Book Presentation “To Our Friends” – Invisible Committee
On October 23, the book To Our Friends, by the Invisible Committee, was presented at Cideci/UniTierra in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas. The presentation was in charge of compañeros from France, Catalunya and Mexico, who have participated in the translation and publicizing the book. Moderating were Nina MIola and Fabio Sciacca, from the collective Nodo Solidale. Below, the audios of the event.
Presentation – Nina and Fabio, Nodo Solidale:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tseltal:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tsotsil:
(Descarga aquí)
Vicente – Estado Español:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tseltal:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tsotsil:
(Descarga aquí)
Julián – Francia (Francés):
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción español:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tseltal:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tsotsil:
(Descarga aquí)
Compañero mexicano:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tseltal:
(Descarga aquí)
Traducción tsotsil:
(Descarga aquí)
Otro compañero mexicano:
(Descarga aquí)
Preguntas, respuestas y comentarios:
(Descarga aquí)
Resistance and Rebellion III. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. 8 May
Listen here: (Descarga aquí)
The Word of Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
May 8, 2015
Good afternoon compañeros, compañeras, brothers and sisters.
Perhaps by continuing our explanation of how resistance and rebellion are weapons for us you will better understand some of the things that our compañeros and compañeras here at the table have talked about.
Through our resistance and rebellion, we have come to understand that by putting resistance and rebellion into practice we confirm that we will not allow in our struggle what happened in 1910, when so many of our fellow Mexicans died. Who took advantage of that situation?