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War and Resistance Dispatch #44

To the peoples of the world:
To the alternative, free, autonomous, or whatever-you-call-it media:
To the National and International Sixth:

War and Resistance Dispatch #44

And what about the other 43? And the ones that follow?

This country has not been the same since the bad government committed one of its most heinous crimes in disappearing 43 young indigenous students of the teaching college Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, two years ago. This event forced us to acknowledge the profound darkness in which we find ourselves today, stirring our individual and collective hearts and spirit. The rage, pain, and hope embodied in the families and compañeros of the 43 illuminate that darkness and shine on the faces of millions of people of every geography below in Mexico and around the world, as well as among a conscientious international civil society in solidarity.

As originary barrios, tribes, nations, and peoples, we begin from the collective heart that we are and turn our gaze into words.

From the geographies and calendars below that reflect the resistances, rebellions, and autonomies of those of us who make up the National Indigenous Congress; from the places and paths from where we as originary peoples see and understand the world: from the ancient geographies within which we have never ceased to see, understand, and resist this same violent war that the powerful wage against all of us who suffer and resist with all of our individual or collective being: we use our gaze and our words to take as our own the faces of the 43 disappeared which travel through every corner of the country in search of truth and justice, faces that are reflected in millions of others and that show us, in the dark of night, the way of the sacred, because pain and hope are sacred. That collective face multiplies and focuses its gaze on the geographies of resistance and rebellion.

From the Geographies of Below

The disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa lives on in impunity. To search for truth from within the putrefaction of power is to search within the worst of this country, in the cynicism and perversion of the political class. The political class not only continues to pretend to keep up the search for the disappeared compañeros, but, in the face of growing evidence pointing to the culpability of the terrorist narco-state, it actually rewards those in charge of lying and distorting the truth. This is what they did in moving Tomás Zerón [ex-head of the Attorney General’s Criminal Investigation Agency]—the person responsible for planting false evidence to back up his historical lie about the Cocula garbage dumpi—to Technical Secretary of the National Security Council. It is one more confirmation of the criminal nature of the bad government.

On top of lies, deceit, and impunity, the bad government heaps abuses and injustices against those who have shown solidarity with and support for the struggle of the families and compañeros of the 43. This includes Luis Fernando Sotelo Sambrano, a young person who has always been supportive of originary peoples’ struggles, including that of Cherán, of the Yaqui Tribe, of indigenous prisoners, and of the Zapatista communities. He has been sentenced by a judge to 33 years and 5 months for the sextuple crime of being young, poor, a student, in solidarity, rebellious, and a person of integrity.
This is what we see from those in power above: those who murder are covered for by lies and rewarded with protection; those who protest injustice receive beatings and imprisonment.


When we look toward:

The south: the peoples’ struggle in defense of their territories against political bosses and large companies is dissolved by the struggle for security and justice against organized crime cartels whose intimate relationship with the entire political class is the only certainty that we as a people have about any state body.

The formation of shock troops that attack citizen protests have permeated towns and villages, and the government purposely generates conflicts that destroy the internal fabric of a community. That is, the government tries to create mirrors of its own war by sowing conflict in the communities and betting on the destruction of the most sensitive parts of the social fabric. There is nothing more dangerous and explosive for this nation than this practice.

The west: the struggles for land, security, and justice occur in the midst of administrative management for the drug cartels, disguised by the state as crime-fighting initiatives or development policies. On the other hand, the peoples who have resisted and even combatted criminal activity through organization from below have to struggle against constant attempts by the bad government to reestablish territorial control by organized crime cartels—and their respective preferred political parties.

The autonomous organization of the communities and their unwavering struggles for sacred sites and ancestral lands do not cease. The defense of our Mother Earth is not negotiable. We are watching the struggle of the Wixárika community of Wauta-San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán for the recovery of almost ten thousand hectares bordering the town of Huajimic, Nayarit. There, despite the fact that the community has established their rights in agrarian courts, the judicial authorities have been remiss. The bad governments use the false official geographies that divide the states as a pretext to incentivize the displacement of indigenous peoples. To the Wixárika people, with regard to their rebellion and autonomy, we say: we are with you.

