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relatos zapatistas

Special report from bolivia: mandar obedeciendo & the gasolinazo

In this segment, DJ Alita reports from La Paz, Bolivia on the festivities of the fifth anniversary of the government of Evo Morales, and the first of the Plurinational State. It focuses in particular on the contradictions revealed by the gasolinazo, as well as debates about the uses of the Zapatista concept of “mandar obedeciendo.”

(Descarga aquí)  
Radio Zapatista

Despedida a Jtatic Samuel

With sorrow and an immense recognition we bade farewell to our dear Jtatic Samuel Ruiz García, who passed away on January 24, 2011. These are some of the moments of his farewell during the 38 hours in which his body remained in the cathedral of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, before being buried in the cathedral. To Don Samuel, our deepest feelings of gratitude for his work at the side of the original peoples, the poor and exploited. You remain with us, dear Tatic.

Communique by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN on the death of Don Samuel.

Reporte Indigo

Don Samuel speaks on various topics


(Español) Violaciones a Derechos Humanos en las carceles en Chiapas.


Greetings and wishes for 2011 to frayba

Relatos Zapatistas

Vibraciones: dentro y alrededor del Complejo Industrial de Prisiones

Relatos Zapatistas show from January, focused on mechanisms for producing communication and community in and around the prison-industrial complex. Does struggle resonate through walls? Includes special interviews regarding the Georgia prison strike and solidarity in the Bay Area, the Prison University Project at San Quentin, and gang injunctions in Fruitvale.

Full introduction available at Indybay.

La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita: January program

  • EnlaceZapatista denies EZLN or the Other Campaign involvement in the kidnapping of Diego Fernández de Cevallos
  • Special report on “sustainable rural cities”
  • New agressions against human rights activists in Chiapas
  • The Frayba Report: hostilities against human rights activists and independent journalists in Chiapas
Relatos Zapatistas

Interview with Redwood Curtain Copwatch about 2007 police killing of Eureka, Ca resident Martin Cotton

Interview with a member of Redwood Curtain Copwatch who has been organizing around the 2007 police killing of Martin Cotton II. The interview tells the story of Martin’s murder in the Humboldt County Jail by Eureka Police Department (EPD) and the Sheriff. It also describes how Redwood Curtain Copwatch has kept Martin’s killing in public memory even though the Humboldt County Judicial system has yet to prosecute any Eureka officers and Humboldt County Sheriff who were involved. Martin Cotton’s 5-year old daughter and father are suing EPD and the Humboldt Country Sheriff; the trial begins on Jan 11 at the Courthouse in Oakland. Please check out Redwood Curtain Copwatch for more information.

Radio Zapatista

Victoria de los comerciantes del Mercado en San Cristóbal de las Casas

After a long struggle, the vendors at the traditional market in San Cristóbal de las Casas won the battle to stay at their place of work and sustainance. Among general joy, Narciso Ruiz Sántiz, president of the newly formed Association of Merchants of the Traditional Market of San Cristóbal de las Casas gave this press conference.

(Also read the articl on the situation before the agreement, by Hermann Bellinghausen of La Jornada.)

Relatos Zapatistas

The Politics of Victimhood

THE POLITICS OF VICTIMHOOD: Special podcast featuring interviews with Zach Levenson, a UC Berkeley student involved in protests around police brutality and the murder of Oscar Grant, and the privatization of public education; and John Gibler, a reporter who’s extensively covered Mexican social movements and conflicts including the Zapatistas’ “Other Campaign,” the Oaxaca rebellion of 2006, and the Mexican government’s narco-wars.

Full introduction available at Indybay.