Despedida a Jtatic Samuel
With sorrow and an immense recognition we bade farewell to our dear Jtatic Samuel Ruiz García, who passed away on January 24, 2011. These are some of the moments of his farewell during the 38 hours in which his body remained in the cathedral of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, before being buried in the cathedral. To Don Samuel, our deepest feelings of gratitude for his work at the side of the original peoples, the poor and exploited. You remain with us, dear Tatic.
- Arrival of Don Samuel at the cathedral of San Cristóbal.(Descarga aquí)
- Words by Patricio Murphy Ruiz, nephew of Don Samuel.(Descarga aquí)
- Resucitó: chants for Tatic Samuel.(Descarga aquí)
- Part of the words by bishop Felipe Arizmendi.(Descarga aquí)
- Words by the civil society of Las Abejas de Acteal.(Descarga aquí)
- Words by Pueblo Creyente.(Descarga aquí)
- Words by Don José Ruiz García, brother of Don Samuel.(Descarga aquí)
- Words by a compañera from Guatemala.(Descarga aquí)
- The last half hour of Tatic’s body with us.(Descarga aquí)
Communique by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN on the death of Don Samuel.
Don Samuel speaks on various topics
- Iba a evangelizar pero yo fui el evangelizado. (6:12 min)(Descarga aquí)
- La dominación. (2:42 min)(Descarga aquí)
- El dominio del sistema. (1:40 min)(Descarga aquí)
- Fenómeno migratorio indígena. (2:20 min)(Descarga aquí)
- Mensaje para los “nuevos Hidalgos”. (0:48 min)(Descarga aquí)
- La primera Biblia indígena en América Latina. (4:06 min)(Descarga aquí)
- Duda y llamado. (5:24 min)(Descarga aquí)
- Su vocación y el asesinato del padre Lawers. (2:46 min)(Descarga aquí)