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Caravana de solidaridad y apoyo a nuevo poblado zapatista Comandante Abel

Video testimonial de la Caravana de solidaridad y documentación a la comunidad Comandante Abel

Radio Zapatista

Caravan for solidarity and documentation to the new community of Comandante Abel – Press conference

Radio Zapatista

Greenpeace denounces REDD+ project in Chiapas

Alberto Patisthán

Alberto Patisthán denounces: His health deteriorates, fears for his life

From prison, Alberto Patisthán denounces that he has felt strong pains in the chest and fears for his life; although they took him to the hospital, the lack of good medical attention and all he has suffered with his eyesight leads him to fear something may happen to him.

In this audio, another intern reads the denunciation, since Alberto has lost his eyesight, he is now blind:

See also:

Urgent request by Alberto Patisthán

Radio Zapatista

Word from Las Abejas on the inmunity of Zedillo

Radio Zapatista

Pilgrimage to San Cristobal for the realease of Alberto Patishtan

Radio Zapatista

New legal strategy for Alberto Patishtán

Radio Zapatista

Cherán K´eri: The geography from below, words from the Forum in defense of Land and Territory

En esta cápsula, el compañero Salvador Campanur de Cherán nos ofrece un breve recuento de la lucha por la defensa del territorio y de la autonomía del pueblo de Cherán…Palabras tomadas del Foro con Cherán K´eri celebrado el Jueves 9 de Agosto de 2012.

(Descarga aquí)  

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Red contra la Represión Chiapas

La lucha de los ejidatarios de Tila, Chiapas, adherentes a la Otra Campaña

Un breve vídeo que cuenta, a través de la voz de un compañero del ejido, la digna lucha de los ejidatarios y ejidatarias de Tila, adherentes a la Otra Campaña, por defender su territorio ante la voluntad del Gobierno de Chiapas de privatizarlo, con una expropiación de 130 hectáreas correspondientes al poblado de Tila.

Acampada Revolución 132 y Guindilla Bunda

Recepción y marcha Ejido de Tila (Acampada Revolución 132)

Summary of the recption and march to the Supreme Court with compañeros from Ejido Tila in Acampada Revolución 132, due to the dispossession of 130 ha by factual powers.

For more info on this land theft and how to support the campaign:…

Edition and texts:
Acampada Revolución 132 and Guindilla Bunda.