
Relatos Zapatistas

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Relatos Zapatistas

Reportaje y entrevista sobre el Foro Social de EU 2010

Interview/reportback on US Social Forum 2010: interview/reportback with two comp@s who attended the US Social Forum in Detroit. Topics include: the history of the US social forum, capitalism and trauma, alternative media, and the people’s movement assemblies (PMAs).

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas – Programa de junio

  • News from México/Chiapas
  • Oakland gang injunction
  • Oscar Grant case
  • University of Puerto Rico strike
  • Hunger strike at UC Berkeley
  • SB 1070 & Arizona protests
  • One year anniversary of the massacre at Bagua, Perú
Relatos Zapatistas

A un año de la masacre de Bagua, Perú

Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas – March program

March program by Relatos Zapatistas


  • the month of march in zapatista history
  • durito storytime
  • entrevista con victor hugo lópez (Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas)
  • mitzitón – noticias de la otra
  • march 20 day of action announcement
  • discussion of la otra with gustavo esteva interview
  • discussion of march 4th day of action in defense of public education (berkeley, oakland, davis)
Relatos Zapatistas

Relatos Zapatistas – February program

Live program at Berkeley Liberation Radio.

  • News updates
  • Important dates of Zapatista history in the month of February
  • Analysis and commentary about the Junta de Buen Gobierno De Morelia
  • Speech by Supcomandante Marcos on the importance of alternative media
  • Interview with folks from pirate cat radio
  • Interview from Radio Zapatista with radio garifuna Faluma Bimetu Honduras
  • Interview with spoken word artists from the el kilombo collective from Mexico about Haiti
  • Update about the UC struggle around education
  • Durito Story hour- A communique by Marcos entitled “Apples and the Zapatistas”
Relatos Zapatistas

Interview with the founder of Pirate Cat Radio

Interview with Pirate Cat Radio founder Monkey on the history of Pirate Cat, the recent FCC fine of $10,000, and the unique importance of pirate/community radio. Originally aired on Berkeley Liberation Radio program Relatos Zapatistas.

Relatos Zapatistas

Movimiento estudiantil en la Universidad de California Berkeley

Report on the most recent actions of the student movement at the University of California Berkeley (and police repression)

Relatos Zapatistas

Interview to Fray Bartolomé de las Casas Human Rights Center

Interviw with Jorge Armando about the work of the FrayBa, the recent history of repression in Chiapas, and the preparations of the Mexican state for 2010: the media campaign against human rights organizations and counterinsurgency actions in communities.

Relatos Zapatistas

Student movement in California

In the last months, students, faculty and workers of various campuses of the University of California have risen up in protests and actions against the cuts in education and the neoliberal policies of privatization of public education. In this report, two UC grad students reflect on their experiences during the recent protests & strike throughout the UC system, drawing connections with broader struggles against neoliberalism and in defense of public education.

Relatos Zapatista

Entrevista con Tatiana Rojas

Interview with Tatiana Rojas about her new documentary, “Guerreros del arcoiris,” which focuses on the political situation in Bolivia and specifically the separatista movement, led by right-wing governors seeking to counteract the national government of Evo Morales. We spoke about the different uses of the concept of autonomy and the centralization/decentralization of power in Bolivia and Venezuela.