
presos políticos

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Radio Zapatista

Voices by prisoners and their relatives from San Sebastián Bachajón

Antonio Estrada Estrada and Miguel Vásquez Deara were detained in 2011, brutally tortured and jailed for made-up crimes, according to their own testimony, for their participation in the resistance of the adherents to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón. In 2010, Miguel Demeza Jiménez was unjustly detained, tortured, and accused of a kidnapping he did not commit. All three continue in prison to this day, in the prisons of Playas de Catazajá, Ocosingo, and El Amate, Chiapas. This is their story, told by their relatives and by Miguel Vásquez Deara himself
(Descarga aquí)  
Read the article by Radio Zapatista on the case.

Comunidad de El Bosque

Letter from Alberto Pátishtan’s community of El Bosque, Chiapas

El Bosque, Chiapas, June 6, 2012.

Movement of the People of El Bosque,
For the freedom of Alberto Gomez Pátishtan.

From the community of El Bosque, Chiapas, the birthplace of Professor Alberto Gomez Pátishtan, we thank you very much with all our hearts for the support and solidarity of thousands of compañeros and compañeras who have joined the movement for the freedom of our brother Alberto Pátishtan.

As the Movement of the People of El Bosque, Chiapas, we support the call for the second week of worldwide struggle for the freedom of the political prisoners in Chiapas: Alberto Pátishtan and Francisco Sántiz López (from 8 to 15 June).

We would like to send greetings to the compañeros:

-To the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, New York
-Human Rights Defenders
-International Organizations
-And to all our brothers and sisters throughout the world.

Freedom for Political Prisoners!

The Movement of the People of El Bosque is with you both here and there.

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

Movement for Justice in El Barrio: Raúl Zibechi for the freedom of Patishtán and Sántiz López

“They are two justices for two opposed worlds. One day our justice shall judge those from above…”:

From Uruguay, Raúl Zibechi issues his support for the “Second Week” in new letter

Compañeras and compañeros:

On behalf of all the immigrant members of Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign New York, we send you affectionate greetings.

In many corners of Mother Earth, the multiple actions planned as part of the “Second Week of Worldwide Struggle for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López: Bringing Down the Prison Walls!” begin today and last until next Friday, June 15. It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to this second phase in our struggle to free our compañeros, unjust prisoners and hostages of the ambitions of the capitalists and their bad government of Mexico.

To begin this week, we wish to share with you a profound and powerful letter that our Uruguayan comrade, Raúl Zibechi, has written for this occasion. The letter tears apart the unjust punitive logic of those from above and reveals the existence of the two “justice” systems of inequality between those from above and us, those from below. The full text of this moving letter is attached below.

During the following seven days, our dignities will manifest in sync and stronger than ever, echoing the just call that now has a global reach and historical resonance.

More so, we send you once again the most recent message from our sisters and brothers of the Zapatista Good Government Council of Oventic. In this message, our compas demand that the three levels of bad government in Mexico immediately release our compañero Francisco Sántiz López, who has been imprisoned for six months and is a member of the Zapatista support base. The full message is available here:

For more information regarding the history of this national and international struggle, see the video, “Bringing Down the Prison Walls!: The Fight for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López available here:

We ask that you all please circulate widely the letter and the videos—because the only remedy to the bad government’s lies is the true word touching new hearts of our people.

Our thanks go out to all those who are set to mobilize their honorable efforts to achieve the fulfillment of our shared demand. We want to remind you as well to please keep us all abreast of the activities you are carrying out by sending us updates and chronicles. You may do so via:

With love and solidarity,

From El Barrio, New York.

Movement for Justice in El Barrio
The Other Campaign New York.

Raúl Zibechi

Letter from Raúl Zibechi: Campaign of struggle for the freedom of Patishtán and Sántiz López

To the compañeros of Movement for Justice in El Barrio:
To the Worldwide Struggle Campaign for the Liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz López:

“The color of the jail cell is the marking on the body of the place that was ocupied in history,” states the compañera Rita Laura Segato.

