
Comunicados EZLN

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Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés y Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

From Pain, from Rage, for Truth, for Justice.

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From Pain, from Rage, for Truth, for Justice.


September 2015

Compañeras, compañeroas, and compañeros of the Sixth in Mexico and in the World:
Sisters and brothers of the peoples of the Earth:

Our collective heart knows, now as before, that our pain is not a sterile sorrow.

It knows that our rage is not some useless venting.

We, who are what we are, know that our pain and rage are birthed and nourished by lies and injustices.

Because for those who are above at the cost of those of us below, lying is a way of doing politics and they adorn death, forced disappearance, imprisonment, persecution, and murder with the scandal of their corruption.

Those above, whatever the color of their politics, are shameless criminals with impunity. It doesn’t matter if they try to hide behind a change of name and flag; it is always the same face, the same pride, the same ambition, and the same stupidity.

It is as if in their acts of killing and disappearing people they want to kill and disappear memory as well.
From above and from those who make their nests of vileness and perversion there, we will only get lies as salaries and injustice as pay.

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EZLN: Truth and Justice Will Never, Ever, Come from Above.

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

August 16, 2015

To the National and International Sixth:
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To those below in the world:
To whom it may concern:

It is once again made clear that truth and justice will never, ever come from above.

From above the only thing we can expect is pretense, deceit, impunity, and cynicism.

The criminal above will always receive absolution and reward, because the one who judges him is the same one who pays him. They are the same, criminals and judges. They are poisonous heads of the same Hydra.

Now we have a new example:

As Zapatistas, we have realized that the intellectual authors of the murder of the compañero and teacher Galeano have returned, fat and happy, to their homes in the village of La Realidad. They were supposedly being held prisoner for the murder of our teacher and compañero. We already know that they have been declared innocent of this crime by the same people who financed and supported them: the federal and Chiapas state governments. On August 12 of this year, the self-proclaimed “judge” Victor Manuel Zepeda López, of the criminal court in Comitán de Domínguez, Chiapas, declared that Mr. Carmelino Rodríguez Jiménez and Mr. Javier López Rodríguez are innocent, despite that fact that they and their accomplices in the CIOAC-Histórica know that they are guilty of organizing the crime. They aren’t the only ones responsible, but they are guilty.

They were secretly brought back to La Realidad. They were told not to be out and about much and to be discreet, but the pridefulness of those who know they have impunity with regard to justice from above means that they have loose tongues. Thus they are declaring, to anyone who will listen, that they weren’t prisoners at all, but rather staying at a house where they received plentiful attention and congratulations from the state government of Manuel Velasco and the leaders of the CIOAC-Histórica for the murder of the teacher Galeano. They were told that they would have to wait for a time before returning to their village “to continue the work left pending.”

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CNI and EZLN Support for Xochicuautla

To the people of Mexico and the World

To the National and International Sixth

To the Ñätho indigenous community of San Francisco Xochicuautla

Faced with the dignified struggle that the Ñätho community of San Francisco Xochicuautla has maintained for the last eight years against the Toluca-Naucalpan toll road project which threatens the destruction of their sacred forest in order to connect the wealthy zones of Interlomas to the Toluca airport, the bad government, led by the murderer Enrique Peña Nieto, signed a decree of expropriation with which it intends to snatch up the communal territory of San Francisco Xochicuautla.

Throughout the years we have seen which interests the bad governments respond to, given that their security forces escort the Autovan machinery, a company belonging to the Higa Group, with which they plan to destroy the Ñätho forest. They believe that with this decree of expropriation they can impose plunder and destruction. Today we say that we know that the bad government has always trampled our rights as indigenous peoples, that they despise us, and that they may go to every corner of Mexico to impose their death projects, but they won’t be able to do so in San Francisco Xochicuautla.

The community has carried out a legal battle, appealing to different courts and agencies of the Mexican bad government, but most of those have proven partial to protecting the powerful.

We know that San Francisco Xochicuautla has defended and will defend their territory, as well as having accompanied many peoples and communities in their struggles.

So today we call upon the people of Mexico and the World, on the brothers and sisters of the National and International Sixth, to be attentive to what happens in the struggle of San Francisco Xochicuautla.

