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La Voladora Radio

(Español) #RenunciaYa.-Registro visual de la marcha del 15 de septiembre en CDMX

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El pasado 15 de septiembre del 2016, miles salieron a la calle a marchar para exigir la renuncia de Enrique Peña Nieto. Por primera vez en la historia del festejo de la independencia de México, las fiestas patrias se adornaron con denuncias, consignas, carteles de “Fuera Peña”, “Peña Inepto”, “Peña asesino”; por vez primera , el pasado 15 de septiembre de 2016, México conmemoró con banderas negras su independencia.

“Lo bueno no se cuenta… pero cuenta mucho”.

Radio Zapatista

(Español) Organizaciones exigen presentación con vida de joven desaparecido por el INM

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El joven Maximiliano Gordillo Martínez, originario de Socoltenango, Chiapas, fue desaparecido por agentes del Instituto Nacional de Migración y de la policía estatal de Tabasco, el 7 de mayo de 2016, en la caseta de Migración de Chablé, Tabasco. Hasta ahora, a tres meses y medio después de su desaparición, no se tiene noticias de su paradero.

Este lunes 22 de agosto, en conferencia de prensa, las organizaciones que acompañan a la familia de Maximiliano emitieron un pronunciamiento, que incluimos abajo. También hacen un llamado urgente a la solidaridad nacional e internacional para exigir la inmediata presentación con vida de Maximiliano Gordillo y una investigación exhaustiva contra los responsables. Entre otras acciones, invitan a firmar y difundir la acción urgente en el portal Avaaz:

Fotos: Arturo Gordillo, padre de Maximiliano, en conferencia de prensa. 22 de agosto de 2016 (Frayba)

Ciudad de México, a 22 de agosto de 2016.

La desaparición forzada práctica cotidiana en México
Violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas por agentes de Migración

Chiapas y Tabasco, fronteras con las hermanas/os de Centroamérica, fronteras del horror, extensión del terror, donde el gobierno de México ejerce su rostro servil hacia los intereses de los poderosos que imponen desde siglos su acción colonial cargada de racismo, discriminación y exclusión; y cada vez más con mayor rigor contra las personas migrantes, en la mira de las más graves violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas por el Estado mexicano.

Miles de personas, familias y pueblos transitan por los territorios del sur del país desde sus lugares de origen, huyendo de una violencia para encontrarse con otra, a veces más cruel: la política migratoria mexicana de los últimos tiempos. Políticas y prácticas de humillación, abuso, tortura, explotación y represión, cometidas por el gobierno mexicano para intentar contener el libre tránsito de personas bajo discursos de seguridad nacional, donde quien migra es concebido tácitamente como criminal, enemigo interno y riesgo a una paz que en verdad ni siquiera existe para nadie.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

The Art that is Neither Seen nor Heard



(Note: the following are the comments made by Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés to mark the conclusion of the Zapatista’s contribution to the CompArte, in the Caracol of Oventik, on July 29, 2016. The threat of rain and the pressure of time did not allow for the compañero to fully develop some of his points and there were others that he was unable to touch on at all. Here we present the original version that he was going to give. In his voice, our Zapatista word).



July 29, 2016.

Artists of Mexico and the world:

Sisters, brothers, and hermanoas:

For us, Zapatistas, art is studied by creating many imaginations, reading the gaze, studying in listening, and practicing.

It is by putting it into practice, that is, by doing it, that you will begin to see the result of the science and the art of imagination – the art of creativity.

There is some science and art that is needed immediately, the kind that helps us imagine how to do it.

There can be medium term science and art, and there is long term science and art that improves over the course of time.

For example: To even make something tiny that will contribute to the new world requires that we involve ourselves profoundly in the science and art of imagination, in the gaze, in listening and in creativity, patience, and attention. It requires that we think about how to move forward while building and many other things that must be taken into account.

Because what we want, or what we think about, is a new world, a new system. We don’t want a copy of what we have, we don’t want to improve it a little bit. This is a problem, we say, because there is no book or manual that explains how to create this new world. This book or manual hasn’t been written yet, it is still in the heads of those with imagination, in the eyes that are ready to gaze at the new world that they want to see, in the ears that are attentive in order to hear the new world that they want.

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Abejas de Acteal

(Español) Voces y cantos diversos en el Festival CompARTE por la Humanidad

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Subcomandante Moisés, Subcomandante Galeano

For la Maestra, with affection

July 2016

To the maestras [female teachers] of the teachers in resistance:

To the national and international Sixth:

To the attendees and participants of the CompArte all over the world:

Compas, hermanoas,[i] etcéteras:

We send you all [todas, todoas, todos] our greetings and respect. We hope that your health is good and your spirits high.

We are writing to send you a few videos of the contributions that the Zapatista bases of support had prepared for the CompArte. For now we are including two videos dedicated to women below and to the left, and especially to the maestras in struggle. Here goes:



This first video that we will show you is from the Caracol of La Garrucha. It a bailable [choreographed dance] entitled “The Rights of Women.” As is the case with almost everything here, it was prepared collectively by men and women, young people trained in the Zapatista autonomous education system. Zapatista bases of support wrote it, practiced it, and prepared to present it at the CompArte. The MC [maestra or master of ceremonies] explains everything. If you end up repeating the chorus, that’s to be expected. But we can tell you one thing: when you are capable of, as the compañera MC says, “singing a thought,” then perhaps you will have to rethink the idea that Art only comes from above, while below what we have are “crafts” [artesanías].

