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Relatos Zapatistas

The Politics of Victimhood

THE POLITICS OF VICTIMHOOD: Special podcast featuring interviews with Zach Levenson, a UC Berkeley student involved in protests around police brutality and the murder of Oscar Grant, and the privatization of public education; and John Gibler, a reporter who’s extensively covered Mexican social movements and conflicts including the Zapatistas’ “Other Campaign,” the Oaxaca rebellion of 2006, and the Mexican government’s narco-wars.

Full introduction available at Indybay.

Relatos Zapatistas

Interview with Vivian Newdick, Comité Hermanas González

Interview with Vivian Newdick of the Comité Hermanas González, regarding the case of three tzeltal women who were gang-raped by mexican soldiers at a military checkpoint in 1994, just months after the zapatista uprising. Discussion covers the difficult history of the sisters’ legal battle against the mexican military as well as recent developments in which the current governor of chiapas has attempted to settle the case with an offer of money — but without any acknowledgment of wrongdoing on the part of the soldiers.

Radio Zapatista

Documental especial sobre el 25 y 15 aniversario del EZLN

Radio Zapatista

Caravana nacional e internacional de observación y solidaridad con las comunidades zapatistas

Escucha en español: (Descarga aquí)  

Listen in English: (Descarga aquí)  

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos and Teniente Coronel Insurgente Moisés greet the National and international caravan in solidarity with the zapatista communities, at the caracol of La Garrucha, and address them on the history of zapatismo, the EZLN’s position toward power and the construction of autonomy.

Radio Zapatista

Military Incursion to La Garrucha

(Descarga aquí)  

Report at La Garrucha about the repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion in the region of La Garrucha, with interviews to Hermann Bellinghausen and Gloria Muñoz from La Jornada.

Radio Zapatista

Entrevista a Hermann Bellinghausen en La Garrucha

(Descarga aquí)  

Complete interview with Hermann Bellinghausen from La Jornada at the caracol of La Garrucha about repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion. (Recorded in partnership with Regeneración Radio.)

Radio Zapatista

Interview to Alejandro Reyes at La Garrucha

(Descarga aquí)  

Interview to Alejandro Reyes from Radio Zapatista at the caracol of La Garrucha about repression and militarization in Chiapas and the recent military incursion. (Recorded in partnership with Regeneración Radio.)

Radio Zapatista

II Encuentro entre los zapatistas y los pueblos del mundo

Brief report on the construction of zapatista autonomy.

Radio Zapatista

Program in Spanish – May 2007

(Descarga aquí)  

One year since Atenco; Harrassment against the Sixth Commision of the EZLN; Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples of America, The Other Campaign, Situation in Chiapas (Interview by Radio Bemba wth Comandante David, Subcomandante Marcos, Juan Chávez); May 1 marches, immigration.

Radio Zapatista

Programa en español

The 2nd phase of the Other Campaign begins and the EZLN launches international campaign for the defense of land and territories. Interview with our special correspondent to the Cucapa Camp; Zapatismo around the world; The struggles against anti-inmigrant policies in Northern California with music by Associazone Ya Basta! (Italy), from their new CD Un cafecito mami.