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Radio Pozol y Radio Zapatista

“We decided to resist to the end”: displaced indigenous children in Chiapas

Testimonies, first part – Displaced children from Primero de Agosto, Las Margaritas, Chiapas:

(Descarga aquí)  

Las Margaritas Chiapas. April 10. “Recordamos aquel día tan terrible donde nos quisieron matar a todos. Nosotros nos corrimos y vimos como el señor Reynaldo López Pérez, que le dicen el Tambo, nos apuntó con su pistola, y el señor Carmelino López Pérez, que le dicen Morlaco, nos apuntó con un rifle grande. Vimos como le caían los tiros y corrimos, nos siguieron como a venados pero no nos alcanzaron”, recuerdan niños indígenas tojolabales, desplazados junto con sus familias de la comunidad Primero de Agosto, por parte de integrantes de la Central Independiente de Obreros Agrícolas y Campesinos Histórica (CIOAC-H), el pasado 23 de febrero.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

¿Por qué tan serios? El SupGaleano

Why so serious?

(01001101 01110101 01100011 01101000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100001 01100011 01101001 01100001 01110011 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01100001 01110011 (note: translate binary code)

April 2015.

We didn’t know anything about this kind of thing. We learned. They explained it to us. We understood even less. But later on, “we grasped the concept holistically,” as they say. That is, not at all. But they were saying something about how we had been victims of a “high level” cyber attack. We of course put on our “no problem” face, the one that says “the proper measures will be taken” and “we will pursue this case to its logical conclusion.” But really, we were asking ourselves if it happened because of all the times we ourselves go to the page in order to increase the number of visitors. “Some over-enthusiastic clicker” we thought. But that part is confidential, so we’d appreciate it if you didn’t make it public.

Later on they told us that calculations show that in the United States alone, the average annual cost of cyberattacks was 12.7 million dollars in 2014. We didn’t understand, I mean about the quantity. When they explained it to us, we panicked and ran to see if our pozol reserves had diminished. Nope. “Stable levels,” the guard said (this means there is enough for the homages and the seminar). At that point, all was still well. The problem was that in order to celebrate the fact that the cyberattack had not penetrated the solid vaults where we store the “gold of the LXIX century,” we had a party and a dance with the community DJs’ electronic music. The result? The strategic reserves were substantially reduced and now we have to replace them.

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Radio Zapatista

Registro al Seminario “El Pensamiento Crítico frente a la Hidra Capitalista”

On April 7, the Enlace Zapatista website suffered a service denial attack and it is currently unavailable. The attack, few weeks before the Seminar “Critical Thought before the Capitalist Hydra” and shortly after the registration procedures were published, demonstrates how much power fears critical thought. (Update 9 Apr 2015: the Enlace Zapatista webpage is back up.)

We share here the registration forms for the Seminar “Critical Thought before the Capitalist Hydra”:

To register, please download the appropriate form, fill it, and send it to the following email address:

More info:

The Storm, the Sentinel, and the Night Watch Syndrome

About the Homage and Seminar


Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Life is in Danger: ICFFMAJ and MOVE

This government has been trying to murder Mumia for 34 years. The power of this movement stopped his execution in 1995 and 1999, and got him off of death row. Now they’re deliberately trying to murder him through medical neglect and intentional torture. This situation is urgent and couldn’t be more serious. Mumia is currently in a wheelchair, two days ago he couldn’t stand up, his speech is slurred, and he can barely hold a bottle of water. This isn’t just medical neglect, this is a continuation of the premeditated murder that was set in place when Mumia was shot in the chest, was rammed headfirst into a steel pole, and was then railroaded through the courts and onto deathrow. Just two months ago Phil Africa died under similar suspicious circumstances. We have absolutely no time to waste.

People must treat this as if Mumia’s death warrant has been signed and the execution date is tomorrow, because that’s their intention. They have absolutely no intention of freeing Mumia, and they have no interest in letting him live a long life in prison continuing to be an example of resistance for the world. They want Mumia dead, and if they can do it by medical neglect they will. The only reason Mumia wasn’t executed in 1995, the only reason he was moved off of death row is because the pressure for justice for Mumia was too strong. The only way Mumia is going to live through this attack on his life is if all people step up and immediately demand healthier diet for Mumia and the ability to have outside medical care. We aren’t asking for anything here that hasn’t been done in Pennsylvania prisons before. There are diets in place for people dealing with health problems and they aren’t even giving him that. Since he was prematurely taken from the hospital and put back in the prison where these problems started his blood sugar levels have been rising because they are only giving him foods like pasta that are dangerous with diabetes.

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Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

The Storm, the Sentinel, and the Night Watch Syndrome

Dear friends and enemies: so… err… umm… the thing is… well… remember that at the end of our March 19, 2015 text entitled “About the Homage and the Seminar,” we said that the organization of the seminar was a mess? Well, we have honored that claim: the email address to which we asked you to send your registration information is wrong, erroneous, in other words, that’s not the one. The correct email is: Okay, okay, okay. It’s on me. Sincerely, yo merengues.

The Storm, the Sentinel, and the Night Watch Syndrome

April 2015.