To San Francisco Xochicuautla, we say that you are not alone in this shared journey of indigenous peoples’ resistance.


Never again a Mexico without us

National Indigenous Congress

Democracy, Liberty, and Justice

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

July 2015


Traduzione italiano

SupMoi y SupGaleano

Second Grade of the Zapatista School

Second Grade of the Zapatista Little School


July 27, 2015

To the National and International Sixth:
To the former students of the Zapatista Little School:

The date for the second grade (only for those who passed the first) of the Zapatista Little School is approaching.

As we had previously announced, the dates are July 31 and August 1 and 2 of 2015.

No, don’t rush. This time it isn’t about coming to Zapatista territory. Rather, this time it is about not coming here, at least not for the Little School. The second grade will be everywhere, outside of Zapatista territories.

Let us explain:

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Joint CNI and EZLN-CG communiqué on the attack by federal forces against the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula

To the Nahua Indigenous Community of Santa María Ostula, Aquila, Michoacán:
To the National and International Sixth:
To the people of Mexico and the World:

July 21, 2015

Given the violent events perpetrated against the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula on July 19, 2015, by a large commando made up of members of the Federal Preventative Police, the Secretary of National Defense, and the Secretary of the Navy in which Ostula community police commander Cemeí Verdía Zepeda was detained, in which federal soldiers murdered, WITH A BULLET TO THE FACE, THE 12-YEAR-OLD CHILD EDILBERTO REYES GARCÍA, and in which the following people were injured: the child Yeimi Nataly Pineda Reyes, 6-years-old; Edith Balbino Vera; Delfino Antonio Alejo Ramos, 17-years-old; Horacio Valladares Manuel, 32-years-old; José Nicodemos Macías Zambrano, 21-years-old; and Melesio Cristino Dirzio, 60-years-old…


The criminal behavior of the above listed military and police bodies and their complicity with organized crime, in this case the Knights Templar, enacted in order to escalate the war of conquest that has been waged for years now against the Nahua indigenous community of Santa María Ostula. The goal of this war of conquest is to occupy the community’s territories in favor of mining and transnational tourist interests, and to punish this community for having dared to take back the land from which they had been displaced and for having defended themselves—by putting into practice their right to live—from organized crime, which today serves as the paramilitary branch of the Mexican State.

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Presentation of “Critical Thought vs. the Capitalist Hydra” book, volume I

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El Pensamiento Crítico Frente a la Hidra Capitalista I

El sábado 18 de julio a las 17:00 horas se presentará en la Ciudad de México el primer volumen del libro que resume las participaciones en el seminario-semillero que tuvo lugar en el CIDECI-Unitierra en mayo de 2015. El primer volumen incluye las participaciones de la Comisión Sexta del EZLN. La presentación será en Zapotecos No. 7, Col. Obrera. Aquí el índice:

ÍNDICE volumen Uno (participaciones de la Comisión Sexta del EZLN en el Seminario “El Pensamiento Crítico frente a la Hidra Capitalista”.

.- Prólogo: De cómo llegamos a la Cofia del Vigía y lo que desde ahí miramos. SupGaleano.

I.- Nuestra mirada hacia dentro.

Algunas pistas:

.- La Tormenta, el Centinela y el Síndrome del Vigía. SupGaleano.

.- Ser Zapatista (palabras del Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés en el Homenaje a los compañeros Luis Villoro Toranzo y Maestro Zapatista Galeano. 2 de mayo del 2015).

.- Luis Villoro Toranzo, el zapatista (palabras del SupGaleano en el Homenaje a los compañeros Luis Villoro Toranzo y Maestro Zapatista Galeano. 2 de mayo del 2015).

.- Apuntes de una vida (palabras del SupGaleano en el Homenaje a los compañeros Luis Villoro Toranzo y Maestro Zapatista Galeano. 2 de mayo del 2015).

Algo de lo que ha cambiado:

.- Economía Política I. Una mirada desde las comunidades zapatistas. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

.- Economía Política II. Una mirada desde las comunidades zapatistas. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Hacia una genealogía de la lucha de las zapatistas:

.- La lucha como mujeres zapatistas que somos I. Comandanta Miriam.

.- La lucha como mujeres zapatistas que somos II. Comandanta Rosalinda.

