(Español) Presentación del libro “Una historia oral de la Infamia. Los ataques contra los normalista de Ayotzinapa” de John Gibler.
El pasado 13 de Julio , se presentó en Casa de Ondas el libro “Una historia oral de la Infamia. Los ataques contra los normalista de Ayotzinapa” . La presentación contó con la participación de miembros del colectivo Sin rostro, Casa de Ondas, y con la presencia y testimonios de Bertha Nava , madre de Julio Cesar Ramírez Nava, estudiante asesinado durante el ataque, de Omar García, estudiante Normalista sobreviviente, y John Gibler , autor del libro.
En “Una historia oral de la infamia”, John Gibler recaba los testimonios de los estudiantes normalistas sobrevivientes quienes le confían y comparten su vivir y sentir previo, durante y después del ataque. Testimonios que le permiten al autor reconstruir una breve historia polifónica de lo acontecido, misma que intenta responder a la pregunta ¿qué sucedió la noche del 26? .
Escuchar audios de la presentación:
For la Maestra, with affection
July 2016
To the maestras [female teachers] of the teachers in resistance:
To the national and international Sixth:
To the attendees and participants of the CompArte all over the world:
Compas, hermanoas,[i] etcéteras:
We send you all [todas, todoas, todos] our greetings and respect. We hope that your health is good and your spirits high.
We are writing to send you a few videos of the contributions that the Zapatista bases of support had prepared for the CompArte. For now we are including two videos dedicated to women below and to the left, and especially to the maestras in struggle. Here goes:
This first video that we will show you is from the Caracol of La Garrucha. It a bailable [choreographed dance] entitled “The Rights of Women.” As is the case with almost everything here, it was prepared collectively by men and women, young people trained in the Zapatista autonomous education system. Zapatista bases of support wrote it, practiced it, and prepared to present it at the CompArte. The MC [maestra or master of ceremonies] explains everything. If you end up repeating the chorus, that’s to be expected. But we can tell you one thing: when you are capable of, as the compañera MC says, “singing a thought,” then perhaps you will have to rethink the idea that Art only comes from above, while below what we have are “crafts” [artesanías].