To the compañeroas of the Sixth:

To all those interested:

Although it may not look like it, the following is an invitation… or is it a challenge?

If you are an adherent to the Sixth, if you are from the free, autonomous, alternative, independent media or whatever it’s called, if you are interested in critical thought, then accept this invitation to the seminar, “Critical Thought versus the Capitalist Hydra.” If in addition to accepting this invitation you would also like to attend the seminar, please follow this link:

If you are an invited speaker,[i] a similar letter will be sent to you via the same channels through which you have already been contacted. The difference will be that the invitation letter sent to the speakers will contain a “secret clause.”

Ok then, the invitation is really something like the wrapping paper.

Inside, further down below and to the left, you will find…

The Challenge

Oh, I know. The classic beginnings to a Zapatista reflection: disconcerting, anachronistic, silly, absurd. As if not really putting in any effort, as if just sort of putting it out there, a kind of “we’ll leave you to it,” or “see what you can do with it,” or something like “it’s on you.” It’s almost like they toss out a piece of a jigsaw puzzle and expect that people would understand that they are not just describing one part of reality, but have the entire image in mind. As if they saw the completed jigsaw puzzle, with its precise figures and colors in place, but with the border of each piece still visible, as if to point out that the whole exists because of all the parts, and of course, that each part acquires its meaning in relation to all the others.

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Radio Zapatista

Mumia Abu-Jamal is hospitalized in serious condition; authorities refuse to provide information

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Fuente: Amigos de Mumia

El lunes 30 de marzo en la mañana, las autoridades de la prisión de SCI Mahanoy informaron que Mumia Abu-Jamal tuvo una “crisis médica” y lo trasladaron de esa prisión a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Centro Médico Schuylkill, en Pottsville, Pensilvania.

Encadenado a su cama, solo y privado de cualquier contacto con su familia, Mumia sigue en Cuidados Intensivos. Los oficiales de la prisión y del hospital difunden información falsa y niegan a su familia el derecho a visitarlo. También se niegan a darles a la familia y a los abogados información sobre su condición y su historial médico. La familia de Mumia mantiene vigilia en la sala de visitas de la UCI.

El mismo lunes por la mañana, algunos de sus abogados y gente de apoyo estaban en una audiencia para oponerse a la Ley de Revictimización, mejor conocida como la Ley Mordaza, en Harrisburg, Pensilvania, cuando se enteraron de su traslado al hospital.

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Radio Zapatista

Registro visual de la 10 jornada global por Ayotzinapa y por México.


Karla Lara

Honduras: Crecieron… ¿tenemos preparada nuestra ballesta?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Crecieron… tenemos preparada nuestra ballesta?

Como David y Goliat, en fuerzas desiguales, de un lado cuerpos ágiles, sus gritos, sus brincos, una honda con la certera puntería del pequeño, astucia, determinación, envidiable actitud de guerreros y guerreras decididos a que cambien las cosas, a que se les consulte antes de aprobar un horario que les afecte, a que se les responda con el mobiliario digno que se merecen, a que les asignen docentes en las materias que en todo el año no han recibido, a defender la educación como el bien común que es.

Al otro lado fusiles, pistolas, toletes, bombas lacrimógenas, fuerza descomunal, incluso sobrepasando la irónica medida que la maltrecha institucionalidad de las Naciones Unidas califica, como “proporcional” para disolver la protesta, de ese lado una fuerza que asume que puede detener a menores de edad so pretexto de establecer el orden, la maldita fuerza desmedida del gigante que tiene a su servicio medios, iglesia, armas, gobierno, Ministros y Rectora que no solo callan sino que pareciera que celebran que les ataquen, les persigan y les maten.

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Radio Zapatista

To Migrate in Mexico

Half-hour documentary on migration in Mexico.

(Descarga aquí)  

A collaboration by Radio Zapatista for Pacifica Radio/KPFK in Los Angeles, California.

By: Alejandro Reyes
Text: Eugenia Gutiérrez
Collaboration: Rita Valencia and Miguel Pickard

Radio Pozol

In a 3-day pilgrimage, more than 15,000 indigenous people denounce violence, impunity and corruption in Chiapas

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Escucha transmisión en vivo aquí:
Radio Votán

“Simojovel es el reflejo pequeño de lo que pasa en todo el país”.

“Esta peregrinación es una acción pacífica, en la que se pedirá por la paz, la justicia y un alto a la corrupción. Exigiendo que se atiendan las necesidades sociales de los pueblos en la región”, informa el centro de derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (Frayba), sobre la multitudinaria peregrinación convocada por el Consejo Parroquial y el Pueblo Creyente de Simojovel, durante los días 23 al 26 de marzo hacia Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

“La violencia ha sido generada por personas militantes de los partidos políticos, autoridades municipales y personas vinculadas con el crimen organizado”, denuncia el consejo Parroquial. “Esta situación de deterioro de las relaciones comunitarias ha sido permitida, tolerada y con plena complicidad de funcionarios de los tres niveles del gobierno mexicano”, abunda el Frayba en un boletín de prensa.

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