Those from above are criminalizing the place occupied by the people who are the color of the earth. That is the justice of the State and the bad government. A “justice” that imprisons the children of Pachamama and those who defend and care for her, but rewards with freedom those who destroy her in order to turn her into a commodity.

The international campaign to free Patishtán and Sántiz López is revealing the true reasons behind their imprisonment. When those from below stand up, when the poor of the world speak out and organize, they are systematically labelled “terrorists” and “violent” and are turned into the targets of defamation campaigns, with all the machinery of repression thrown upon them.

When those from above steal public resources, when bankers appropriate the money and labor of everyone else, they are rewarded with positions in the bad governments and utilize state money to save their dirty businesses.

These are not errors or abnormalities, but rather the true notion of justice held by the State: To protect those from above and condemn those from below. In this world two forms of justice exist: One for the governments and one for the people. The former is implemented by rich, white men who are protected by armed guards, and who hide in palaces to make decisions. The latter is community justice that is decided in assemblies of common people–the people who are the color of the earth–whereby every can debate because neither lawyers nor experts are required to distinguish between good and bad.

They are two justices for two opposed worlds. One day our justice shall judge those from above; and on that day, they shall be condemned to live off their work, to care for the common good. They shall be condemned to live as we, the 99% of humanity, do.

That day, which is not far off, we will remember our brothers, Patishtán and Sántiz López, as two of the many midwives who made the birth of a new world possible.

Raúl Zibechi
Montevideo, June 7, 2012.

Radio Zapatista

Alberto Patishtan, light and struggle

¿Who is Alberto Patishtán? ¿Why was he imprissoned for over 12 years?

En esta cápsula escucharemos sobre la vida del Profesor Alberto Patishtán, luz y guía de pueblos y conciencias. También escucharemos sobre su encarcelamiento injusto e infame y de las muchas formas en las que su pueblo ha luchado por su liberación. (Descarga aquí)  

La Jornada

The Oventic Good Government Junta Demands the Liberation of Francisco Santiz López

* More than 13 countries have adhered to the campaign to bring down the prison walls

* In a message the Junta greets the Worldwide Week of Struggle for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Chiapas

By: Hermann Bellinghausen
Periódico La Jornada

The Good Government Junta (JBG) released a message from the Caracol of Oventic, in los Altos (the Highlands) of Chiapas, demanding the immediate and unconditional freedom of Francisco Santiz López, a support base of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (Ejército Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional, EZLN), “detained unjustly six months ago” and currently a prisoner in San Cristóbal de las Casas due to actions by “the bad rulers of our country.”

The message points out: “We have already denounced and demanded his freedom from the three levels of bad government who want to continue to violate human rights. Our  conpañero Francisco is completely innocent, the only “crime” that he has is being a Zapatista support base.”

At the same time it greets the second week of worldwide struggle for the freedom of Chiapas political prisoners: “To all of you in your efforts to struggle for justice, we tell you to continue onward, because the bad state and federal governments are clear that they are going to continue their war against us the Zapatistas and against all the people who struggle for justice and to defend their rights.”

The new week Bring down the prison walls, to be celebrated from June 8 to 15, convoked by the Movement for Justice in the Barrio of the Other Campaign in New York, already has adherents from India, Peru, Uruguay, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, Spain, England, Scotland, Austria, New Zealand, United States and Mexico, to demand the liberation of Santiz López and of professor Alberto Patishtán Gómez, punished with medieval anger by the Chiapas government in a federal prison in Guasave, Sinaloa.

The organizers demand: “of the repressor president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa and the repressor governor Juan Sabines Guerrero” the freedom of those indigenous. They insist that after the first week of struggle, held in May, “some cracks have been made in the unjust prison walls.”

Meanwhile, the Anti-Racism Allies Group of the Occupy Wall Street Movement in New York demonstrated its support for the renewed protests.

At the same time, in a letter delivered directly to Rosaura Leonora Rueda Gutiérrez, the Ambassador of Mexico in the capital of New Zealand, the Wellington Zapatista Solidarity Committee, the program “¡Oye Latino!” on Wellington Access Radio and the Latin American Solidarity Committee showed “profound concern and indignation” for the way in which Mexico punishes with imprisonment “those who are organizing to defend their rights”.

