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(Español) Noticiero de Medios Libres, sesión del 28-Mar-16

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NOTICIERO DE MEDIOS LIBRES, sesión del 28-Marzo-2016



—A 18 meses de exigir justicia y verdad para Ayotzinapa. La verdad no viene de la autoridad.

—BELGICA:  Atentados de Bruselas: ¡no, señor primer ministro! deMichel Collon Investig Action en
—Grecia. Protesta pacífica de refugiados en idomeni para pedir apertura de fronteras en Macedonia en Kaos en la Red
—España. Madre del preso anarquista Nahuel, ya pasaron 5 meses y sigue preso sin juicio, en Kaos en la Red.
—Panamá. Asamblea de AEVE en acción y solidaridad con los pueblos. En Radio Temblor

***Desde el ombligo del monstruo***
—México: Nestora Salgado convoca a la “Campaña Internacional “Ponle rostro y nombre a las y los presos políticos de México”
—Oaxaca: Represión y movilización por las Radios Comunitarias contra campaña criminalizadora de IFT
—Veracruz: Tres jóvenes desaparecen en Veracruz. En Somos el Medio
—México. La desaparición del «Tío» fue como un despertar violento. De Subversiones
—Chiapas: 129 menores de edad, de origen Mam, bajo amenaza de desalojo y de desplazamiento forzado.

***Columna caminera***
Argentina. A cuarenta años de la dictadura
Info de y Antena Negra.

Agencia Subversiones

(Español) El Okupa Che: un espacio autónomo se defiende

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Texto y fotografías: Carolina S. Romero

Hay un territorio liberado dentro del campus de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Se llama auditorio Che Guevara. Conocido hace medio siglo como el auditorio Justo Sierra, su nombre fue cambiado por los estudiantes en la huelga de 1968 y tres décadas después fue tomado en la huelga estudiantil de 1999-2000. Perdido brevemente luego de la invasión de 2,500 policías federales militarizados a la UNAM el 6 de febrero del 2000, el auditorio fue retomado unos meses después. Desde entonces, varios grupos se han encargado de mantener el espacio.

El auditorio, ahora nombrado OkupaChe, se define como un espacio autónomo de trabajo autogestivo, un espacio del pueblo que se conforma de varios colectivos e individuos.

Ahí puedes disfrutar de una deliciosa comida vegetariana, encontrar algo interesante para leer en la Fanzinoteca, escuchar las últimas noticias en Radio Desobediencia, ver una buena obra de teatro del Ollin Company, aprender de la medicina alternativa, participar en un debate sobre un tema de relevancia social, ayudar a pintar uno de los murales que adornan las paredes, cultivar hortalizas orgánicas, asistir a una asamblea, ir a un buen toquín o participar en talleres de software libre, danza, tambores, medios libres, diseño gráfico, teatro callejero, artesanías o idiomas, entre muchas otras opciones. Ahí se organizan actividades libertarias y anarquistas, igual que eventos en apoyo a las luchas de pueblos, el zapatismo, los presos y presas políticas, las luchas estudiantiles, y los proyectos autónomos.

Lo que NO encontrarás en el OkupaChe es capacitación para ser el ejecutivo de una gran empresa transnacional o un policía de investigación o inteligencia, o un senador, diputado, magistrado o jefe de un podrido partido político. Ahí se ofrece educación para vivir con dignidad en un mundo tambaleante, es decir, el  mundo actual.

(Continuar leyendo…)

Radio Pozol

(Español) Ayotzinapa: “Si no fuera por expertos internacionales, el gobierno de Peña Nieto mantendría su verdad histórica”

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AYOTZINAPA: Si no fuera por expertos internacionales, EPN mantendría su verdad histórica.

