national and international human rights defenders

To the Good Government Juntas

To the indigenous peoples in resistance

To public opinion

We come with dignified rage to give our word in Mexico City, we want to denounce once again the great injustices and dispossessions that the three levels of bad government, headed by the major criminals Enrique Peña Nieto, Manuel Velasco Coello and Leonardo Guirao Aguilar, continue to commit against our people. These corrupt governments displace indigenous peoples from their territory to develop transnational projects and make themselves rich at the expense of our suffering. They say that their projects are to provide work for the indigenous so they can get out of poverty, but the only thing they want is to keep our lands and for us to return to the time of slavery. It is these same corrupt governments who sent people to cowardly assassinate our compañero in the struggle, Juan Vázquez Guzmán, during the evening of April 24, 2013, while he was resting at his home in the settlement of Bachajón.

The bad government buys ejidal[i] and community authorities[ii] who have no conscience to defend their people, they sell themselves for a few pesos and become faithful servants of the bad government, because they only see their personal interests. An authority who governs without obeying and defending his people is not really an authority, but simply has the name, so the people have the right to defend themselves. In our community the officialist[iii] ejidal authorities are manipulated by the government to consummate the theft of our lands. The former commissioners Pedro Alvaro Hernández and Francisco Guzmán Jiménez now have good cars and live off the fat of the land because they no longer work the fields. They have allowed the government to militarize and fill our communities with state preventive police. They signed documents handing over our land to the government, without the authorisation of our highest authority the General Assembly, and instead of being punished and sent to prison, they are rewarded and protected by the bad government. But the indigenous who fight for their people are tortured and punished in jail, serving unjust sentences, like our prisoners Antonio Estrada Estrada (prisoner in CERSS 17, Playas de  Catazajá, Chiapas), Miguel Vázquez Deara (prisoner in CERSS 16, Ocosingo, Chiapas) and Miguel Demeza Jiménez (prisoner in CERSS 14, El Amate).

The theft of our lands has been prepared, since the end of 2010, by the general secretary of government Noé Castañón León himself, at his offices in Tuxtla Gutierrez, together with the former ejidal commissioners Francisco Guzmán Jiménez, Carmen Aguilar Gómez Primero, Juan Alvaro Moreno, Manuel Jiménez Moreno and Miguel Ruiz Hernández. On February 2, 2011, they came to violently evict the compañeros of our organization from the toll booth[iv] we built with much effort to benefit the people, they stole building materials and cash, and the next day they arrested 117 of our compañeros.

The bad government has strongly repressed our movement because they want us to disappear, they do not like the people to organize and defend what is theirs, they just want to get rid of us and for nobody to say anything. These same bad governments say we live in a democracy, but they repress us with state forces and order assassination to silence our movement which fights for justice, land, freedom and democracy.

On March 2, 2011 compañero Mariano Moreno Guzmán, who is one of the founders of the ejido and a former ejidal commissioner who obtained the documents for our people, presented an amparo[v] on account of the eviction. The amparo was allotted to the Seventh District Judge in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas with the number 274/2011. On January 30, 2013, the corrupt Judge José del Carmen Constantino Avendaño gave judgement and dismissed the amparo. On May 16, 2013, the Third Collegiate Court of Tuxtla rejected the judgment of the Seventh Court as being illegal and ordered the reinstatement of the procedure. Now the Seventh Judge must notify the claim for amparo to the General Assembly of Ejidatarios through the officialist Ejidal Commissioner, who is from the government. The skill of the government can be clearly seen, as they could not cancel the amparo with the judgment of Judge Constantino Avendaño, they now want to use an Act of Assembly, similar to those they like to fabricate with the complicity of the Chief Resident of the Agrarian Prosecutor of Ocosingo, Engineer Luis Demetrio Domínguez López, the Municipal Presidency of Chilón and the government authorities of Chiapas.

We will not allow the theft of our lands and the abuse of our people to continue, despite the cowardly assassination of our compañero Juan Vázquez Guzmán, we will keep fighting and defending with energy and organization, we will not be silent as the bad government wants us to be. Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives, the Bachajón struggle continues!

We join the week of worldwide action: Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives, the Bachajón struggle continues! convoked by our compañeros from Movement for Justice in El Barrio, Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group, Committee of the True Word from Kolkata, India and Committee of the True Word from Alisal, for the days from June 25th to July 2nd.

From the northern zone of Chiapas, receive an embrace from the women and men of San Sebastián Bachajón. May 28, 2013.


Land and Freedom!

Hasta la victoria siempre!

