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La Onda Bajita

La Onda Bajita – March program

Paramilitary attack to the community of Mitzitón; Report by FrayBa on the paramilitary attaco to Bolom Ajaw; Third Encounter for Dignity in NY by the Movement for Justice in El Barrio.

Noticias de la Otra

Encounter by the Movement for Justice in el Barrio, New York, and news from Chiapas and the Other Campaign

Interview with Oscar from the Movement for Justice in El Barrio, in East Harlem, New York, about their struggle and the Third Encounter for Dignity and against Gentrification. In addition, important news:

  • Paramilitary aggressions by Opddic against zapatista bases of support at Bolom Ajaw
  • Paramilitary threats by Ejército de Dios to Other Campaign adherents at Mitzitón
  • National and international solidarity with zapatista communities
  • Murder of sex worker in Mexico City
  • March by the Frente Plural Ciudadano in repudiation of the massacre of 16 youths in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
  • Inform by adherents to the other campaign of Valle de Chalco about the floods and request for aid
  • Tlachinollan Human Rights Center in the mountains of Guerrero denounce violence against human rights activists
Noticias de la Otra

Entrevista a la Junta de Buen Gobierno de Morelia

Interview to the Good Government Council of Morelia on the local and national situation in this beginning of 2010: the rumors of a possible uprising, paramilitarization in Chiapas, construction of the San Cristobal-Palenque highway and other problems faced by zapatista communities.

Noticias de la otra

Violence and resistance in Mitzitón

Violence and resistance in Mitzitón: The communal authorities of Mitzitón, Chiapas, denounce new agressions against them in the context of the construction of the San Cristóbal-Palenque highway.

Radio Zapatista

John Gibler: Oaxaca, narcotráfico y militarización

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview to John Gibler, independent journalist, on the situation in Oaxaca, an update on the case of the murder of Brad Will, drug traffic and militarization in Mexican society.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish on displacement/eviction

(Descarga aquí)  

Paramilitary actions in Chiapas. South Central Farm in Los Angeles. Evictions in San Francisco.

Radio Zapatista

“Low Intensity War” in Chiapas

(Descarga aquí)  

Special documentary on the aggressions and threats of eviction against Zapatista communities in Chiapas: Testimonies from Bolon Ajaw, Nuevo Progreso Agua Azul, and 24 de Diciembre.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish

Lakota Indians declare autonomy; Remembering the massacre of Acteal; Commemorating women’s resistance and Comandanta Ramona; Repression and paramilitarization in Chiapas.

Radio Zapatista

Program in English

Gang Injunction – what it really means for poor and people of color communities; Paramilitary activities in Chiapas (update) – Opddic; Update on the housing situation in New Orleans (Katrina).

Radio Zapatista

Repression and resistance in Mexico and the US

Interview with Gloria Muñoz Ramírez about the government assault on her home in Mexico City and the situation in the country. Report on the zapatista community 24 de Diciembre. Paramilitary attacks against zapatistas in the municipality of Olga Isabel. Expulsion of 2 peasant communities in Montes Azules by the federal government. Repression against migrants in the US.