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Radio Zapatista

Report on the community of Cruztón

El 23 de mayo la comunidad de Cruztón, adherente a la otra campaña, en el municipio de Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas, denunció que se está formando un grupo para volver despojarlos de sus tierras, en probable complicidad con la Procuraduría Agraria del estado. Entrevistamos a uno de los miembros de la comunidad, quien nos cuenta la historia de Cruztón, la lucha por la tierra, las nuevas amenazas y los intereses de la minería en la región.

Escucha/lee la denuncia completa.


Denounciation from Prison: General Strike of prisoners in San Cristóbal de Las Casas

In the face of the authorities’ refusal to listen, a General Prisoner Strike begins, demanding the dismissal of the prison’s director and a dialog with the state.

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Nomads XM24 / Nodo Solidale / Colectivo Zapatista "Marisol"

La Otra Europa Info 6.0 – radio news

  • Vittorio lives, a message for the murder of a compañero
  • Greece: Demonstration and combats for protest against the government.
  • Italy: 16 March 2001 – Eight years without you, eight years with you
  • Croacia: Libertarian block protests against the country’s government
  • Italy: Repression against anarchist groups
  • Greece: Movement “I don’t pay.” A Greek initiative to “stop paying for other people’s crisis”
  • Greece: Rebel briefs
  • The Arab rebelion and strategic thought. Extract from an article by Raul Zibechi
  • Italy: Fascists won’t pass!
  • UK: The battle Stokes Croft and the anti-anarchist attacks
  • UK: Anti-anarchist attacks in London
  • Hungry: Self-organized Rom face fascit groups.

Privación arbitraria de la libertad a ejidatarios y a abogado defensor del caso Juan del Grijalva

On March 17, 2011, during a peaceful demonstration in the ejido Juan del Grijalva Ostauacán municipality were detained arbitrarily and deceitfully Mr. Marcelo Díaz Castellanos, Ceferino Hernández Castro, Fidencio Altuna Cabos, José Francisco López and Teodoro Sánchez Díaz Morales, by members of the state police …(Descarga aquí)  

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March for Peace with Justice and Dignity begins

Words by Javier Sicilia at the Beginning of the March for Peace with Justice and Dignity:

(Descarga aquí)  

Coverage in Radio Pozol

Coverage in KeHuelga

Coverage in Centro de Medios Libres

Radio Zapatista

La Onda Bajita: June program

Radio Zapatista

Agroecological Revolution

Presentación del libro Revolución agroecológica: El Movimiento de Campesino a Campesino de la ANAP en Cuba, organizado por el Seminario Permanente Internacional sobre Medio Ambiente, Agricultura, Género y Movimientos Sociales de CIESAS-Sureste y el Centro Cultural TierrAdentro Café, en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, 30 de mayo de 2011.

Presentación de María Elena Martínez Torres, CIESAS-Sureste(Descarga aquí)  

Peter Rosset, La Vía Campesina (co-autor del libro)(Descarga aquí)  
Jorge Santiago Santiago, DESMI(Descarga aquí)  
Xochitl Leyva Solano, CIESAS-Sureste(Descarga aquí)  
Helda Morales, ECOSUR(Descarga aquí)  
Preguntas del público(Descarga aquí)  
Respuestas de los ponentes(Descarga aquí)  
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The Mexican government does not respect or protect, or guarantee, at the national level, human rights ratified by the international community.

In Chiapas, during the height of the internal armed conflict, forced disappearance of persons was a common practice in the period 1995 to 2001, the Human Rights Center has documented.

Las abejas de Acteal

Communiqué by Las Abejas de Acteal

We continue denouncing the wrongful actions by the government, which has no interest in respecting the rights of peoples.(Descarga aquí)  

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Editorial Lucina

Agustín García Calvo en la Puerta del Sol

Spanish philosopher Agustín García Calvo gave the following speech to a massive crowd during the occupation of the Puerta del Sol, the central plaza of Madrid, on May 19, 2011. A complete transcript in Spanish is available from Editorial Lucina; a small chunk of the speech is translated into English here.

“You are joy, the joy of the unexpected, of the unpredictable. Neither the authorities and governments, nor the political parties of any color expected this. . . .”