[i] From ejido, a communal landholding

[ii] Authorities are people with positions of responsibility in the community

[iii] Officialist here means government-supporting

[iv] Toll booth is where tickets are sold to visitors to the waterfalls of Agua Azul

[v] Amparo is a form of legal protection

La Sexta Bachajón

Communiqué from San Sebastián Bachajón: The heart of the people is alive and will continue to struggle

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.


Al pueblo de México y el mundo

A los compañer@s aderentes a la sexta nacional e internacional

A los medios de comunicación masivos e alternativos

A los defensores de derechos humanos nacional e internacional

A las Juntas de Buen Gobierno

A la opinión pública

Desde la zona norte de Chiapas saludamos a todos los compañeros y compañeras de organizaciones y colectivos que han enviado sus muestras de solidaridad y cariño para nuestro compa Juan Vazquez Guzman y para nuestra resistencia que sigue en pie de lucha para defender lo que es nuestro y para decirle al mal gobierno que de aquí somos y no nos vamos, porque aunque nos mate o nos quiera destruir como pueblos indígenas el corazón del pueblo esta vivo y seguirá luchando cueste lo que cueste.

El mal gobierno quiere llenar de muerte y miedo nuestras tierras para que nos cansemos y ya no sigamos defendiendo nuestra vida, el pueblo, la madre tierra. Nuestra lucha es por la vida y dignidad de nuestras familias y comunidades, luchamos por un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos, no para que se imponga el capitalismo y el dinero sobre nuestras tierras. El mal gobierno nos quiere desaparecer porque estorbamos para sus proyectos capitalistas y para entregarle nuestras tierras a las empresas trasnacionales, para explotar nuestra madre tierra, el viento, el agua, nuestras semillas. El gobierno es incapaz de hacer su trabajo, es un vil siervo de los que verdaderamente tienen el poder y el dinero en el país, por eso privatiza la educación, la energía eléctrica, petróleos mexicanos, la tierra de los pueblos indígenas y campesinos con sus reformas estructurales y el impuesto a los alimentos y las medicinas. El mal gobierno desde hace mucho tiempo ya no representa al pueblo sino solo sus propios intereses, por eso el pueblo tiene que despertar y levantarse para defender sus derechos que nos los pisotean con la total impunidad.

Enrique Peña Nieto, Manuel Velasco Suarez, Leonardo Guirao  Aguilar y Francisco Guzmán Jiménez son los responsables de la violencia y el despojo de nuestras tierras y del cobarde asesinato de nuestro compañero Juan Vázquez Guzmán, son ellos los primeros interesados en callar la voz de nuestra organización y de tener a nuestros compañeros Antonio Estrada Estrada, Miguel Vázquez Deara y Miguel Demeza Jiménez secuestrados sin tener delito en sus cárceles de muerte.

Estos personajes de la mala política se dicen ser autoridades pero son verdaderos delincuentes que venden nuestras tierras y el destino de nuestro país, que se dan la vida de ricos a costa de la población cada vez más marginada y excluida, sin empleo y salarios dignos, sin acceso a la salud y educación. Sus famosas cruzadas contra el hambre solo sirven para hacer negocio con empresas como la nestle y Pepsi, con eso dicen que quieren combatir el hambre en la comunidades, pero para nosotros es pura mentira porque nosotros sabemos que lo único que quieren es seguir manteniendo pobre al pueblo para aprovecharse de su necesidad y comprar sus votos cuando vengan las próximas elecciones.

Sabemos que en nuestra lucha no estamos solos, porque hay muchos pueblos que han abierto los ojos y conocen las trampas del mal gobierno, por eso también estos pueblos están resistiendo para seguir siendo lo que son. Queremos saludar y solidarizarnos con los compañeros y compañeras del pueblo ch´ol del ejido Tila, que tienen muchos años resistiendo como nosotros. Saludamos a la Policía Comunitaria de Guerrero, a los pueblos zapotecas e ikoots del Istmo de Tehuantepec, a los maestros que defienden la educación pública y gratuita, a los estudiantes, amas de casa, migrantes, mujeres, niños y hombres dignos, concientes que quieren transformar este país secuestrado por un grupo de delincuentes llamada clase política y sus patrones los dueños del dinero.

Les pedimos estén atentos a los acontecimientos que se sigan presentando en nuestro pueblo y les estaremos informando de nuestras acciones para la defensa de nuestro territorio.

Ánimo compañeros y compañeras.

Que vivan nuestros presos políticos, vamos a seguir exigiendo hasta lograr la libertad para todos, porque nuestra palabra es más fuerte que los muros de la prisión, juntos vamos a romper barreras, salud y saludos para ellos.

Nuestro abrazo combativo de hombres y mujeres.

Desde la zona norte de Chiapas, México.

Adherentes a la sexta declaración de la selva lacandona.


¡Tierra y libertad!

¡Hasta la victoria siempre!