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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

En el tablón de avisos. El conserje.

On the Bulletin Board

The Concierge.


March 2015.

Early morning in reality.

Just here, as usual: watching and listening. The crack in the wall is barely visible from the other side. On our side it expands with persistence.

In the classrooms and in the huts of the thousands of Zapatista families who received, housed, fed, and cared for thousands of others,[1] men, women, and children from the five continents, the evaluations made by the teachers and votanes after you all left still resound.

Some of the evaluations were harsh, it’s true, but that probably won’t matter to those who claimed to had been moved by the experience and then continued on with their lives as if nothing had happened, avoiding looking in the mirror or editing that glance at their whim. Despite this, according to what I’ve heard, there were some, a few, that were evaluated as “pretty good.”

“Pretty good” is how the compas describe something good without making a fuss. “How are you?” “Well, I’m here, pretty good,” is how we greet each other.

Meanwhile time marches on just as we do, without fuss, just moving along, like shadows…

And the compa Galeano, who lit up these classrooms, houses, and schools with his word, now fallen and silent, murdered.

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Subcomandantes Insurgentes Moisés y Galeano

Letter from the EZLN to Doña Emilia Aurora Sosa Marín, life partner of Honorary Major Insurgent Félix Serdán Nájera. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés and Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

February 2015

To: Doña Emilia Aurora Sosa Marín.
From: Subcomandates Insurgentes Moisés and Galeano
EZLN, Chiapas, Mexico

Compañera Emilia:

We got the news just a few hours ago. We don’t know how long it will take for these lines to reach you, but we know that regardless of the date, you will be able to read in these words the collective embrace that we send you.

That is because here we also feel the pain and sorrow of the death of Don Félix Serdán Nájera, honorary officer in our Zapatista Army for National Liberation, this past February 22 in the early morning hours.

We remember Don Félix’s firm and tender gaze, but we also remember your presence. It is as if between the two of you your journey was complete. That’s why we say that his absence brings us pain, but we also hurt for the pain that you feel in your heart today, Doña Emilia.

That is why with these words we not only want to salute the memory of compañero Felix Serdán, but to embrace you as well.

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Radio Zapatista

Ninth Worldwide Mobilization for Ayotzinapa and for Mexico.


This February 26, on the 5-month anniversary of the abduction of the students from Ayotzinapa, the ninth worldwide day of movement for Ayotzinapa and Mexico took place. During the demonstration in Mexico City, parents of the missing students and guest speakers asked those present and society in general not to abandon them, since they intend to keep struggling. They also remembered the teacher Claudio Castillo Peña, murdered in Guerrero during a CETEG demonstration, and finally they called on peole not to vote and not to allow yet one more historic lie.

At the end of the day, a group of police officers encircled a group that intended to “liberate” the Metro. Near the Metro Sevilla a confrontation took place, where some of the demonstrators–mostly minors–were injured and others arrested.

Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas

Armed group harasses and threatens zapatistas from El Rosario

Since mid-February this year, an armed grou from of Pojol, municipality of Chilón (Chiapas), has been harassing the zapatista bases of support from the communities of El Rosario and Nuevo Paraíso, shooting at the air and destroying the home of a zapatista family at El Rosario. Now they threaten to violently take the community of Nuevo Paraíso if the zapatistas do not remove the guard that protects El Rosario. Belo, the denunciation from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center.

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Asamblea Comunitaria de Amilcingo y FDTAMPT

Asamblea Comunitara de Amilcingo, Morelos denuncia amenazas de muerte y toma de su Ayudantía municipal

Radio Zapatista

Ayotzinapa: la rabia y la esperanza

Agencia Subversiones

Con todo y contra todos. Los pasos en Guerrero rumbo a una Convención Nacional Popular

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After Ayotzinapa’s Disappeared, Locals Are Taking Power in Tecoanapa, Guerrero

On Sept. 26, 2014, municipal police attacked a group of students from Ayotzinapa school in Mexico’s Guerrero state. Of the 43 disappeared students, eight came from Tecoanapa. Now their fellow citizens have shut down the local government buildings and set up a people’s council. It’s a movement that is gathering momentum across Guerrero.

Koman Ilel

Interview to Omar García, from Ayotzinapa #FestivalRyR

Radio Zapatista

Misión civil de observación presenta informe actualizado sobre proceso de consulta a la tribu yaqui frente al acueducto independencia.

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Por Ehécatl

El 11 de febrero del 2015, en un mitin afuera de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN), Tomas Rojo, vocero de la tribu Yaqui, en compañía de Areli Sandoval y Edmundo del Pozo, integrantes de “La Misión Civil de Observación de la Consulta a la Tribu Yaqui” y José Antonio Guevara, de la Comisión Mexicana de Defensa y promoción de los derechos humanos, hicieron entrega del informe actualizado en donde se exponen las arbitrariedades y violaciones a los derechos indígenas por la operación del Acueducto Independencia.

Dicho informe sobre el monitoreo y documentación del proceso de consulta de la tribu Yaqui, expone las violaciones a la ejecución de la sentencia emitida por la SCJN (631/2012), la cual obliga a la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat) a consultar a los pueblos indígenas, así como también presenta conclusiones y recomendaciones al Estado mexicano, tales como:

  1. Garantizar la consulta libre respetando la autonomía de la tribu, dejando en libertad a Mario Luna y Fernando Jiménez y poniendo fin a la criminalización contra los Yaquis.
  2. Garantizar una consulta de buena fe suspendiendo la operación del Acueducto Independencia que ocasiona un daño irreparable a la tribu, limitando un dialogo sincero entre las partes.
  3. Garantizar una consulta informada, entregando los puntos faltantes solicitados por la tribu Yaqui como el peritaje antropológico.
  4. Garantizar el derecho al consentimiento, respetando la decisión de la tribu frente a la operación del acueducto, la cual debe tener carácter vinculante para el Ejecutivo Federal.

México D.F., 12 de febrero de 2015.