The north: where the struggles for recognition of territorial rights continue against threats by mining companies, agrarian displacement, the theft of natural resources, and the subjugation of resistance by narco-paramilitaries, the originary peoples continue to make and remake themselves every day.

Among the originary peoples of the tribes of the north, the Sioux nation weaves its own geographies that go beyond the false official geographies that locate them in another country; for us, we are all children of the same mother. They are resisting the invasion of their sacred lands, cemeteries, and ceremonial sites by an oil pipeline under contruction by the company Energy Transfer Partners. That company intends to transport oil obtained through fracking in the Bakken region in North Dakota through their territories. This struggle has generated solidarity and unity among the originary peoples of the north. To them we say that their rage is ours, and as the National Indigenous Congress, we raise our voice with them and will continue to do so. Their dignified struggle is also ours.

The peninsula: The Mayan peoples resist the attempt to disappear them by decree, defending their territories against attack by tourism and real estate interests. A proliferation of hired hitmen operate in impunity to displace the indigenous peoples. The agroindustry of genetically modified organisms threatens the existence of the Mayan peoples, and those magnates, with vile dishonesty, take over agrarian territories, cultural and archeological sites, and even indigenous identity itself, trying to convert a vital people into a commercial fetish. The communities who struggle against the high electricity costs are persecuted and criminalized.

The center [of the country]: Infrastructure projects including highways, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, and residential developments are being imposed through violent means and human rights are increasingly vague and removed in the law applied. Powerful groups use strategies of criminalization, cooptation, and division, all of them close—in corrupt and obscene ways—to that criminal who thinks he governs this country: Enrique Peña Nieto.

In the east of the country, violence, fracking, mining, migrant trafficking, corruption, and government madness are the currents that run against the struggle of the peoples, all playing out in the midst of entire regions taken over by violent criminal groups controlled from the highest levels of government.

From Dialogue to Betrayal

Just as the teachers in struggle have done, we as originary peoples have sought dialogue with the bad government regarding our urgent demands for respect of our territories, the return of the disappeared, the freeing of prisoners, justice for those killed, the removal of the police or military from our lands, and our own security and justice, but the government has refused. Instead, it has arrested our spokespeople all over the country; the army has fired on children in Ostula; bulldozers have destroyed the homes of those who resist in Xochicuautla, and federal police have shot at the dignified community accompanying the teachers in Nochixtlán. The bad governments pretend to dialogue; they simulated interest in agreements with the Wixárika people for years in order to pacify the territory while they planned a violent reordering of the region.

Later the government talks like nothing has happened and offers its willingness to make concessions, as long as both parties come to an agreement. Then the government cedes one small part of what it has just destroyed, frees one prisoner, pays damages to the family of one murder victim, and pretends to look for the disappeared. In exchange it asks the originary peoples to cede their collective patrimony—their dignity, their autonomous organization, and their territory.

In various geographies across our country we are holding referendums where we say that we don’t want their mines, their oil pipelines, their GMOs, their dams, and we demand that they consult the people. But the bad government always responds by pretending “to consult as to how to consult on whether to or not to consult on the form of the consultation” (or something like that), what is really a calculated simulation, the erasure of our voice, the manipulation and cooptation of our people, as well as threats and repression. And so it goes until they say it’s done; they proclaim that we agreed to their death projects or that we were divided and they must thus attend to all points of view.

Meanwhile, as they try to keep us quiet with their deceitful consultation agenda and while the NGOs that are “experts” in “consultation” fatten their wallets, they race ahead to concretize—before the supposed consultation has even begun—the theft of the water from the Yaqui River, the destruction of Wirikuta through mining concessions, the construction of oil pipelines that invade the entire Isthmus, and the GMOs imposed in the Riviera Maya.

Our geographies are the paths of the world; this is where we will meet and recognize each other, because we know that the struggle is not just today nor is it just for today. We do not struggle for power or the folklore offered by deceitful campaigns, but rather to weave and reweave what we are, what we were, and what we will be as originary peoples.

