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Mexico Awakens: March against Peña Nieto

L’Adhesiva, Espai de Trobada i Acció

Desde Barcelona: Video para Alberto Patishtán y Francisco Sántiz López

This past May 19th, as part of the “Spring Celebrations” of Ateneu l’ Harmonia de Sant Andreu de Palomar, and organized as part of the “Week of Worldwide Struggle for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López: bringing down the prison walls‏”. Several collectives joined forces and our work to create a solidarity video.

The people of Sant Andreu, are in solidarity and send all of our support to the political prisoners Alberto Patishtán y Francisco Sántiz and we demand their immediate liberation. We also send our support and solidarity to the Zapatista communities in resistance and the bases of support of the EZLN.

The video was made possible thanks to the solidarity work and coordination of:

La Batonera de Sant Andreu
Els Diables de Sant Andreu
Assamblea Sant Andreu Indigna’t
Edpac. Educació per a l’Acció Crítica
L’ Adhesiva, Espai de Trobada i Acció.

We appreciate the initiative of Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign New York.

We take this opportunity to also send solidarity embraces to all groups, from below and to the left, that organize, fight and resist everyday to construct a better world that we hold in our hearts. The solidarity amongst all dignified peoples will always be our strength.

Solidarity embraces,

Espai de Trobada i Acció.
Maig de 2012.

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

MST de Brasil apoya a los presos políticos Patishtán y Sántiz López

Final update on the

May 15 – May 22 of this year.

May 22, 2012

o The Landless Workers Movement (MST) of Brazil supports Patishtán and Sántiz López through new video message: “If it does not wish to be judged for crimes against its population, the Mexican Government must release the two prisoners”

To our sisters and brothers, the family members and allies of Alberto Patishtán Gómez:
To our sisters and brothers, the family members and allies of Francisco Sántiz López:
To our Zapatista sisters and brothers:
To our compañer@s of The Other Campaign:
To our compañer@s of the Zezta Internazional:
To our compañer@s, adherents of the International Campaign in Defense of El Barrio and all our allies from around the world:
To the Civil Society in Mexico and in the world:

Compañeras and compañeros:

Receive an enormous embrace from El Barrio, Nueva York. Today being the closing day, here we share with you the seventh and final update on the “Week of Worldwide Struggle for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López: Bringing Down the Prison Walls.”

We have received, and will circulate herein, a new video message from our compas of the Landless Workers Movement (Movimento Sem Terra) of Brazil, as part of the global actions executed during the Week of Worldwide Action. In this video, Rafael, a representative of MST, explains to us the reasons behind their support and solidarity for the two political prisoners of Chiapas and the national and international struggle for their liberation. Our Brazilian comrade states that with regards to Alberto’s case, popular education and learning must be nourished in order to have real democracy, and therefore, those who do so must be defended. Punishing educators would constitute a grave error against this goal and represent an irrational and unjust act. He adds, moreover, that the fact that Alberto has already spent 12 years in prison speaks to his abilities and demonstrates that he has indeed done “excellent work” for his people and against the interests of the capitalists and their political lackeys. Concerning Francisco, our compa from the MST states that his movement has a “relationship of admiration and respect” for the Zapatistas. He goes on to suggest that unjust and arbitrary incarceration can be regarded as a crime against the population and democracy. There exists much truth in his words and for this reason, we are happy to be able to share with you the full message here:

Although this particular week of struggle ends today, there still remains much work to be done, as our two prisoners remain unjustly imprisoned.

Their physical bodies remain stuck in disgusting cells for crimes that they did not commit, while those who do harm to our people and our Mother Earth, continue to enjoy impunity and the wealth that they have robbed violently from us.

It sickens us. It enrages us. It causes us agony. It fills us full of emotion and strength to tear down the walls that confine them.

We view them as our prisoners, our brothers.

And it has occurred to us that Alberto and Francisco’s dreams are very similar to our own, as migrants. The true “American dream” of any immigrant is being able to be back in their community with their family.

We share this same dream, this same yearning, and we shall soon make them reality.

It is our hope that these global actions have given all of us, and in particular, Francisco, Alberto, and their people, more energy, more determination and strength to continue fighting for that freedom that we have always sought.

To close the Week of Worldwide Struggle, we resend you our video on the week here:

As always, we ask that you please share the films with all of your contacts and social networks, so that the truth, wisdom, and hope of these messages, as well as the already global and historical demand for the release of Alberto and Francisco, may reach every corner of our world.

The pressure and demand for the freedom of Alberto Patishtán and Sántiz López now has a global reach. Today more than ever we must keep it alive.

We want to thank all the people of good heart who participated in the “Week of Worldwide Struggle for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López: Bringing Down the Prison Walls,” by taking action and disseminating our convocation and all the video messages—since the true word and knowledge are essential to the struggle for justice, democracy, and dignity.

That said, due to all of our collective efforts, some day soon, we will see them free and our dreams realized.

We continue, compas.


With love and solidarity,

Movement for Justice in El Barrio
The Other Campaign New York

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

Habitantes de casas de cartón en Sudáfrica mandan video por la libertad de Patishtán y Sántiz López

Mediante videomensaje, el Movimiento Sudáfricano de los Habitantes de Casas de Cartón Se Solidariza a la Semana de Lucha Mundial por Patishtán y Sántiz López:
“Sentimos lo mismo, que tu lucha ha sido reprimida”

(Continuar leyendo…)

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

Zapatistas apoyan la “Semana de Lucha Mundial por Patishtán y Sántiz López: A Tumbar las Paredes del Calabozo”

The Good Government Council of Oventic and relatives of the Zapatista Base of Support Francisco Sántiz López sent two special messages on the actions for the “Week of Worldwide Struggle for the Freedom of Patishtán and Sántiz López.” The original audios of these texts, read by a representative of the Good Government Council and two relatives of Francisco, appear in full in the new documentary produced by the Movement for Justice of El Barrio, The Other Campaign New York.