.- La lucha como mujeres zapatistas que somos III. Comandanta Dalia.

.- La lucha como mujeres zapatistas que somos IV. Base de Apoyo Lizbeth.

.- La lucha como mujeres zapatistas que somos V. Escucha Selena.

.- Visión de los Vencidos. SupGaleano.

Apuntes de resistencia y rebeldía:

.- Resistencia y Rebeldía Zapatistas I. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

.- Resistencia y Rebeldía Zapatistas II. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

.- Resistencia y Rebeldía Zapatistas III. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

II.- Nuestra mirada a la Hidra.

.- El Muro y la Grieta. Apuntes sobre el método zapatista. SupGaleano.

.- El Método, la Bibliografía y un Drone en las profundidades de las montañas del Sureste Mexicano. SupGaleano.

.- Medios, Tercios, Cuartos. SupGaleano.

.- Etcétera. SupGaleano.

.- La Genealogía del Crímen. SupGaleano.

.- Una Guerra Mundial. SupGaleano.

III.- Qué hacer:

.- Organizarse. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

.- Más Semilleros. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés y SupGaleano.

IV.- Signos y Señales:

(participación de algun@s compas Artistas Musiqueros y Gráficos).

Fuente: Enlace Zapatista

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Resistance and Rebellion III. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 8 May

Listen here: (Descarga aquí)  

The Word of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

May 8, 2015

Good afternoon compañeros, compañeras, brothers and sisters.

Perhaps by continuing our explanation of how resistance and rebellion are weapons for us you will better understand some of the things that our compañeros and compañeras here at the table have talked about.

Through our resistance and rebellion, we have come to understand that by putting resistance and rebellion into practice we confirm that we will not allow in our struggle what happened in 1910, when so many of our fellow Mexicans died. Who took advantage of that situation?

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Compañera escucha Selena

Words by Compañera Selena, Listener – 6 May 2015

Listen here: (Descarga aquí)  

Words by Compañera Selena, Listener,i

Good evening compañeros and compañeras of the Sixth.

Good evening brothers and sisters.

Good evening to everyone in general.

The topic that I will be explaining to you, actually I will read it to you, is the same topic the other compañera presented on, but with more information about the youth, both Zapatistas and non-Zapatistas.

We as Zapatista youth are facing a low intensity war that the bad government and the bad capitalists wage against us. They put ideas into our heads about modern life, like cellphones, clothes, and shoes; they put these bad ideas into our heads through TV, through soap operas, soccer games, and commercials, so that we as youth will be distracted and not think about how to organize our struggle.

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Compañera base de apoyo Lizbeth

Compañera base of support Lizbeth – 6 May 2015

Listen here: (Descarga aquí)  

Words of Compañera Lizbeth, Zapatista base of support77

Good evening compañeros and compañeras, brothers and sisters.

We are going to explain a little bit of how we have been living and doing our autonomous work after the 1994 armed uprising.

We as Zapatista youth today, we are no longer familiar with the overseer, with the landowner, with the hacienda boss, much less with El Amate [a prison in Chiapas]; we do not know what it is to go to the official municipal presidents so that they can resolve our problems. Thanks to the EZLN organization, we now have our own authorities in each community, we have our municipal authorities, and our Juntas de Buen Gobierno [Good Government Councils], and they resolve whatever type of problem that might arise for a compañera or compañero, for both Zapatistas and non-Zapatistas.

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Comandanta Dalia

Comandanta Dalia – 6 May 2015

Listen here: (Descarga aquí)  

Good evening compañeros and compañeras, brothers and sisters.

I’m going to explain a little bit of what compañera Comandanta Rosalinda said.

Just as she explained, it is now my turn to talk about how we become authorities. From 1994 on, we knew that we had rights as women. That was when we woke up. This is how little by little we grew to understand the work of the compañeras.

In the communities, in the regions, we began the practice of organizing ourselves to fight for the good of the community, without having to have an education to do so.

In 1994, we realized that as women, as mothers and fathers, we had the courage to send our husbands, our sons, our daughters to fight, and we knew well that to confront the enemy is not easy and one can come back alive or dead. But we never dwelled on those things. We were clear that the women had the responsibility to raise whomever of our sons and daughters were left. This is when we understood that we thought the same way as the compañeros.

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