The face of the 43 missing and the tenacity of their families and compañeros are the other 43 dispatches on war and resistance. To them we add the pain, rage, and resistance of the originary peoples and the rebellions of millions all over Mexico and around the world.

On top of that we add the dispatches of war and resistance from the other who is persecuted and stigmatized, women who have been abused, disappeared, and murdered, children made into commodities, young people criminalized, nature disgraced, humanity in pain.

We reiterate today, alongside that humanity, along with this earth that we are, that truth and justice are an inalienable demand and that punishment for the culpable—all of those responsible—will be born from the struggle from below. Now more than ever, as originary peoples of the National Indigenous Congress, we know that in this struggle there is no room to give up, sell out, or give in.

Truth and Justice for Ayotzinapa!

Free Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano!

Free all of the political prisoners!

For the holistic reconstitution of our peoples.

Never Again a Mexico Without Us.

National Indigenous Congress

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

Mexico, September 2016


(Español) Noticiero Medios LibresMX 21 de septiembre

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  • La CNTE de los Altos de Chiapas informa sobre los nuevos pasos de lucha. Vía Centro de Medios Libres.


  • España. Se esteriliza a mujeres con capacidades distintas sin su consentimiento. Vía Kaos en la red
  • Chile. Inauguran en Neuquén el primer hospital con médicos y curanderos mapuches. Vía girabsas.
  • Global. Monsanto-Bayer y el control digital de la agricultura. Vía red latina sin fronteras.  redlatinasinfronteras
  • Chile: Solidaridad con la guerrilla urbana anarquista Lucha Revolucionaria. Vía Contrainfo


  • Guadalajara. Denuncian campaña de crimininalizaciòn y hostigamiento contra defensores del Bosque Nixticuil.  desinformemonos
  • Estado de México. EL KANTÓN LIBERTARIO: 15 AÑOS DE AMOR ÁCRATA. Vía radio zapote. radiozapote
  • Tila Chiapas: Denuncian intento de homicidio contra defensor de DDHH, adherente a la Sexta. Vía Radio Pozol
  • Guerrero. OPINIÓN | Violencia y codicia por el oro. Vía Centro de derechos humanos Tlachinollan


  • Texto de la Antologia de crónica carcelaria, sobre la enajenación. Fernando Bárcenas Castillo


  • En busca del veganismo.


  • Palestina. Hoy Aniversario 34 de las Masacres de Sabra y Chatila… ¡la impunidad continúa!. Vía Palestina libre

(Español) Investigación sobre el asesinato de Yalid Jiménez en Nochixtlán

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MediosLibresMX.- Recientemente salió a la luz con Ciro Gómez Leiva, un vídeo capturado el pasado 19 de junio, sobre los hechos ocurridos en Asunción Nochixtlán Oaxaca; en el video se aprecia a policías estatales disparando hacia los manifestantes. Quien aparece en dicho video, está plenamente identificado; se trata del coordinador de proyectos y despliegue de la policía estatal de Oaxaca, José Luis Lazo Sánchez, pero junto a él, (como se aprecia en la fotografía tomada desde el lugar donde fue herido de muerte Yalid), se encuentran elementos de la Gendarmería apuntando sus armas largas. Desde este lugar dieron muerte a 3 personas las cuales “cayeron” una al lado de la otra, entre ellas, Yalid Jiménez.

En el video se pueden escuchar algunas de las expresiones utilizadas por la Policía Estatal mientras le disparaba a la población civil, una de estas expresiones citaba “AL DE ROJO”, segundos después, nuevamente se escucha la voz de un policía diciendo “YA CAYÓ EL DE ROJO EH”. Ese día, Yalid Jiménez, (el de rojo), así como miles de habitantes de toda la región mixteca, acudieron a apoyar la lucha magisterial popular. Yalid, así como decenas de pobladores de la región,   era uno de los que ayudada en el resguardo y cuidado de los heridos. Fue a las 11:25 del 19 de junio, cuando después de las detonaciones de armas automáticas de la policía Estatal, cayeron heridos Jesús Cadena Sánchez y Anselmo Cruz Aquino. Yalid (el de rojo),   quien se encontraba frente a los hechos, acudió a auxiliar a los dos pobladores que sucumbieron ante las balas , segundos después, él mismo fue alcanzado por la metralla causándole heridas mortales. Debido a que la policía estatal continuaba disparando en contra de quienes se encontraban en el lugar, no fue posible auxiliarlo inmediatamente, sin embargo, al ver que la ráfaga no daba tregua, algunos hombres arriesgaron la vida y corrieron entre los zumbidos de las balas para sacar al herido del lugar; fueron 5 minutos los que “el de rojo” permaneció tirado. Las palabras de quienes lo auxiliaron le pedían “AGUANTA CARNALITO, AGUANTA” “NO TE DUERMAS” , él solo balbuceaba pidiendo ayuda.