Ciudad de México. 26 de marzo.- “Si no fuera por expertos internacionales, EPN mantendría su verdad histórica”, expresaron esta tarde familiares de los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa, desaparecidos por la policía de México, en Iguala Guerrero, el 26 de septiembre de 2014. Las madres y padres de los normalistas, han rechazado el anuncio de hace unos días del gobierno sobre la “reparación del daño” a 18 meses de la desaparición de los jóvenes. “Preferimos pedirle un peso a la ciudadanía que agarrarle un millón al gobierno”, aseguraron en un primer mitin frente al Antimonumento por los 43, ubicado en carriles centrales del Paseo de la Reforma al cruce con el Eje 1 Poniente DF.

En el Antimonumento los familiares de los normalistas, sembraron 43 plantas de manera simbólica por los estudiantes de Ayotzinapa. Fue el Consejo de Pueblos de ‪Xochimilco‬ el que donó las 43 plantas conocidas como ‘no me olvides’. “Esto no puede pasar al olvido, por eso insistimos en saber la verdad. Jamás vamos a recibir dinero a cambio de la vida de nuestros hijos”, afirmaron los originarios de Guerrero, acompañados por organizaciones sociales y solidarios individuales.

“Hemos caminado buscando apoyo y damos gracias que no nos han dejado solos”, externaron las madres y padres en un segundo mitin frente al Hemiciclo a Juárez, en el centro de la ciudad de México. “Es mentira que estamos interesados en la reparación del daño, queremos la verdad”, precisaron frente a un nutrido grupos de personas, los familiares. “Seguimos en pie de lucha, a pesar de los 18 meses y la apuesta del gobierno al cansancio”, añadieron.

“El Grupo Interdisciplinario de Expertos Independientes (GIEI), debe quedarse en México hasta saber qué pasó con los 43”, exigieron las madres y padres de los estudiantes desaparecidos. “Si no fuera por expertos internacionales, el gobierno de Peña nieto, mantendría su verdad histórica”, aseguraron. Tras el mitin en el Hemiciclo, se llevó a cabo un evento cultural en apoyo a la exigencia de presentación con vida de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa.

Audio del Mitin vía Noticias de Abajo:

The Independent

Organizing from Below in NYC, US & Globally Challenging Displacement from Above


Published originally in English at The Indypendent.

On January 31, a global gathering took place in New York City that brought together representatives from over 90 organizations to share their community struggles against displacement and their dreams for another world. Movement for Justice in El Barrio, a women of color-led community organization in East Harlem, convened the NYC Encuentro for Humanity and Against Displacement. This, the fifth Encuentro the group has organized, was the first broad citywide gathering to shine a spotlight on Mayor De Blasio’s rezoning plan, calling it a “luxury housing plan” and highlighting the massive amounts of luxury housing that will be built in what are now low-income communities of color.

(Continuar leyendo…)

SupMoi y SupGaleano

Progress on the Encounter “The Zapatistas and the ConSciences for Humanity”




March 16, 2016

Compas and non-compas:

Now we are going to let you know how plans are going for the Encounter “The Zapatistas and the ConSciences for Humanity”:

As of March 14, we have received 50 applications for the event.

There are applications from Norway, Brazil, Chile, France, the USA, Japan, and Mexico.

Scientific disciplines: So far invitations are being considered for scientists of Astronomy, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Medicine, Genetics, Pediatric Pathology and Nephrology, and Microbiology. We will continue to keep you informed of further developments with the invitations.

The scientists invited to the encounter “The Zapatistas and the ConSciences for Humanity” can offer a critical reflection on their scientific theory or practice, or an explanation of the general elements of their specialty given in an accessible manner (that is, an educational talk).

The email address where you can register to attend the encounter “The Zapatistas and the ConSciences for Humanity” is:

Date and location for the ConSciences Encounter: December 25, 2016 to January 4 2017, with an ‘intermission’ on December 31 and January 1. It will be held at CIDECI in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

Only the invited scientists with their exhibitions and the selected Zapatista youth with their questions will be given the floor at the festival.

There is no cost for registration but the Zapatistas cannot pay for travel, lodging, or food.

Boys and girls may attend as videntes [seers/viewers] and escuchas [ears/listeners], but they should be accompanied by a responsible adult.