(Descarga aquí)  

Below, the text of the two messages in full (Spanish):

(Continuar leyendo…)

CAIK - Colectivo de Análisis e Información Kolectiva

Hasta ahí te mueves (Ciudades Rurales) – Un documental sobre el desarraigo de habitar el vacío (trailer)

Hasta ahí te mueves by Mariela Zunino.

Brigada de Observación y Solidaridad con las Comunidades Zapatistas

Textos, audios, videos y fotos de la Brigada de Observación y Solidaridad con las Comunidades Zapatistas

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Les enviamos los vínculos donde pueden encontrar algunos de los videos, textos, audios y fotos tomados
durante los trabajos de la Brigada de Observación y Solidaridad con las Comunidades Zapatistas a los Caracoles de La Realidad, Oventic, La Garrucha y Morelia.

AGOSTO 2011.


Informe General                                   ,1


Realidad Carta disculpa                       

Realidad Entrev JBG                           

Oventic Inf Corregido                          

Oventic Inf Final                                 

Garrucha informe breve                       

Garrucha Informe largo                        



Morelia, Madre Tierra                        

Morelia, El Tulipán                             

Morelia, proyecto carretera 1enero     

Morelia, Màrtires,                               

Morelia, 1 enero                                  

Morelia, cras Madre Tierra                 

Morelia, Predio Doctor                       

Morelia, Comunidad Màrtires            

Morelia, Región Che Guevara1           

Morelia, Región Che Guevara Incendio

Morelia, Región Che Guevara2           

Morelia, Cra denuncia en San Isidro   

Morelia, JBG denuncia probl agrarios

Morelia, JBG, robo y ataque medios libres

La Realidad JBG                                 

Morelia 1, presentación brigada          

Morelia 2, denuncia agresiones           

Garrucha, Carpeta con textos y audios,1

Si tienes problemas para accesar los materiales, escríbenos para orientarte.

Brigada de Observación y Solidaridad con las Comunidades Zapatistas realizada en Agosto de 2011.
Koman Ilel

NO QUEREMOS SU BASURA – Inicia resistencia contra tiradero de basura en comunidades indígenas

Video streaming by Ustream

01 de Septiembre de 2011.

Comunidades del sur de San Cristóbal de Las Casas denuncian que la presidencia municipal, a cargo de Cecilia Flores, pretende abrir un basurero entre las colindancias de Corralito y Pinabetal. Esto, según las personas que denuncian, trae como consecuencia no sólo el deterioro ambiental sino prejuicios graves a la salud de la población.

Los afectados, hombres y mujeres Tsotsiles también denuncian que no se consultó a la población sobre este proyecto, que la presidenta municipal compró a los agentes rurales para que dieran su sello y firma.

“No vamos a permitir la apertura del basurero, tampoco lo queremos negociar, queremos que cumplan con nuestras peticiones, que se implementen proyectos que en verdad beneficien a nuestras comunidades” comentan los afectados.

Hasta ahora son 13 las comunidades afectadas y tres comunidades solidarias que el día de ayer, 31 de agosto, dieron inicio a una serie de acciones para denunciar corrupción y violaciones a los derechos humanos y derechos de los pueblos indígenas por la actual presidenta de esta ciudad.

Las acciones iniciaron con la lectura de denuncia ante los representantes de las comunidades y ante la Red de Medios independientes de Chiapas. El día de hoy asistieron a la radio local, conocida como “La WM” a hacer valor su derecho de replica para desmentir las palabras de la presidenta (esto porque en días anteriores, Cecilia Flores dijo en esta radio que las comunidades estaba de acuerdo con el proyecto). Mas tarde fueron a dejar la denuncia ante el Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas, y concluirán con una conferencia de prensa frente a la Iglesia del Carmen a las 11: 00 horas.

Radio Zapatista

Resistencia contra construcción de basurero en las comunidades indígenas del sur de San Cristóbal

Representatives from 13 indigenous communities in the south of the municipality of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, denounced today (Aug 31) the works that started this month to build in their territory a trash dump for the city of San Cristóbal, without authorization or consultation to the communities and with dire consequences for them. The representatives of the communities demanded a halt to the construction and announced that they will take further actions if their demands are not met.

(Descarga aquí)  

Read the complete denunciation below: (Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

Late la tierra en las veredas de la resistencia: Informe 2010 del Frayba

The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center presented its report, “Late la tierra en las veredas de la resistencia”, a look at the experiences of struggle of the peoples of Chiapas in the defense of their rights, report 2010.

Introducción: Víctor Hugo López Rodríguez – director del Frayba(Descarga aquí)  

Mtra. Magdalena Gómez – defensora de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas(Descarga aquí)  

Manuel Gómez Deara – ejidatario de San Sebastián Bachajón, adherentes a la Otra Campaña(Descarga aquí)  

Guadalupe Liévano y Emperatriz González – Integrantes del Centro de Derechos Humanos Digna Ochoa, Tonalá(Descarga aquí)  

Sara Méndez – Integrante del Comité de Defensa Integral de Derechos Humanos Gobixha, Oaxaca(Descarga aquí)  

Rafael Landerreche – Integrante de la parroquia de San Pedro Chenalhó(Descarga aquí)  

Jorge Santiago Santiago – Integrante del Consejo Directivo del Frayba(Descarga aquí)  

Palabras finales: Víctor Hugo López Rodríguez – director del Frayba(Descarga aquí)  

Ve el video de las palabras finales del Frayba abajo y lee/descarga el informe completo: (Continuar leyendo…)