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La Voladora Radio

(Español) #RenunciaYa.-Registro visual de la marcha del 15 de septiembre en CDMX

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El pasado 15 de septiembre del 2016, miles salieron a la calle a marchar para exigir la renuncia de Enrique Peña Nieto. Por primera vez en la historia del festejo de la independencia de México, las fiestas patrias se adornaron con denuncias, consignas, carteles de “Fuera Peña”, “Peña Inepto”, “Peña asesino”; por vez primera , el pasado 15 de septiembre de 2016, México conmemoró con banderas negras su independencia.

“Lo bueno no se cuenta… pero cuenta mucho”.

Ejido Tila

(Español) Ejido Tila Chiapas, Celebración de Independencia y aclaraciones sobre Cobach 14

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 Ejido Tila, Chiapas;  México a 15 de septiembre del 2016.

A la opinión pública
Al Congreso Nacional Indígena (CNI)
A los adherentes a la Sexta nacional e internacional
A la Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad
A los medios libres y comerciales de comunicación nacional e internacional
A las organizaciones que luchan por Justicia y Dignidad
A los defensores de Derechos Humanos no gubernamentales
A la lucha de México y el Mundo

Reciban un saludo fraterno de los compañeros y compañeras del Ejido Tila, desde el sureste mexicano y a la vez refrendar nuestra lucha por seguir construyendo nuestra autonomía ejidal en la defensa de la madre tierra. A nueve meses de autogobierno ejidal  en el Ejido Tila, Chiapas; las y los ejidatarios, celebramos por primera vez los 206 (docientos seis) aniversario del grito e inicio de la independencia de México. Comenzaremos con el grito el día de hoy por la noche junto con baile; y mañana con un desfile conmemorativa del 16 de septiembre que dará inicio a las 10:30 horas de la mañana con la participación de miles de nuestros compañeros y compañeras, que juntos como pueblo festejaremos con baile y tamaliza.

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comunicación Frayba

CFE difunde información falsa para desprestigiar a los ejidatarios básicos de Chicoasén

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Comunicado de prensa
Nosotros como Ejidatarios Básicos, Posecionarios y Avecindados del Ejido de Chicoasen, Chiapas. Manifestamos lo siguiente frente a los últimos hechos sucedidos en relación a la Construcción del Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Chicoasen II dentro de nuestras tierras ejidales de Chicoasen sin consulta y consentimiento.
Desmentimos de manera categórica las informaciones publicadas en las diferentes redes sociales y notas de periódico con fuentes y versiones de la CFE, en donde hacen creer al pueblo chiapaneco y mexicano que el Proyecto Chicoasen ll esta cancelado por actos violentos de personas inconformes.
  • Dado a la falta de cumplimiento a los derechos laborales de los trabajadores en la construcción de la presa Hidroeléctrica, se han manifestado de manera pacifica y en la que han decido hacer un paro laboral, quienes se han manifestado ante el Congreso del Estado de Chiapas y entre otros lugares, sin obtener las atenciones necesarias.
  • Reiteramos que la información vertida por la CFE es totalmente falsa al querer confundir a la sociedad, ellos mismos han protegido y formado un grupo de personas para que lleven acabo actos de hostigamiento y hechos de violencia como sucedió en mayo del 2015, en donde quemaron vehículos y resultaron heridos varias personas, esta acción fue ideada por la CFE, en la que terminó culpándonos a nosotros como ejidatarios básicos para que seamos investigados, su finalidad es destruir y aniquilar la oposición integrada por ejidatarios básicos frente a la construcción de la Presa hidroelectrica.
  • Aclaramos que los trabajadores inconformes quienes se han manifestado, a quienes no se les ha respetado sus derechos laborales, nosotros como ejidatarios básicos no estamos a favor de la construcción de la presa, por esas razón hemos llevado acabo acciones juridicas atraves de amparos para que exigir la suspensión de plano del proyecto hidroeléctrico, mismas que con la complicidad de jueces y magistrados dieron por concluido los amparos y dejaron que las empresas despojaran y destruyan de las tierras ejidales.
  • El gobierno federal, estatal y la CFE, están ocultando la realidad y para no evidenciarse mal informan.