The production, consumption and sale of drugs and alcohol is strictly forbidden.

That is all for now.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

Mexico, March 2016.

From the diaries of the cat-dog:

Echoes of March 8i

March 8, 2016. Place: EZLN Headquarters. Document obtained from the diary of someone calling himself “supgaleano,” thanks to the Trojan malware called “finders keepers, losers weepers” version 6.9.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés and the present writer were here discussing the upcoming CompArte festival and how the Zapatista communities are organizing to participate. While we were talking a compañera insurgenta came in and said simply: “there is going to be a soccer game. We women were challenged to a game.” I knew the motivation behind this, because it was not the first time that it had happened. Let me tell you that in this barracks, the insurgent women [insurgentas] outnumbered the insurgent men [insurgentes] two to one. To explain this difference in numbers, there are two different stories: the official version is that it is because the majority of the insurgentes are doing highly specialized work which only men can carry out with panache and grace; the real version is that there are in fact more compañeras than compañeros. Publishing the real version is of course prohibited, so only the official version has been distributed to the Tercios Compas.

Despite this reality, obvious from a simple glance, it occurred to one of the insurgentes to say as he finished breakfast: “since today is March 8, we men challenge the women to a game of soccer.” The commanding officer realized the error almost immediately, but the deed had been done. A female official from the insurgent health service responded: “it’s on.” The men crowded around the naïve challenger to scold him. Realizing the reason for the frustration that was spreading through the masculine ranks, the insurgente tried to clarify, “but with an equal number of players on each team.” “No way,” said the women, “you said that the men challenged the women, and so it is all of the insurgentes against all of the insurgentas.”

Clouds began forming in the sky and a strong wind foreshadowed misfortune.

After lunch (the menu was tamale shakes and coffee with chili pepper), an insurgenta came by to let us know that the game was about to start and asked if we were going. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés couldn’t go because he had to review the registration list for the festival. I abstained, intuiting that the environment would not be a propitious one for gender inequity. So neither of us went.

The horizon was already darkening when they returned. On earth and in the sky the storm is lady and mistress of everything.

The insurgenta arrived to report in. I asked her how the game had gone and she responded, “we tied.” “How many to how many?” I asked. “I don’t remember” she said, “but we won a game and then we changed sides on the field and they won, so we tied: one each.” She said it with such self-confidence that she seemed like the president of the National Electoral Institute reporting the official results of any election.

Something smelled fishy to me, and so I went to see the commanding officer and asked about the results: “We won 7 to 3” he responded tersely. “But the Health insurgenta said that you tied because they won one game and you all the other?” I asked. The official smiled and clarified: “no sup, we only played one game; what happened was that in the first half they were winning 3 to 2, and in the second half, after switching sides on the field, we made 5 goals. The result: insurgentes – 7, insurgentas – 3.” Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés, spokesperson of the eezeeelen, in the name of all of the Zapatista men, women, children and elders exclaimed: “We men won!” Another insurgenta who was walking by admonished “what is this about ‘we men won,’ ha! you two didn’t even go.” “It doesn’t matter,” said the official spokesperson of the eezeeelen, “we men won.” The storm appeared to diminish and the wind and water settled down. But the horizon was far from clear.

Later that night, when as we toasted masculine supremacy with our coffee, Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés explained to me: “Look, what happened is that among the men, only two of them really know how to play soccer and both of them were on guard duty, so in the first half the insurgentes were down two players and the insurgentas, well, there’s already more of them. In the second half, those two guys finished their shift and they were incorporated into the game and well, the men won.”

I asked if the insurgentas knew how to play soccer: “they do,” he said, “but they also have one player who is young and runs up and down the field and everywhere; she is the team’s real strategist and tactician because when she gets tired of running she just yells, “ball, ball” and all of the insurgentas run and surround the guy who has the ball and they all kick and since there is only one ball, well, a whole lot of kicks get the compañero.”

We raise our cold cups of coffee and toast the new triumph of gender even in adverse conditions.