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The CompARTE Festival and Solidarity

The CompARTE Festival and Solidarity

July 2016

Compañeroas of the Sixth:

Artists from the five continents:

Teachers in Resistance:

As you know, we have decided to suspend our participation in the CompArte Festival. Of course, for those who know how to read carefully, we didn’t say that the festival itself was suspended. We merely indicated that we as Zapatistas would not be able to contribute. So if someone thought the former and decides not to participate, well then we apologize because we know you already took on expenses. No one should give orders to the Arts. If there is a synonym for freedom, perhaps the last bastion of humanity in the worst situations, it is the arts. We Zapatistas neither can nor should—nor has it even crossed our minds—to tell the workers of art and culture when they should create or not. Or worse, impose a topic on them and, using the originary peoples in rebellion as justification, drag out concepts of “cultural revolutions,” “realisms,” and other arbitrary notions that merely hide what is some kind of cop determining what is “good art” or not.

No, artist sisters and brothers [hermanas, hermanos, hermanoas]; for us Zapatistas, the arts are the hope of humanity, not a militant cell. We think that indeed, in the most difficult moments, when disillusionment and impotence are at a peak, the Arts are the only thing capable of celebrating humanity.

For us Zapatistas, you, along with scientists [l@s científic@s], are so important that we cannot imagine a future without your work.

But that is a subject for a later letter.

The task here is to honor a commitment to you all. As of June 15, 2016, the last day for registration, we had a report prepared to let you know how the CompArte Festival was coming. Unfortunately, the national situation got progressively tenser (thanks to the irresponsibility of that child with a box of matches who works out of the SEP [Department of Public Education]), and we kept postponing it until coming to the decision that we have already told you about.

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Regeneración Radio

(Español) Movimiento en Chiapas: de las demandas gremiales a las demandas sociales

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El pasado 15 de mayo los profesores y profesoras organizados en la secciones 7 y 40 de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE) se instaló en el parque central de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas; a partir de entonces el descontento que empezó en contra de la reforma laboral que el gobierno federal busca aplicar al magisterio se ha expandido a otros sectores sociales como el de salud, el transportista. Ha trascendido también la capital del estado, se trasladó a los municipios a través de un movimiento de padres y madres de familia en apoyo a los docentes que se organiza ya a nivel estatal; así quedó demostrado el 31 de mayo con la toma temporal de 90 ayuntamientos situados en todas y cada una de la geografías del estado. Queda claro el magisterio es el polvorín que ha destapado las condiciones de desigualdad e injusticia social que hay en todo Chiapas.


Participatory Democracy Drives Anti-Gentrification Movement in New York’s El Barrio

Members of Movement for Justice in El Barrio at a press conference denouncing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s “luxury housing” rezoning plan. (Photo courtesy of Janice Aredondo)

By Jessica Davies, Truthout.

Eleven years ago, in an area known as El Barrio in East Harlem, New York, community residents of 15 immigrant families, all of them women of color, came together to seek dignified housing in their community. They were struggling against gentrification and displacement, and the abuses of a private landlord who was trying to force them out of their homes in order to attract wealthier tenants and transform the neighborhood they lived in and loved. These women had no previous organizing experience, but they listened to and supported each other, and in December 2004, they formed Movement for Justice in El Barrio (Movement).

Astonishingly, Movement now has 954 members in 95 building committees. Eighty percent of the members are women, and it is the women who are the driving force behind the organization. The membership consists of low-income tenants who are immigrants and people of color; many are also Indigenous. Forced by poverty to leave their beloved native countries, they have built a strong community in El Barrio, and are determined not to allow themselves to be displaced again. They understand clearly that their fight is against the neoliberal system represented by the abusive landlords, property speculators, multinational corporations, politicians and government institutions that seek to displace them from their much-loved community.

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Koman Ilel

(Español) Una nueva humanidad para una nueva Tierra – Reflexiones con Leonardo Boff

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Entrevista a Leonardo Boff en el marco de su visita a Chiapas, mayo de 2016.

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

(Español) Frayba denuncia al Consejo Pacifista Sembradores de Paz de Acteal

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El Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas enfrenta cotidianamente campañas de difamación y desacreditación a su labor en la defensa de los derechos humanos en Chiapas. Un actor más que recientemente se suma a estos actos de desprestigio, es el Consejo Pacifista Sembradores de Paz.

El Consejo Pacifista desde principios del 2015, ha realizado una campaña de desprestigio en contra del Frayba y en contra de la propia organización a la que dice pertenecer. Entendemos que la situación de división es efecto del desgaste de la guerra implementada por el Estado mexicano, por lo que es lamentable que el Consejo Pacifista esté realizando actos para confundir, engañar y tergiversar una lucha digna, histórica y legítima como ha sido la de la Organización Sociedad Civil de Las Abejas de Acteal, a quienes seguimos acompañando en su radical exigencia de Verdad y construcción de La Otra Justicia.

Sigue el boletín completo abajo.

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