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(Español) Comunicado adherentes Ejido San Sebastián Bachajón

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Foto: FB La Sexta Ejido Bachajon
Chilón, Chiapas, 15 de septiembre. Comunicado de las y los adherentes a la Sexta del Ejido San Sebastian Bachajon, en la pasada marcha Por la exigencia de Justicia, realizada en este día en la cabecera municipal de Chilón, Chiapas, por organizaciones y personas de la sociedad civil.


A las Juntas de Buen Gobierno
Al Congreso Nacional Indígena
A l@s compañer@s adherentes a la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona de México y el Mundo
A los medios de comunicación masivos e alternativos
A la Red contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad
Al Movimiento de Justicia por el Barrio de Nueva York
A los defensores de derechos humanos nacional e internacional
Al pueblo de México y el mundo

Jmololabex ants winiketik icha spatil a wotanik ta pisilik machatik nokol skoltabel te lum kinalik te yuun ta skuenta te nokol spojbel te chopol ajwalil.

Compañeros y compañeras en general tengan todos ustedes un buen día, reciban un cordial saludo de parte de los adherentes a la sexta declaración del ejido san Sebastián Bachajón.

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Subcomandante Moisés, Subcomandante Galeano

EZLN: One House, Other Worlds

Foto: JORGE UZON/AFP/Getty Images
Foto: JORGE UZON/AFP/Getty Images

One House, Other Worlds

July/August/September, 2016

To whom it may concern:

Subject: Invitation to “CompArte and ConCiencias for Humanity.”

Yes, we know. Days and nights go by in which bitterness is the only thing that appears on the horizon. Our steps drag along in pain, rage, and indignation, stumbling every so often over the impertinent gaze of cynicism and our own disappointment; over the stupidity exalted in government positions and polls; over simulation as a way of life; over the substitution of frivolity for culture, art, and science; over the multiple tiers of disrespect for the different (the problem isn’t that the other exists, but that it shows itself”); and over a wholesale resignation in the political market sphere (“oh well, the only option left is to choose not the lesser evil, but the least scandalous”). Yes, things are hard, harder every day. It is as if the night has become longer. It is as if the day has postponed its stride until no one and nothing is left, until the path is empty. It is as if there was no breath left. The monster lies in wait in every corner, countryside, and city street.

Despite all this, or precisely because of it, we send you this invitation.

It may seem that it is not the moment nor the matter at hand, but we Zapatistas invite you to participate in the festivals “CompArte and ConCiencias for Humanity.” So, respecting etiquette, we have to send an invitation. This should be something that details a calendar and a geography, because we know that you have your own path, your own pace, your own company on that path, and your own destiny. And we don’t want to add another difficulty to those that you already confront. Thus, an invitation must include the when and where.

But you know who we are. You know how we are, that is. And the question that we think an invitation must address is not the when and where, but rather the why. Perhaps that is why this invitation does not comply with the etiquette of the occasion and does not arrive on time, but rather too late or too early. But as you’ll see, it doesn’t matter. That is why this invitation is very other, and why it includes as a crucial element this little story:

One House, Other Worlds

It’s more of a legend than a story. That is, there’s no way to confirm the truthfulness of what is told here. This is partly because it details no specific calendar or geography; it could have happened, or not, in any undefined time or place. It is also because the supposed non-protagonist of this story is dead, deceased, done, defunct. If he was alive, we could just ask if he actually said what it says here that he said. And as he was always tenacious in his wanderings through the tree tops, it is likely that he would go on at length to describe this imprecise calendar.