In the mountains, the wind and rain had already drunk of the nocturnal force. It was not yet morning when they subsided, with even more force if that is possible.

But (there’s always a “but”), the next day at breakfast one of the men, with ill intentions, asked how the soccer game had gone, “We tied,” an insurgenta rushed to say before the little machos managed to respond, and she turned to the other women around her: “Right compañeras?” “Yeessss!” they all shouted and, well, since they are the majority, well…anyway, the risks of democracy.

That is how the insurgentas converted a sports defeat into a triumph and won…with a tie. Final score: insurgentes – 1, insurgentas – 2.

But the machos didn’t give up so quickly, they asked for a re-match. “Sure” said the compañerasbut next year.”

Desperate, the insurgentes looked to the person who best encapsulates the highest values of machismo-zapatismo, which is to say, me. They asked me when “men’s day” was.

What?” I asked them.

Yes,” they said, “if there is a woman’s day, then there must also be a man’s day.”

Ah” I agreed, understanding: ”yes indeed there is one.” And I showed them what, with concise wisdom, one tiger had tweeted: “Men’s day” (when you celebrate the slavery of the woman to the work of rearing children) already exists. It is May 10.”

I think that they didn’t understand what you might call my sarcastic tone because they went away saying, “Ah, ok well then it’s still a little while off.”


Reading comprehension questions:

1.-Is the health insurgenta who subverted the semantics in FIFA’s rules a feminazi, a lesboterrorist, or someone who does away with the rules, destroying imposed [gender] roles and damaging masculine sensibility?

2.- Is the person who summarized with such grace what happened on this fateful March 8, 2016, in a Zapatista barracks: heteropatriarchal, Eurocentric, species-ist, ableist, classist and etceterist, one more victim of the system (well look at that, it sounds like the name of a music group), or does he not celebrate May 10 because he lacks the above listed attributes?

3.-As the women that we are, should we give a rematch to those damned men who, well, you know, you give them an inch and they want a mile?

Send your responses to the concierge of the Little School. Note: all not-so-nice comments will be returned to sender.ii

I testify under gender oath/protest:


March 8, 2016

i March 8 is known around the world as International Women’s Day.

ii The original is “mentadas que no sean de menta.” Mentada” is like a telling-off or insult. Menta is mint. Literally this would be unminty insults.


(Español) Desde el centro Prodh, Nestora Salgado ofrece conferencia de prensa acompañada por familiares, amigos, y la Policía Comunitaria.

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Desde el Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez (Prodh) en la Ciudad de México , Nestora Salgado, Comandanta de la Policía Comunitaria de Olinalá Guerrero , acompañada por familiares , abogados , padres de los 43 estudiantes normalistas y miembros de la policía comunitaria , dio una conferencia de prensa en donde expuso su sentir tras ser encarcelada injustamente durante 2 años 7 meses; también agradeció a los colectivos y simpatizantes que acompañaron su lucha y reclamo a los medios y personajes que difamaron su imagen . Al final , hablo de la necesidad de seguir luchando por los presos políticos del país ( entre ellos, los 9 miembros de la policía comunitaria),  y del apoyo a los padres de los 43 estudiantes normalistas desaparecidos .



(Continuar leyendo…)


(Español) Comunicado Okupa Che

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Miembros del colectivo Okupa Che, ofrecieron una conferencia de prensa para hacer pública su postura ante la embestida mediática y las amenazas de desalojo.

Ante las críticas y descalificaciones continuamente repetidas en los medios de comunicación , en dicha conferencia se abordó el tema del narcomenudeo  en CU , se hablo sobre el estigma social, la criminalización de la lucha social, y sobre todo, se habló sobre la importancia de defender el espacio autónomo y los proyectos que ahí se construyen. Al final de la conferencia, se hizo un llamado a los Medios Libres, a la comunidad de la UNAM, y a la sociedad civil en general, para estar atentos durante el periodo vacacional, pues se teme que en dicho periodo, suceda el intento de desalojo.


Escuchar audio de la conferencia.