The governments “try to condemn them to oblivion, silence and submission, but their voices and examples reach us clearly through our brothers Alberto and Francisco. We know that they are not guilty, but rather are defenders of social guarantees.” Santiz López, a native of Tenejapa, “was not even present at the acts of which he is accused, in the community of Banavil, as has been widely demonstrated.”

As for Patishtán, “for his dignified rebellion” in the prisons where he has been confined since 2000, “the Mexican State treats him with particular brutality.” The New Zealand activists demand freedom for all the political prisoners in Chiapas: “Prison, repression and impunity cannot and should not continue to prevail in Mexico.”

Originally Published in Spanish by La Jornada
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

En español:

English translation by the Chiapas Support Committee for the:
International Zapatista Translation Service, a collaboration of the:
Chiapas Support Committee, California
Wellington Zapatista Support Group
UK Zapatista Solidarity Network

Movimiento por Justicia del Barrio

Mensaje de la Junta de Buen Gobierno de Oventic

Message by the Good Government Council of Oventic in audio:
(Descarga aquí)  

Message by the Movement for Justice in El Barrio:
(Descarga aquí)  
(Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Zapatista

La Onda Bajita: programa de junio

  • Worldwide campaign for the liberation of Chiapas political prisoners Alberto Patishtán and Francisco Sántiz López.
  • Political prisoners from San Sebastián Bachajón, members of the Other Campaign.
  • Rural Cities, a story of dispossession – Nuevo Juan de Grijalva
  • Wixárikas deny declarations by the federal government – Wirikuta defends itself!
Alberto Patishtán

Alberto Patishtán denounces inhuman checkups in prison

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

A la opinión pública
A los medios de Comunicación Estatal, Nacional e internacional
A la Sexta internacional
A los Adherentes de la Otra Campaña del EZLN
A las Organizaciones independientes
A los defensores de los Derechos Humanos ONGS

Preso político de la “Voz del Amate” Alberto Patishtan Gómez, adherente de la otra Campaña, Recluido en el Cefereso de Guasave, Sinaloa.

En México, sus Gobernantes expresan que los Derechos Humanos se respetan sin embargo en la practica es lo contrario, bajo este contexto denuncio lo siguiente:

Aquí en el Cefereso No. 8. Mensionado la seguridad de custodia conjuntamente con los encargados violan nuestros derechos actuando en toda Vejación en la que se mencionan; cada vez que bajamos al desayuno, la comida ó de algunas actividades somos sometidos a bajar el pantalón, el calsonsillo, exhibir nuestras partes sensibles con 3 sentadillas y toser, posteriormente trasladarnos todos agachados son derecho de hablar y las manos hacia atras todas estas revisiones inhumanas las hacemos siempre ante mujeres, de todo esto admiro como es que mis hermanos hablantes de español soportan todo trato que no es nuevo como dicen mis compañeros, pero para mí lesionan en todo mis derechos y mis usos y costumbres como indígena, por todo esto pido al presidente de la república C. Felipe Calderon el cese de todo acto y que nuestros Derechos se respeten, de igual forma exijo mi libertad inmediata, de la Voz del Amate y Solidarios de la Voz del Amate de este encarcelamiento injusto. Por último invito al Pueblo de México y la Comunidad Internacional de Defensores, entre otros a sumarse de este reclamo del respeto de los Derechos Humanos Y de la exigencia de libertad y Justicia.

Morir o Vivir por la Verdad y la Justicia

La Voz del Amate

Alberto Patishtan Gómez

Desde el Norte del país Mexico, Guasave, Sinaloa, Cefereso No. 8. a 27 de Abril del 2012

Canadá rebelde

Demonstration in Montreal, Canada, for the liberation of Patishtán and Sántiz

Montréal Canadá. Desde el caserolazo Montreales, la primavera Quebeca.

Por la libertad de los presos politicos Alberto Patishtan y Francisco Santiz.
En solidaridad.