In any case, since we don’t have the exact date, we’ll just say it was more than two decades ago. The geography? The mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

It was Comandante Tacho who told us the story in the wee hours of the morning at the EZLN headquarters. He was describing the house of the system, the home of capital, the storm, and the ark. We were in our headquarters, the headquarters where what would later become the seedbed/seminar was born. We think we took a coffee break… or that we adjourned the meeting in order to continue the next day… to tell you the truth, we don’t really remember. The point is that we were talking to Tacho and it was he who told us what we’re going to tell you now. There is of course a little bit of finagling involved because we have added to and rearranged Tacho’s original words. We did this not out of bad faith, disrespect, or an attempt to mend faulty memories, but because both of us who are writing now knew the deceased quite well and can reconstruct his words and feelings. Here goes:

This is Comandante Tacho speaking:

I don’t remember very well when it was, but it was when the deceased Sup was not yet deceased. He was just the Sup, staying up all night and smoking his pipe. Yes, chewing on the pipe, as usual. We were in the shelter that was the EZLN headquarters, although it wasn’t a shelter because it wasn’t finished yet. That is, it wasn’t EZLN headquarters yet.  Perhaps it was going to be, but not yet.

We were telling funny stories, things that happened in the communities, in the meetings, in the work of the struggle. The Sup was just listening, sometimes laughing, sometimes asking more about what happened. Before I really knew him I didn’t understand why. Later I realized that these accounts would appear later as stories in the communiques. I think he called them ‘postscripts.’ I asked him once why he called an account of what had really happened just a story. He said, ‘The thing is that they don’t believe the accounts, they think I am making things up or imagining things. So I write it like it’s a story because they are not ready to see the reality.’

Anyway, so there we were.

So then he asked the Sup…”

Yes, Tacho has used the third person singular: “he.” In order to clarify we asked him if by “he” he meant the Sup. “No,” he answered us, annoyed, “he asked the Sup.” We didn’t want to insist because we thought, perhaps mistakenly, that that wasn’t the point of the story, or that it was merely one piece of a puzzle still being sketched out. So Comandante Tacho used the word “he.” Not “she,” not “I,” not “we.” He said “he” in referring to the person who was questioning the Sup.

Hey Sup, how come every time we are building a house, you ask if we are building it according to traditional custom or by scientific method?”

Here Tacho took the time to clarify:

“Every time that we built a house, the deceased SupMarcos would come and stare at the beams and rafters. Then he would always ask:

‘That crossbeam that you’re putting there, are you putting it there because it is necessary for the construction of the house?’ Then I would respond, ‘Yes, if you don’t put it there the roof will fall in.’

‘I see,’ the Sup said, ‘but how do you know that if you don’t put it there that the roof will fall in?’

I just looked at him because I knew that wasn’t the real question. It wasn’t the first time he had asked it. He continued, ‘do you put it there because you know scientifically that if you don’t the roof will fall in, or do you put it there because it is traditional custom to do so?’

‘Because it’s traditional custom,’ I answered him, ‘because that is how I was taught. That is how my father built houses, and he learned from my grandfather, and so on going way back.’ The Sup was not satisfied, and always ended up climbing up onto the central beam before the supports were finished and, balancing as if he were riding a horse, would ask, ‘so if I get up here, is the beam going to fall?’ And boom, he would fall. ‘Ouch!’ was the only thing he’d say. He’d take out his pipe from where he landed on the ground, light it, and with his head resting on the broken beam, gaze up at the roof. We would all laugh of course.

So that’s why he asked the Sup why the Sup was always asking about whether something was done by traditional custom or scientific method.  The thing is that it wasn’t just that one time. Every time that our headquarters had to be moved and I had to oversee the construction of a new structure for the headquarters, that is what happened. The Sup would come, he would ask that question, I would respond, he wouldn’t be satisfied, he would climb up on the beam, it would break, and he would fall to the ground.”