(Descarga aquí) .mp3

México D.F. 17 marzo, 2016.


About CompArte: A few questions, a few answers. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano


Zapatista Army for National Liberation.


March 14, 2016

Compas and non-compas:

We write to tell you a little about how plans are going for the activities in July, October, and December of 2016. We have received a few questions, so here are a few answers, but only regarding the festival “CompArte for Humanity.”

“How is the registration for the art festival looking?”

As of March 12, 2016, we had registered:

21 attendees from Mexico and 5 from other countries.

99 participants from Mexico and 30 from other countries (Chile, Argentina, Greece, Canada, United States, Spanish State, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Guatemala, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Peru, Cross-border or Without Borders, Uruguay, France, and the Sufi Community with Islamic music).

“What kind of activities or artistic works are registered so far?

According to those who have registered so far, there is: rap, poetry, visual arts, contemporary dance, painting, engraving, literature and stories, theater, puppets, embroidery, iron work, silk-screening, photography, documentaries, cinema, sculpture, ceramics, short films, illustration, reggae, rock, graffiti, gastronomy, aerial dance, murals, music, music, and more music.

“What is this about “alternate sites” for the CompArte Festival?”

We are hoping that the compas of the Sixth in Mexico and in the world understand what you might call the subliminal message of the convocation and organize activities—in their own geographies and in accordance with their own calendars—either before, during, or after the festivals/gatherings convoked by the Zapatistas. That is, we hope that whether at local, regional, zone, or national levels, the Sixth organizes festivals and gatherings to give space for and echo to artistic activities. And of course, also to celebrate the National Indigenous Congress’ 20 years of rebellion and resistance, as well as a space where scientists will find attentive ears and critical thought.

“Is it necessary to register to attend, without participating in, the ‘CompArte’ festival?”

Yes, just clarify that you are registering as an attendee.

“Is necessary to register to attend and participate in the “CompArte” festival?”

Yes, and we ask you to specify the form your participation will take.

“What is the email where one can register for the ‘CompArte for Humanity festival’?”

The email is

“Can you tell me again the dates and locations for the ‘CompArte for Humanity’ festival?”

No, those are already in the communiqué from February 29…. Okay, okay okay, here they are:

Dates: July 17-30, 2016


July 17-22 in the caracol of Oventik. Only Zapatista bases of support will participate in this part. Attendance is open for escuchas [ears/listeners] and videntes [seers/viewers], but requires registration.

July 23-30, 2016 in CIDECI, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. All registered artists can participate. Attendance is open for listeners and viewers, but requires registration.

“Is there a registration fee, either for attendees or participants?


“Are you (Zapatistas) going to pay for travel expenses, food, and lodging?”


“According to Zapatismo, is gastronomy an art?”

Everyone can categorize their practice as they see fit. In the case of the difficult culinary arts, the insurgentas, as an echo of March 8, will contribute a menu that is…hmm… how can I put it… disconcerting: “tamale shakes and coffee with chili pepper” (note: for the tamale shake they don’t use a blender or any other machine, only the cooking fire and their “wisdom”). I already suffered… I mean, tasted it and it is… disconcerting.

“Can children participate?”

Yes, children can register to participate or attend. Except for the girls, because what a shame, the deadline has passed, it was March 8, so oh well…eh? But it’s that… ay! Okay, okay okay: the girls can register too. Note: all minors should be accompanied by a mother or father or tutor, tutora, or tutoroa.

“Is anything banned from these events?”

Yes, the production, consumption, or sale of drugs and alcohol is strictly forbidden. If you aren’t capable of making or enjoying art without taking something before or during, well your method is mistaken.

“There still isn’t a report back on the Little School?”

No. The questions sent by students are currently being reviewed. When something is ready, we’ll let those interested know.

That’s all for now.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.  Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

Mexico, March 2016.

From the diaries of the cat-dog:

The time of the police (part one):

One: In Mexico, a Latin American country that suffers the global crisis like they all do, but which is fueled by the solid triad of corruption-clumsiness-ignorance made into a government, the official in charge of public education, Aurelio Nuño Mayer, cannot hide his passion for the policing profession. Encouraged by his accomplices, Mr. Nuño believes that he can win the presidential candidacy for his party, the PRI, if he functions more as paid thug than as promoter of Mexican education. Fond of making threats, running his own repressive squads, and operating like any boss in the early stages of savage capitalism, Mr. Nuño finds special pleasure in converting the teaching profession into a destination not for better schools, training, and salaries, but for arbitrary injustices, beatings, and firings. Playing the role of prosecutor, judge, and jury; of Labor Minister (decreeing firings without severance); of Minister of the Interior (using the police and the army at his whim); of clumsy media spokesperson, dismal builder of “spontaneous” support, and twitterer in permanent slow motion, Mr. Nuño’s only resumé merit is having sheltered himself within that group of criminals who engage in criminal activity with total immunity. Despite his suits and ties, his heavily made up and photo-shopped media image, Mr. Nuño cannot hide what he has always been: a sad and mediocre policeman who gets pleasure from and money for repressing and humiliating others. Mr. Nuño has always longed to be a good policeman, but… when the den of thieves is insufficient to accommodate so many, when his secret protector falls, Mr. Nuño will also show he is a good runner… when fleeing becomes the order of the day.

Another one: In this country known in the realm of the world cups (although no further than the quarterfinals) as “Mexico,” in the so-called “highest place of study,” the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mr. Enrique Graue Wiechers has reached the highest bureaucratic position (and ladder to governmental post): the title of rector [like chancellor or dean]. In addition to the fact that his academic and professional career has been located within the bureaucracy of the academy and carefully guided by the Zedillo Ponce de León family’s psychiatrist, Mr. Graue did his graduate work in a North American university know for having invented the energy drink self-named “Gatorade,” which should give you an idea of how advanced he is in his specialty field of ophthalmology. A few days ago, Mr. Graue declared he was “outraged” because of the insufficient quantity of drugs police planted on one of the activists from the Che Guevara Auditorium (which the university authorities are futilely trying to call the Justo Sierra Auditorium). Mr. Graue was not enraged that the federal budgeting for higher education would not be sufficient to cover hundreds of thousands of young people; nor was he enraged by the mercantilist conditions that academic faculty and staff are subjected to; nor was he enraged because the UNAM has become a nest of undesirables, that is, of bureaucratic functionaries who don’t even know how to write the name of their overseer (that is, the rector); nor was he enraged by the lack of security endured by faculty, staff, and students on the UNAM campuses (assaults, rapes, and murders); and he was not enraged because an anti-democratic gangsterism had placed, in the highest post of the “highest place of study,” a mediocre bureaucrat.

No, Mr. Graue was enraged because the police didn’t do a good job of setting someone up to be framed. And this outrages Mr. Graue because all his life he has endeavored to be a good police agent. With his indignant police discourse (seconded by people who don’t even know where the Justo Sierra Auditorium is, much less the Che Guevara), Mr. Graue gives a lecture: “the problem with higher education in Mexico lies with a vegetarian cafeteria, a screen printing workshop, and a bakery training space, among other things. These subversive activities are promoted by a group of anarchists, that is, dirty, ugly, and bad people who contrast sharply with the neatness and style of the university bureaucracy. They don’t even sell Gatorade, but rather water and juices of unknown origin. They are drug addicts (the high, medium, and low-ranking officials hide cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy, and even crack and an occasional roach in their desk drawers —even within bureaucracy there are classes, my friend), they’re anarchic-anarchists, not part of the university community (various officials swallow hard) and that auditorium… the auditorium, what’s that auditorium… secretary quick, what’s the name of that auditorium that we want to liberate.. ah yes, the Justo Sierra Auditorium in the School of Medicine… eh? …It’s not in the School of Medicine?.. huh?… you’re recording? Give notice!… okay… in the School of Philosophy and Letters of Acatlán… no?… is it in Ciudad Universitaria?…Oh isn’t CU where the Pumas play?…So there are academic departments there too?… I’m only familiar with the rector’s suite… well anyway, wherever it is, it should be “liberated” by the police, and by police who know how to plant the evidence properly, not those scatter-brains that don’t even know how to place a bit of “spearmint” in a backpack. That’s why an elite group of my officials are going to start a degree program on how to place drugs in briefcases. Yes yes I know that’s not the same, but we don’t carry backpacks, we carry briefcases. As I have said… what, no applause?… Turn on the recorder man! No, not that one, you’ll ruin my cabinet career ambitions. The other one! Yes that one! Thank you, thank you to the authentic university community members who know that the university serves to domesticate, not to teach nor investigate! Thank you, thank you, thank you! How was that? Wha? I said turn that recorder off! No not the one with the cheering, the other one, the one that’s recording!