(Note: in discussing this between the two of us, we have concluded that the approximate dates for what Tacho is recounting were the first months of 1995 when there was such heavy governmental persecution against us that we had to continually pick up and move our headquarters, accompanying the community of Guadalupe Tepeyac in exile. End of note and Tacho continues):

“I am telling you this so that you understand why he asked the Sup this question. At other times I had also asked him this question, but he hadn’t responded fully. It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to respond, but that always at that moment they called him on the radio, or someone came to talk to him. So I wanted to know the answer too.

The Sup took his pipe out of his mouth and put it to one side. We were sitting on the ground. It was very hot like it always is before a hard rain. I knew the answer would take a while, because when the Sup answered quickly, he didn’t even take the pipe out of his mouth; the words would just come out all chewed up.

So then the Sup said… well really, he asked:

‘Hey Tacho, how big is this house?’
‘3 by 4 [meters],’ I answered quickly, because it wasn’t the first time he asked.

‘And if it were 6 x 8, would it need more rafters for support?’ he asked me.

‘It would indeed,’ I responded.

‘And if were 12 x 16?’

I didn’t respond quickly, so the Sup continued:

‘And if it were 24 x 32? Or 48 x 64? What about 96 x 128?’

Then, to tell you the truth, I laughed. ‘That’s a really big house, I don’t know,’ I answered.

‘Correct,’ he said, ‘houses are made according to one’s own or one’s inherited experience. Traditions and customs, that is. To make a bigger house, one would have to ask or try something different.’

‘But let’s say that no one has ever built a house measuring 192 x 256…’

I laughed right before the Sup finished:


‘Umm, who would want a house that big?’ I asked laughing.

He lit his pipe and said, ‘well, let’s make it easier: what if the house were the size of the world?’

‘Ah no, that’s rough. I don’t think we can imagine a house that big, nor what it would be for,’ I said, more serious now.

‘We can,’ he said. ‘The arts can imagine this house, and can put it into words, sounds, images, figures. The arts can imagine what seems impossible and, in this process of imagination, sew doubt, curiosity, surprise, admiration—that is, they make it possible.

‘Ah, okay,’ I replied, ‘but it’s one thing to imagine and another thing to do. I don’t think a house that big can be made.’

‘It can,’ he said, and put the broken pipe aside.

‘The sciences know how. Even if a house the size of the world has never been made, the sciences can say with certainty how a construction that size would be built. I don’t know what it’s called, but I think it has to do with the strength of the materials, geometry, economics, physics, geography, biology, chemistry, and who the hell knows what else.

But even without previous experience, without traditional customs, science can in fact say how many beams, supports, and rafters are needed to make a house the size of the world. Scientific knowledge can determine how deep the foundation needs to be, how high and how long the walls need to be, what angle the roof should have if it is a pitched roof, where the windows should be given the climate, how many doors there should be and where, what material should be used for each part, and how many beams and supports it must have and where.’”

Was the now-deceased already thinking about the transgression of the law gravity and all of the straight lines linked to it? Did he imagine or already know about the subversion of Euclid’s Fifth Postulate? No, Tacho didn’t ask him. To tell you the truth, the two of us wouldn’t have asked either. It is hard to imagine, in those days of no tomorrow, with warplanes shaking the earth and sky, that there was time to think about art, much less science.

Everyone remained silent, Tacho recalls. Us, too. After a moment of silence and tobacco, he continued:

“The Sup took up his pipe again and saw with sorrow that there was no more tobacco. He looked in his pockets. Smiling, he pulled out a little plastic bag with some black strands. It took him awhile to light the pipe, I think because the tobacco was damp. Then he continued:

‘But I’m not concerned about whether the arts can imagine this house, its colors, its shapes, its sounds, where the day comes in, where the night falls, where the rain falls, where the wind blows, where the earth sits.

Neither am I concerned about whether science can solve the problem of how to make it a reality. Of course it can. It has the knowledge… or it will.

What concerns me is that this house that is a world not be the same as the one we live in. The house must be better, even bigger. It must be so big that it can hold not one world but many, those that already exist and those yet to be born.

Of course, one would have to meet with those who do art and science. That won’t be easy. At first they won’t be willing to help, not because they don’t want to but because they will be skeptical. Because we have a lot going against us. Because we are what we are.