Mr. Graue is furious, he was just trying to be a good police agent.

I testify: woof-meow.


Copyleft 2016. Permission from the Good Government Council under conditions of “we’ll be back tomorrow to see if its ready, who knows, maybe it will be a new Council rotation by then, but in the meantime let me tell you the history of Zapatista autonomy. You already know it? Well then we should review it, as they say, until it truly sticks in your head. Did you bring your notebook? Write in “resistance and rebellion” or “rebellion and resistance,” it’s the same thing, because the order of the “r’s” doesn’t’ affect our autonomy. Haven’t you studied mathematics? Just songs? Well look, you need arts and sciences, there’s no way around it.”


Nastia caressed

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Eugenia Gutiérrez, Colectivo Radio Zapatista.

México, 15 de marzo de 2016.

Había una vez un planeta de libertades cuyos habitantes lograban respetarse. No lo controlaba el odio. No lo dominaba el miedo. Era un planeta soberano que determinaba, por sí mismo, el papel que quería desempeñar en la trama inevitable de su lugar en el cosmos. Ningún dios furibundo lo atemorizaba. Ninguna criatura despreciaba la dicha de estar viva aquí y ahora en espera de no estar, pero estar mejor, una vez muerta. (Continuar leyendo…)

Amig@s de Mumia

(Español) Flint II: crímenes del capitalismo.-Texto de Mumia Abu-Jamal desde la nación encarcelada

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Por Mumia Abu-Jamal

Desde el principio del tiempo humano, las comunidades  construyeron ciudades al lado de los ríos, porque el agua ––el agua fresca–– era la fuente de la vida.

El Cairo (que antes se llamó Fustat), dependía del Río Nilo; Londres, (y antes, la ciudad colonial romana de Londinio) fue construida a las orillas del Río Támesis; París (originalmente conocida como Par-Isis, o La Casa de Isis) creció de las aguas del Río Siena; Roma llegó a ser un imperio al borde del Río Tíber.

Las ciudades se nutren de las aguas de los ríos, y crecen gracias a ellos.

La ciudad de Flint, Míchigan, tomó su nombre del Río Flint, del pedernal duro y oscuro  que formaba el cauce del río.

Durante décadas General Motors usó estas aguas y luego tiró sus desechos químicos y efluvios al río, hasta convertirlo en el brebaje corrosivo y tóxico actual.  De hecho, cuando las aguas llegaron a ser tan ácidas que dañaban partes de los automóviles, General Motors abandonó la ciudad, cerrando sus operaciones.

Éstas son las aguas canalizadas a los hogares de Flint por las autoridades del gobierno de Míchigan, con sus llamados “poderes administrativos de emergencia”, en su afán de ahorrar dinero.  Las aguas que dañaron y disolvieron metales fueron consideradas suficientemente buenas para alimentar a la población de seres humanos en una ciudad moderna de los Estados Unidos.

¡Miles, decenas de miles, de seres humanos envenenados! Para incrementar las ganancias de una corporación.

¿Por qué esto no es un crimen?

¿Por qué no fue un crimen envenenar un río desde el principio?

(Continuar leyendo…)