Those who are artists think that we will constrain the subject, form, and pace of their work; that their artistic horizon will hold only males and females (never others), members of the powerful proletariat showing off their muscles and bright shining gazes in images, sounds, dances, and figures; that they could not even insinuate the existence of the other; that if they comply they will receive praise and applause, and if not, seclusion or repudiation. In other words, they think we will command that they not imagine.

Those who do science think that we are going to ask them to create mechanical, electronic, chemical, biological, and interstellar weapons of mass (or individual) destruction. They think that we will force them to create schools for exceptional minds where of course one will find the descendants of those currently in power who have a salary guaranteed before they are ever conceived. They think that what will be recognized is political affiliation and not scientific capacity, and that if they comply they will receive praise and applause, and if not, seclusion or repudiation. In other words, they think that we will command them not to do science.

In addition, because we are indigenous peoples, there are some [un@s and otr@s] here and there who think that what they do is art and culture, and that what we do is folk art and ritual. They think that what for them is analysis and knowledge, for us is belief and superstition.

They are ignorant of the fact that we have produced colors that, hundreds of years later, still challenge calendars. They do not know that when “civilization” still believed that the earth was the center of the universe, we had already discovered celestial bodies and numerical systems. They think that we adore ignorance, that our thinking is simple and conformist, that we prefer to believe rather than to know. They think that we do not want advancement but rather regression.

In other words, they neither see themselves, nor do they see us.

The issue then is going to be to convince them to see themselves as we see them, to make them realize that, for us, they are what they are and also something else: hope. And hope, friends and enemies, cannot be bought, cannot be sold, cannot be coerced, cannot be contained, and cannot be killed.’

He fell silent. I waited to see if he would ask something else of the Sup, but since he didn’t say anything, I asked: ‘so what must we do?’ The Sup just sighed and said:

‘Our job is first of all to know that this house is possible and necessary. Then comes the easier part: to build it. For this task we need knowledge, feeling, imagination—we need the sciences and the arts. We need other hearts. The day will come when we will meet with those who make art and science. On that day we will embrace them and welcome them with one sole question: “And what about you?”’

I wasn’t satisfied with this answer though, and I asked the Sup: ‘And after we meet with these people, what are we going to do?’ The Sup smiled and said:



That is where the story or the legend that Comandante Tacho told us that morning ends.  All of this is relevant at the moment because we want to invite you to come, or to be present in some way, in this earth that we are.

We have this curiosity, you could say, that has been nagging at us over the course of many pages of the calendar and we think that perhaps you will accept this invitation and help us to resolve a particular doubt:

What do we need to build a new house, a house so big that it holds not one but many worlds?

That’s all. Or not, depending on you.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

In the name of the Zapatista children, elders, women, and men,

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés

Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano

Mexico, July/August/September of 2016.


(Español) NotiFrayba: Impactos de megaproyectos en Chiapas

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El Estado y las empresas deben cumplir con el respeto a los derechos colectivos a la autonomía así como a la tierra y el territorio de los pueblos

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La responsabilidad de empresas y Estado mexicano en la violación a derechos humanos en comunidades y pueblos en Chiapas, forma parte de la información presentada por más de 100 organizaciones, comunidades y redes de la sociedad civil al Grupo de Trabajo Sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, en el marco de la visita oficial del organismo internacional a México, del 29 de agosto al 7 de septiembre de 2016.

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Radio Zapatista

(Español) Ejido Tila denuncia dos asesinatos e intentos de desestabilizar la autonomía

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Desde diciembre pasado, cuando los ejidatarios de Tila expulsaron al ayuntamiento enclavado ilegalmente dentro de su territorio, el Ejido Tila ha ejercido su autonomía en todos los sentidos, bajo presión policiaca, paramilitar y militar. Este 6 de septiembre los ejidatarios denunciaron dos asesinatos por parte de pandilleros cobijados por el antiguo ayuntamiento, así como otras acciones para desestabilizar al ejido y su ejercicio de la autonomía.

Abajo, el comunicado completo del Ejido Tila.

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